315 research outputs found

    Getting Started in Teach Law: How to Build Your Career

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    Conflicts of National Security Interests in East Asia and the Pacific: At the Turn of the Twenty-First Century

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    Introduction. With Korea, Vietnam and the Gull War as bloody memories of the past, East Asia and the Pacific enters a new era of international relations with the turn to the 21st Century. The entire region, and the rest of the world, breathes more freely because the cold war in its passing has taken with it the imminent danger of a nuclear holocaust. Never has the time been more propitious for a reexamination of conflicts of national security interests in East Asia, with special attention to the role of the United States. It is the purpose of this study to analyze successively the strategic situation in Northeast Asia, China, Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific with a view to finding more effective policies and strategies for peace, stability and prosperity


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    本研究は、開示相手を親しい友人と一般的な友人、そして顔見知り程度の友人に分けて大学生の友人関係における自己開示の様相を探る。 さらに、孤独感との関連を把握することで、どのような友人にどのような内容の開示をすることが孤独感低減に役立つかを明らかにする。大学生107名(男性51名、女性56名)に質問紙調査を行った。その結果、男性女性共に、同性に対する自己開示は、親友>友人>顔見知り程度の友人であったが、異性に対する自己開示は、友人>親友≒顔見知り程度の友人であった。量的な違いはあるが、開示しやすい側面と開示しにくい側面は、ほぼ同じ傾向であった。また、どの開示相手、どの開示側面においても同性>異性であった。男女の性差は、同性の親友・友人の開示量は男性<女性であり、異性の親友の開示量は女性<男性であった。孤独感との関係は、男性の場合、開示側面は違うが、同性の親友、同性の友人に開示している人ほど孤独感が低いことが分かった。女性の場合、向性の親友に開示している人ほど孤独感が低いことが分かった。同性の顔見知り程度の友人の場合は、開示している人ほど孤独感が高いことが分かつた


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    A questionnaire survey was conducted to evaluate university student volunteer activities in schools and nursery schools. Sixty seven teachers and 24 students were asked to respond to 35 questions using a five point scale. The total averages were relatively high for both teachers and students, indicating that they evaluated the activities positively. A factor analysis found that 34 of the questions, or all except for one regarding general evaluation, were grouped into the following five factors: effectiveness, growth, behavior, coordination, and goal.原著Original国立情報学研究所で電子

    学生運動後の時代における自我同一性について : 作家大崎善生を巡る考察

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    Towards an evidence‐base for student wellbeing and mental health : definitions, developmental transitions and data sets

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    Against a background of huge changes in the world of university and college students since the turn of the millennium, together with a multitude of reports on student mental health/wellbeing, this article argues that the field of student mental health is hampered by the imprecise use of terms, a rush to action by universities in the absence of a robust evidence‐base, and a lack of overall coordination and collaboration in the collection and use of data. In response, we argue for clearer and more consistent use of definitions of, as well as differentiations between, student wellbeing and mental health, for a longitudinal approach to the student body that captures their developmental transitions to and through university, and a strategic and systematic approach to the use of bona fide measures in the collection of data on wellbeing and on the process of outcomes in embedded university counselling services. Such a coordinated approach will provide the necessary evidence‐base upon which to develop and deliver appropriate support and interventions to underpin and enhance the quality of students’ lives and learning while at university or college