6 research outputs found

    The Effect of Psychological Capital on Work Engagement of Nurse at Pertiwi Hospital in Makassar City

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    One of the professions that requires high work engagement is a nurse. Psychological capital is one of the factors that can influence a person to feel more attached to the work being done. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of psychological capital on work engagement of nurses at Pertiwi Hospital Makassar City. The definition of psychological capital in this study uses the theory from Luthans (2007) and work engagement uses the theory from Schaufeli & Bakker (2002). This research was conducted on 71 nurses who worked at Pertiwi Hospital Makassar. The sampling technique used by researchers is cluster random sampling. The data collection tool in this study used a questionnaire in the form of the PsyCap Questionnaire scale to measure psychological capital (PCQ) and the Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES) to measure work engagement. Based on research conducted at Pertiwi Makassar Hospital, it can be concluded that psychological capital has a significant positive effect on work engagement, namely high psychological capital will increase work engagement. On the other hand, a low psychological capital will cause a low work engagement


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    Nurse is a job susceptible to occupational stress for timing pressure and high burden of workload. Occupational stress of nurses could force them into presenteeism behavior, the condition when employee push themself to still working although not in good and healthy condition. The aim of this study was to find correlation between occupational stresses with nurses presenteeism. Samples of this study were 50 nurses of inpatient room of X Hospital in Makassar which taken by using total sampling method. Measuring instruments used in this study were nurses job stress scale (α = 0,859) and presenteeism scale (α = 0,816). Using hypothetical test of Spearman correlation, results found r = 0,653 and p = < 0,05. The result means there was positive correlation between occupational stresses with nurses presenteeism on X Hospital in Makassar. Presenteeism can affect the productivity of nurses, so it is important for hospitals to control the nurses occupational stress to reduce the appearance of presenteeism and avoid the negative impact of presenteeism.Perawat merupakan profesi yang rentan mengalami stres kerja akibat tekanan waktu dan beban kerja yang tinggi. Stres kerja yang dialami oleh perawat dapat mendorong pada perilaku presenteeism, yaitu kondisi ketika karyawan tetap memaksakan diri untuk hadir bekerja meskipun dalam kondisi yang tidak sehat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara stres kerja dengan perilaku presenteeism perawat. Responden pada penelitian sebanyak 50 orang perawat di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit X Makassar yang diambil dengan metode total sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala stres kerja perawat (α = 0,859) dan skala presenteeism (α = 0,816). Berdasarkan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan korelasi spearman diperoleh nilai r = 0,653 dan nilai p < 0,05. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara stres kerja dengan perilaku presenteeism perawat di RS. X Makassar. Presenteeism dapat memengaruhi produktivitas kerja perawat, sehingga sangat penting bagi rumah sakit untuk mengotrol stres kerja perawat untuk mengurangi munculnya perilaku  presenteeism dan menghindari dampak negatif dari perilaku presenteeism


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    Abstract. Research study based on campus environment is very appropriate to make a significant contribution to the topic of well-being. The concept of school well-being as a state college that allows people to satisfy their basic needs, which include having, loving, being, and health. Student optimism is one of the factors that can support the school well-being. The purpose of this study is to measure the correlation between the school well-being and student optimism by using product moment correlation method. The subject was 96 students of psychology UNM. The test results show positive correlation between optimisme and school well being. Optimism on student regarded as a judgment which has the tendency to influence feelings, attitudes and behavior of a person's way of thinking in certain situations. Conditions optimism in students can give good results at school well-being. Key word : optimism, school well-being, studen

    Pengaruh Karyawan Job Embeddedness terhadap Intensi Turnover Karyawan Caroline Officer PT.INFOMEDIA NUSANTARA

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    ABSTRACT INTRODUCTIONEmployee’s turnover is caused by intention to leave the job voluntarily based on their decision. Job embeddedness is one factor of turnover intention. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of job embededness to turnover intention of Caroline Officer’s employee in PT. Infomedia Nusantara. METHODThe study subjects were 60 employees of Caroline Officer in PT. Infomedia Nusantara. The research design used quantitative design. The data was collected by using two instruments. The information being collected was turnover intention and job embeddedness. They were analyzed by using simple regression technic. RESULTSThis analysis found coefficient value was 0,662, and R square value was 0,439, significance value was 0,000<0,005. This negative result indicates a negative correlation between turnover’s intention and job embeddedness. Contribution of job embeddedness to turnover intension is 43,9%. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATIONSHypotesis test result shows that HO is rejected.  It means that there is negative effect of job embeddedness towards turnover intentioin to the employee of Caroline Officer PT. Infomedia Nusantara. The higher job embeddedness possessed by employee, the lower turnover intention. Based on the conclussion above, the researcher offers seme suggestion for the employee as follow; Employee who has found appropriate company for themselves is better to have relationship or good network with boss as well as friend who relates directly with his job or community in the work place and supervisor or head manager always keep a good relationship with all the employee and to notice about the suitability of the employee with their job and neighbourhood to build the employees ‘ embeddedness.   Keywords: Job Embeddedness, Intensi Turnover, Caroline Officer


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    ABSTRACT Introduction The elderly in Theodora Nursing Home havephysical and psychological problems that affect their subjective well-being (SWB). One of The factors that can affect their SWB is the exercise of gratitude. This study aims to determine the effect of gratitude exercise on enhancing the subjective well-being of the elderly in Theodora Nursing Home. Method The study used the one-group pretest-posttest design. Participants of this study had low to moderate SWB (N=6). This study used the Satisfaction with Life Scale that had been adapted into Indonesian by Afriyani to measured the cognitive aspect (α=0.840) and the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience that had been adapted into Indonesian by Sartika to measured the positive (α=0.766) and negative affect (α=0.738). Result The Wilcoxon test showed that the pretest mean score was 50,33, posttest1 was 49,67, and posttest2 was 49,83 which mean there was no increase of elderly SWB by the p-value (pretest-posttest1 p=0,916 and posttest1-posttest2 p=0,917, p>0,05). Conclusion The hypothesis result shows that the gratitude exercise does not enhance the subjective well-being of the elderly in the Theodora nursing home. Keywords: Elderly; Gratitude exercise; Subjective well-being. ABSTRAKPendahuluan Lansia di panti wreda Theodora memiliki permasalahan secara fisik maupun psikis yang mempengaruhi subjective well-being. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap subjective well-being (SWB) yaitu latihan bersyukur. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan bersyukur terhadap peningkatan subjective well-being pada lansia di panti Wreda Theodora. Metode Penelitian Penelitian ini munggunakan desain eksperimen one group pretest-posttest design. Subjek penelitian memiliki SWB rendah hingga sedang (N=6). Penelitian ini menggunakan Satisfaction with Life Scale yang telah diadaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Afriyani guna mengukur aspek kognitif (α=0.840) dan scale of positive and negative experience yang telah diadaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sartika untuk mengukur afek positif (α=0,766) serta afek negatif (α=0,738). Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa nilai mean pretest=50,33, posttest1=49,67, dan posttest2=49,83 artinya tidak terdapat peningkatan SWB lansia dengan nilai signifikansi (pretestposttest1 p=0,916 dan posttest1-posttest2 p=0,917, p>0,05). Kesimpulan Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa latihan bersyukur tidak berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan subjective well-being pada lansia di panti wreda Theodora. Kata kunci: Lanjut usia, latihan bersyukur, subjective well-bein