43 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research was to identify the influences of self-determination, interests, competences, and flows on high school students. This research used ex-post facto design with 275 students randomly selected as research subjects. The used instruments: self-determination scale, interests scales, competences scale, and floe scales. This research was analyzed using Path Analysis. In conclusion, this research brought about the result of that self-determination had significant and positive effects on flow, interest showed significant and positive effect on flow, and competence, likewise, gave significant and positive effect on flow.  Article visualizations

    The Correlation Between Loneliness and Academic Procrastination Among Psychology Students at State University of Malang

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    One of the problems that often occurs when completing a thesis is academic procrastination. This can result in delayed graduation, which is not desirable in our education system. Loneliness can affect students’ academic performance. Globally, loneliness has been increasing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students who are working on their thesis are vulnerable to loneliness. This research aimed to determine whether there is a correlation between loneliness and procrastination among psychology students who are working on their thesis. This research used descriptive quantitative methods, and data were obtained from online questionnaires that were distributed to 55 psychology students working on a thesis at the State University of Malang. Participants were recruited through convenience sampling. The research instruments used were two modified scales: the Loneliness Scale created by de Jong-Gierveld and Kamphuls (α = 0.796) [1] and the Academic Procrastination Scale created by McCloskey and Scielzo (α = 0.905) [2]. The data were analyzed with the Pearson Product Moment correlation test. The results showed that there was a weak but significant and positive correlation between loneliness and academic procrastination (r = 319; p < 0.05). Most research subjects had a moderate level of loneliness and academic procrastination. Keywords: loneliness, academic procrastination, correlatio


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    Berbisnis pada tataran nasional, sukses dan tetap merajai dan bertahan tentunya mencerminkan pelakunya cerdas , namun bagaimana kesuksesannya bisa membawa kemasalahatan orang banyak --- diperlukan seperangkat kemampuan ataupun pemikiran yang bisa terus menggulirkan ide-ide yang baru sehingga selalu memimpin. Namun kesuksesan dalam berbisnis tidak jarang melemahkan pihak lain yang juga memiliki bisnis yang sama dan mungkin dalam skala kecil. Mencermati aspek bisnis minimarket, penulis tertarik mencermati, apakah mereka yang cerdas dalam bidang bisnis, juga cerdas m emikirkan kemsalahatan orang banyak? Seperti apakah kemampuan atau pemikiran yang mungkin dimiliki pelaku bisnis atau pimpinan yang ada sekarang --- Penulis menggunakan kajian literatur untuk mengurai aspek-aspek yang diperlukan dalam berbisnis atau memimpin dari sudut pandang psikologis ditinjau dari segi psikologi kognitif dan kebijakan dengan menggunakan pandangan dari Gardner berkenaan Five Minds for the Future dan Sternberg berkenaan Wisdom dalam menyoroti sepak terjang pebisnis khususnya di bidang minimarket. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kecerdasan saja cukup untuk membangun suatu usaha? Adakah kemampuan lain atau pemikiran lain yang perlu dimiliki agar suatu usaha yang sukses bisa berjalan dengan baik dan membawa kemaslahatan bagi orang banyak? Harapannya tinjauan-tinjauan psikologis ini memberikan warna dalam pendidikan ekonomi yang memperhitungkan kemaslahatan orang banyak

    Drawing-based Story Telling Influence on Children Language Development and Social Aspect

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    Abstract: Language and social development of children plays an important role in influencing further development. The objectives of this research are to determine the effect of drawing based on story-telling toward language development and social development of children age 5–6 years. Single subject research with reversal design ABAB was used in this experimental research. Four kindergarten children identified having language and social problems became the subjects. The observation was used to collect data. In addition, the data were put into graphs to be analyzed by using visual inspection. The results showed that drawing activities based on story telling could improve the scores of language development for each subject; and also improves the pro-social attitude of each subject. And at the same time the aggressive attitude for each subject decreased. It concludes that drawing based on story telling improve language and social development of children aged 5–6 years effectively.Key Words: drawing, story telling, language, socialAbstrak: Perkembangan bahasa dan sosial anak berperan penting dalam mempengaruhi perkembangan selanjutnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh menggambar berbasis story telling terhadap perkembangan sosial anak usia 5–6 tahun. Single subject research dengan reversal design digunakan dalam penelitian. Subjek penelitian adalah empat siswa kelas B TK yang diketahui memiliki masalah bahasa dan sosial. Instrumen pengumpulan data adalah observasi. Analisis data dengan pemeriksaan visual terhadap data yang ditampilkan oleh grafik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan menggambar berbasis story telling mampu meningkatkan skor perkembangan berbahasa masing-masing subjek; dan mampu meningkatkan sikap pro sosial untuk masing-masing subjek, di sisi lain sikap agresif untuk masing-masing subjek ikut menurun. Simpulan penelitian bahwa menggambar berbasis story telling efektif meningkatkan perkembangan berbahasa dan sosial anak usia 5–6 tahun.Kata kunci: menggambar, story telling, bahasa, sosia

    Level of Learning Independence in Elementary School Students: The Influence of Self-Efficacy, Motivation, and Peer Interaction

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of self-efficacy, learning motivation, and peers on student learning independence in elementary schools. The research method used was a survey and data analysis using regression techniques. The research sample consisted of fourth-grade students in two elementary schools, totaling 65 people. Data were collected through questionnaires that measured the level of self-efficacy, learning motivation, peers, and learning independence. The results showed that self-efficacy is positively and significantly related to the level of students' learning independence. The higher the level of students' self-efficacy, the higher the level of learning independence they show. In addition, learning motivation also has a positive influence on learning independence. Students who have high learning motivation tend to be more independent in overcoming their learning challenges. In addition to self-efficacy and learning motivation, peers also play an important role in students' learning independence. The results showed that supportive and positive peer relationships were associated with higher levels of learning independence. Based on these findings, efforts to improve students' learning independence can focus on strengthening self-efficacy and learning motivation, as well as creating an environment that supports positive relationships with peers

    Children’s Social Competence Learning Strategies for Building Mental Health During Covid-19

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    The corona virus pandemic has a huge impact on the mental health of children. Social competency for children is the extent to which children are effective in their social interactions with others, including creating and maintaining social relationships, showing cooperative skills and flexibility, and adjusting behaviours to meet the demands of different social contexts. This study aims to shed light on how strategies can be used to build a child’s social competence in a pandemic- and post-pandemic world. The solutions used for strategies to build children’s social competence are with a wide range of solutions, including: 1) a systemic approach, 2) building positive relationships, 3) creating a supportive environment. Keywords: Learning Strategies, social competence, mental health, Pandemic covid-1


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Structured Learning Approach (SLA) modification to increase social skills in primary school for at-risk students. This study used a single subject design with multiple baselines across subject models. The subjects of this study are five (5) at-risk elementary school students in 3rd grade. The data collection instrument consists of the format of recording the frequency of social skills (sharing), social skills identification instruments, shared knowledge, evaluation of sharing skills, observation of social sharing skills, and treatment instruments in the form of guidebooks. The results showed that SLA modification can improve the social skills of sharing, that is, the children's target of baseline average 4.0 increased to 8.0, the target child AD average baseline 2.7 increased to 7.0; Target child ZD average baseline 2.3 increased to 6.7; The target child AR average baseline 3.0 increased to 6.3; and the target child baseline average increased to 5.3.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) approach for receptive and expressive language skills of children with autism.This study was used a research design of SSR (Single Subject Research) with A-B-A’-B’ model for 10 sessionswith a single subject (one child with autism).The first baseline phase (A) consisted of 5 sessions, The first intervention phase (B) consisted of 2sessions, the second baseline phase (A’) consisted of 1 session, and the second baseline (B’) consisted of 2 sessions. The data was collected by observation, then it measured and analyzed by a visual chart. The results of the study were obtained from the six aspects that the child was able to execute the command and express his desire because of the assistance intervention. It was evidenced by the researchresults that both the first and second of intervention phases wasobtained higher score than both the first and the second of baseline phase.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pendekatan ABA (Apllied Behaviour Analysis) terhadap perkembangan kemampuan berbahasa ekspresif dan reseptif anak autis. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian SSR (Single Subject Research) desain A-B-A’-B’ selama 10 sesi dengan subjek tunggal. Pada fase baseline awal (A) terdiri dari 5 sesi, fase intervensi awal (B) terdiri dari 2 sesi, fase baseline kedua 1 sesi, dan baseline ketiga 2 sesi. Pengolahan data diukur dan dianalisis. Analisis data menggunakan visual grafik. Hasil penelitian yang didapat dari keenam aspek bahwa anak mampu melaksanakan perintah maupun mengekpresikan keinginanya karena adanya bantuan intervensi. Hal ini dibuktikan pada hasil penelitian yang pada fase intervensi awal maupun intervensi akhir skor yang didapat lebih tinggi dari fase baseline awal maupun baseline akhir


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    The purposes of this research was to increase the shopping skills of a student with intellectual disability in SLB Kemala Bhayangkari Trenggalek by using pictures media evaluated based on three aspects: (1) the ability of shoping in minimarket, (2) the ability of items purchasing and (3) the ability of expensive and cheap concepts. The research method was Single Subject Research (SSR) appoarch, reversal design ABAB. The subject was a sixth grade student with intellectual disaility in SLB Kemala Bhayangkari Trenggalek. The student classified into a mild or intermitten intellectual disability. Data collecting of both shopping ability and the ability of items purchasing was done through observation, and the ability of expensive and cheap concepts was collected by the results of a written test. The analysis of this research was by visual analysis graph. The results of the shopping skill analysis were based on three aspects: (1) the ability of shopping in minimarket, (2) the ability of items purchasing and (3) the ability of expensive and cheap concepts were increasing after being given the intervention. From the results of the graph showing the mean, level and trend were increasing from baseline to intervention. Latency analysis also showed that the changes in behavior occured was less likely to take long time over the intervention. Total Mean of over all aspects in baseline 1 (A1) phase was 22,3, then the mean increasing in intervention 1 (B1) phase was 58,3, the mean total of baseline 2 (A2) phase was 39,5 and the intervention 2 (B2) was 63,5. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan belanja dari siswa dengan cacat intelektual di SLB Kemala Bhayangkari Trenggalek dengan menggunakan media gambar dievaluasi berdasarkan tiga aspek: (1) kemampuan belanja di minimarket, (2) kemampuan item pembelian dan (3) kemampuan konsep mahal dan murah. Penelitian ini merupakan Subjek Tunggal Desain (SSD). Untuk mendapatkan data, peneliti menggunakan tiga instrumen: pengamatan dan hasil test.The tertulis dari analisis keterampilan belanja didasarkan pada tiga aspek: (1) kemampuan belanja di minimarket, (2) kemampuan item pembelian dan (3 ) kemampuan konsep mahal dan murah yang meningkat setelah diberi intervensi. Dari hasil grafik yang menunjukkan rata-rata, tingkat dan tren yang meningkat dari awal sampai intervensi. Analisis Latency juga menunjukkan bahwa perubahan perilaku terjadi kurang mungkin untuk mengambil waktu yang lama selama intervensi. Total rata-rata lebih dari semua aspek di awal 1 (A1) fase adalah 22,3, maka berarti meningkatnya intervensi 1 (B1) fase adalah 58,3, total rata-rata dasar 2 (A2) fase adalah 39,5 dan intervensi 2 (B2) adalah 63,5