100 research outputs found

    Acquisition and processing of new data sources for improved condition monitoring of mechanical systems

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    190 p.Este trabajo está centrado en el desarrollo de nuevas formas de monitorización en línea del estado de salud de sistemas mecánicos mediante tecnologías poco utilizadas hasta ahora en este campo. En particular, se han investigado el uso de la monitorización de la viscosidad del aceite lubricante y la tecnología de análisis de las características de la corriente que alimenta el motor para obtener conocimiento sobre el estado de las cajas de engranajes. Por un lado, se presenta una nueva solución basada en materiales magnetoelásticos para la monitorización de la viscosidad del aceite lubricante. Por el otro, el análisis de la corriente alimentación del motor (MCSA por sus siglas en inglés) se presenta como alternativa de los acelerómetros tradicionales para la monitorización de anomalías mecánicas.En particular, se ha desarrollado un sensor magnetoelástico de viscosidad cinemática para mediciones en línea. La principal ventaja del sensor propuesto es su capacidad de medir en una amplia gama de valores de viscosidad (desde 32 cSt hasta 320 cSt). No se conoce ningún otro sensor equivalente comercialmente disponible con un rango similar.Con respecto al análisis de las características de la corriente de alimentación del motor (MCSA), el objetivo de la Tesis es poder diseñar un sistema para monitorizar una caja de engranajes en funcionamiento normal. En este sentido, se ha abordado el análisis de transitorios de velocidad, manteniendo la carga fija. Se ha utilizado un banco de pruebas de cajas de engranajes para reproducir diferentes fallos y adquirir datos en diferentes condiciones de operación

    Acquisition and processing of new data sources for improved condition monitoring of mechanical systems

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    190 p.Este trabajo está centrado en el desarrollo de nuevas formas de monitorización en línea del estado de salud de sistemas mecánicos mediante tecnologías poco utilizadas hasta ahora en este campo. En particular, se han investigado el uso de la monitorización de la viscosidad del aceite lubricante y la tecnología de análisis de las características de la corriente que alimenta el motor para obtener conocimiento sobre el estado de las cajas de engranajes. Por un lado, se presenta una nueva solución basada en materiales magnetoelásticos para la monitorización de la viscosidad del aceite lubricante. Por el otro, el análisis de la corriente alimentación del motor (MCSA por sus siglas en inglés) se presenta como alternativa de los acelerómetros tradicionales para la monitorización de anomalías mecánicas.En particular, se ha desarrollado un sensor magnetoelástico de viscosidad cinemática para mediciones en línea. La principal ventaja del sensor propuesto es su capacidad de medir en una amplia gama de valores de viscosidad (desde 32 cSt hasta 320 cSt). No se conoce ningún otro sensor equivalente comercialmente disponible con un rango similar.Con respecto al análisis de las características de la corriente de alimentación del motor (MCSA), el objetivo de la Tesis es poder diseñar un sistema para monitorizar una caja de engranajes en funcionamiento normal. En este sentido, se ha abordado el análisis de transitorios de velocidad, manteniendo la carga fija. Se ha utilizado un banco de pruebas de cajas de engranajes para reproducir diferentes fallos y adquirir datos en diferentes condiciones de operación

    La renovación pedagógica al servicio de la escuela pública vasca: el colectivo Adarra

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    El siglo XX en el País Vasco fue un periodo histórico caracterizado en el ámbito educativo por los cambios y los importantes movimientos de renovación pedagógica. Estos cambios se dieron, en gran parte, gracias al impulso del profesorado comprometido con el cambio pedagógico. En este trabajo se analiza el colectivo Adarra, creador de ese impulso y esfuerzo en el último tercio del siglo XX. Este colectivo, fuertemente ligado al movimiento de renovación pedagógica fue el núcleo sobre el que giraron muchas de las experiencias innovadoras de la época, con un firme propósito en común: caminar hacia una escuela pública vasca. Para realizar el estudio de sus actividades, se ha procedido al análisis de los documentos creados y publicados por esta organización. Junto a ello, con el fin de entender mejor el análisis de su labor, se contextualiza también la época en la que surgió y trabajó.Publicación financiada por el Ministerior de Economía y Competitividad. Proyecto número EDU2013-44129-

    Building a model of health technology assessment cooperation: lessons learned from EUnetHTA joint action 3

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    Objective: The European Network for Health Technology Assessment (EUnetHTA) was established in 2006. During its final project phase (joint action 3 [JA3]), it undertook an activity to define the scientific and technical principles of a model of health technology assessment (HTA) cooperation in Europe. This policy article presents the key learnings from JA3 partners about developing a model of HTA cooperation. Methods: There were two phases to the activity: (i) A descriptive phase to describe the elements of HTA cooperation that were already in place in EUnetHTA JA3 and to identify which elements could be improved or were missing. (ii) An analytic phase synthesizing the data collected to identify learnings from the JA3 and to define the scientific and technical principles for a future model of HTA cooperation. Results: Learnings for developing HTA cooperation were identified in regard to the framework used to support the cooperation, the HTA activities undertaken, the involvement of internal and external actors, managing decision making and the required human resources and support services needed to undertake HTA activities and to coordinate collaboration. Conclusions: These learnings coming from the experiences of the EUnetHTA JA3 are useful to inform discussions on a European Union regulation for HTA cooperation as well as subsequent work to set up the structures that will be defined in the regulation. The findings also have broader applicability and are relevant to individuals, groups, and organizations setting up HTA programs or establishing their own international collaborations.The contents of this paper arise from the project “724130 / EUnetHTA JA3,” which has received funding from the EU, in the framework of the Health Programme (2014–2020). Sole responsibility for its contents lies with the author(s), and neither the EUnetHTA Coordinator, the European Commission nor any other body of the European Union is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.S

    Effectiveness and safety of epicardial closure of left atrial appendage using clips by minimally invasive surgery for thromboembolism prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation

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    Informes de Evaluación de Tecnologías SanitariasLa oclusión de la orejuela auricular izquierda se viene realizando con distintas técnicas quirúrgicas en pacientes con fibrilación auricular con imposibilidad de ser tratados con anticoagulantes orales con el objeto de prevenir trombo-embolismos. Entre las alternativas está la cirugía abierta, la oclusión mediante técnicas percutáneas por acceso endocárdico y la oclusión mediante clip epicárdico. Recientemente se han comercializado en España nuevos dispositivos para la oclusión mediante clip epicárdico a través de abordaje mínimamente invasivo (toracoscopia o minitoracotomía), AtriClip PROTM y AtriClip PRO2TM.Este documento ha sido realizado por la Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias (AETS) del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) en el marco de la financiación del Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social para el desarrollo de las actividades del Plan anual de Trabajo de la Red Española de Agencias de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias y Prestaciones del SNS, aprobado en el Pleno del Consejo Interterritorial del SNS de 15 de noviembre de 2018 (conforme al Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 7 de diciembre de 2018)

    Biochemical and Physical Performance Responses to a Soccer Match after a 72-Hour Recovery Period

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    The physiological and neuromuscular responses at 72 h post-match are not widely researched, despite evidence showing substantial changes in recovery markers at 72 h post-match. Consequently, the aim of this study was to determine the biochemical and physical performance responses to a soccer match after a 72-h recovery period. Male soccer players of a semiprofessional team participated in this study. Before playing a friendly match, blood values of testosterone, cortisol, the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio and urea were collected and the squat jump and the Bangsbo Repeated Sprint Ability test were performed. These measurements were considered as baseline (pre match) and were obtained again after a 72-h recovery period. Results indicate that physical performance at 72 h post-match was similar to baseline (squat jump: p = 0.974; total Repeated Sprint Ability time: p = 0.381; Repeated Sprint Ability fatigue index: p = 0.864). However, perturbations in the biochemical milieu derived from the soccer match metabolic and physiological stress were still evident at this time point. While no significant differences compared to pre match were obtained in testosterone and urea concentrations after the recovery period, cortisol and testosterone-to-cortisol ratio values were significantly higher (14.74 ± 3.68 µg/dL vs. 17.83 ± 2.65 µg/dL; p = 0.045; ES 0.92 [0.00; 1.84], very likely) and lower (39.08 ± 13.26 vs. 28.29 ± 7.45; p = 0.038; ES −0.96 [−1.89; −0.04], very likely), respectively. In conclusion, soccer players have similar physical performance to the pre match after a 72-h recovery period, even with signs of biochemical and physiological stress

    Match Loads May Predict Neuromuscular Fatigue and Intermittent-Running Endurance Capacity Decrement after a Soccer Match

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    How the match-derived load metrics relate to post-match fatigue in soccer is scarcely researched. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the associations between soccer match-related internal and external loads, neuromuscular performance decrease and intermittent-running endurance capacity decrement immediately post-match. Vertical jump (countermovement jump), straight-line sprinting (10- and 20-m sprint), change of direction ability (T-test) and intermittent-running endurance capacity (YO-YO intermittent recovery level 2) were measured one day before and immediately after a friendly match in male soccer players. During the match, players’ internal and external loads were also monitored, including heart rate-derived indices, total distance at various speed thresholds, average running velocity, maximal running velocity, number of sprints and number of accelerations and decelerations at various intensity thresholds. The results show that match-induced fatigue was reflected on neuromuscular performance and intermittent-running endurance capacity immediately post-match (p < 0.05). The quantification of percentage change of match external-load metrics, particularly accelerations and decelerations, provides a useful non-invasive predictor of subsequent neuromuscular fatigue status in soccer players immediately post-match (p < 0.05). However, only internal load metrics present a practical application for predicting intermittent-running endurance capacity impairment (p < 0.05). In summary, internal and external load metrics may allow for predicting the extent of acute fatigue, and variability between halves may represent a valuable alternative to facilitate the analysis of match-related fatigue both for research and applied purposes

    Mechanical fault detection in gearboxes through the analysis of the motor feeding current signature

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    The knowledge of the state of health of machinery gears helps developing cost effective maintenance plans, preventing costly down times caused by catastrophic failures. The widest spread strategy in industry to avoid faults and failures is based on preventive maintenance. Only its combination with a condition-based maintenance can detect early signs of potential machinery failures. Often, accurate information about the state of health of a piece of equipment is difficult to obtain. Strategies based on intelligent predictive maintenance could improve this situation. The most established method to gather information in mechanical systems using gearboxes relays in the use of accelerometers, which are expensive and whose installation is usually troublesome. The analysis of the electric signature of the electric motor that drives the gearbox provides a non-intrusive method, based on readily available information. Changes in the speed and load conditions of the gearbox produce correlated variations in the feeding current and voltage of the motor. A detailed analysis of these electrical signals can produce useful information about the state of health of the system. In this paper, a gear prognosis simulator (GPS) test bench equipped with a multistage gearbox is used to analyze different types of mechanical faults in the gears. Three fault families have been identified, high damage, moderate damage and low damage. Specific working conditions of the test bench have been selected to mimic the operation of different mechanical systems, such as machine tools or electro-mechanical actuators. The motor electrical current signature in the different conditions is analyzed to determine the health state of the gearbox. Signal descriptors (such as rms, kurtosis, peak-to-peak value, impulse factor, shape factor, etc.) are obtained from stationary speed. A selection of the most relevant descriptors has been carried, doing a one-way analysis. The results obtained reveal appreciable differences between the different faulty and nominal states of the gears, making possible the detection of the health state of the system using different advance data analysis techniques

    La producción de la identidad en la sociedad del conocimiento. Cultura experta e identidad en el País Vasco

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    El proyecto investiga el papel de la cultura experta en la producción y la promoción de la identidad colectiva en el País Vasco contemporáneo. En el contexto de las llamadas "sociedades del conocimiento", señaladas por la relevancia de la retórica científica y la intervención del conocimiento científico-técnico en la producción de las identidades sociales, se han investigado seis situaciones donde se despliega la cultura experta, algunas con fuerte marca étnica, otras con un mayor sesgo científico-técnico.Gaur egungo Euskal Herriko talde nortasunaren produkzioan eta sustapenean kultura ikasiak duen zeregina aztertzen du proiektu honek. "Jakintzaren gizarteak" deiturikoen testuinguruan, hau da, gizarte nortasunen produkzioan erretorika zientifikoak garrantzia duen eta jakintza zientifiko-teknikoak parte hartzen duen horien esparruan, kultura ikasia azaltzen den sei egoera ikertu dira, marka etniko sendoa dutenak horietariko batzuk, joera zientifiko-tekniko handiagokoak beste batzuk.Le projet étudie le rôle de la culture experte dans la production et la promotion de l'identité collective dans le Pays Basque contemporain. Dans le contexte des «sociétés de la connaissance», signalées par l'importance de la rhétorique scientifique et l'intervention de la connaissance scientifico-technique dans la production des identités sociales, six situations dans lesquelles se déploie la culture experte ont été examinées, quelques-unes avec une importante marque ethnique, d'autres avec une tournure scientifico-technique.This project researches the role of expert culture in the production and promotion of collective identity in the contemporary Basque Country. In the context of the so-called "societies of knowledge", marked by the relevance of scientific rethoric and the intervention of scientific-technical knowledge in the production of social identities, research has been carried out on six situations in which expert culture is deployed, some of which have a strong ethnic imprint, others with a higher scientific-technical bias

    European collaboration on health Technology assessment: looking backward and forward

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    The establishment of health technology assessment (HTA) has been an important topic in Europe for many years. There have been a series of activities starting with first projects in 1994 leading to joint actions from the European Network of HTA (EUnetHTA) ending in 2021. This long interval of engagement with HTA structures, methodology, and processes by all member states led to a reliable basis for European collaboration in HTA. This article shows milestones and developments from EUR-ASSESS in 1994 through the progress of EUnetHTA and the accompanying EU-HTA-Network up to the recent elaboration of the EU-HTA-Regulation. With the EU-HTA-Regulation HTA collaboration is taken out of the trial phase of more than 15 years. Through the previous EU HTA collaboration, the appreciation and understanding of the differences and complexities behind the HTA processes in the EU healthcare systems have improved. It is now necessary to make the final steps toward a sustainable European Network for HTA.S