324 research outputs found

    Designing theoretically-informed implementation interventions.

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    Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Ontario Ministry of Healt

    Cuines millorades per a ús domèstic a Xina

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    Los principales combustibles que se usan para cocinar y calentarse en la China rural - madera y residuos de cosechas- tienen efectos perjudiciales sobre la salud, y la calidad de vida en general, de las personas y los ecosistemas. Esta y otras razones han motivado que se pongan en marcha programas para mejorar el bienestar de las poblaciones rurales. Uno de estos programas es el National Improved Stove Program, cuyo objetivo es dotar a las viviendas rurales de cocinas de biomasa más eficientes. Este artículo se propone mostrar los beneficios para la salud, la equidad, el medioambiente y la economía de la implantación de cocinas mejoradas.Els principals combustibles que s'usen per a cuinar i escalfar-se en la Xina rural - fusta i residus de collites- tenen efectes perjudicials sobre la salut, i la qualitat de vida en general, de les persones i els ecosistemes. Esta i altres raons han motivat que es posen en marxa programes per a millorar el benestar de les poblacions rurals. Un d'estos programes és el National Improved Stove Program, l'objectiu del qual és dotar a les habitatges rurals de cuines de biomassa més eficients. Aquest article es proposa mostrar els beneficis per a la salut, l'equitat, el mediambient i l'economia de la implantació de cuines millorades.Peer Reviewe

    Literature review linking food safety and nutrition

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    Integrating food safety and nutrition for improved health and wellbeing: A new lens on food system frameworks

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    Nigeria policy, monitoring systems analysis and stakeholder mapping report

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    Review of measures and indicators for food safety performance

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    Global review of consumer and vendor perspectives on food safety

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    Perspectives on food safety: A review of ethnographic studies

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    From Theory to Intervention: Mapping Theoretically Derived Behavioural Determinants to Behaviour Change Techniques

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    Theory provides a helpful basis for designing interventions to change behaviour but offers little guidance on how to do this. This paper aims to illustrate methods for developing an extensive list of behaviour change techniques (with definitions) and for linking techniques to theoretical constructs. A list of techniques and definitions was generated from techniques published in two systematic reviews, supplemented by "brainstorming" and a systematic search of nine textbooks used in training applied psychologists. Inter-rater reliability of extracting the techniques and definitions from the textbooks was assessed. Four experts judged which techniques would be effective in changing 11 theoretical constructs associated with behaviour change. Thirty-five techniques identified in the reviews were extended to 53 by brainstorming and to 137 by consulting textbooks. Agreement for the 53 definitions was 74.7 per cent (15.4% cells completed and 59.3% cells empty for both raters). Agreement about the link between the 35 techniques and theoretical constructs was 71.7 per cent of 385 judgments (12.2% agreement that effective and 59.5% agreement that not effective). This preliminary work demonstrates the possibility of developing a comprehensive, reliable taxonomy of techniques linked to theory. Further refinement is needed to eliminate redundancies, resolve uncertainties, and complete technique definitions.Institute of Applied Health Sciences, Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directive, NHS NIHR Academic Unit Fundin