23 research outputs found

    Analysed DNA sequences

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    All the sequences analysed in the study in FASTA format. The name includes the MOTU number, the sequence identification number and the species or genus level identification

    General features of the terminal phase and dip pattern measured during piscivorous and insectivorous individuals attacks on the stationary and temporary targets.

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    <p>(A) Differences in the stationary target attack features between piscivorous and insectivorous individuals (<i>N</i> = 151), (B) differences in the temporary target attack features between piscivorous and insectivorous individuals (<i>N</i> = 154) and (C) statistical tests between stationary and temporary target attack features in each group. <i>Entire feet insertion</i> refers to the relative proportion of attacks where the entire feet were inserted into the water. The detailed measurements of dip depth are shown in the supporting information <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0167164#pone.0167164.s002" target="_blank">S2 Fig</a>. <i>Feet-mouth movement</i> is a binary measure of whether bats move or not the head toward the tail membrane/feet after the capture attempt.</p

    Elevational distribution of the moth prey species identified in faeces.

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    <p>a) Number of identified prey species present in each elevational range; b) elevational ranges of each prey identified at species level in South Europe. Species with wide elevational ranges are drawn in light green, orophilous-alpine species in yellow, and strictly alpine species in magenta. Bibliographic sources are given in the main text.</p

    Uusien sukupolvien rekrytointi ja sitouttaminen sote-alalle ei ole mahdotonta

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    Turun ammattikorkeakoulun Master Schoolissa tarkastelimme median ja kirjallisuuden luomia väitteitä Y- ja Z- sukupolvien työmotivaatiosta, johtamisen haasteista, rekrytoinnista ja sitouttamisesta sosiaali- ja terveysalan näkökulmasta. Selvitimme, kuinka Y-sukupolven edustajia eli milleniaaleja saadaan pidettyä sosiaali- ja terveysalalla sekä miten seuraavaksi aikuistuvia, Z-sukupolven edustajia eli diginatiiveja, saataisiin houkuteltua alalle. Tulosten pohjalta loimme tukimateriaalin organisaation johdon, rekrytointityöryhmän ja lähiesimiesten käyttöön. Lisäksi kehitimme yksinkertaisen mallin Y- ja Z-sukupolven rekrytoimisen, sitouttamisen ja johtamisen avuksi

    Foraging habitats of the prey species identified in faeces.

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    <p>a) Number of identified prey species foraging in each habitat type; b) habitat types used by each identified prey species in South Europe. Used habitats are drawn in black. Bibliographic sources are given in the main text.</p

    Illustrative spectrograms of the terminal echolocation phase.

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    <p>(A-B) Insectivorous and piscivorous individuals exhibit almost identical echolocation patterns when attacking stationary targets. In both cases the number of <i>buzz I</i> pulses is slightly higher than the number of <i>buzz II</i> pulses. (C) Insectivorous individuals vary their echolocation pattern minimally when attacking temporary targets, maintaining the number of <i>buzz I</i> pulses, and slightly decreasing the number of <i>buzz II</i> pulses. (D) In contrast, piscivorous individuals noticeably decrease the number of <i>buzz II</i> pulses while increasing the number of <i>buzz I</i> pulses when attacking temporary targets with respect to attacks upon stationary targets.</p

    Unveiling the Hidden Bat Diversity of a Neotropical Montane Forest - Fig 4

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    <p>(A) Consensus Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood (ML) radial phylogenetic tree of mitochondrial COI barcode sequences (657 bp) of phyllostomid species. Node colors indicate average values of posterior probabilities (Bayesian) and the bootstrap percentages (ML). Numbers indicate the number of individuals in each tip, which cannot be appreciated due to scale. Note that the branch-length of the output taxon <i>Artibeus jamaicensis</i> has been cut for scale reasons. A more detailed tree is available as supplementary material. (B) Median-joining network of <i>Sturnira burtonlimi</i> and <i>Sturnira ludovici sensu lato</i> haplotypes. Yellow dots indicate actual haplotypes, while red dots missing intermediate haplotypes. Dot size indicates the number of individuals sharing a certain haplotype. The color of connecting lines indicates genetic distance in number of nucleotide polymorphisms. Note that the spatial resolution of the haplotype locations is approximate (country level).</p

    Sagittae otoliths of cyprinodontiform species in Dénia.

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    <p>(A) <i>Aphanius iberus</i>, (B) <i>Valencia hispanica</i>, (C) <i>Gambusia holbrooki</i>. (D–E) Sample of otoliths in <i>Myotis capaccinii</i> feces. All images are at the same scale.</p