9 research outputs found

    The Correlation Between Emotion Regulation and Assertiveness in Students at Senior High School X Jember Regency

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    This research aimed to determine the relationship between emotion regulation and assertiveness in students at Senior High School X Jember Regency. 154 students at Senior High School X Jember Regency participated in the study. Data were collected using an assertiveness scale and an emotion regulation scale. Pearson’s product moment correlation was used to analyze the data, which resulted in a correlation coefficient of 0.246 with a p-value of 0.002 (p < 0.05). The findings therefore indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between emotion regulation and assertiveness in students at Senior High School X Jember Regency. Keywords: assertiveness, emotion regulation, student


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    ABSTRACT Literature and life is an artful way to sensitize on various complex issues and uses educative power that literatures have. The study is trying to consider the role of literature in moral education. The research problems of this study is what are the moral development of the main character, Sebastian Wilder portrayed in La La Land movie? The researcher includes six stages of Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral development theory which have three levels; pre-convention level, convention level and post-convention level. Each levels have two stages; stage one obedience and punishment orientation and stage two individualism and exchange for pre-convention level, stage three good interpersonal relationship and stage four maintaining the social order for convention level, and stage five social control and individual rights and stage six universal principles for post-convention level. Six stages of moral development theory can help the researcher analyzed how moral development on Sebastian Wilder is in La La Land movie by Damien Chazelle. In this study the researcher find six stages of Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral development that portrayed the main character, Sebastian Wilder. The first stage, is when Sebastian thinks the advice from the big people that he should do is only just an advice. The second stage is he loves himself as he being alone and loving what he is doing on his own. In the third stage, he tries to make a real effort to get a good behavior to keep his relationship with his friends or his family always good. The fourth stage is he thinks that he must to organize the things from the social order to keep his life better. The fifth is when he gets a steady job and he must do everything with his new band. The sixth, he changed his future because he think that he must to be a successful person and get the popularity the same with the other musicians. Keywords: moral development, main character, La La Land movie  ABSTRAK Sastra dan kehidupan adalah sebuah seni untuk membuat kepekaan di berbagai macam permasalahan yang kompleks dan menggunakan kekuatan pendidikan yang terdapat dalam sastra. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mempertimbangkan peran sastra dalam pendidikan moral. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah; apa saja perkembangan moral yang ada pada pemeran utama, gambaran Sebastian Wilder pada film La La Land? Peneliti memasukkan enam tingkat pada Teori Perkembangan Moral oleh Lawrence Kohlberg, yang mana memiliki tiga level; pre-convention level, convention level dan post-convention level. Di setiap level memiliki dua tingkatan, yang mana teori tingkatan-tingkatan tersebut membantu peneliti menganalisa bagaimana perkembangan moral pada Sebastian Wilder di film La La Land oleh Damien Chazelle di analisis. Pada penelitian ini peneliti mendapatkan enam tingkatan Teori Perkembangan Moral oleh Lawrence Kohlberge pada gambaran pemeran utama, Sebastian Wilder. Tingkatan pertama, saat Sebastian berpikir bahwa nasihat dari orang-orang penting yang seharusnya dia lakukan itu hanyalah sebuah nasihat yang tidak harus dilakukan. Tingkatan kedua adalah bagaimana dia merasa nyaman akan kesendiriannya dan menyukai apa yang dia lakukan untuk dirinya sendiri. Pada tingkatan ketiga, dia mencoba untuk membuat sebuah usaha yang nyata untuk mendapatkan perilaku yang benar dan baik agar dapat menjaga hubungan antar teman dan keluarga. Tingkatan keempat, dia memikirkan untuk lebih mengatur kehidupan sosialnya menjadi lebih baik. Tingkatan kelima saat dia mendapatkan kerja tetap dan melakukan semua hal untuk band baru yang sedang dijalaninya. Tingkatan keenam, dia mengubah masa depannya karena dia berpikir bahwa dia seharusnya menjadi orang yang sukses dan mendapatkan popularitas yang setara dengan musisi pada umumnya. Kata Kunci: perkembangan moral, tokoh utama, film La La Lan

    Analisis Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Maxim Dalam Meningkatkan Competitive Advantage Di Kota Bengkulu

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    This research purpose is to find out communication strategy which used by Maxim company in increasing Competitive Advantage in Bengkulu City. This research used theory from Saban Elchdar (2013) in Sudaryono (2016:274) which involves some components such as competitive pricing, good quality, product innovation and time to market. This research is qualitative research with case study research because the researcher want to observe the information about what can be learned or pulled from related case. Data are collected by using direct observation by doing deep interview and documentation. The result of this research shows that competitive pricing, Maxim has decided basic pricing from all features so the users of Maxim application satisfied with cheap price compared with competitor. The quality of Maxim product keeps developing by increasing the comfort feeling from the users or drivers. Product innovation shows that Maxim has launched some product innovation which can be used to support and help the application user carrying their daily needs. Time to Market in conducting of promotion strategy has run very well online and offline

    Hubungan Kualitas Tidur dengan Fungsi Kognitif Lansia di Puskesmas Muara Kumpe

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    Elderly or often called elderly is a phase passed by all human beings which is a stage where individuals are at a certain age. The prevalence of the World Health Organization (WHO) 2021 states that there are 65.6 million elderly people worldwide experienced impaired cognitive function. At Muara Kumpeh Health Center, there are still many elderly people who experience cognitive function decline with various causes and factors. This study aims to determine the relationship between sleep quality and cognitive function in the elderly in the work area of Muara Kumpeh Health Center. This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional method. The research was carried out at the Posyandu working area of the Muara Kumpeh Health Center. The implementation time starts from January 2023. The population in this study is the elderly who participate in the activities of the elderly posyandu, which is as many as 2,580 people. The sample amounted to 106 respondents. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling using Purposive Sampling. The statistical test used is the Correlation Gamma test. The results of the study found that there was a relationship between sleep quality and cognitive function in the elderly in the work area of Puskemas Muara Kumpeh. It is hoped that the Muara Kumpeh Health Center can educate families about things that can help the elderly to sleep which will later reduce the incidence of cognitive function in the elderly Abstrak Lanjut usia atau sering disebut lansia merupakan suatu fase yang dilewati oleh semua insan manusia yang merupakan tahapan dimana individu pada usia tertentu. Prevalensi World Health Organization (WHO) 2021 menyatakan terdapat 65,6 juta orang lansia di seluruh dunia mengalami gangguan fungsi kognitif. Di Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh masih banyak lansia yang mengalami penurunan fungsi kognitif dengan berbagai macam penyebab dan faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas tidur dengan fungsi kognitif pada lansia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode cross sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Posyandu wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh. Waktu pelaksanaan dimulai dari Bulan Januari 2023. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Lansia yang mengikuti kegiatan posyandu lansia yaitu sebanyak 2.580 orang dengan jumlah sampel 106 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah non- probability sampling Purposive Sampling. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Correlation Gamma. Hasil penelitan didapatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan kualitas tidur terhadap fungsi kognitif pada lansia di wilayah kerja Puskemas Muara Kumpeh. Diharapkan pihak Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh agar dapat mengedukasi keluarga mengenai hal-hal yang dapat membantu lansia untuk tidur yang nantinya akan dapat menurunkan kejadian  fungsi kognitif pada lansia. Kata kunci: Fungsi Kognitif, Lansia, Kualitas Tidur

    Penyuluhan kesehatan tentang pergaulan bebas

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    Pendahuluan: Pergaulan bebas anak usia remaja pada era milenial masih menjadi polemik. Era milenial berjalan semakin cepat seiring dengan diikutinya peningkatan kemajuan teknologi yang memberikan nilai tambah dengan mudahnya mengakses segala informasi, hal ini memiliki dampak terhadap pola kehidupan masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan terutama anak usia remaja. Masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari masa kanak remaja menuju masa dewasa. Di mana pada masa ini remaja seharusnya mulai belajar memiliki tanggung jawab sebagai seorang remaja yang mampu berfikir dan bertindak sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Tujuan: Responden dapat mengetahui dan memahami tentang pergaulan bebas. Metode: Pelaksanaan metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan 2 tahap, yaitu pertama mahasiswa profesi ners menjelaskan tentang pergaulan bebas menggunakan lembar bolak balik dan ke dua setelah diberikan penyuluhan pergaulan bebas, responden diberikan Tanya jawab tentang pergaulan bebas. Hasil: Responden memahami tentang pergaulan bebas. Simpulan: responden dapat memahami tentang pergaulan bebas dan menerapakan hidup sehat tanpa pergaulan bebas


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    ABSTRAKPerundungan (bullying) adalah perilaku yang merugikan atau menyakiti orang lain secara berulang-ulang dengan niat untuk mendominasi, mengintimidasi, atau mengendalikan mereka. Perundungan dapat terjadi dalam berbagai konteks, termasuk di sekolah, Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berlokasi di MIS Islamiyah desa Sei Kamah II. Perundungan merupakan isu yang serius yang memengaruhi kesejahteraan fisik dan emosional siswa, serta lingkungan belajar yang aman. Sosialisasi pencegahan perundungan (bullying) yang diselenggarakan oleh Mahasiswa KKNT MBKM FKIP UNA berfokus pada implementasi program sosialisasi pencegahan perundungan di sekolah sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi insiden perundungan. Metode yang digunakan merupakan observasi lapangan. Metode observasi lapangan adalah pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dengan mengamati peristiwa atau fenomena langsung di lingkungan. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini sejalan dengan permasalahan yang terjadi sekolah MIS Islamiyah Desa Sei Kamah II. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosialisasi pencegahan perundungan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran siswa terhadap dampak negatif dari perundungan, mengurangi insiden perundungan, dan menciptakan lingkungan sekolah yang lebih inklusif dan aman. Selain itu, kolaborasi antara siswa, guru, dan orang tua dalam pelaksanaan program ini memiliki peran penting dalam kesuksesannya. Hal  ini memberikan panduan berharga bagi sekolah-sekolah dan pihak berkepentingan dalam upaya mencegah perundungan dan menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang lebih baik bagi semua siswa. Kata Kunci— Pencegahan, Perundungan,  Sosialisasi ABSTRACTBullying is behavior that harms or hurts other people repeatedly with the intention to dominate, intimidate or control them. Bullying can occur in various contexts, including at school, through community service activities located at MIS Islamiyah Sei Kamah II village. Bullying is a serious issue that impacts students' physical and emotional well-being, as well as their safe learning environment. Bullying prevention outreach (bullying) organized by KKNT MBKM FKIP UNA students focused on implementing a bullying prevention socialization program in schools as an effort to reduce bullying incidents. The method used is field observation. The field observation method is an approach used to collect data by observing events or phenomena directly in the environment. This socialization activity is in line with the problems that occurred at the MIS Islamiyah school in Sei Kamah II Village. The research results show that socializing bullying prevention can increase students' awareness of the negative impacts of bullying, reduce bullying incidents, and create a more inclusive and safe school environment. In addition, collaboration between students, teachers and parents in implementing this program has an important role in its success. This provides valuable guidance for schools and stakeholders in efforts to prevent bullying and create a better educational environment for all students.Keywords—Prevention, Bullying, Socializatio

    Pendampingan Baca Tulis Al Quran bagi Anak-Anak di Lokasi KKN Kelurahan Dodu Kota Bima

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    This community service activity is through attracting community participation to allow children to learn the Koran. The objectives of the activity are; as a solution to the limited number of Koran teachers in the midst of a ban on crowding during the COVID-19 pandemic. The coaching program is carried out through assistance in eradicating illiteracy in the Koran through the Iqra method. Initial observations through interviews with religious leaders and several communities stated that children were less interested in the Koran at TPQ because they had to queue for a long time at one Koran teacher so that they felt bored and ended up decreasing their concentration and enthusiasm for learning the Koran. This activity is divided into three classics, namely; Opening activities (early classics), core activities and closing activities (late classics). The existence of a place to learn the Koran at the KKN Post every night, becomes a means to gather and interact with each other, besides being a means to meet other children with one another, it is also very important for the children of Dodu Village. because with this learning facility it can increase knowledge to children, especially in terms of correct and precise reading of the Qur'an through learning Iqra. The existence of the KKN post as an alternative to learning the Koran is very beneficial for children who previously only spent their days playing and with busy parents who sometimes make children less attention from their parents