529 research outputs found


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    Ā Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penegakan hukum dalamĀ  penyelenggaran pemilihan umum anggota legislatif telah berjalan efektif dan upaya penanggulangan oleh BAWASLU dalam menangani kejahatan politik uang pada penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum anggota legislatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Politik Uang dalam Pemilihan Umum Calon Anggota Legislatif yaitu faktor undang-undang, faktor penegak hukum, dan faktor masyarakat. Upaya penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Politik Uang dalam Pemilihan yaitu upaya Pre-Emptif yakni pendidikan moral kepada masyarakat. Masyarakat harus tahu bagaimana politik uang dapat merusak moral bangsa, serta adanya hukum yang menjerat bagi penerima dan pemberi. Upaya Preventif yakni memetakan titik rawan yang diduga berpotensi terjadinya praktik politik uang sekaligus melakukan posko malam terutama pada tahapan masa tenang dan hari pemungutan suara yang sering digunakan oleh oknum-oknum tertentu untuk melakukan tindakan yang sering disebut dengan istilah serangan fajar. Serta upaya Represif yaitu penanganan dan tindak lanjutĀ  tindak pidana Pemilu segera di ekspos (digelar) dalam tim sentra Gakkumdu dan selanjutnya meneruskan kepada penyidik. Sentra Gakkumdu harus berjalan dan di berdayakan sebagai wadah koordinasi dan kerjasama semua unsur (Jaksa Penuntut Umum, Penyidik, dan Bawaslu).Kata-Kunci: Penegakan Hukum, Money Politic, Pemilihan UmumThis study aims to analyze law enforcement in the implementation of the general election for legislative members has been running effectively and the countermeasures by BAWASLU in dealing with money politics crimes in the holding of general elections for members of the legislature. This study uses empirical legal research methods. The results of this study are the factors that influence the law enforcement of criminal acts of money politics in the general election for legislative candidates, namely legal factors, law enforcement factors, and community factors. Efforts to tackle Crime of Money Politics in Elections, namely Pre-Emptive efforts, namely moral education to the public. The public must know how money politics can destroy the morale of the nation, as well as the existence of laws that ensnare both the recipient and the giver. Preventive measures, namely mapping the hot spots that are suspected of having the potential for money politics practices as well as conducting night posts, especially during the quiet period and voting day stages which are often used by certain individuals to carry out actions that are often referred to as dawn attacks. As well as repressive efforts, namely the handling and follow-up of election criminal acts immediately exposed (held) in the Gakkumdu center team and then forwarded to investigators. The Gakkumdu Center must operate and be empowered as a forum for coordination and cooperation of all elements (Public Prosecutors, Investigators, and Bawaslu).Keywords: Law Enforcement, Money Politic, General Electio

    Brexit: Pelajaran Bagi ASEAN

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    This paper discusses the Brexit phenomenon and lessons can be learned for ASEAN regional cooperation. Brexit or Britain Exit is the phenomenon when Britain ceased being a member of the European Union (EU). The main reason for British escape from the EU through referendum is immigrant issues. Besides, they are not too well informed about the EU and only see the negative impact of the EU on the UK. The conditions faced by the UK are essentially driven by single European market policy. So the flow of capital, goods, services, and workers can move freely in the EU member states. ASEAN has reached the similar level of integration through the AEC in 2015, therefore ASEAN should take lessons from the Brexit phenomenon since the same thing might happen to ASEAN. Knowledge or information of a regional cooperation is important to note for the ASEAN society to create mutual understanding among ASEAN community. Ignorance will result in fear and prejudice against particular policies of a regional cooperation. Tulisan ini membahas fenomena Brexit dan pelajaran yang bisa diambil oleh kerja sama regional ASEAN. Brexit atau Britain Exit merupakan fenomena keluarnya Inggris dari keanggotaan Uni Eropa. Isu imigran menjadi alasan utama masyarakat Inggris melakukan referendum untuk keluar dari Uni Eropa. Namun faktanya, warga Inggris sendiri tidak terlalu mengetahui apa itu Uni Eropa dan pendapat masyarakat Inggris justru melihat Uni Eropa membawa dampak negatif pada Inggris. Kondisi yang dihadapi Inggris pada dasarnya dipicu kebijakan single market sehingga arus modal, barang, jasa, dan pekerja dapat dengan bebas bergerak di negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa. ASEAN pada tahun 2015 mencapai tingkat integrasi yang hampir sama melalui ASEAN Economic Community, ASEAN harus dapat mengambil pelajaran dari fenomena Brexit bahwa hal yang sama mungkin terjadi di ASEAN. Pengetahuan atau informasi dari suatu kerja sama regional penting untuk diketahui bagi masyarakat di regional tersebut. Ketidaktahuan akan berakibat pada ketakutan dan prasangka terhadap kebijakan tertentu dari suatu kerja sama regional. ASEAN bisa saja menghadapi hal yang sama melalui AEC, sehingga Brexit memberikan pelajaran dan beberapa catatan bagi kerja sama regional ASEAN, tentang pentingnya pengetahuan terkait ASEAN kepada masyarakat ASEAN itu sendiri

    Parallel Fast Legendre Transform

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    We discuss a parallel implementation of a fast algorithm for the discrete polynomial Legendre transform We give an introduction to the DriscollHealy algorithm using polynomial arithmetic and present experimental results on the eciency and accuracy of our implementation The algorithms were implemented in ANSI C using the BSPlib communications library Furthermore we present a new algorithm for computing the Chebyshev transform of two vectors at the same tim

    Constitutionality of Open Legal Policy Making Law Number 3 of 2022 Concerning the State Capital in the Perspective of Siyasa Dusturiyyah

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    Open legal policy is a mandate provided by the constitution related to broad and flexible regulations. However, this policy has the potential to be misused by lawmakers when making policies for the public. Therefore, repositioning is needed by examining the extent of the boundaries of open legal policy in the making of the National Capital Law. This study aims to identify issues of open legal policy and evaluate the substance of the National Capital Law from the perspective of Siyasah Dusturiyyah. This research is a normative legal study using secondary data viewed from the perspective of Siyasah Dusturiyyah using a conceptual approach. The research found that Siyasah Dusturiyyah in the substance of the National Capital Law needs evaluation, considering several notes that the Nusantara Capital (IKN) will be led by the IKN Authority Head. The appointment of the IKN Authority Head is based on appointment, not regional head election, which is a violation of democracy because the appointment of IKN leaders is not through elections, which means not accommodating the right to voice and the right to choose from the people, which also violates Islamic law. This research concludes that the open legal policy in the National Capital Law, from the perspective of Siyasah Dusturiyyah, can be an alternative solution in each legislatorā€™s rules to ensure that the regulations made are in line to improve welfare and equalize the development in the regions. The involvement of local governments is needed to establish regional cooperation, involving community participation and the principles of openness and public interest. Keywords: constitutionality, open legal policy, ational capital, Siyasah Dusturiyya

    Burung Strata Bawah (Undestory) Di Hutan Pegunungan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (Tnks) Kerinci Jambi

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    Birds are one of the biological wealth owned by Indonesia. The structure of the lower strata of bird communities in tropical areas represent a very good system to see the difference in sensitivity between species for habitat variation in different scales. This study was conducted in January 2013 using the method of net Mist (mist nets) in the Kerinci National Park (TNKS). Birds that are found as many as 21 species to 83 people only order passerines with six families. The diversity of birds affected by many factors diantarannya abundance of epiphytes, an abundance of fruits, the openness of the forest floor and tree species composition. Generally mountainous forest area will have a relatively high number of species ang

    Peran Guru dalam Mengimplementasikan Kurikulum 2013 di Sekolah

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    The 2013 curriculum is a pedagogical framework that aims to improve the quality of education in Indonesia by emphasizing the development of students' character, skills and knowledge. The role of teachers in implementing the 2013 Curriculum in schools is crucial in ensuring the success of providing education in accordance with the objectives of the curriculum. This study aims to investigate the role of teachers in the process of implementing the 2013 Curriculum in schools. Qualitative research methods were used by conducting in-depth interviews with a number of teachers in various schools. The results of the analysis show that the teacher's role in implementing the 2013 Curriculum involves several main aspects. However, there are challenges faced by teachers in implementing the 2013 Curriculum, such as limited resources, uneven understanding of the new curriculum, and paradigm changes in learning approaches. Further efforts are needed to support teachers in carrying out their role effectively in implementing the 2013 Curriculum, including more intensive training, strong leadership support at the school level, as well as increasing available resources

    Enhancing the Solubility of Indrapuri Clay (Local ā€œKieseriteā€Fertilizer)

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    Study on enhancing the solubility of clay containing magnesium of localproduction (Indrapuri) has been conducted. The clay is commercially available and named as ā€œkieseriteā€ produced by local companies. The sample was taken randomly from fertilizer shops and analysed with AAS and XRF methods. XRF data of local kieserite showed the dominated chemical content; MgO(33.19%); SiO2(33.11%); CaO(1.90%);Al2O3 (5.77%) and Fe2O3(6.32%). The MgO content is higher than that of magnesium sulphate monohydrate (CAS No.: 14168-73-1) which is only 28%. The concentration of soluble magnesium ions of local kieserite naturally soluble was 0.0186% which is very low compared with the soluble magnesium of magnesium sulphate monohydrate (CAS No.:14168-73-1) which is 25%. The Enhancing the magnesium solubility was done by soaking the local kieseriteinto 0.1-0.5M HNO3 before neutralized with NH4OH or mixing the local kieserite with in alluvial, entisol, red-yellow-podsolik (RYP) soils with and without addition of 0.1-0.5M of (NH4)2SO4. The amount of dissolved magnesium of kieserite was found morein entisol soil than the other type of soils. The concentration increased up between 0.59-1.00% along with the incrementof (NH4)2SO4 concentration (0.1-0.5 M). Both in entisol soil and in 0.1 M of (NH4)2SO4, the dissolved magnesium ion increased up to 0.825% but decreased at higher concentration of (NH4)2SO
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