13 research outputs found

    Proporsi Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu permasalahan mendasar yang menjadi pusat perhatian pemerintahIndonesia. Aspek penting untuk mendukung strategi penanggulangan kemiskinan adalah ketersediaandata dan informasi yang akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga proporsi status kemiskinan rumahtangga pada tingkat kecamatan di Kabupaten Bogor dan mengidentifikasi sumber/jenis pekerjaan rumahtangga. Metode yang disusun berdasarkan pendugaan langsung dengan asumsi metode sampel acaksederhana untuk memperoleh penduga proporsi dan berdasarkan tabulasi silang untuk mengetahui latarbelakang jenis pekerjaan yang berdampak pada kemiskinan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunderberupa Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) dengan variabel terpilih. Badan Pusat Statistik memilikiprogram pengumpulan data melalui sensus dan survei. Survei tersebut menggunakan metode rancanganpenarikan sampel yang kompleks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rumah tangga miskin di KabupatenProporsi Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Bogor, Titin Suhartini, Kusman Sadik, dan Indahwati 161Bogor sebesar 6,84%. 31,08% rumah tangga miskin berasal dari jenis pekerjaan pertanian tanaman pangan.Hanya 24 kecamatan yang dapat dilakukan pendugaan proporsi status kemiskinan rumah tangga.Pendugaanproporsi rumah tangga miskin terbesar berada di kecamatan Nanggung yaitu sebesar 45%. Untuk mengatasiketerbatasan pendugaan yang dilakukan terhadap 16 kecamatan lainnya dapat menggunakan alternatifmetode pendugaan area kecil

    Modeling of Malaria Prevalence in Indonesia with Geographically Weighted Regression

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    Malaria is a public health problem that can lead to death, especially in high-risk groups i.e. infants, toddlers and pregnant women. This disease is still endemic in most parts of Indonesia. The relation of location factor between regions with the surrounding region was assumed to give the effect of spatial variability in the prevalence of malaria in the region. It would lead to the prevalence of malaria modeling using classical regression methods become less precise due to the assumption of homogeneity of variance was not met. It could be overcome by Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) modeling. In GWR analysis, the selection weighting function was one determinant of the analysis results. GWR analysis resulted on the prevalence of malaria in Indonesia, GWR model with bisquare kernel weighting function had a better value of R2 and AIC than GWR models with gaussian kernel weighting function

    Analisis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Bee-Messenger sebagai Media-Media Instant Messanging di Universitas Bina Nusantara

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    Technology today has progressed at a rapid rate, as well as with instant messaging growing into all aspects of life, even more so in the advancement of communication technology. By using the VoIP feature, users can communicate by voice via the Internet. Messenger as a communication medium that is fast, accurate and low cost is expected to meet the need for a practical communication media. The purpose of this study is to analyze and design a messaging application called Bee-Messenger which will be used as a medium of instant messaging in Bina Nusantara University, and also analyze the needs of users with feature-contained in commonly used messenger applications. Research methods used are literature review, field studies, and field observations. Evaluation is based on the comparison of Bee-Messenger features with the same features found in Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger. Bee-Messenger can also activate YM and MSN messaging accounts simultaneously in a single application that gives users a practical application messaging


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    This paper aims to compare the accuracy of three methods of sampling, namely Simple Random Sampling (SRS), Systematic Random Sampling and Stratified Random Sampling. The data used as the simulation is data PODES 2011. So the data that is used as a parameter in this study are primary data in the form of data results PODES 2011 were rural / village with minimarket (RVM). The method of analysis is done in two stages. The first phase saw the condition of the minimarket population data as a basis for exploration. The second stage of the estimation simulate the total population and the variance by using simple random sampling, systematic random sampling, and stratified random sampling. The next stage of comparing the results of estimation of population parameters of the sampling methods to the total population of the minimarket PODES 2011. The results are reviewed based on the accuracy of each method. Stratified random sampling method (DKM as a base coating) with a sample size of 500 generate predicted values with the highest degree of accuracy compared with the SRS and systematic random sampling. Its bias value at 22 outlets, its standard error of 2606.2 outlets, and his MSE of 6.79254 million. Keywords: accuracy, comparison, simple, systematic, stratified, rando

    Hubungan Kerapatan Reseptor Hormon Estrogen Pada Wanita Perimenopause Terhadap Kejadian Tipe Hiperplasia Endometrium

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    Hiperplasia endometrium  sering terjadi pada wanita perimenopause. Perlu diteliti adakah hubungan antara Kerapatan Reseptor Hormon Estrogen pada Wanita Perimenopause terhadap Kejadian Tipe Hiperplasia Endometrium. Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan hubungan kerapatan reseptor hormon estrogen (KRE) pada wanita perimenopause terhadap kejadian tipe hiperplasia endometrium di Bagian/KSM Obstetri dan Ginekologi RS Pendidikan Immanuel, Bandung bekerja sama dengan Bagian/KSM Patologi Anatomi RS Pendidikan Immanuel, Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong silang~retrospektif analitik dengan menganalisis status pasien dan melakukan pemeriksaan kerapatan reseptor hormon estrogen secara imunohistokimia pada sediaan yang telah dilakukan pemeriksaan PA dengan hasil hiperplasia endometrium tipe simpleks, kompleks dan atipik. Data dilakukan analisis  statistik secara metoda Pearson Chi Square. Pada 30 sediaan yang mengalami hiperplasia endometrium dilakukan pemeriksaan kerapatan reseptor estrogen secara imunohistokimia. Didapatkan KRE mempengaruhi tipe hiperplasia endometrium pada wanita perimenopause yang bermakna secara statistik (di kelenjar Pearson Chi Square 3,6406, p=0,3815), (di stroma Pearson Chi Square 5,2813, p=0,3119), dan dibuktikan adanya keeratan hubungan berdasarkan analisis statistik (γ=0,2025) dan (γ = 0,2165). Simpulan penelitian ini t:ampak KRE mempengaruhi tipe hiperplasia endometrium yang terjadi bermakna secara statistik serta tampak adanya keeratan hubungan. Pada hiperplasia endometrium tipe simpleks didapatkan KRE rendah dan hiperplasia endometrium tipe atipik didapatkan KRE yang tinggi

    PENDEKATAN KEKAR UNTUK MODEL BERSAMA (JOINT MODEL) ATAS DASAR SEBARAN t (A Robust Approach for Joint Model Based on t Distribution)

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    Existing methods for joint modeling are usually based on normality assumption of random effects and intra subject errors. We propose a joint model based on t distribution of the intra subject errors  to improve robustness of the estimation. Our model consists of two submodels: a mixed linear mixed effects model for the longitudinal data, and a generalized linear model for continuous/binary primary response. The proposed method is evaluated by means of simulation studies as well as application to HIV data. Keywords:  joint modeling, longitudinal data, robust, t distributio


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    Joint modeling is intended to model longitudinal response process that affect the other primary response based on  assumption that both  processes induced by the same random effects. One of the assumptions that must be met in joint modeling is  normality  of  random  effects  and  intra-subject  error.  The  simulation  results show that the robustness of parameter estimates of joint model to the assumption of  random  effects  normality  can  be  achieved  by  increasing  the  frequency  of longitudinal observations.  Keywords:  longitudinal data,  joint modeling, robus

    The potential of soil arthropods as bioindicator of soil quality in relation to environmental factors at apple farm, Batu, East Java, Indonesia

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    The objectives of this study are to determine community structure, abundance and diversity of soil arthropods which potential as the bioindicator of soil quality, and analyze the correlation between chemical parameters of the environmental factor on the abundance of soil arthropods. This study was conducted at the conventional and semi-organic Apple Farm, Bumiaji, Batu, East Java Province, Indonesia, from April to September 2017. Soil Arthropods sample has been taken from three different zones of Apple Farm soil which divided into ten sampling stations. Shannon (H'), Margalef, Evenness and Indicator Value (IndVal) Index were applied to determine the diversity of soil Arthropods. Whereas, the correlation between soil environmental factors and abundance of soil Arthropods were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis included Principal Component Analysis (PCA), similarities, and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The total of soil Arthropods belonging to 22 genera, 12 families, and six orders genera, had been identified, with Lepidocyrtus were considered as the most abundant of Genus. Nevertheless, diversity of soil Arthropods in the semi-organic farm were higher than conventional farm ones, this related to soil chemical properties which included pH, C, N, C/N ratio, P, K and other organic matters. Based on indicator value indicated that Euborellia Genus from Apple conventional farm, and Brachymyrmex and Homidia Genus from Apple semi-organic farm was considered as the potential bioindicator of soil quality