719 research outputs found

    Survey data for assessing the socio-economic performance of End of Life options of a bio-based product based on expert knowledge

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    This data article aims at providing a data description about the manuscript entitled “A socio-economic indicator for EoL strategies for bio-based products” [1]. Data regarding the socio-economic assessment of End of Life (EoL) options for the specific case of PLA-based film for food packaging are presented, with a special emphasis on policy recommendations and actions for the EoL practices in the bioeconomy sectors. A new framework, based on data gathering and validation through experts involvement, is proposed in order to calculate a new indicator to measure the socio-economic performance of EoL practices (SEI-EoL) for bio-based products. Experts were identified from the Horizon 2020 LIFE-funded projects and/or Scopus databases. Two rounds of survey were carried out to determine the weights of socio-economic criteria for bio-based products and the values for the selected case study. The aggregation of these data enabled us to obtain a final ranking of different EoL alternatives. Finally, a third round of survey was conducted to further deepen our understanding of actions and recommendations needed to improve EoL practices in bio-based sectors. Resulting data have a mix of quantitative and qualitative characterization. A potential reuse of these data can allow future estimations, empirical analyses or a direct comparison with the use of experimental observations

    Electromagnetic Forming of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheet

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    In the first stage of this work, polycrystalline specimens of AZ31B magnesium alloy have been characterized by uniaxial tensile tests at quasi-static and dynamic strain rates at room temperature. The influence of the strain rate is outlined and experimental results were fitted to the parameters of Johnson-Cook constitutive material model. In the second stage of the present study, sheets of AZ31B magnesium alloy have been biaxially formed by electromagnetic forming using different coil and die configurations. Deformation values measured from electromagnetic formed parts are compared to the ones achieved with uniaxial tensile tests and also with the values obtained by conventional forming technologies. Finally, numerical simulations have been carried out using an alternative method for computing the electromagnetic fields in the EMF process simulation, a combination of Finite Element Method (FEM) for conductor parts and Boundary Element Method (BEM) for the surrounding air (or more generally insulators) that is being implemented into commercial code LS-DYNA®

    V(RI)sub(c) Photometry of Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds

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    We present V(RI)sub data for thirteen Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud ans fifty-five in each wavelength band. The median uncertainty in the photometry iy Moffett, Gieren & Barnes (1998) which contained 1000 measures (±0.01\pm 0.01 mag) in each wavelength band on 22 variables with periods in the range 8--133 days.Comment: LaTeX file (9 pages), LaTeX table (1 page), 2 figures of 3 panels eacs PASP (July

    Homogenization and enhancement for the G-equation

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    We consider the so-called G-equation, a level set Hamilton-Jacobi equation, used as a sharp interface model for flame propagation, perturbed by an oscillatory advection in a spatio-temporal periodic environment. Assuming that the advection has suitably small spatial divergence, we prove that, as the size of the oscillations diminishes, the solutions homogenize (average out) and converge to the solution of an effective anisotropic first-order (spatio-temporal homogeneous) level set equation. Moreover we obtain a rate of convergence and show that, under certain conditions, the averaging enhances the velocity of the underlying front. We also prove that, at scale one, the level sets of the solutions of the oscillatory problem converge, at long times, to the Wulff shape associated with the effective Hamiltonian. Finally we also consider advection depending on position at the integral scale

    Existence of solutions for a higher order non-local equation appearing in crack dynamics

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    In this paper, we prove the existence of non-negative solutions for a non-local higher order degenerate parabolic equation arising in the modeling of hydraulic fractures. The equation is similar to the well-known thin film equation, but the Laplace operator is replaced by a Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, corresponding to the square root of the Laplace operator on a bounded domain with Neumann boundary conditions (which can also be defined using the periodic Hilbert transform). In our study, we have to deal with the usual difficulty associated to higher order equations (e.g. lack of maximum principle). However, there are important differences with, for instance, the thin film equation: First, our equation is nonlocal; Also the natural energy estimate is not as good as in the case of the thin film equation, and does not yields, for instance, boundedness and continuity of the solutions (our case is critical in dimension 11 in that respect)

    Nanoparticulate peptide delivery exclusively to the brain produces tolerance free analgesia

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThe delivery of peptide drugs to the brain is challenging, principally due to the blood brain barrier and the low metabolic stability of peptides. Exclusive delivery to the brain with no peripheral exposure has hitherto not been demonstrated with brain quantification data. Here we show that polymer nanoparticles encapsulating leucine5-enkephalin hydrochloride (LENK) are able to transport LENK exclusively to the brain via the intranasal route, with no peripheral exposure and nanoparticle localisation is observed within the brain parenchyma. Animals dosed with LENK nanoparticles (NM0127) showed a strong anti-nociceptive response in multiple assays of evoked and on going pain whereas animals dosed intranasally with LENK alone were unresponsive. Animals did not develop tolerance to the anti-hyperalgesic activity of NM0127 and NM0127 was active in morphine tolerant animals. A microparticulate formulation of clustered nanoparticles was prepared to satisfy regulatory requirements for nasal dosage forms and the polymer nanoparticles alone were found to be biocompatible, via the nasal route, on chronic dosing.The UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EP/K502340/1), Nanomerics Ltd.(NM12TSB-NPP) and Innovate UK(16939-124181) are acknowledged for funding

    El impuesto turístico de Catalunya. Un primer balance de su aplicación

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    [spa] Las tasas e impuestos sobre la actividad turística sobreañadidas a los impuestos convencionales son un tema de actualidad permanente. Se realiza aquí un balance de la implantación en Cataluña de la tasa turística llamada Impost sobre les Estades en Establiments Turístics (IEET), creada mediante una ley del Parlament de Catalunya, de marzo del 2012. El impuesto grava la estancia en establecimientos de alojamiento y se aplica en todo el territorio catalán desde el primero de noviembre del mismo año. El). A continuación, se analiza y se valora la cuantía de la recaudación obtenida durante los tres ejercicios completos (2013, 2014 y 2015) de los que se dispone de datos fiables; el análisis territorial se realiza a escala de las nueve marcas territoriales turísticas que utiliza la Agència Catalana de Turisme (ACT) para promocionar los destinos catalanes, y también a escala municipal, destacando en este último caso la recaudación del municipio de Barcelona. El trabajo finaliza con la discusión de los datos aportados y unas conclusiones sobre la oportunidad de establecer tasas turísticas y a qué conceptos deberían destinarse su recaudación.[eng] Taxes on tourist activity added to conventional taxes are a permanent topical issue. In this article a territorial and thematic balance related to the implementation of the rate in Catalonia and called the "Impost sobre les Estades en Establiments Turístics (IEET)" is undertaken. This tax was created considering the Parliament of Catalonia Act, 03/2012 that taxes tourist accommodation establishments and which encompasses all the Catalan territory since 1st November of the same year. First, this article reviews the opportunity of creating this type of taxes, applicable in many global tourist destinations as well as the distribution criteria are also analyzed, considering the fund for Tourism called the "Fons de Foment Turístic (FFT)"; the detailed analysis of the collection is made taking into consi- deration the nine tourist landmarks used by the Catalan Agency of Tourism (ACT)

    Technical design and performance of the NEMO3 detector

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    The development of the NEMO3 detector, which is now running in the Frejus Underground Laboratory (L.S.M. Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane), was begun more than ten years ago. The NEMO3 detector uses a tracking-calorimeter technique in order to investigate double beta decay processes for several isotopes. The technical description of the detector is followed by the presentation of its performance.Comment: Preprint submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Methods A Corresponding author: Corinne Augier ([email protected]

    Caracterización y origen de las dolomías del sector sudeste de Picos de Europa (Norte de España)

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    In this work we focus on the dolomitization processes which affected the southeastern sector of Picos de Europa Unit. The dolostones formed consequently with this process are rocks with a varied and irregular geometry, wich reminds that observed in intrusive rocks. Their chemical composition show a slight excess of calcium in relation to stoichiometric dolomite. Their iron and strontium contents are low in relation to other comparable dolomites. The abundance of dolostones is much bigger at the Frontal Unit than in upper structural Units. The dolomitization processes respond to an epigenetic dolomitization model and they are previous to the formation of Pb-Zn orebodies. We suggest a per ascensum dolomitization model tiggered by formation waters of the Pisuerga-Carrion Unit. With regard to age, the dolomitization was later than Lower Estephanian B and possibly earlier than some undetermined time during the Permian.En el presente trabajo se pone de manifiesto la existencia de un proceso de dolomitización que afectó al sector sudeste de la región de Picos de Europa. Las dolomías formadas como consecuencia de este proceso son rocas de geometría muy variada e irregular, que recuerda a la de las masas intrusivas. Su composición química muestra un ligero exceso en calcio respecto a la fórmula estequiométrica de la dolomita. Sus contenidos en hierro y estroncio son bajos respecto a los de otras dolomías comparables. El volumen de dolomías formado es mucho mayor en la Unidad Frontal de Picos de Europa que en Unidades estructurales superiores. Los procesos dolomitizadores obedecen a un modelo de dolomitización epigenético y son previos a la deposición de mineralizaciones de Pb-Zn. Se propone un modelo de dolomitización per ascensum a partir de aguas de formación de los sedimentos de la región de Pisuerga-Carrión. En cuanto a la edad, la dolomitización es posterior al Estefaniense B inferior y posiblemente anterior a un momento del Pérmico no determinado