19 research outputs found
The Differences of Feed Quality and Egg Production Performance of Tegal and Magelang Ducks on Farming in Central Java
This study was conducted to compare the environmental conditions around farms which was located in Tegal for Tegal ducks and Magelang for Magelang ducks. This study was also aimed to compare the composition of both feed nutrient content and the egg production. The research was conducted by survey method with purposive random sampling based on duck populations and age (8-15 months) provided by the farmer. Each area was provided 10 farmers for every farm and the data were collected in July-September, 2017. Environmental condition measurement were the temperature of the duck housing, and the composition and nutrient content of feed and the egg production of ducks. The results showed that all farmers’ ducks on a dry system rearing (without water pool) with average temperature in Tegal area 30.53±1.38oC and Magelang 28.32±1.00oC. Feed compositions given for Tegal duck consist of: dried rice, rice bran, concentrate, trash fish, golden snail, vermicelli waste and shrimp waste. The average nutrient content was crude protein 19.25%, energy 2,913 kcal/kg, crude fiber 5.82%, crude fat 6.87%, Ca 3.06% and P 1.40%. Feed composition for Magelang ducks consisted of rice (nasi aking), rice bran and concentrate, with crude protein content of 17.99%, 2,801 kcal/kg, crude fiber 8.14%, crude fat 6.10%, Ca 2.29% and P 1.04%. Tegal duck egg production was lower than Magelang ducks (64.89 vs 75.44%), but the egg weight was relatively the same. It could be concluded that the temperature of Tegal duck housing in Tegal region was hotter than Magelang region. Although the food quality of Tegal ducks was better than that of Magelang ducks, Tegal duck had a lower egg production because of the high environmental temperature
This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of Eimeria spp., to determine the differences in the prevalence of Eimeria spp. in rabbits of various ages and to know the species of Eimeria spp. which infect rabbits of various ages in Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency. The main objects of observation were weaning rabbits (1-5 weeks), weaning (6-24 weeks) and adults (24 weeks). The research method used is survey method with purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed using the method of description and chi square. The sample used was rabbit feces as much as 5 grams per head with a sample of 96 rabbits in three age periods each totaling 32 rabbits. The results of the analysis showed that the prevalence of Eimeria spp. in rabbits the weaning period was 96.88%, after weaning was 96.88% and adults were 78.13%, and the prevalence of Eimeria spp. overall by 90.62%. The species Eimeria spp. that infect rabbits are Eimeria exigua, Eimeria perforans, Eimeria piriformis, Eimeria flavescens, Eimeria stiedai, Eimeria intestinalis, Eimeria media, Eimeria coecicola and Eimeria magna. P0.05 indicates that there is a difference in the prevalence of Eimeria spp. in rabbits of various ages in Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency. Prevalence of Eimeria spp. very significant effect on weaning, weaning and adult rabbits
Nutrient Content of Napier Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum) Silage Made with Various Additive and Modified Atmosphere in the Silo
. During ensilage, anaerob condition must be controlled. Some methods of modified atmosphere in silo were analyzed to compare ensilage characteristics and silage product. So far, there is not been information on the atmosphere condition in the process of silage production. It encourages the researchers to evaluate the condition of ensilage process of Pennisetum purpureum by studying atmosphere modification in the silo and the effect of the USAge of various additives in the process of silage production. Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), molasses, L. acidophillus were used. The study was conducted with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) 3x2 factorial pattern. Atmosphere modification as the first factor consist of : (A0: silage with compaction (conventional) A1: silage with vacuum method, A2: silage with modified C02) and two kinds of silage additives as the second factor (B1: indirect additive (molasses); B2: direct additive (Lactic Acid Bacteria). Each treatment combination was repeated 4 times. The objective of the research was to evaluate changes in nutrient content (protein, crude fiber, gross energy). The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance, then continued by Honest Significant Differences (HSD) test. Based on the research results it can be concluded that the optimum ensilage can take place, either by compaction methods (conventional), vacuum and the addition of CO2. While the addition of molasses additive produces silage with better quality than the addition of L. Acidophillus inoculant
Phytobiotic Properties of Garlic, Red Ginger, Turmeric and Kencur in Growing Ducks
Abstract. Phytobiotic properties of garlic (Allium sativum), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), red ginger (Zingiber officinale) and kencur (Kaempferia galangal) were studied using standard in vitro antibacterial test and in vivo feeding trial with ducklings. In the in vitro experiment, potency of aqueous extract of these phytobiotic agents were tested against Salmonella pullorum and Escherichia coli. Feeding trial was carried out for 6 week starting at day 28 using ducklings fed diets supplemented with 1% of each of four phytobiotic agents. The highest antibacterial activity against S. pullorum and E. coli was observed with garlic and no additive effect when mixture of phytobiotics was used. Weight gain, fed intake and feed conversion ratio of ducklings were not affected by inclusion of garlic, red ginger and kencur. However, 1% turmeric supplementation significantly reduced growth performance to ducklings. Key words: phytobiotic, antibiotic, duck, medicinal plants Abstrak. Penelitian karakteristik fitobiotik dari bawang putih (Allium sativum), kunyit (Curcuma domestica), jahe merah (Zingiber officinale) dan kencur (Kaempferia galangal) telah dilakukan secara in vitro melalui uji aktivitas antibakteri dan secara in vivo dengan perlakuan suplemetasi fitobiotik didalam pakan anak itik. Pada percobaan in vitro, potensi aktivitas antibakteri dari ektrak  fitobiotik diuji menggunakan Salmonella pullorum and Escherichia coli. Percobaan suplementasi fitobiotik diberikan masing-masing sebesar 1% didalam pakan anak itik. Pemberian pakan perlakuan dilakukan selama 6 minggu, dimulai pada saat anak itik berumur 28 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. pullorum dan E. coli paling tinggi adalah ektrak bawang putih dan tidak ada pengaruh yang lebih baik apabila dicampur dengan ektrak fitobiotik lainnya. Pertambahan bobot badan, konsumsi pakan dan konversi pakan anak itik tidak dipengaruhi oleh penambahan bawang putih, kunyit, jahe merah dan kencur. Akan tetapi, suplementasi kunyit nyata menurunkan performan pertumbuhan anak itik. Kata kunci: fitobiotik, antibiotik, itik, tanaman obat-obatan
Indigenous chicken is a significant source of protein for Indonesians, but it frequently suffers from a range of health issues that impair productivity. Infestation, suboptimal growth, and death are all common issues occurred in indigenous chicken farming. This is due to the traditional care system, as well as a lack of information about health management. The program is intended to provide knowledge and assistance to indigenous chicken farmers in the attempts to enhance indigenous chicken health management. Understanding the basic principles of indigenous chicken health management, identifying common diseases, and effective prevention measures are among the program activities. Furthermore, the program team provides farmers field support in order to assist them in implementing best practices in health management. The result of this program is a better understanding of the necessity of indigenous chicken health management, which will enhance chicken health, reduce mortality, increase egg and meat production, and increase farmers' revenue for sustainable farming.Ayam kampung merupakan sumber protein penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia, tetapi sering kali menghadapi berbagai masalah kesehatan yang memengaruhi produktivitas ayam tersebut. Permasalahan yang sering ditemui adalah serangan penyakit, pertumbuhan yang tidak optimal, dan kematian. Penyebab utama dari permasalahan tersebut adalah sistem pemeliharan yang masih tradisional dan juga kurangnya pemahaman terkait manajemen kesehatan. Program ini didesain untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pendampingan kepada peternak ayam kampung dalam upaya meningkatkan manajemen kesehatan ternak mereka. Kegiatan program mencakup penyuluhan tentang prinsip-prinsip dasar manajemen kesehatan ayam kampung, pengenalan penyakit umum, dan teknik pencegahan penyakit yang efektif. Selain itu, tim program memberikan pendampingan lapangan kepada peternak untuk membantu mereka menerapkan praktik-praktik ideal dalam lingkungan peternakan. Hasil dari program ini adalah adanya peningkatan tingkat pemahaman peternak tentang pentingnya manajemen kesehatan ternak ayam kampung sehingga terjadi peningkatan kesehatan ayam kampung, penurunan angka kematian, peningkatan produksi telur dan daging, serta peningkatan pendapatan peternak untuk mencapai perternakan yang berkelanjutan
Developing Strategy to Reduce the Mortality of Native Chicken using Qualitative Modeling
Smallholder native chicken farming continues to face challenges that include simple farming management as well as ND and AI diseases that lead to decreased productivity and increased mortality rate. The aim of the study was to develop a strategy to reduce the mortality rate of native chickens in extensive and semi-intensive rearing systems. This study uses survey method with 78 extensive and 88 semi-intensive native chicken farmers as respondent. This study explores the disease incidence, illness treatment, mortality rate, as well as AI and ND antibody titers which then analyzed descriptively. System dynamic model using Ventana software (VENSIM) was used to identify the contributing factors to the mortality rate of native chicken in smallholder farming. The results showed that the common diseases among native chickens reared in semi-intensive and extensive farming are AI, ND, CRD, and pullorum, with a high rate of disease-specific mortality (>5%). Compared to native chickens in semi-intensive farming, those of in extensive farming showed a higher natural immunity against AI and ND. The qualitative modeling produced seven reinforcing loops and five balancing loops. Some challenges in developing native chicken farming were disease incidence due to lack of proper land and cage, the occurrence of selling unhealthy chickens, farmers opting out for poultry vaccination, high operational cost, lack of business motivation, limited knowledge on poultry management and health, lack of extension programs, and traditional management. We concluded that the rate of disease-specific mortality (ND and AI) remained high in native chickens reared both in extensive and semi-intensive farming. It takes an effort to improve farming management, vaccination, and the government’s contribution through extension programs to decrease disease incidence and mortality rate of native chickens
Kelompok Tani Ternak Jati Mulyo terletak di RT 1 RW 6 Desa Susukan Kecamatan Sumbang, Kabupaten Banyumas. Hambatan dalam pemeliharaan sapi potong pada kelompok tersebut adalah kurangnya pengetahuan manajemen pemeliharaan terutama masalah kesehatan sapi potong dan teknologi penyajian hijauan pakan pada ternak. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pelatihan manajemen pakan dan kesehatan guna perbaikan manajemen pemeliharaan sapi potong di kelompok tersebut sehingga produktivitas ternak menjadi meningkat. Metode pelaksanaan program pengabdian terbagi menjadi 3 tahap, yaitu 1) alih pengetahuan (penyuluhan) dan teknologi tentang perkandangan, pakan ternak dan kesehatan ternak. 2) Pelatihan pembuatan silase pada sapi potong untuk mengatasi kekurangan pakan saat musim kemarau. 3) Pelatihan penerapan biosekuriti perkandangan, Materi yang diperlukan adalah peralatan dan bahan pembuatan silase, obat-obatan praktis serta materi penyuluhan dan materi test. Ukuran keberhasilan program diketahui dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan peternak tentang sistim biosekuriti dengan melihat nilai test setelah selesai kegiatan tiap penyuluhan dan dengan melihat hasil pelatihan. Hasil test menunjukkan rata-rata nilai test peternak untuk adalah 61,37. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa silase yang dihasilkan bagus dan disukai ternak sapi potong. Pemberian obat cacing juga efektif menurunkan tingkat kejadian cacingan sebesar 20%. Praktik manajemen kesehatan ternak terutama biosekuriti peternakan masih perlu dilakukan, agar peternak dapat menerapkan hasil penyuluhan yang telah didapatkan secara maksimal.The Jati Mulyo Livestock Farming Group is located in RT 1 RW 6 Susukan Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency. Obstacles in raising beef cattle in this group are the lack of knowledge about maintenance management, especially health problems of beef cattle and technology for serving forage to livestock. This community service activity aimed to conduct feed and health management training to improve management of beef cattle maintenance in the group, so that livestock productivity increases. The method for implementing the service program was divided into 3 stages, namely 1) transfer of knowledge and technology regarding housing, animal feed and animal health. 2) Training in making silage for beef cattle to overcome the lack of feed during the dry season. 3) Training on the application of livestock biosecurity. The materials needed were equipment and materials for making silage, practical medicines as well as counseling and testing materials. The measure of program success was known by increasing farmers' knowledge about the biosecurity system by looking at the test scores after completing each extension activity and by looking at the results of the training. The test results show that the average test score for breeders was 61.37. The results of the training showed that the silage produced was good and liked by beef cattle. Providing worm medicine was also effective in reducing the incidence of worms by 20%. Livestock health management practices, especially livestock biosecurity, still need to be implemented, so that farmers can apply the results of the counseling they have obtained optimally
Recent Study of Coccidiosis in Broiler Closed House: The Role of Some Aspects of Maintenance
This study aimed to determine the role of different factors in raising broiler chickens in closed-house cages that affect the increased cases of coccidiosis in partnership farms. These factors are cage management, the level of cage cleanliness, the chicken-rearing period, and the prevalence of coccidiosis in partnership farms. The research was conducted from May to December 2022 in 11 closed-house broiler farms in the Kalibagor Subdistrict, Banyumas Regency. This study applied survey method and a purposive sampling, and determined the sample size by the Slovin formula, collecting 100 samples in total. The materials were broiler chicken feces collected in the initial and final phases, and data on maintenance management were collected using a questionnaire. Data were subjected to descriptive analysis and Chi-square calculations. The results stated that the prevalence of coccidiosis in Kalibagor Subdistrict was 29%, and coccidiosis occurrence at the starter and finisher periods was 6% and 52%, respectively. The results of the Chi-square analysis show a significant difference in coccidiosis occurrence among broiler rearing periods. The effect of the level of cleanliness is also significant in the occurrence of coccidiosis in Kalibagor Subdistrict, Banyumas Regency. This study concludes that the occurrence of coccidiosis in closed-house broiler chickens on partnership farms is quite low, and the level of cleanliness and rearing period is very influential on the occurrence of coccidiosis
Body Weight, Oocyte Elimination and Blood Profile of Rabbit After Challenge Test Using Eimeria stiedai
The objective of the research was to investigate body weight, oocyte elimination and blood profile of rabbits infected with various doses of Eimeria stiedai isolates. The observed rabbits’ blood profile included erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leucocyte, thrombocyte, total protein plasma (TPP) and fibrinogen. Twenty-five male New Zealand White rabbits aged 3 months and weighed approximately 2 kg were provided with pellet and boiled drinking water and Eimeria stiedai isolates. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design to analyze 5 treatments with five replicates. The examined variables included D0: Infection 0 (control of infection without challenge test), D1: Infection 101 with challenge test 103, D2: infection 102 with challenge test 103, D3: infection 103 with challenge test 103, D4: infection 0 with challenge test 103 (control of infection). Data were subject to analysis of variance followed by Honestly Significant Difference Test (HSD). Analysis of Variance result showed that there was no significant difference on body weight, oocyte elimination and blood profile including erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leucocyte, thrombocyte, and fibrinogen. However, total protein plasma (TTP) was significantly different at 5% HSD. It can be concluded that challenge test with Eimeria stiedai has not been used as an alternative in increasing rabbits’ body immune against coccidiosis infection