26 research outputs found

    Agritourism Development Strategy Strawberries in Nagari Pandai Sikek Sub-District X Koto District Flatland District West Sumatra

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    This study aims to determine how the strawberry (Fragaria sp.) agritourism development system is located in Tanah Datar Regency, Nagari Pandai Sikek. In addition, through direct observation and field research, researchers conducted extensive and focused research to obtain complete and precise data on the subject matter under study. The manager and the community can benefit financially from the strawberry garden (Fragaria sp.) in Jorong Koto Tinggi Nagari Pandai Sikek District X Koto Tanah Datar Regency. Since its opening, this strawberry garden attraction has continued to attract tourists. Methodology for Development of Strawberry Nursery Agrotourism (Fragaria sp.) in Sikek Nagari Pandai: 1. S-O strategy 2. S-T strategy 3. S-T strategy 4. W-O strategy 5. W-T strategy 6. W-T strategy 7. W-O strategy 8. W-T strategy 9. W-T strategy 10. W-O strategy 11. W-T strategy 12. W-T strategy W-O strategy 4. W-T strategy W-T procedure. Strawberry (Fragaria sp.) agritourism has a lot of potential for future business opportunities. Twelve alternative strategies were identified through SWOT analysis, resulting in the following prioritized order of strategies: (1) Maintain the quality of goods, (2) Distinguish strawberry seedlings and other crops, (3) Provide strawberry-handled goods in turn, (4) Select capable representatives, (5) Add offices and frameworks, (6) Advance through extension, (7) Provide instructional visits and culinary visits, (8) Assist regions and local governments, (9) Follow and maintain existing offices, (10) Implement good agricultural practices, and (11) Seek better transportation access

    Degradasi Moral Siswa-Siswi Dalam Penerapan Nilai Pancasila Ditinjau Dari Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Sebagai Pendidikan Karakter

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk degradasi moral siswa-siswi dalam penerapan nilai pancasila, factor penyebab degradasi moral, implikasi degradasi moral. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa-siswi Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 30 Muaro Jambi. Aspek yang diamati yaitu sikap siswa-siswi terkait dengan penerapan nilai pancasila. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian yang didapat yaitu bentuk degradasi moral siswa-siswi dalam penerapan nilai pancasila yang paling signifikan adalah, penurunan nilai agama, penurunan nilai kemanusiaan, serta penurunan nilai persatuan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan beberapa faktor penyebab degradasi moral siswa-siswi yakni lemahnya pengetahuan dan paham nilai-nilai Pancasila oleh siswa-siswi, kelalaian orangtua dalam mendidik anak, dan pengaruh gadjet atau media social. Implikasi dari degradasi moral siswa-siswi dalam penerapan nilai pancasila yakni tidak mengindikasikan hubungan manusia dengan tuhan, tidak mengindikasikan karakter peduli social terhadap hubungan hidup sesama manusia, tidak mengindikasikam karakter patriotisme dan kebersamaan, tidak mengindikasikan karakter demokratis dan tidak mengindikasikan nilai keadilan bagi semua pihak tanpa pandang bulu. Maka kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu adanya degradasi moral siswa-siswi dalam penerapan nilai pancasila ditinjau dari makna dan hakikat pendidikan kewarganegaraan sebagai pendidikan karakter

    The Strategy for Non-Special Education Teachers in the Habituation of Strengthening Character Education for Mental Retardation Students

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    This study aims to answer the phenomenon by analyzing the strategies of non-special education teachers in the habituation of strengthening educational character (PPK) in mentally retarded students at SLB Negeri 4 Jakarta at the elementary school level. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation analysis. Triangulation of data sources was used to test the validity of the data in this study. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Of the three research questions including What are the strategies of non-special education teachers in habituation of strengthening educational character (PPK) in mentally retarded students at SLB Negeri 4 Jakarta at the elementary school level, why is this strategy successful, what are the advantages and obstacles of habituation of strengthening educational character and efforts to overcome obstacles the. The results of the study show that the strategies used by non-educational teachers are especially seen from the planning and implementation aspects by grouping them into classroom learning activities and activities outside the classroom. The success of non-educational teacher strategies, especially in strengthening educational character-building habits for mentally retarded children at SLB Negeri 4 Jakarta, is seen and influenced by various factors and approaches that have proven effective. Strengths, obstacles, and efforts to overcome these obstacles have also been compiled by dividing them into several points of discussion, which are certainly also in accordance with what is felt by non-special education teachers at SLB Negeri 4 Jakarta

    Pengaruh media sosial dan konsep diri terhadap gaya hidup siswa SMAN 3 Kota Solok

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh penggunaan media audio visual dan konsep diri terhadap gaya hidup siswa konsumtif SMA Negeri 3 Kota Solok. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA Negeri 3 Kota Solok yang berjumlah 1086 dan sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 181 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji dekripsi, uji persyaratan dan pengujian hipotesis, hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa media sosial berpengaruh terhadap gaya hidup konsumtif siswa SMA Negeri 3 Kota Solok dengan besaran kontribusi sebesar 14.9%,  ini berarti bahwa media sosial dapat mempengaruhi gaya hidup konsumtif siswa. Konsep Diri berpengaruh terhadap gaya hidup konsumtif. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa dengan konsep diri yang positif dapat mempengaruhi gaya hidup siswa ke arah yang positif dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Media sosial dan konsep diri secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap gaya hidup konsumtif siswa SMA Negeri 3 Kota Solok. Dengan Membekali siswa dengan ilmu pengetahuan agama dan Pendidikan Karakter, sehingga dapat memberikan pemahaman kepada siswa ke arah perilaku positif. ------------------------------------------------------------ Effect of social media and self-concept on the lifestyle of students of SMAN 3 Kota Solok The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of using audio-visual media and self-concept on the lifestyle of consumptive students of Solok 3 Senior High School. This type of research is descriptive quantitative, the population in this study were students of Solok City 3 High School, amounting to 1086 and 181 research samples. The technique of collecting data was using a questionnaire. The data analysis techniques were decryption test, requirements test, and hypothesis testing.  The results of the study illustrate that social media has an effect on the consumptive lifestyle of Solok 3 Senior High School students with a contribution of 14.9%, this means that social media can influence the student's consumptive lifestyle. The Self Concept influences the consumptive lifestyle. This explains that a positive self-concept can affect the lifestyle of students in a positive direction and vice versa. Social media and self-concept together influence the consumptive lifestyle of Solok 3 Senior High School students. By equipping students with religious science and character education, so as to provide students with an understanding of positive behavior

    Otoritas Guru Dalam Konteks Pendidikan Kritis di SMA Negeri Kota Padang

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    The aim of this research is to describe the phenomenon of learning interaction in terms of critical education in the State Senior High School in Padang. The subjects of this research are the teachers of Civics Education and Sociology. The research was held at six schools: SMAN 1 and SMAN 2 Padang represents the best school; SMAN 3 and SMAN 5 represents the good school, and SMAN 7 and SMAN 12 represents the ordinary school. These 6 school selected one PKn teacher from each school among the aspect observed in this research is the pattern of interaction between teachers and students in learning process at the classroom. To analyze this interaction was approached by Critical Discourse Analysis of Fairlclough, especially dealing with Interactional Control Feature. The theoretical framework was based on theory of teachers’ authority by John Wilson. The result of this study shows that interaction between teachers and students is dominated by teachers. This authority tend to direct students on achieving the target of learning by mastering the material which proved by success on passing the test (mid of last term semester). In short, teachers have not applied their authorities yet on empowering students as the subjects of learning. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan fenomena interaksi belajar mengajar di sekola dengan sudut tinjauan pendidikan kritis. Subjek penelitian adalah guru-guru SMAN di Kota Padang yang terdiri dari guru PKN dan Sosiologi. Untuk setting penelitian dipilih 6 SMAN yaitu SMAN 1 dan SMAN 2 Padang mewakili sekolah unggul, SMAN 3 dan SMAN 5 mewakili sekolah pra unggul, dan SMAN 7 dengan SMAN 12 mewakili sekolah kategori biasa. Dari enam sekolah tersebut dipilih masing-masing 1 guru PKn dan 1 guru Sosiologi. Aspek yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah pola interaksi guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas. Untuk menganalisis interaksi tersebut digunakan pendekatan Analisis Wacana Kritis dari Fairclough, khususnya mengenai kontrol Interaksi (Interactional Control Feature). Kerangka teori yang digunakan adalah teori otoritas dari John Wilson yang menyoroti penggunaan otoritas guru dalam kelas. Dari hasil pengamatan ini ditemukan bahwa interaksi guru siswa yang ada saat ini masih banyak didominasi oleh guru. Penggunaan otoritas guru masih terfokus pada pencapaian target berupa penguasaan materi seperti yang telah direncanakan, dan pada akhirnya dibuktikan melalui keberhasilan dalam menjawab soal tes (tengah semester atau akhir semester). Disimpulkan bahwa guru belum menggunakan otoritas yang diarahkan kepada pendidikan atau pemberdayaan siswa sebagai subjek belajar

    The Development of E-Modules of Pancasila Education Learning with the Flipbook Application

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    The paper aims to develop an e-module for learning Pancasila education using the flipbook application at SMP Negeri 6 Bukittinggi that is valid, practical, and effective. This type of research is development research with a 4D development model design, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The population in this research is class VII of SMP Negeri 6 Bukittinggi, and the sample is 30 students. The instruments used in this development are validation sheets, e-module practicality test sheets, and effectiveness sheets, while the data collection techniques used in this e-module development research use three types of data collection techniques, namely through interviews, questionnaires, and tests. This research uses two types of data, namely quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data is data in the form of material, media, and language expert validation sheets. The data and data sources used in this research are primary and secondary data sources. Primary data was obtained directly from the source, namely by observing the implementation of learning and conducting interviews with teachers and students. Secondary data used are written sources, such as books, documents, and journals related to research. The data analysis technique in this research is testing the validity, practicality, and effectiveness obtained through the instruments that have been developed. The results of validation by media experts obtained an average score of 83%, material experts obtained an average score of 92%, and language experts obtained an average score of 98%. For practical results by teachers, the average was 92%, while for the effectiveness of teaching materials, it was 3.77. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that the use of the Pancasila education learning e-module with the flipbook application is suitable for use in the learning process

    Social Integration of Multiethnic Community of Padang City Based on Local Wisdom

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    The reason for this study was to examine the social coordination of multiethnic culture that happens amidst individuals of the city of Padang which comprises of different ethnic gatherings, societies, religions, races and nationalities. The ethnic gatherings that is occupy the city of Padang are the Minangkabau and Nias ethnic gro ups. This exploration is a subjective endlessly research information got through perception, inside and out meetings and documentation. The information were broke down through the phases of information decrease, information show and making determinations or confirmation. The legitimacy of the information was tried by utilizing the information source triangulation procedure. The consequences of the review show : 1) the type of social coordination of multiethnic networks as the premise of nearby insight in the city of Padang is found in the presence of the Nias Padang people group and the Nias Padang wedding custom. 2) the elements behind the acknowledgment of neighborhood astuteness in the social mix of the multiethnic local area of the city of Padang should be visible from verifiable variables, social variables and social elements.    &nbsp


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    The level of conflict between local inhabitants and settlers in the village of Tamiai, Kerinci regency is quite high. The causes of the conflicts are also varied, ranging from local elections, village sentiments, claims for the ownership of ulayat lands. The last conflict, ulayat lands, has been occurring for more than two years, which reached its critical period in March 2018 when 72 motorcycles were burned and several people injured and hospitalized. The conflict was triggered by unsatisfactory decision made by two parties, locals and sttlers, in overcoming the problem of ownership claim upon ulayat lands which has been used for years by settlers. In this case the costumary institution was unable to provide a win-win solution for both parties. Throughout this paper, we will show how the local government should take more initiative for conducting dialogue among both parties. A crucial role of the local government in replacing the position of costumary institution in overcoming the conflict should be a good lesson learned for other similar cases. Tingkat konflik antar warga, khususnya antara pendatang dan warga lokaldi Kabupaten Kerinci bisa dikatakan cukup tinggi. Penyebab terjadinya konflik tersebut juga bermacam-macam, seperti: konflik pemilu, konflik perkelahian antar desa serta konflik perebutan tanah ulayat. Konflik tanah ulayat sendiri sudah berlangsung selama kurang lebih 2 tahun, dengan puncak konflik berupa perebutan tanah ulayat yang teerjadi pada bulan Maret 2018, yaitu terjadinya bentrokan luar biasa antar kedua belah pihak mengakibatkan terjadinya pembakaran kendaraan roda dua sebanyak 72 unit dan korban luka yang terkena senjata tajam maupun lemparan batu. Penyebab terjadinya konflik karena ketidakpuasan kedua belah pihak terhadap penyelesaian masalah yang terjadi. Konflik terjadi karena ketidakmampuan pihak lembaga adat serta adanya ego dari masing-masing kelompok yang tinggi dalam menyelesaian permasalahan yang terjadi. Sampai saat ini berbagai cara sudah dilakukan, namun tidak ada jalan keluar atau solusi yang menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Dalam hal ini, penyelesaian melalui mediasi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kerinci perlu untuk dilakukan dengan tujuan agar konflik ini benar-benar selesai tanpa ada kerugian bagi pihak yang berkonflik


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    This research is motivated by the results of observations made in class VB at SDN 13 Kapalo Koto which shows that student learning activities are still low. This is due to the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world so that the learning process is carried out online, the online learning process cannot stimulate students to carry out learning activities so that when studying in class students' learning activities are low. This study aims to increase student learning activities using the Cooperative learning model of the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) type assisted by the snake and ladder game media. The type of research used is classroom action research which consists of two cycles with 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects of this study were students of class VB with a total of 31 students. The data collection method used is observation. The results showed that the average percentage of student learning activities classically increased. This can be seen from the results of observations of student learning activities in cycle 1 is 64.52% and cycle 2 is 85.28%. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the use of the TGT type cooperative model with the help of snakes and ladders game media can improve student learning activities