481 research outputs found

    Suunnittelijan pätevyysvaatimukset geotekniikassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Kandidaatintyössä perehdyttiin suunnittelijan pätevyysvaatimuksiin geotekniikassa. Työssä käydään läpi kansallisten suunnittelijan pätevyysvaatimuksien lisäksi Oulun yliopiston rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikan tutkinto-ohjelman kurssitarjonnassa tällä hetkellä olevia kursseja, joita opiskelija voisi hyödyntää pätevyyksiin vaadittavissa teoriaopinnoissa. Pätevyysvaatimuksia verrataan lopuksi vielä Ruotsin tilanteeseen. Tavoitteena on saada tietoa siitä, mitä erityisesti geotekniikassa yleisimpien suunnittelupätevyyksien saavuttaminen vaatii. Työssä keskitytään viiteen alalla olennaisimpaan pätevyyteen: infrakohteiden pohjarakenteiden, pohjarakenteiden, betonirakenteiden, teräsrakenteiden ja puurakenteiden suunnittelija. Suunnittelijan pätevyyksille on olemassa vaativuusluokat tavanomainen, vaativa (V ja V+) sekä poikkeuksellisen vaativa, johon tässä työssä keskitytään. Pätevyydet perustuvat maankäyttö- ja rakennuslakiin sekä sitä täydentäviin erilaisiin asetuksiin ja ohjeisiin. FISE on suomalainen henkilöpätevyyspalvelu, jota kautta henkilöt voivat hakea itselleen soveltuvaa pätevyyttä, jonka FISEn lautakunnat arvioivat heille toimitettavien dokumenttien pohjalta. Pätevyyden toteamisen edellytyksenä on riittävä koulutus ja opintosuoritukset sekä työkokemus. Poikkeuksellisen vaativia pätevyyksiä haettaessa vaaditaan vähintään 45 opintopistettä kullekin pätevyydelle ominaisia opintoja. Lisäksi pätevyydet vaativat työkokemusta suunnittelusta vähintään 10 vuoden ajalta kyseisen pätevyyden alaisista tehtävistä. Tähän kokemukseen täytyy kuitenkin sisältyä suunnittelutehtäviä vähintään 6 vuoden ajalta vaativan tai vaativa+-luokan tasolta. Työn kokeellisessa osiossa käytiin läpi tämänhetkinen kurssitarjonta ja opintoja pyrittiin taulukoimaan pätevyysvaatimuksien mukaisesti. Lisäksi selvitettiin Ruotsin tilannetta ja pyrittiin saamaan selville, onko heillä vastaava tapa myöntää suunnittelijoille pätevyyksiä. Ruotsissa pätevällä suunnittelijalla ei vaadita olevan sertifikaatteja eikä muita todisteita, vaan suunnittelijoiden tekemät suunnitelmat käydään läpi kunnan rakennuslautakunnassa. Rakennuslautakunnassa järjestetään tekninen neuvonta, jossa suunnitelmat käydään läpi ja sen pohjalta myönnetään lupa aloittaa rakennustyöt. Haasteena tässä on kuitenkin se, että julkisessa sääntelyssä ei käsitellä laadunvalvonnan tarvetta ja täten kunnan rakennuslautakunnassa olevien henkilöiden ammattitaidolla on suuri merkitys laadunvalvonnassa.Designer’s competence requirements in geotechnics. Abstract. The bachelors’ thesis subject is designer’s qualifications requirements in geotechnics. The thesis will go through the national design competence requirements as well as the courses currently offered in the University of Oulu’s degree programme in civil engineering, which the applicant for the qualification can use in the theory studies required for the qualifications. At the end of thesis, the qualification requirements are compared with the situation in Sweden. The goal is to gain information about what is required to achieve the most common designer qualifications in geotechnics. In this thesis we will focus on five most relevant qualifications in the field: infra ground structures designer, ground structures designer, concrete structures designer, steel structures designer and wood structures designer. For the designer’s qualifications, there are categories of complexity: usual, demanding, demanding+ and exceptionally demanding, which is the focus category in this thesis. The qualifications are based on the Land Use and Building Act and various supplementary regulations and instructions. FISE is a Finnish personal qualification service where people can apply for suitable qualifications, which is evaluated by FISE’s boards based on the documents delivered to them. The prerequisite for the ascertaining of qualifications is adequate education and credits as well as work experience. When applying for exceptionally demanding qualifications, at least 45 credits of studies specific to each qualification. Also, the qualifications require work experience in planning for at least 10 years in the tasks under the relevant qualification. This work experience must include also design tasks for at least 6 years at the demanding or demanding+ class level. In the experimental part of the work, the current course offering was reviewed, and an effort was made to tabulate the studies in accordance with the qualification requirements. Also, the situation in Sweden was investigated and an effort was made to find out if they have a similar way of awarding qualifications to designers. In Sweden a qualified designer is not required to have certificates or other evidence, but the plans made by designers are reviewed by the municipality’s building board. The building board organizes a technical consultation, where the plans are reviewed and based on that, permission is granted to start construction work. The challenge here is that public regulations do not deal with the need for quality control, and thus the professional skills of the people in the municipality’s building committee play a major role in quality control

    A Bibliometric Study on Authorship Trends and Research Themes in Knowledge Management Literature

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IFKAD via the link in this record.The aim of the study is to identify the contribution of authors in the domain of Knowledge Management (KM). The underlying data is from two leading KM journals, namely, the Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) and the Journal of Intellectual Capital (JIC). We downloaded articles from Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS),with JKM and JIC-specific searches resulting in 508 and 73 citing articles respectively. The timeframe of analysis was 2009-2016. This dataset was used to create co-citation network visualisations to provide insights into the clusters of authors and research topics. Measures such as Betweenness centrality and hubs-authorities (HITS) were used to identify significant authors and their key themes of interest. More specifically, network analysis identified six dominant research themes, it revealed a total of 14,422 authors being cited (depicted as nodes in the visualisation) with a total of 1,023,123 citations (edges). Based on the findings of this study, the paper will explore the specific themes and the intellectual turning points in KM research and its evolution. Our bibliometric analysis has practical significance for researchers since it recognises the dominant research areas, and by extension, it identifies those that are still in their infancy; the latter having the potential of representing an interesting research gap. The limitation of the study is that the underlying data is only from two journals (albeit, from the top two journals in KM), which may lead to partially biased results. In future, the aim is to also leverage the analysis to more KM journals, e.g., the top ten journals within the Serenko & Bontis (2013) most updated list

    Biosynthesis of γ-aminobutyric acid by lactic acid bacteria in surplus bread and its use in bread making

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of bread as substrate for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) biosynthesis, establishing a valorization strategy for surplus bread, repurposing it within the food chain. Methods and results: Surplus bread was fermented by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to produce GABA. Pediococcus pentosaceus F01, Levilactobacillus brevis MRS4, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum H64 and C48 were selected among 33 LAB strains for the ability to synthesize GABA. Four fermentation experiments were set up using surplus bread as such, added of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes, modifying the pH or mixed with wheat bran. Enzyme-treated slurries led to the release of glucose (up to 20 mg g-1 ) and free amino acid, whereas the addition of wheat bran (30% of bread weight) yielded the highest GABA content (circa 800 mg kg-1 of dry weight) and was the most suitable substrate for LAB growth. The selected slurry was ultimately used as an ingredient in bread making causing an increase in free amino acids. Conclusions: Besides the high GABA concentration (148 mg kg-1 dough), the experimental bread developed in this study was characterized by good nutritional properties, highlighting the efficacy of tailored bioprocessing technologies as means to mitigate food wastage. Significance and impact of study: Our results represent a proof of concept of effective strategies to repurpose food industry side streams

    Sivu kääntyy -opetuskokonaisuus osana alakouluikäisten turvataitokasvatusta

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    Tiivistelmä. Koulukontekstissa turvataitokasvatuksen näkökulmasta merkittäviä ovat lasten väliset vertaissuhteet, joihin kietoutuu satuttavaa toimintaa, kuten häirintää. Turvataitokasvatuksen avulla pyritään edistämään lasten sosiaalisissa suhteissa ilmenevää turvallisuutta ja sen kokemusta. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on perehtyä Oulun yliopiston tutkimushankkeen luomaan Sivu kääntyy -opetuskokonaisuuteen osana alakouluissa toteutettavaa turvataitokasvatusta. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitämme Sivu kääntyy -opetuskokonaisuuden kytkeytymistä alakouluikäisten turvataitokasvatukseen perehtymällä sen reunaehtoihin sekä tutkimalla, mihin turvataitokasvatuksen sisältöihin se linkittyy lasten jakamia kokemuksia tarkasteltaessa. Tarkoituksenamme on tarjota tutkittu ja viimeistelty työkalu turvataitokasvatuksen toteuttamisen tueksi kasvatusalan ammattilaisille. Laadullisin menetelmin toteutettu tutkielmamme hyödyntää monimenetelmäistä tutkimusstrategiaa, jossa yhdistyvät yhteistoiminnalliset luovat ja taidelähtöiset menetelmät. Aineisto on kerätty keväällä 2022 eräässä pohjoissuomalaisessa alakoulussa kahdessa 4. luokassa. Aineisto koostuu lasten tuottamista muistilapuista ja kirjan sivuista sekä osallistavan havainnoinnin pohjalta luoduista kenttämuistiinpanoista. Tutkimusaineisto on analysoitu hyödyntäen aineistolähtöistä ja teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä sekä teemoittelua. Turvataitokasvatuksen pedagogisen vakiintumattomuuden sekä tutkimuksellisen tuoreuden vuoksi loimme turvataitokasvatusmateriaalien pohjalta sisältöjaottelun, jonka puitteissa tutkimme mihin turvataitokasvatuksen sisältöihin opetuskokonaisuus kiinnittyy. Tuloksista käy ilmi, että Sivu kääntyy -opetuskokonaisuus kytkeytyy lasten jakamien kokemusten perusteella erityisesti vuorovaikutus- ja käyttäytymistaitojen sekä selviytymistaitojen sisältöalueisiin. Lasten kokemukset kietoutuivat muun muassa yhteistyön tekemiseen, luotettavuuteen, rakentavaan kommunikointiin sekä rajojen kunnioittamiseen. Reunaehtojen puitteissa opetuskokonaisuuden mahdollisuudet painottuvat sen joustavuuteen, taidelähtöisyyteen sekä muokattavissa oleviin tuokioihin. Haasteita puolestaan esiintyi erityisesti tuokioiden toistuvuudessa sekä keskustelutehtävissä. Tutkielmamme hyödyt kulminoituvat lasten turvallisuuden sekä oikeuksien toteutumisen edistämiseen. Lisäksi tartumme rohkealla tavalla vähäntutkittuun tutkimuskenttään kehittämällä alakoulujen turvataitokasvatusta. Tutkielmamme avulla luomme uutta teoriapohjaa turvataitokasvatusmateriaalien sisällöistä sekä tutkimme keinoja, joiden puitteissa turvataitokasvatuksen teemoja voidaan lähestyä taidelähtöisten menetelmien avulla yhdessä lasten kanssa

    Cognitively-inspired Agent-based Service Composition for Mobile & Pervasive Computing

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    Automatic service composition in mobile and pervasive computing faces many challenges due to the complex and highly dynamic nature of the environment. Common approaches consider service composition as a decision problem whose solution is usually addressed from optimization perspectives which are not feasible in practice due to the intractability of the problem, limited computational resources of smart devices, service host's mobility, and time constraints to tailor composition plans. Thus, our main contribution is the development of a cognitively-inspired agent-based service composition model focused on bounded rationality rather than optimality, which allows the system to compensate for limited resources by selectively filtering out continuous streams of data. Our approach exhibits features such as distributedness, modularity, emergent global functionality, and robustness, which endow it with capabilities to perform decentralized service composition by orchestrating manifold service providers and conflicting goals from multiple users. The evaluation of our approach shows promising results when compared against state-of-the-art service composition models.Comment: This paper will appear on AIMS'19 (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Services) on June 2

    Osteoarthritis Disease Severity in the Temporomandibular Joint and the Knee Joint: A Comparative Cadaveric Study

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the level of disease severity in a pilot cohort of temporomandibular joints (TMJs) and compare them to the pathology findings previously characterized in cadaveric knee joints. DESIGN: Thirty-one intact TMJs from 17 cadaveric donors were harvested and arthritic lesioning seen in the knee joint was investigated on the condyle and the fossa of the TMJ. Prevalence of gross alterations was equated and disease severity was determined for sex- and age-based donor pools using a validated, osteoarthritis (OA) disease severity scale (DSS). Knee joint DSS scores were also compared to the TMJ condyle and fossa DSS scores and a case study was carried out on a male donor that demonstrated severe OA in the both joints. RESULTS: The mandibular fossa demonstrated an increase in disease severity compared to the mandibular condyle in a mixed sex donor pool ( CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that gross signs of OA in the TMJs of cadavers are comparable to pathology found in the knee. The mandibular fossa appears to be the site of more profound disease, implying translational movements may be more likely to induce biomechanically abnormal movement, loading, and OA

    Clinical Spectrum and Geographic Distribution of Keratitis Fugax Hereditaria Caused by the Pathogenic Variant c.61G>C in NLRP3

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)PURPOSE: To chart clinical findings in individuals with keratitis fugax hereditaria (KFH) and the geographic distribution of their ancestors. DESIGN: A prospective cross-sectional study. METHODS: This study took place in a tertiary referral center with a cohort of 84 Finnish patients (55% female) from 25 families with the pathogenic nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich repeat (NLR) family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) variant c.61G>C. Observation procedures and main outcome measures were Sanger sequencing, clinical examination, corneal imaging, and a questionnaire regarding symptoms, quality of life, treatment, and comorbidities. RESULTS: The oldest members in each family were born in Ostrobothnia in Western Finland or in Southwestern Finland with historical ties to Sweden. One carrier was asymptomatic. Most (77%, 46/60) experienced their first attack between age 6 and 20 years. Three-quarters had unilateral attacks 3 to 5 times annually, primarily triggered by cold wind or air, or stress. Eighty percent (48/60) reported ocular pain (median, 7 on scale 1-10), conjunctival injection, photophobia, foreign body sensation, and tearing during attacks. Visual blur occurred in 75% (45/60) and 91% (55/60) during and after the attack, respectively, for a median of 10 days (range, 1 day-2 months). Forty-seven percent (39/60) had corneal oval opacities with irregular tomography patterns and mild to moderate decrease (20/60 or better) in best-corrected visual acuity that improved with scleral contact lenses. Except for headache in 40%, systemic symptoms were absent during the attacks. CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms and signs of KFH are restricted to the anterior segment of the eye and vary widely between individuals. We recommend scleral contact lenses as the first-line treatment for reduced vision. Allele frequencies suggest that KFH goes unrecognized in Sweden and populations with Scandinavian heritage.Peer reviewe

    Probabilistic Verification at Runtime for Self-Adaptive Systems

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    An effective design of effective and efficient self-adaptive systems may rely on several existing approaches. Software models and model checking techniques at run time represent one of them since they support automatic reasoning about such changes, detect harmful configurations, and potentially enable appropriate (self-)reactions. However, traditional model checking techniques and tools may not be applied as they are at run time, since they hardly meet the constraints imposed by on-the-fly analysis, in terms of execution time and memory occupation. For this reason, efficient run-time model checking represents a crucial research challenge. This paper precisely addresses this issue and focuses on probabilistic run-time model checking in which reliability models are given in terms of Discrete Time Markov Chains which are verified at run-time against a set of requirements expressed as logical formulae. In particular, the paper discusses the use of probabilistic model checking at run-time for self-adaptive systems by surveying and comparing the existing approaches divided in two categories: state-elimination algorithms and algebra-based algorithms. The discussion is supported by a realistic example and by empirical experiments

    Wooden breast myopathy links with poorer gait in broiler chickens

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    Wooden breast myopathy, a condition where broiler breast muscles show a hardened consistency post-mortem, has been described recently. However, it is not known how wooden breast myopathy affects the bird activity or welfare. Altogether, over 340 birds of five commonly used commercial hybrids were housed in 25 pens, and sample birds killed at ages of 22, 32, 36, 39 and 43 days. Their breast muscle condition was assessed post-mortem by palpation. The birds were gait scored and their latency to lie was measured before killing. For further behavior observations, one affected and healthy bird in 12 pens were followed on 5 days for 20 minutes using video recordings. The connection of myopathy to gait score and activity was analyzed with mixed models. A higher gait score of wooden-breast-affected birds than that of unaffected birds (2.9 +/- 0.1 v. 2.6 +/- 0.1, P <0.05) indicated a higher level of locomotor difficulties over all age groups. The wooden-breast-affected birds had fewer crawling or movement bouts while lying down compared with unaffected (P <0.05). Wooden breast myopathy-affected birds were heavier (2774 +/- 91 v. 2620 +/- 91 g; P <0.05) and had higher breast muscle yield (21 +/- 1 v. 19 +/- 1%; P <0.05) than unaffected birds overall. Older birds had longer lying bouts, longer total lying time, fewer walking bouts, more difficulties to walk and to stand compared with younger birds (P <0.05). Birds with poorer gait had longer total lying time and fewer walking bouts (P <0.05). Birds with greatest breast muscle yield had the largest number of lying bouts (P <0.05). It was concluded that wooden breast myopathy was associated with an impairment of gait scores, and may thus be partly linked to the common walking abnormalities in broilers.Peer reviewe