21 research outputs found


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    This article explains digital capital in the wayang kulit (Javanese traditional shadow puppet) association in Yogyakarta during the Covid-19 pandemic era and how its digital capital can protect and serve as informal social protection for the wayang kulit artists association in Yogyakarta in the difficult time. Following the case study method is to investigate WL (Ki SN) association, the group of wayang kulit GP (Ki CB) and SK (Ki GS). The three associations were chosen because they can survive in the middle of the pandemic by holding wayang kulit performances virtually using existing social capital and digital capital. Based on the research results show during the Covid-19 pandemic, digital capital is more effective in providing social protection for group or associations of wayang kulit in Yogyakarta than the traditional social capital scene. The higher the digital capital has seen from the virtual social network (subscriber and viewer or virtual audience), norms of reciprocity, and trust existing with external parties to increase the virtual shows, therefore it can meet the economic needs and welfare of every member in the group and association for facing the pandemic. This research offers a new alternative framework related to digital capital as a informal social protection form. Meanwhile, the practical result is as references for wayang kulit artists to survive in the uncertainty of pandemic and adapt to the challenges of technological digitalization. In addition, it can suggest for the government in formulating rules and an effective model of social protection policy for wayang kulit performances, shadow puppet artists, and in general other artist who rely on art performance as their livelihoods.

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dan Kapasitas Kepemimpinan dalam Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 di DKI Jakarta

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    Partisipasi masyarakat merupakan hal penting untuk keberlanjutan sebuah kebijakan. The World Health Organization (WHO) merekomendasikan partisipasi masyarakat dalam penanganan pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) yang menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara informan yang terlibat dalam penanganan Covid-19 di DKI Jakarta untuk mendapatkan data primer. Adapun data sekunder diperoleh dengan melakukan studi literatur. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan mengenai partisipasi masyarakat dalam penanganan Covid-19 yang di antaranya dalam bentuk Satuan Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19. Selain itu, peneliti juga mengidentifikasi kapasitas kepemimpinan yang dibutuhkan dalam mewujudkan partisipasi. Kapasitas yang dibutuhkan adalah kapasitas dalam membangun komunikasi dua arah, melakukan pembagian tugas dan menghadirkan kerelawanan. Persoalan kapasitas ini penting karena merupakan salah salah satu isu dalam partisipasi di berbagai tempat di dunia

    The Role of Coping Strategy And Legal Protection on Migrant Workers: A Literature Review

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    This paper aims to determine the role of coping strategies and legal protection on Indonesian migrant workers. By focus on coping strategies and legal protection on migrant workers. Since they are indirectly correlated and cannot be parted from Indonesian Migrant Workers. That being the case, this paper examines these two issues by conducting a literature review and portraying them descriptively. Where it is related to the condition of Indonesian Migrant Workers and the difficulties, they face in the migration process. Coping strategies, in this case, act as PMI's efforts to overcome problems or challenges in the individual and social spheres. On the other hand, legal protection plays a role as an effort by the government to protect and be responsible for the rights of its citizens. Both coping strategies and legal protections have a substantial contribution to PMI's welfare condition. In consequence, the protection of PMI does not just rely on the government, but all parties include the private sector (businesses or sponsors) and PMI themselves


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    2020 is a historic year due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. As a result, people are forced to adapt to a new normal situation, which changes their daily lives order. In this condition, women are experiencing a double burden, including when men, as 'breadwinners', has experiencing the termination of employment (PHK) or decreasing in his income. There are various ways that women do for supporting their children and family needs. Such as being an unexpected worker. This study aims to provide an explanation on the meaning of being an unepected worker and gender relation changes using Bourdieu perspective. The research method employed is descriptive qualitative, using a case study. Data are collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the meaning of becoming an unexpected worker and  the process of gender relations changes cannot be separated from the habitus of women. Work has economic and non-economic meaning when workers become impromptu workers. In the context of changing gender relations, the higher level of women education, the more parallel the gender relations are formed. Vice versa, the lower of their educations, the more domination of men in a gender relation. Tahun 2020 menjadi tahun bersejarah karena merebaknya virus Covid-19, akibatnya masyarakat mengubah tata cara kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam kondisi ini, perempuan menjadi pihak yang harus bekerja ekstra, termasuk saat laki-laki sebagai 'income earner' mengalami Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) atau pengurangan pendapatan. Berbagai cara dilakukan perempuan untuk anak dan kelangsungan keluarga, salah satunya dengan menjadi perempuan pekerja dadakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran makna menjadi pekerja dadakan dan perubahan relasi gender yang terjadi denga menggunakan teori sosial Bourdeui. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan jenis studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan makna menjadi pekerja dadakan dan perubahan relasi gender tersebut tidak lepas dari habitus perempuan. Terdapat makna ekonomi dan non-ekonomi saat perempuan menjadi pekerja dadakan. Dalam konteks perubahan relasi gender semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan semakin sejajar relasi gender yang terbentuk. Begitu pula sebaliknya, semakin rendah tingkat pendidikan semakin perempuan didominasi oleh laki-laki dalam sebuah relasi gender

    The Dynamics of Power Relations and Injunctive Norms on Child Participation in Development Planning

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    DKI Jakarta is one of the provinces with many young people. Around 2.9 million people, or 29 percent of the total population in DKI Jakarta province, are children. Unfortunately, the involvement of children in development planning in DKI Jakarta is still challenging. This research uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and FGD techniques with children who are members of children's forums, child beneficiaries, children's forum facilitators, and government officials. This study examines children's participation in the development planning process in three areas in DKI Jakarta through Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan/Musrenbang (Regional Development Planning Consultation Forum). Furthermore, this research is intended to reveal the obstacles found in involving children in development planning. The study results indicate a dynamic of power relations between children and adults, making children unable to voice their opinions for development. In addition, injunctive norms make children's participation feel artificial and procedural. A more inclusive model of children's participation in development is needed for children in order to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs in the province


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    This study discusses children protection and welfare of male migrant workers in East Lombok using framework Child Safeguarding and Promoting Welfare. This study uses qualitative approach with descriptive research. This study argues although migrant worker family have remittances, nevertheless the remittances is not always affect the child welfare, because there is still less at-tention given by parent and household instability in migrant worker family which become signif-icant for child welfare. Results of study are: male migrant workers have their remittances, but their income not always enough nor stable; so their wife has to work to support family income. Dimension of parenting capacity, parenting style also related to stability of family. On family and environmental factors, all families receive social support from extended family and environment. Developmental needs of children, child development task is not always accomplished on families with high remittances


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    HIV-infected children have a longer life expectancy after the invention of antiretroviral treatment. Therefore, a well-prepared HIV status disclosure become a significant issue for children living with HIV/AIDS (CLWHA). Previous studies have shown that disclosing a status of children with chronic illness helps them to cope with the illness. However, delayed disclosure for various reasons which often influenced by parents or caregivers consideration affect children’s psychosocial condition. This paper will illustrate the psychosocial condition of CLWHA in relation to the preparation of their disclosure process.This descriptive study used a qualitative approach with observations, indepth interviews, and Focus Group Discussion on CLWHA and their parents/caregivers.Not all disclosed CLWHA has a good psychosocial function. The disclosure are affected by the process and the disclosure level. A HIV disclosed child of HIV positive parents has better psychosocial conditions than a child whose disclose are prepared by a pediatrician or than those who partially disclosed by themselves.Disclosing HIV/AIDS status has significantly affected the psychosocial condition of CLWHA. Therefore, it needs to be carefully well planned and well prepared by taking into account the condition of ADHAs and their caregivers to avoid involuntary disclosure.The government needs to formulate policies on disclosure process for CLWHA to maintain the psychosocial condition of the children so that their quality of life can be better increased


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    This study aims at describing the subordination and marginalization of ex-commercial sex workers in Indramayu District. This qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interview and observation on 5 (five) interesting case studies whose data, then, was triangulated to ensure the valid-ity and reliability of the data. The results of the study showed that there were gender discrimination in the form of subordination and marginalization in education and employment which are applied at different periods, i.e.: before and after they worked as prostitutes. Hence, it is then caused them relapse working as prostitutes without any other opportunity to get more normative jobs

    Cohorts and community: A case study of community engagement in the establishment of a health and demographic surveillance site in Malaysia

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    Background: Community engagement is an increasingly important requirement of public health research and plays an important role in the informed consent and recruitment process. However, there is very little guidance about how it should be done, the indicators for assessing effectiveness of the community engagement process and the impact it has on recruitment, retention, and ultimately on the quality of the data collected as part of longitudinal cohort studies. Methods: An instrumental case study approach, with data from field notes, policy documents, unstructured interviews, and focus group discussions with key community stakeholders and informants, was used to explore systematically the implementation and outcomes of the community engagement strategy for recruitment of an entire community into a demographic and health surveillance site in Malaysia. Results: For a dynamic cohort, community engagement needs to be an ongoing process. The community engagement process has likely helped to facilitate the current response rate of 85% in the research communities. The case study highlights the importance of systematic documentation of the community engagement process to ensure an understanding of the effects of the research on recruitment and the community. Conclusions: A critical lesson from the case study data is the importance of relationships in the recruitment process for large population-based studies, and the need for ongoing documentation and analysis of the impact of cumulative interactions between research and community engagement. © 2014 Pascale Allotey et al

    Cohorts and community: a case study of community engagement in the establishment of a health and demographic surveillance site in Malaysia

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    Daniel Reidpath - ORCID: 0000-0002-8796-0420 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8796-0420Background Community engagement is an increasingly important requirement of public health research and plays an important role in the informed consent and recruitment process. However, there is very little guidance about how it should be done, the indicators for assessing effectiveness of the community engagement process and the impact it has on recruitment, retention, and ultimately on the quality of the data collected as part of longitudinal cohort studies. Methods An instrumental case study approach, with data from field notes, policy documents, unstructured interviews, and focus group discussions with key community stakeholders and informants, was used to explore systematically the implementation and outcomes of the community engagement strategy for recruitment of an entire community into a demographic and health surveillance site in Malaysia. Results For a dynamic cohort, community engagement needs to be an ongoing process. The community engagement process has likely helped to facilitate the current response rate of 85% in the research communities. The case study highlights the importance of systematic documentation of the community engagement process to ensure an understanding of the effects of the research on recruitment and the community. Conclusions A critical lesson from the case study data is the importance of relationships in the recruitment process for large population-based studies, and the need for ongoing documentation and analysis of the impact of cumulative interactions between research and community engagement.https://doi.org/10.3402/gha.v7.231767pubpub