519 research outputs found

    Evaluation of risk factors of bronchial asthma in children in Ternopil region

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    Bronchial asthma is a very common chronic respiratory disease that affects children of different age groups, it is thought to be a result of combination of genetic and environmental factors. Bronchial asthma has a long term consequences with physical, psychological and economical impact on society, parents and children, that's why too many studies were done to evaluate the environmental and non -environmental risk factors of bronchial asthma in children (Cindy T. McEvoy, Eliot R. spindle. 2017). Addressing the risk factors by pediatricians is necessary for prevention of the disease

    Evaluation of risk factors of bronchial asthma in children in Ternopil region

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    Bronchial asthma is a very common chronic respiratory disease that affects children of different age groups, it is thought to be a result of combination of genetic and environmental factors. Bronchial asthma has a long term consequences with physical, psychological and economical impact on society, parents and children, that's why too many studies were done to evaluate the environmental and non -environmental risk factors of bronchial asthma in children (Cindy T. McEvoy, Eliot R. spindle. 2017). Addressing the risk factors by pediatricians is necessary for prevention of the disease

    Persentase Tutupan Karang di Pantai Ulee Kareung Kecamatan Simpang Mamplam Kabupaten Bireuen

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    Research on percentage of the coral cover in ulee kareung coastal waters of subdistrict of simpang mamplam district of bireuen has been done on August, 2016 with the purpose to find out the percentage of coral cover in Ulee Kareung coastal areas. Determinationof location of research using Sistematic Sampling Methods and monitoring the data of coral reef using LIT (Line Intersect Transect) Methods. The results showed that The coral reef condition in ulee kareung beach subdistrict of simpang mamplam district of bireuenhas average value 28,55% in shallow areas and 23,92% in deep areas and there were 19 genus of coral with the highest coral percentage arePorites13.40%.Based on the coral cover percentages in Ulee Kareng beach indicated as medium category.The result of this study are expected to be used as supporting data and used as a reference in consideration of maintainaceulee kareung beach subdistrict of simpang mamplam district of bireuenPenelitian tentang persentase tutupan karang di pantai Ulee Kareng Kecamatan Simpang Mamplam Kabupaten Bireuen telah selesai dilakukan pada bulan agustus 2016 yang bertujuan mengetahui persentase tutupan karang di kawasan Pantai Ulee Kareung. Penentuan lokasi penelitian menggunakan Metode Sistematic Sampling dan memonitoring data terumbu karang menggunakan Metode LIT (Line Intersect Transect). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi rata - rata terumbu karang pada Pantai Ulee Kareung Kecamatan Simpang Mamplam Kabupaten Bireuen dikedalaman dangkal (shallow) sebanyak 28,55% dan kedalaman dalam (deep) sebanyak 23,92% serta terdapat 19 genus karang dengan persentase karang tertinggi yaitu genus Porites (13,40%). Berdasarkan hasil rata – rata persentase tutupan di pantai Ulee Kareung sebanyak 26,23% mengindikasikan bahwa persentase tutupan karang termasuk kategori sedang.Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan data pendukung serta digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pertimbangan menjaga kawasan pantai Ulee Kareung, Kecamatan Simpang Mamplam, Kabupaten Bireuen

    Prevalence of Epilepsy in Iran: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

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    How to Cite This Article: Sayemiri K, Tavan H, Sayemiri F, Mohammadi I, Carson KV. Prevalence of Epilepsy in Iran : A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Iran J Child Neurol. 2014 Autumn; 8(4):9-17.AbstractObjectiveEpilepsy is one of the most common diseases in Iran contributing to an array of health problems. In light of this, the aim of the present study is to examine the prevalence of epilepsy in Iran through a systematic review and meta-analysis.Materials & MethodsA systematic search of several databases including PubMed, scientific information databases, Google, Google scholar, Elsevier and Scopus was conducted in June 2013. Observational studies were considered for inclusion ifthey were published in Iranian and examined epilepsy prevalence and/or related risk factors. Meta-analysis was conducted using a random effect model with the DerSimonian/Laird method. Heterogeneity was examined using the Breslow- Day test and inconsistency using the I2 statistic.ResultsA total of 45 studies were identified from the search strategy. Of these, nine published manuscripts with a total of 7,723 participants were included within the review. The pooled prevalence of epilepsy in Iran was estimated to be around 5% (95% confident interval (CI) 2 to 8). For each region the prevalence of epilepsy in central, northern and eastern Iran were 5% (95%CI 2 to 8), 1% (95%CI -1 to 3) and 4% (95%CI 3 to 11) respectively. The most common risk factors in order of prevalence were somatic diseases 39% (95%CI 15 to 62),convulsion 38% (95%CI 11 to 65), mental diseases 36% (95%CI 15 to 95) and hereditary development 26% (95%CI 9 to 42). A meta-regression model identified a declining trend in the prevalence of epilepsy within Iran for the last decade.ConclusionPooled analyses from the nine included publications in this review estimate the prevalence of epilepsy in Iran to be around 5%. Although this result is much higher than rates in other countries, a declining trend in prevalence over the pastdecade was also identified. References1. Valizadeh L, Barzegar M, Akbarbegloo M, ZamanzadehV, Rahiminia E, Ferguson CF. The relationship between psychosocial care and attitudes toward illness in adolescents with epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior 2013;27: 267–271.2. Widera E, LikusW, Kazek B, Niemiec P, Balcerzyk A,Aleksander L, Siero N, gak I. CYP3A5 * 3 and C3435TMDR1 Polymorphisms in Prognostication of Drug-Resistant Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Biomed Research International 2013;12: 7 -10.3. Koochaki E, Daneshvar R. Evaluation of Seizure Attacksin Patients with Cerebrovascular Accident. Zahedan J ResMed Sci 2013; 15: 29-32.4. Asadi-PooyaA, Sharifzade M. Lennox–Gastaut syndrome in south Iran: Electro-clinical manifestations. Seizure 2012; 21: 760-763.5. Motamedi M, Sahraian M, Moshirzadeh S. A Cross Sectional Study Evaluating Perceived Impact of Epilepsy on Aspects of Life. Zahedan J Res Med Sci 2012; 14: 33-366. Scott RA, Lhatoo SD, Sander J. The treatment of epilepsy in developing countries: where do we go from here? Bull WHO 2001;79:344–345.7. Bharucha, N.E. Epidemiology of epilepsy in India. Epilepsia 2003;44: 9-11.8. Ronnie D. Horner.Racial/ethnic disparities in the treatment of epilepsy: What do we know? What do we need to know? Epilepsy & Behavior 2006; 9: 243–264.9. Nachvak M, Haghighat HR, Rezaei M. Prevalence and monitoring of retarded Childs in Tehran at 2002. Quarterly of science-research journal of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences.2004; 3: 34-42.10. Etemadifar M, Mirabdolbaghe P. 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    Ujicoba Suplementasi Besi Asam Folat dan Vitamin B12 untuk Menanggulangi Anemia

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    An experiment was done to cope with anemia in subdistrict Cugenang, District Cianjur, West Java. By supplementation iron pills, folic acid and vitamin B12, the experiment was carried out among women of productive age. The three supplements were given to 135 women once a week over a duration of four months. The women were divided into four groups. Group I (control) was given placebo, group II was given iron pills. Folic acid and vitamin B12 (as the programme of heath centre), while group IV was given iron pills and vitamin B12. Observation on haemoglobin (Hb) from blood samples was done once a month during the four months. The results showed that the 135 women had relatively equal initial Hb contents. Group I had 9,32 gr/l, group II had 9,08 gr/l, group III had 9,09 gr/l and group IV had 9,00 gr/l. At the end of the fourth month, the Hb contents increased, except that of group I. Group II showed an increased to 11,92 gr/l, group III to 12.09 gr/l and group IV to 11.87 gr/l. A statistical examination explained that group II -IV were significantly different from group I, but there was not any significant difference among the three groups. It was obvious that the highest increase in Hb content belongs to group III, being 3,00 gr/l, leading to the largest decrease in the percentage of anemic condition, being 69,6%. The smallest decrease 61,2%, belong to group II, while 67,8% was the decrease of group IV. Group I did not show any decrease in the percentage of anemic condition. The increase in Hb contents was evidence that three supplement could improve the condition of the women. Iron pills, folic acid and vitamin B12 combined together proved to be the best intervention. However, in case of insufficiency or impossibility, iron pills and folic acid (as the programme of heath centre) were considered to be good supplements to improve the Hb contents

    Multi-Head Graph Convolutional Network for Structural Connectome Classification

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    We tackle classification based on brain connectivity derived from diffusion magnetic resonance images. We propose a machine-learning model inspired by graph convolutional networks (GCNs), which takes a brain connectivity input graph and processes the data separately through a parallel GCN mechanism with multiple heads. The proposed network is a simple design that employs different heads involving graph convolutions focused on edges and nodes, capturing representations from the input data thoroughly. To test the ability of our model to extract complementary and representative features from brain connectivity data, we chose the task of sex classification. This quantifies the degree to which the connectome varies depending on the sex, which is important for improving our understanding of health and disease in both sexes. We show experiments on two publicly available datasets: PREVENT-AD (347 subjects) and OASIS3 (771 subjects). The proposed model demonstrates the highest performance compared to the existing machine-learning algorithms we tested, including classical methods and (graph and non-graph) deep learning. We provide a detailed analysis of each component of our model

    Kualitas Garam, Perilaku Pembelian Garam, Serta Kadar Yodium dalam Urin Ibu Hamil di Jawa Barat

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    Pengalaman di berbagai negara menunjukkan bahwa yodisasi garam secara universal terbukti menurunkan prevalensi gondok. Indonesia bertekad menurunkan prevalensi gondok dan bebas kretin baru pada tahun 2000. Dalam jangka panjang Indonesia bertekad melakukan yodisasi garam secara universal. Selama yodisasi garam secara universal belum tercapai perilaku ibu dalam membeli garam akan banyak menentukan konsumsi yodium rumahtangga. Selain itu beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian yodium hilang dalam pemasakan. Untuk itu diperlukan informasi status yodisasi garam, perilaku pemilihan garam serta hubungannya dengan kadar yodium yang diekskresi di urin ibu hamil. Karena itu telah dilakukan penelitian di 20% desa di setiap kecamatan di Propinsi Jawa Barat. Di setiap desa terpilih dilakukan wawancara terhadap 30 ibu hamil dan menyusui yang dipilih secara acak. Sub sampel ibu hamil dipilih secara acak sekitar 4 orang per desa terpilih untuk pengukuran eksekusi yodium di dalam urin. Di desa tersebut dilakukan uji kadar yodium dalam 4-5 macam sampel garam yang dijual di beberapa warung. Dari 4153 sampel garam yang diperiksa 27.1% mempunyai kadar yodium >30 ppm, 70% mengandung yodium <30 ppm dan 2.9% tidak mengandung yodium. Dari 45928 ibu hamil sampel pada saat membeli garam, 57% memilih garam beryodium, 8.7% sengaja memilih garam tidak beryodium dan 34.3% tidak peduli. Sebesar 89.6% ibu hamil membeli garam di warung-warung desa. Median ekskresi yodium di dalam urin 70 ug/L yang menunjukkan status kekurangan yodium. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara proporsi garam yodium >30 ppm, proporsi ibu-ibu yang sengaja membeli garam beryodium dengan proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium dalam urin >100 ug/L yang menunjukkan status kekurangan yodium. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara proporsi garam yodium >30 ppm, proporsi ibu-ibu yang sengaja membeli garam beryodium dengan proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium dalam urin >100 ug/L ataupun proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium <50 ug/L

    Application of artificial neural networks for accurate determination of the complex permittivity of biological tissue

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    Medical devices making use of radio frequency (RF) and microwave (MW) fields have been studied as alternatives to existing diagnostic and therapeutic modalities since they offer several advantages. However, the lack of accurate knowledge of the complex permittivity of different biological tissues continues to hinder progress in of these technologies. The most convenient and popular measurement method used to determine the complex permittivity of biological tissues is the open-ended coaxial line, in combination with a vector network analyser (VNA) to measure the reflection coefficient (S11) which is then converted to the corresponding tissue permittivity using either full-wave analysis or through the use of equivalent circuit models. This paper proposes an innovative method of using artificial neural networks (ANN) to convert measured S11 to tissue permittivity, circumventing the requirement of extending the VNA measurement plane to the coaxial line open end. The conventional three-step calibration technique used with coaxial open-ended probes lacks repeatability, unless applied with extreme care by experienced persons, and is not adaptable to alternative sensor antenna configurations necessitated by many potential diagnostic and monitoring applications. The method being proposed does not require calibration at the tip of the probe, thus simplifying the measurement procedure while allowing arbitrary sensor design, and was experimentally validated using S11 measurements and the corresponding complex permittivity of 60 standard liquid and 42 porcine tissue samples. Following ANN training, validation and testing, we obtained a prediction accuracy of 5% for the complex permittivity.peer-reviewe

    Gain spectroscopy of a type-II VECSEL chip

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    Using optical pump-white light probe spectroscopy the gain dynamics is investigated for a VECSEL chip which is based on a type-II heterostructure. The active region the chip consists of a GaAs/(GaIn)As/Ga(AsSb)/(GaIn)As/GaAs multiple quantum well. For this structure, a fully microscopic theory predicts a modal room temperature gain at a wavelength of 1170 nm, which is confirmed by experimental spectra. The results show a gain buildup on the type-II chip which is delayed relative to that of a type-I chip. This slower gain dynamics is attributed to a diminished cooling rate arising from reduced electron-hole scattering.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure