10 research outputs found

    The Effect of Katuk Leaf Supplementation in the Ration on the Number of Erythrocytes and Hemoglobin Value in Rex Rabbits

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    Increased productivity of rabbits was through improved feed. Katuk plant has high nutritional value and its leaves contain nutrients needed by the body. The protein content in feed greatly affects the character of the blood. The purpose of this study was to optimize the effect of using katuk leaf supplementation on the number of erythrocytes and the hemoglobin value of rex rabbits. The research material were 18 rex rabbits, basal feed added with katuk leaves. The research method used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments, each treatment repeated six times, so that there were 18 experimental units. The treatments were R0: basal diet without katuk leaf supplementation, R1: basal diet with 5% katuk leaf supplementation, R2: basal diet with 10% katuk leaf supplementation. The variables measured were the number of erythrocytes and the value of hemoglobin. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results showed that rabbit rex erythrocytes were R0 = 4.7 ± 0.39 x 106/µL; R1 = 4.99 ± 0.28 x 106/µL; R2 = 4.76 ± 0.31 x 106/µ. The average result of the three treatments above was 4.83 ± 0.83 x 106/µL. The erythrocyte mean results were still in the normal range. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the three treatments did not show significant differences. The conclusion of the study was that katuk leaf supplementation can be given to rabbit rex up to a level of 10% without affecting the physiological process of livestock in terms of the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin values which are relatively the same.Key words : erythrocytes, hemoglobin, katuk leaves, rabbit rex.Increased productivity of rabbits was through improved feed. Katuk plant has high nutritional value and its leaves contain nutrients needed by the body. The protein content in feed greatly affects the character of the blood. The purpose of this study was to optimize the effect of using katuk leaf supplementation on the number of erythrocytes and the hemoglobin value of rex rabbits. The research material were 18 rex rabbits, basal feed added with katuk leaves. The research method used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments, each treatment repeated six times, so that there were 18 experimental units. The treatments were R0: basal diet without katuk leaf supplementation, R1: basal diet with 5% katuk leaf supplementation, R2: basal diet with 10% katuk leaf supplementation. The variables measured were the number of erythrocytes and the value of hemoglobin. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results showed that rabbit rex erythrocytes were R0 = 4.7 ± 0.39 x 106/µL; R1 = 4.99 ± 0.28 x 106/µL; R2 = 4.76 ± 0.31 x 106/µ. The average result of the three treatments above was 4.83 ± 0.83 x 106/µL. The erythrocyte mean results were still in the normal range. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the three treatments did not show significant differences. The conclusion of the study was that katuk leaf supplementation can be given to rabbit rex up to a level of 10% without affecting the physiological process of livestock in terms of the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin values which are relatively the same.Key words : erythrocytes, hemoglobin, katuk leaves, rabbit rex.


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    Indigenous chicken is a significant source of protein for Indonesians, but it frequently suffers from a range of health issues that impair productivity. Infestation, suboptimal growth, and death are all common issues occurred in indigenous chicken farming. This is due to the traditional care system, as well as a lack of information about health management. The program is intended to provide knowledge and assistance to indigenous chicken farmers in the attempts to enhance indigenous chicken health management. Understanding the basic principles of indigenous chicken health management, identifying common diseases, and effective prevention measures are among the program activities. Furthermore, the program team provides farmers field support in order to assist them in implementing best practices in health management. The result of this program is a better understanding of the necessity of indigenous chicken health management, which will enhance chicken health, reduce mortality, increase egg and meat production, and increase farmers' revenue for sustainable farming.Ayam kampung merupakan sumber protein penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia, tetapi sering kali menghadapi berbagai masalah kesehatan yang memengaruhi produktivitas ayam tersebut. Permasalahan yang sering ditemui adalah serangan penyakit, pertumbuhan yang tidak optimal, dan kematian. Penyebab utama dari permasalahan tersebut adalah sistem pemeliharan yang masih tradisional dan juga kurangnya pemahaman terkait manajemen kesehatan. Program ini didesain untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pendampingan kepada peternak ayam kampung dalam upaya meningkatkan manajemen kesehatan ternak mereka. Kegiatan program mencakup penyuluhan tentang prinsip-prinsip dasar manajemen kesehatan ayam kampung, pengenalan penyakit umum, dan teknik pencegahan penyakit yang efektif. Selain itu, tim program memberikan pendampingan lapangan kepada peternak untuk membantu mereka menerapkan praktik-praktik ideal dalam lingkungan peternakan. Hasil dari program ini adalah adanya peningkatan tingkat pemahaman peternak tentang pentingnya manajemen kesehatan ternak ayam kampung sehingga terjadi peningkatan kesehatan ayam kampung, penurunan angka kematian, peningkatan produksi telur dan daging, serta peningkatan pendapatan peternak untuk mencapai perternakan yang berkelanjutan


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    Kelompok Tani Ternak Jati Mulyo terletak di RT 1 RW 6 Desa Susukan Kecamatan Sumbang, Kabupaten Banyumas. Hambatan dalam pemeliharaan sapi potong pada kelompok tersebut adalah kurangnya pengetahuan manajemen pemeliharaan terutama masalah kesehatan sapi potong dan teknologi penyajian hijauan pakan pada ternak. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pelatihan manajemen pakan dan kesehatan guna perbaikan manajemen pemeliharaan sapi potong di kelompok tersebut sehingga produktivitas ternak menjadi meningkat. Metode pelaksanaan program pengabdian terbagi menjadi 3 tahap, yaitu 1) alih pengetahuan (penyuluhan) dan teknologi tentang perkandangan, pakan ternak dan kesehatan ternak. 2) Pelatihan pembuatan silase pada sapi potong untuk mengatasi kekurangan pakan saat musim kemarau. 3) Pelatihan penerapan biosekuriti perkandangan, Materi yang diperlukan adalah peralatan dan bahan pembuatan silase, obat-obatan praktis serta materi penyuluhan dan materi test. Ukuran keberhasilan program diketahui dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan peternak tentang sistim biosekuriti dengan melihat nilai test setelah selesai kegiatan tiap penyuluhan dan dengan melihat hasil pelatihan. Hasil test menunjukkan rata-rata nilai test peternak untuk adalah 61,37. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa silase yang dihasilkan bagus dan disukai ternak sapi potong. Pemberian obat cacing juga efektif menurunkan tingkat kejadian cacingan sebesar 20%. Praktik manajemen kesehatan ternak terutama biosekuriti peternakan masih perlu dilakukan, agar peternak dapat menerapkan hasil penyuluhan yang telah didapatkan secara maksimal.The Jati Mulyo Livestock Farming Group is located in RT 1 RW 6 Susukan Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency. Obstacles in raising beef cattle in this group are the lack of knowledge about maintenance management, especially health problems of beef cattle and technology for serving forage to livestock. This community service activity aimed to conduct feed and health management training to improve management of beef cattle maintenance in the group, so that livestock productivity increases. The method for implementing the service program was divided into 3 stages, namely 1) transfer of knowledge and technology regarding housing, animal feed and animal health. 2) Training in making silage for beef cattle to overcome the lack of feed during the dry season. 3) Training on the application of livestock biosecurity. The materials needed were equipment and materials for making silage, practical medicines as well as counseling and testing materials. The measure of program success was known by increasing farmers' knowledge about the biosecurity system by looking at the test scores after completing each extension activity and by looking at the results of the training. The test results show that the average test score for breeders was 61.37. The results of the training showed that the silage produced was good and liked by beef cattle. Providing worm medicine was also effective in reducing the incidence of worms by 20%. Livestock health management practices, especially livestock biosecurity, still need to be implemented, so that farmers can apply the results of the counseling they have obtained optimally

    Levels of Fibrinogen as Predictor of Severity of Coccidiosis Infection in Rabbit Livestock

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    The purpose of this study was to make a linear model of the leukogram variable with the number of oocysts in cases of coccidiosis infection in rabbits. The infection response in illness of disease course and will be linearly proportional to the rate of severity that occurs. Blood samples obtained from 91 rabbits were examined to determine the value of their lekogram component, as well as 91 rabbit feces were examined to determine the number of livestock can be described in the dynamics of the components of white blood cells (leukocytes), the increased response to infection clinically and haematologically will run parallel to the coccidia oocysts. The quantitative data from the count of oocysts with lekogram values were analyzed using a multivariate regression model, to determine the best linear model that could describe the severity of coccidiosis infection with the lekogram value, with the number of oocysts as the dependent variable and the lecogram values as the independent variable, the best model of linearity can be used to predict disease severity. Of all the lekogram variables analyzed, the amount of total fibrinogen had a significant effect (P <0.05) on the severity of Coccidiosis, with the linear formula Y = 2.7 + Fibrinogen Value, so that the fibrinogen value could be used to predict the severity of Coccidiosis in rabbits

    Body Weight, Oocyte Elimination and Blood Profile of Rabbit After Challenge Test Using Eimeria stiedai

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    The objective of the research was to investigate body weight, oocyte elimination and blood profile of rabbits infected with various doses of Eimeria stiedai isolates. The observed rabbits’ blood profile included erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leucocyte, thrombocyte, total protein plasma (TPP) and fibrinogen. Twenty-five male New Zealand White rabbits aged 3 months and weighed approximately 2 kg were provided with pellet and boiled drinking water and Eimeria stiedai isolates. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design to analyze 5 treatments with five replicates. The examined variables included D0: Infection 0 (control of infection without challenge test), D1: Infection 101 with challenge test 103, D2: infection 102 with challenge test 103, D3: infection 103 with challenge test 103, D4: infection 0 with challenge test 103 (control of infection). Data were subject to analysis of variance followed by Honestly Significant Difference Test (HSD). Analysis of Variance result showed that there was no significant difference on body weight, oocyte elimination and blood profile including erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leucocyte, thrombocyte, and fibrinogen. However, total protein plasma (TTP) was significantly different at 5% HSD. It can be concluded that challenge test with Eimeria stiedai has not been used as an alternative in increasing rabbits’ body immune against coccidiosis infection

    The Efficacies of Banana Stem Extract as a Candidate of Coccidiostat Against Rabbit Eimeria Stiedaio Ocysts: an in Vitro Analysis

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    The objective of this research was to investigatethe ability of banana stem (Musa paradisiaca) to inhibitsporulation of Eimeria stiedaioocystsderived fromrabbit by in vitroanalysis.Analyze the active substance proximate analysis and active substancesin this research were performed too. Banana stem extract were used in this experiment andsulfaquinoxalline(Coxy ®)was run as acontrol. The Eimeria stiedaioocystswere incubated prior the presence of different concentration from banana stem extract 0%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%for 1, 2 and 3 daysat 26°C. In addition,Factorial patterned Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five replicates wasapplied on the experiment. Result analysis was performed by using Analysis of Variance and following by Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) post hoc test. Here, we identified that banana stem extract contain different type of active substance such as tannin, saponin, and alkaloid. Banana stem extract significantly affected the oocysts sporulation included the amount of sporulatedoocysts (P<0.01), unsporulatedoocysts (P<0.01), and transformed oocysts (P<0.01). In conclusion banana stem could inhibit the development of Eimeria stiedaioocysts on in vitroexperiment. HSD test showed that the optimum potential efficacy of banana stem toinhibit sporulation was at 4% and 8% concentration during three days incubation

    Body Weight, Oocyte Elimination and Blood Profile of Rabbit After Challenge Test Using Eimeria Stiedai

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    The objective of the research was to investigate body weight, oocyte elimination and blood profile of rabbits infected with various doses of Eimeria stiedai isolates. The observed rabbits' blood profile included erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leucocyte, thrombocyte, total protein plasma (TPP) and fibrinogen. Twenty-five male New Zealand White rabbits aged 3 months and weighed approximately 2 kg were provided with pellet and boiled drinking water and Eimeria stiedai isolates. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design to analyze 5 treatments with five replicates. The examined variables included D0: Infection 0 (control of infection without challenge test), D1: Infection 101 with challenge test 103, D2: infection 102 with challenge test 103, D3: infection 103 with challenge test 103, D4: infection 0 with challenge test 103 (control of infection). Data were subject to analysis of variance followed by Honestly Significant Difference Test (HSD). Analysis of Variance result showed that there was no significant difference on body weight, oocyte elimination and blood profile including erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leucocyte, thrombocyte, and fibrinogen. However, total protein plasma (TTP) was significantly different at 5% HSD. It can be concluded that challenge test with Eimeria stiedai has not been used as an alternative in increasing rabbits' body immune against coccidiosis infection


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    The study's goal is to determine the effect of a phytobiotic combination of temulawak and bratawali on the immunity of broiler chickens. The research material was a combination of temulawak extract and bratawali infused in chicken drinking water, and it was employed on 96 Lohmann strain broiler chicks. The study was carried out utilizing experimental approaches based on completely random designs. T0: control (no adding phytobiotic combination of temulawak and bratawali), T1: 0.25%, T2: 0.5%, T3: 1%, T4: 2%, and T5: 4%. Each treatment is given four times, for a total of 24 trial units. Each experimental unit consisted of four broiler chickens that were measured for leukocyte count, eosinophil count, basophil count, lymphocyte count, monophyte count, and the ratious H/L ratio. The findings of the variance analysis revealed that administering a phytobiotic combination of temulawak and bratawali had a significant influence on the percentages of heterofiles, lymphocytes, monocytes, and the ratious H/L ratio but had no effect on the percentages of eosinophils and basophils. It was concluded that the combination of 1% and 2% phytobiotics was found to boost immunity and endurance to environmental stress.Penelitiaan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian fitobiotik kombinasi temulawak dan bratawali terhadap imunitas ayam broiler. Materi penelitian menggunakan 96 ekor ayam broiler strain Lohmann, bahan penelitian adalah kombinasi ekstrak temulawak dan bratawali yang diberikaan ke dalam air minum ayam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan yang diujicobakan adalah T0: kontrol, (tidak ada penambahan kombinasi fitobiotik), T1: 0,25% T2: 0,5%, T3: 1%, T4 = 2%, dan T5 = 4%. Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali, sehingga terdapat 24 unit percobaan. Masing-masing unit percobaan terdiri dari 4 ekor ayam broiler. Parameter yang diukur meliputi jumlah leukosit, persentase heterofil, eosinofil, basofil, limfosit, dan monosit serta ratio H/L. Hasil analisis variansi menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kombinasi fitobiotik temulawak dan bratawali berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase heterofil, limfosit, monosit dan ratio H/L, namun berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap pesentase eosinofil dan basofil. Kesimpulan bahwa pemberian kombinasi fitobiotik 1% dan 2% meningkatkan imunitas dan ketahanan terhadap stres lingkungan