49 research outputs found

    Daur Optimal Hutan Rakyat Monokultur dalam Konteks Perdagangan Karbon: suatu Tinjauan Teoritis

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    Penentuan daur yang optimal merupakan hal yang penting untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang maksimum. Informasi mengenai bagaimana rotasi finansial ditentukan masih jarang ditemukan di hutan tanaman di Indonesia. Memasukkan jasa lingkungan karbon dapat merubah keputusan akan daur yang optimal. Tulisan bertujuan untuk menguraikan tiga daur optimal: (1) daur biologis/ekologis, (2) daur ekonomis (Faustmann), dan (3) daur produksi bersama kayu dan karbon dari suatu hutan tanaman (Hartman). Metode yang digunakan adalah Dari data ilustrasi diperoleh beberapa hasil yaitu: (1) Daur ekonomis memberikan waktu yang lebih pendek untuk melakukan tebangan jika hanya mempertimbangkan kayu dalam penentuan daur ekonomisnya, (2) Memasukkan keuntungan dari jasa lingkungan serapan karbon dalam perhitungan daur optimal ekonomis akan memberikan waktu yang lebih panjang dibandingkan hanya mempertimbangkan keuntungan dari kayu, (3) Jika hanya mempertimbangkan jasa lingkungan karbon sebagai keuntungan, maka daur optimal akan diperoleh pada saat hutan masih tumbuh positif, (4) Semakin tinggi suku bunga semakin pendek daur Faustmann, dan (5) Semakin tinggi harga karbon semakin panjang daur Hartman

    Cadangan Karbon Hutan Bekas Tebangan Pembalakan Berdampak Rendah dan Konvensional di Kalimantan Timur: Studi Kasus di Hutan Malinau

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    Laju deforestasi dan degradasi hutan telah berkontribusi sebesar 17% dari total emisi karbon global (IPCC, 2007). Indonesia telah berkomitmen untuk menurunkan tingkat emisinya hingga 26% secara sukarela pada tahun 2020, dan sebesar 41% dengan dukungan pembiayaan dari dunia Internasional. Salah satu aktivitas yang diakui dapat mengurangi laju emisi karbon adalah penerapan praktek-praktek pembalakan berdampak rendah (RIL) di hutan tropika karena dapat menurunkan kerusakan pada tegakan tinggal dengan perbaikan teknik penebangan. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktek RIL dapat menahan emisi karbon. Praktek RIL telah diterapkan di hutan tropis selama kurang lebih dua dasawarsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan cadangan karbon hutan bekas tebangan RIL dan penebangan konvensional ( ). Untuk mengestimasi jumlah karbon tersimpan dalam biomassa digunakan persamaan alometrik yang dibangun oleh Yamakura (1986). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa CL cadangan karbon tersimpan pada LOF RIL dan CL berturut-turut adalah sebesar 208.5 dan 218.84 Mg ha . Jumlah pohon dalam LOF RIL dan CL berturut-turut adalah sebanyak 215 dan 186 pohon/ha. Praktek RIL telah mengurangi kerusakan pada jumlah pohon tegakan tinggal, namun cadangan karbon pada LOF RIL ternyata sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan pada LOFCL, karena jumlah pohon besar dan dilindungi dalam LOFCLlebih banyak

    Optimal Rotation of Sengon Plantation in Afforestation Project: Review on Research Results of Suharlan 1975

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    Forests play an important role in climate change mitigation by absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Additional revenue from carbon credits may change the optimal management of plantation forest. This research aims to analyze the optimal rotation of joint production of timber and carbon sequestration of sengon stand in Java. The method used in this research is the profit maximization of forest stand obtained from wood sales and carbon credits (i.e. Hartman rule as a modification of Faustmann rule). The results of this study showed that (1) the biological rotation of sengon forest in site quality (SQ) III and IV are 6 and 5 years respectively, (2) Financial rotations of sengon forest in SQ III and IV are 8 and 6 years respectively, and (3) Additonal income from carbon sales in afforestation project will not lengthen the optimal rotation of sengon plantation

    The Study of Faustmann Formula Application in Sustainable Natural Forest Management in Indonesia

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    In the forest economics literature, Faustmann formula is highly adopted for profit maximization problem in forest management, mostly in plantation forest. Stylized models of Faustmann formula to be applied in selective logging regime have also been studied extensively in multi-age and multi-species forest. In general, natural forest managers in Indonesia have not adopted the Faustmann formula in their management decisions. Sustainability aspect in natural forest management is applied based on silvicultural consideration, i.e. measuring residual stand that is able to be harvested in the next cutting cycle. This study aims to analyze the application of Faustmann formula in the current selective logging regime in Indonesia (i.e. TPTI), so that the natural forest managers may gain maximum profit and sustainable. This study is a qualitative research based on literature review. The results of this study show that under deterministic growth model (i.e. matrix transition model) and robust damage model (i.e. transition matrix with different damage proportions on each species and diameter class), the Faustmann formula can be applied for selective Logging regime in Indonesia

    The Dynamic of Functional Microbes Community Under Auri (Acacia auriculiformis Cunn. Ex Benth) Agroforestry System

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    Microbes are important rhizosphere constituents for providing nutrients in the soil. This study analyzes the dynamic of soil functional microbes’ populations on land managed as an agroforestry (AF) system. The AF system consists of a 2-years old auri tree combined with several crops, i.e., wild grasses, peanuts (Arachis hypogaea), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), and maize (Zea mays). Soil samples were collected from each rhizosphere and then analyzed for their chemical properties such as N, P, K, pH, and C organic contents. The population of functional microbes was observed by isolation of the non-symbiotic N-fixer microbes (BNF), the cellulose-degrading microbes (CDM), and the phosphate solubilizing microbes (PSM) in their selective media. The total soil sugars were also tested for root exudates. The results showed that in an auri agroforestry system, the kind of crops determines the content of the soil organic material that is turned-offer into the soil. This affects the population structure and functional microbial abundance in the rhizosphere. Furthermore, microbial colonization in the rhizosphere affects plants in producing root exudates. Then, root exudates shape the structures of the microbial community, as well as an influence among inhabitants in defining mineralization of soil organic matter, nutrient availability, and trees performance. &nbsp

    Daur Optimal Tegakan Gmelina pada Dua Proyek Karbon: Memperpanjang Daur dan Aforestasi

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    Hutan tanaman dapat berkontribusi secara ekonomi dan sosial yaitu penyedia bahan baku kayu untuk industri dan penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat. Selain itu, hutan tanaman dapat pula berkontribusi dalam pengaturan tata air dan penyerapan karbon. Proyek perdagangan karbon untuk hutan tanaman dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa cara antara lain dengan pembangunan hutan tanaman baru di lahan terbuka ( ) dan aforestasi memperpanjang daur tebangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis daur optimal tegakan gmelina pada duaproyek karbon: memperpanjang daur dan aforestasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Faustmann yang dimodifikasi (yaitu Hartman) yaitu maksimasi keuntungan dengan sumber pendapatan dari kayu dan jasa lingkungan penyerapan karbon. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa harga karbon akan memengaruhi daur optimal tegakan gmelina pada proyek karbon VCS memperpanjang daur tebang. Sementara itu, pada proyek aforestasi VCS, tingkat harga karbon tidak memengaruhi daur optimal Faustmann. Nilai NPV proyek aforestasi relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai NPV proyek memperpanjang daur tebangan karena jumlah karbon yang dapat dikreditkan relatif lebih tinggi pada proyek aforestasi


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    Efforts to improve peatland can be carried out through restoration activities. This study evaluates the growth of four types of plants used in revegetation activities on deep peatland in Kubu Raya District. The study of the combination pattern of woody species and non-timber producers on peatland was compiled using a completely randomized block design (RCBD) consisting of 12 plant plots, four replications, each plot consisting of 100 plants with a spacing of 4 m x 3 m. Plant seeds come from cabutan (pulled out seed), kept and maintained in the community's seedlings in Central Kalimantan Province. The planting hole is made with 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm, then given 3 kg of manure/hole and 200 gr of agricultural lime per planting hole. The parameters measured were plant height and diameter. Measurement data were analyzed using a diversity test (ANOVA) if there were significant differences and then continued with Duncan's post-test. The results of the study showed that: (1) The jelutong plant is the most suitable species to be developed on deep peatlands because it has the fastest growth, and (2) Growth of jengkol and petai still needs to be improved by improving the physical and chemical properties of peat soil

    Hydrological responses of agroforestry system application which is not based on land suitability, a case study in Cimuntur watershed

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    Land use in a watershed should consider land capability and watershed carrying capacity so that the land can optimally. Agroforestry is a land use system that not only aims to generate income for the people but also to maintain hydrological conditions of a watershed. This research aims to evaluate the hydrological responses due to the application of agroforestry system on several land use pattern that has been changed. There are three steps in the analysis: (1) Assessment on land use planning (RTRW), (2) Land use suitability classification for agroforestry system, and (3) Development of scenarios for suitable land use of agroforestry system for hydrological function. The results of this study show that the application of agroforestry system of woody plant (i.e. sengon), fruit plant (i.e. Nephelium lappaceum), annual crops (i.e. clove, coconut, Parkia speciosa and banana), perennial crops (i.e. cardamom, and banana), and seasonal crops (i.e. cassava) on unsuitable land use gives the lowers on Coefficient of River Regime (KRS), specific discharge, Run off Coefficient (C)  and Total Dissolve Sediment (TDS). This agroforestry system can be applied on several land use pattern that has been changed, because this system not only aims to generate income for the people but also to the maintain hydrological condition of a watershed