110 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis of Islamic Banking (IBs) Contribution to Indonesia’s Inclusive Growth

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    The research is aim to attest and assess empirically the contribution of Islamic banking (IBs) on the inclusive growth in Indonesia. By taking a trial-stage method i.e. descriptive analysis to elaborate a statistical data, autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model to assess empirically the contribution in a long-term, and error correction model (ECM) to assess the contribution in a short-term empirically. The findings are, total deposits and total financing only contribute positively significant into GDP and gini ratio in a long-term, that similiar with the previous study. Then, a total financing contribute negatively to all indicators of inclusive growth in a long-term, but, its only significance on GDP and gini ratio. But, it was contribute significantly to all indicators in a short-term. So. The findings was only evidence the significance contribution of IBs on inclusive growth in a short-term. Based on it, a long-term contribution of IBs still cathegorized as the area that requires an extentions in order to accomplish it.

    Unlocking Inclusive Growth: The Impact of Shariah Investment in Indonesia

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    This study investigates the role of Shariah investment in Indonesia's inclusive growth. Shariah investment is measured in terms of Shariah stocks and sukuk. As determinants of inclusive growth, the study also includes several control variables adopted from separate literature, including the effect of COVID-19. In contrast to previous research, testing is conducted using a variety of inclusive growth metrics. Using principal component analysis (PCA) to compute the composite index of inclusive growth and time series regression models with monthly data at the national level from 2011 to 2022, this study finds three main conclusions. Evidence shows that Shariah investment contributes to inclusive growth in Indonesia, but the effects vary. Shariah stocks significantly affect poverty and unemployment, whereas Sukuk affects poverty and inequality. Both contributed to improving the Human Development Index (HDI) and inclusive growth. This study also revealed that COVID-19 was instrumental in reducing Indonesia's inclusive growth performance. This study complements prior empirical research on inclusive growth issues in Indonesia by examining the role of Islamic economics and finance. This research contributes to future policy initiatives to strengthen Indonesia's inclusive growth.JEL Classification: D24, O14, O4How to Cite:Indra & Ibrahim, M. Y. (2023). Unlocking Inclusive Growth: The Impact of Shariah Investment in Indonesia. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 12(2), 263-274. https://doi.org/10.15408/sjie.v12i2.3193

    Fikih Zakat Hewan Ternak dalam Perspektif Syekh Ahmad bin al-Hasan al-Asfahani (Abu Syuja’)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau dan mengkaji fikih zakat hewan ternak dalam persfektif Abu Syuja’. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kajian tersebut sangat mudah diaplikasikan, dihapal dan dipelajari untuk pemula di Indonesia dengan bentuk karangan yang sistematik sehingga terasa sangat berbeda dengan kitab-kitab fikih yang lainnya, ditambah lagi bahwa Abu Syuja’ merupakan ulama ternama Syafi’iyah (Imam Syafi’i), sehingga sangat efektif ketika dipraktekkan di Indonesia bahkan di Asia yang mayoritas masyarakatnya mengadopsi dari mazhab Imam Syafi’i. Dan dalam tinjauan ini Abu Syuja’ mengutip bahwa hewan ternak yang wajib dikeluarkan zakatnya terdiri atas unta, sapi atau kerbau dan kambing atau domba yang sudah mencapai haul dan nisab serta telah memenuhi syarat-syarat yang telah ditentukan, ternyata Beliau juga ber-istidlal dengan hadis-hadis sahih yaitu derajatnya marfu’ atau disandarkan langsung kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW

    Secured and Auditable Cryptography for Electronic Voting

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    Dengan adanya Electronic Voting (e-voting) diharapkan dapat menggantikan sistem pemungutan suara konvensional yang telah ada sebelumnya. Pada sistem e-voting ini menggunakan konsep Pret a Voter yang menggunakan skema paper ballot e-voting. Skema ini menggunakan Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Skema yang diusulkan menggunakan paper ballot e-voting dengan pertimbangan telah popular di kalangan masyarakat, tetapi didukung oleh protokol enkripsi yang kuat untuk menjamin vote secrecy dan anonymity dari pemilih. Aspek verifiability dari suatu system e-voting juga merupakan hal fundamental. Sistem e-voting menggunakan system protocol mixnets dengan kompleksitas security cukup baik.

    Web-Based Bag Sales Information System at UD. A&N Collection of Tanggulangin Using the Waterfall Method: Sistem Informasi Penjualan Tas Berbasis Web pada Toko Tas UD. A&N Collection Tanggulangin Dengan Metode Waterfall

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    The development of increasingly high technology causes the need for fast, precise and accurate information in the business world to be very much needed, the need for fast, precise and accurate information in the business world is very much needed. as a medium in making handicraft bags so that they have a high selling value. The community located at a bag shop located in the area of Jalan Main Kedensari RT.10 RW.04 Nggodong, Kedensari Kec Tanggulangin with owner Erna wati, took the initiative to sell online to develop their business. The author observes the buying and selling process that takes place at the bag shop that has been observed. online, the problem faced is the lack of a business development strategy.This information system was built using the PHP programming language with the MSQL programming language and the Laravel framework using the SDLC (Systems development life cycle)

    Perancangan Media Informasi Dan Publikasi Perkampungan Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan - 2006

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    Analisa Dampak Penurunan Kinerja Lube Oil Cooler Pada Turbin di PLTU Belawan

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    Lube oil cooler adalah cross flow compact heat exchanger yang berfungsi untuk melepaskan panas yang dibawa oleh minyak pelumas dialirkan melalui sisi shell menuju sisi tube dengan fluida pendingin air demin dimana masing-masing cairan dipisahkan di dalam lube oil cooler. PT. PLN Sektor Pembangkit Belawan merupakan salah satu unit pembangkit tenaga listrik di wilayah Sumatera Utara yang kinerja dan kehandalannya sangat penting untuk menjamin kelangsungan pasokan listrik. Dari penelitian ini, rasio koefisien perpindahan panas disisi shell dan pipa tube serta efektivitas perpindahan panas yang terjadi dapat diketahui dengan menganalisa temperatur masuk dan keluar aliran air pendingin dan minyak pelumas dapat ditentukan. Selain itu dampak dan penyebab penurunan kinerja lube oil cooler dapat diketahui. Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis data temperatur masuk dan keluar pendingin minyak pelumas dan tekanan diferensial yang tercermin dari data operasional yang dikumpulkan dari ruang kontrol lembar kertas PLTU Belawan


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    This article discusses the concept of Pangawinan in the performance of talempong Renjeang Anam Salabuhan in Luhak Nan Tigo Minangkabau. As a concept, there are two different understandings of pangawinan, namely: (1) pangawinan with a small ‘p’, which is the philosophical basis for the formation of a pair of talempong as a musical system – implemented through the methods lipek duo and dipatukakan (doubling and interchanging); (2) Pangawinan with a capital ‘P’, which is used to refer to a pair of talempong, Pangawinan – Paningkah duo. As a musical system, talempong renjeang consists of three pairs of talempong instruments, known as the talempong Jantan, talempong Paningkah or Paningkah Satu, and talempong Pangawinan or Paningkah Duo. This research employed a theoretical concept based on the philosophy tali tigo sapilin, tungku nan tigo sajarangan – a three-way pattern; a trilogy of reasoning in the Minangkabau community. The formation of the three-way pattern begins with a two-way or bipolar pattern, and the third position emerges as a counterbalance to create harmony. The main data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentations. The findings show that the concept of pangawinan in the performance of talempong renjeang anam salabuhan functions to provide a certainty in the creation of the talempong melody (guguah) in order to achieve raso batalun (aesthetical pleasure).Keywords: Indonesia, Luhak Nan Tigo, Minangkabau, pangawinan, talempong renjeang anam salabuhanCite as: Sastra, A.I., Anwar, Od.M.  Ibrahim, M.N. (2017). The concept of Pangawinan in the music performance of Talempong Renjeang Anam Salabuhanin Luhak Nan Tigo Minangkabau. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(2), 333-347.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss2pp333-34
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