1,014 research outputs found


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    The general goal of this study is to better understand South Carolina coastal tourism. The region of study includes the coastal counties of Horry, Charleston, and Beaufort (and Georgetown, Berkeley, Dorchester, and Jasper counties for the economic impact analysis). This study includes two types of analyses: a regression analysis of visitors\u27 expenditures and an economic impact analysis of tourist spending. The empirical visitors\u27 expenditure models are specified using economic consumer demand theory. The regression analysis of the model is conducted using data from a tourist survey of 818 South Carolina visitors (conduced in fall 2008 and summer 2009). The activity participation data from the survey was used as explanatory dummy variables in the regression analysis, mapped with IMPLAN sectors, and used in proportional estimates of tourism spending in the economic impact analysis. The economic impact analysis uses the survey data on activity participation and overall tourism estimates by region from the U.S. Travel Association (2009) to estimate the impacts of tourism spending on industries in the Horry (Horry and Georgetown counties), Charleston (Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester counties) and Beaufort (Beaufort and Jasper counties) regions. The regression results show number of people, number of nights, and coastal activities are the most determinant of visitors\u27 expenditures in all regions. The economic impact analysis shows that a 10% increase in visitors\u27 expenditure shock results in a 2% increase in employment in the Horry region, 0.6% in the Charleston region, and 1.1% in the Beaufort region. The substitution shock examines the effects of an increase outdoor activity spending and a decrease in entertainment activity spending. This shock generated negative total employment impacts for all industry sectors, with the exception of the agriculture and trade sectors. Additionally, the overall Horry regional economy sees a net loss in economic impacts as a result of the shock

    Evaluation of a latency-based competing stimulus assessment (LBCSA)

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    [EMBARGOED UNTIL 6/1/2023] A competing stimulus assessment (CSA) is used in the treatment of automatically maintained problem behavior to identify items that compete with the sensory consequences that are associated with the targeted problem behavior. The proposed study aims to evaluate a more efficient means of conducting a CSA by evaluating the effectiveness of a latency-based competing stimulus assessment (LBCSA). During the LBCSA, a therapist presented potential competing stimuli to the participants, and contingent on the occurrence of problem behavior the session was terminated. The results of this study indicated that the items identified as long latency to problem behavior were effective in competing with the hypothesized sensory consequences relative to items identified as short latency to problem behavior for two out of three participants. Subsequently, the LBCSA effectively increased the efficiency of evaluating competing stimuli by systematically decreasing the amount of time it took to evaluate these items.Includes bibliographical references

    Orientation Handbooks for Incoming Junior High Students and Their Parents for Winlock School District Number 232

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    The purpose of this project is to develop for Winlock School District, a handbook for student and parent orientation into seventh grade. The project will include: 1) A review of recent trends and literature in the area of student and parent orientation; 2) a plan for implementation of the handbook; 3) handbooks for students and parents; and 4) an evaluation of the success of the handbooks

    Leadership through Collaborative Strategic Planning: One School’s Journey

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    Educational administrators, school board members, and policy makers have been mandated to account for the learning and performance of the highly diverse students that comprise today’s classrooms. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2002 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA 2004) have presented a set of challenges for educating all children using data-driven decisions in a standards-based curriculum with culturally responsive practices. These mandates from federal and state legislation demand a change in administrative culture. These challenges require school personnel to develop plans to adjust their practices to meet the academic and behavioral needs of all students. Additionally, federal and state laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) to meet rigorous standards and provide evidence of progress through academic yearly progress (AYP) reports

    Insect Immunity: From Systemic to Chemosensory Organs Protection

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    Insects are confronted to a wide range of infectious microorganisms. Tissues in direct contact with the environment, such as olfactory organs, are particularly exposed to pathogens. We review here the immune mechanisms operating in insects to control infections. Experiments conducted on the model organism Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) have provided genetic evidence that insects rely on both cellular and humoral mechanisms to control infections. Once epithelial barriers have been breached, circulating or membrane-associated innate immunity receptors trigger signaling in the fat body and lead to secretion of high concentrations of antimicrobial peptides active on fungi and bacteria in the hemolymph. This induced response involves the evolutionarily conserved Toll and immune deficiency (IMD) signaling pathways, which promote nuclear translocation of transcription factors of the NF-κB family. In addition, different subsets of differentiated blood cells or hemocytes can neutralize bacteria, fungi or parasites by phagocytosis, production of microbicidal compounds, or encapsulation. An alternative to mount costly immune responses is to sense pathogens through chemosensory cues and avoid them. Interestingly, some families of molecules, including the Toll receptors, participate in both olfaction and immunity.Online ISBN 978-3-030-05165-

    Über das transgressive Moment in der weiblichen Performance

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht drei Größen zusammenzudenken: Den weiblichen Körper, die Performance Art und die Transgression. Ausgangspunkt war die Frage nach transgressiven Strategien in der weiblichen Performance Art, hinzu kommt der historische Aspekt und damit die Frage, inwiefern sich die Voraussetzungen für (feministische) Körperkunst durch neue (Medien-) Bedingungen verändert haben. Auch von Bedeutung ist dabei die Frage nach dem transformatorischen Potential der performativen Kunst. In sieben theoretischen Kapiteln wird versucht eine Antwort auf diese Fragen zu geben. Am Anfang steht die Betrachtung performativer Kunst. Es wird geklärt, inwiefern sich diese in Richtung Theater und bildende Kunst abgrenzen lässt und ob sie transgressive Strategien eventuell bevorzugt behandelt. In einem weiteren grundlegenden Kapitel wird auf die Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte des nackten, weiblichen Körpers eingegangen. In einem dritten Kapitel wird schließlich das Phänomen der Transgression auf einer sehr abstrakten Ebene behandelt; seine philosophischen Ursprünge werden untersucht. Die darauf folgenden Kapitel widmen sich der Darstellung unterschiedlicher Körperkonzepte, die mit transgressivem Verhalten in Verbindung gebracht werden können: Die Vorstellung eines organlosen Körpers von Gilles Deleuze und Félix Guattari wird befragt, daran anknüpfend wird mit Didier Anzieu über die Verbindung von Haut und menschlicher Psyche nachgedacht: Die Haut wird dabei als Schauplatz der Transgression inszeniert. In einem weiteren Kapitel wird der Körper als eine Schnittstelle gezeigt; das Verhältnis von Mensch und Maschine wird untersucht. Das führt zu der Betrachtung körperverändernder Maßnahmen und der Frage, inwiefern das industriell hergestellte Bild eines perfekten Körpers den tatsächlichen Körper Zwängen unterwirft. An diese theoretische Abhandlung anschließend werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit vier unterschiedliche Performances analysiert: Den Anfang macht Doris Uhlichs „mehr als genug“, der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Möglichkeit ästhetische Normen zu überschreiten. Eine zweite transgressive Strategie ergibt sich aus dem direkten Einsatz des weiblichen Körpers, beispielsweise in „Magical“ von Anne Juren und Annie Dorsen, vor allem in deren Rückbezug auf frühere Performances aus den 60er und 70er Jahren. Auch „37 Jahre zu spät – Die Show“, eine Lecture von Andrea Salzmann und Julia Kläring funktioniert nur auf der Folie einer früheren Arbeit, sie beziehen sich auf Gina Panes Aktion „Autoportraits“. Die letzte innerhalb dieser Arbeit behandelte Performance wurde von Doris Stelzer konzipiert; sie hinterfragt in „gender jungle – wo/man“ die Fixierung von Geschlechtsidentitäten über die Wiederholung von Bewegungsmustern. Insgesamt versucht diese Arbeit einen Überblick über unterschiedliche transgressive Strategien in der weiblichen Performance Art zu geben. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung technoszientistischer Literatur kann die Frage nach geänderten Medienbedingungen für den menschlichen Körper bejaht werden: Für zeitgenössische KünstlerInnen ergibt sich daraus ein veränderter Bedeutungszusammenhang

    Occupational Exposures (Metals, Solvents, and Pesticides) and Development of ANCA-Associated Small-Vessel Vasculitis (ANCA-SVV) with Glomerular Involvement: A Case-Control Study

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    Workers are exposed to various environmental agents throughout their lifetimes. Several studies have identified associations between exposure to metals, solvents, and pesticides with chronic renal disease, but few studies have focused specifically on ANCA-glomerulonephritis (GN), a disease often associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. We investigated if associations exist between exposure to metals, solvents, or pesticides and ANCA-GN in a population-based (southeastern U.S.) case-control study. Occupational history and demographic data were collected from 131 cases and 109 controls using computerized telephone interviews. The data were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression while controlling for age, gender, state of residence, and silica exposure. No significant association was observed between exposure (ever versus never) to metals (OR=0.83, CI=0.38-1.81, p-value=0.64) or solvents (OR=1.09, CI=0.57-2.10, p-value=0.80) with ANCA-GNor between duration of exposure (years) and the disease. However, there was a trend observed for an association between a history of pesticide exposure (ever versus never) and ANCA-GN (OR=2.02, CI=0.96-4.24, p-value=0.06). Investigation on duration of pesticide exposure and the intensity of exposure for each of the three exposures described is warranted to gain further insight into their association with ANCA-GN.Master of Science in Public Healt