152 research outputs found


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    Globalization is sweeping our world. Globalization can be interpreted as a process of theintegration of nations in the world in a global system that crosses national boundaries, both geographical,social, cultural, political and economic systems. The phenomenon of system changes and patterns of lifein a country has an effect on changes in systems and patterns of life in other countries. In this globalcontext, people's attitudes are increasingly open to changes that are influenced by changes from theoutside world. These changes have resulted in an increase in people's demands for freedom and decentlivelihoods.In the global context, education must improve to deal with various phenomena that occur.Education should be more oriented towards developing critical and creative thoughts of students. Theeducation process does not merely provide knowledge about learning material, but rather focuses onimproving thinking skills. For that reason, it is time for us to ask "what can language, literature, art,culture, and education play in developing students' critical and creative thinking skills in this globalizedera?" This critical issue is the theme in ISLLAC volume 2, issue 2


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    Lagu daerah Banyuwangi merupakan produk budaya etnik Using. Lagu daerah tersebut merupakan hasil interaksi masyarakat Using dengan lingkungan a/am dan lingkungan sosia/ budayanya. Sebagai produk budaya, tuturan /agu memiliki karakteristik yang khas yang da/am perspektif teoretis merupakan ekspresi budaya masyarakat Using. Tuturan /agu daerah Banyuwangi menggunakan gaya tutur yang beragam. Keberagaman ujaran tersebut menggambarkan keberagaman strategi tutur da/am budaya komunikasi etnik Using. Penggunaan beragam gaya tutur ini memiliki fungsi untuk menjadikan keutuhan dan kesatuan gagasan, menje/askan dan menegaskan makna ujaran, dan mengembangkan kekhasan ujaran. Da/am bahasa Using, penggunaan beragam gaya tutur tersebut menggambarkan dinamika sosial etnik Using da/am membangun kesantunan da/am bertutur


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    In daily life, every member of society always interacts with the environment by using a traditional system that goes on continuously and is bound by a sense of common identity in its social unity. They face challenges and stimuli from the environment, including challenges and stimuli from natural resources. In responding to these challenges and stimuli, they individually or collectively develop language, literature, art, and culture and use them as adaptations to meet their needs.Community cultural products in the form of language, literature, and art are one of the vehicles for the community to adapt to the environment and meet the needs of his life. The cultural product is the result of the creation and innovation of the community whose presence is encouraged and influenced by the condition of the environment. Therefore, these cultural products have a unique shape in accordance with the needs of the environment and the demands of his time.As expressions and creations of society, language, literature, and art have a function as a symbol of cultural identity of society. As a cultural identity of society, the development of language, literature, and art is always in line with the development of the culture of the community of speakers. The style and expression of language, literature, and art reflect the cultural style of the societies.In the life of society, there are groups or social layers that have the structure, strength, and taste of life that tend to vary. This distinction leads to the emergence of different adaptation strategies undertaken by each community to meet the needs of their lives. The diversity of patterns and adaptation strategies undertaken by diverse communities is reflected in the various cultural works it produces.The presence of language, literature, and art has a function for the people of its speakers. Individually, language, literature, and the arts function as a means of expression or sublimation, while socially the cultural products of the society serve to fulfill certain interests, such as for the belief, religion, politics, education, and economy. Thus, in language, literature, and art those are contained a number of messages that have a particular function or meaning for the people of its speakers.In various events, the cultural products of the society in the form of language, literature, and art are functioned by the owner as a vehicle for building relationships among individuals in a whole community. Cultural products are functioned as a medium to unify and strengthen the closeness of their relationship in carrying out cultural practices. In this case, the cultural product of society becomes a cultural vehicle that guides and directs the cultural behavior of the culprit community.  Editor in Chie


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    Globalization is sweeping our world. Globalization can be interpreted as a process of theintegration of nations in the world in a global system that crosses national boundaries, both geographical,social, cultural, political and economic systems. The phenomenon of system changes and patterns of lifein a country has an effect on changes in systems and patterns of life in other countries. In this globalcontext, people's attitudes are increasingly open to changes that are influenced by changes from theoutside world. These changes have resulted in an increase in people's demands for freedom and decentlivelihoods.In the global context, education must improve to deal with various phenomena that occur.Education should be more oriented towards developing critical and creative thoughts of students. Theeducation process does not merely provide knowledge about learning material, but rather focuses onimproving thinking skills. For that reason, it is time for us to ask "what can language, literature, art,culture, and education play in developing students' critical and creative thinking skills in this globalizedera?" This critical issue is the theme in ISLLAC volume 2, issue 2


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    In daily life, every member of society always interacts with the environment by using a traditional system that goes on continuously and is bound by a sense of common identity in its social unity. They face challenges and stimuli from the environment, including challenges and stimuli from natural resources. In responding to these challenges and stimuli, they individually or collectively develop language, literature, art, and culture and use them as adaptations to meet their needs.Community cultural products in the form of language, literature, and art are one of the vehicles for the community to adapt to the environment and meet the needs of his life. The cultural product is the result of the creation and innovation of the community whose presence is encouraged and influenced by the condition of the environment. Therefore, these cultural products have a unique shape in accordance with the needs of the environment and the demands of his time.As expressions and creations of society, language, literature, and art have a function as a symbol of cultural identity of society. As a cultural identity of society, the development of language, literature, and art is always in line with the development of the culture of the community of speakers. The style and expression of language, literature, and art reflect the cultural style of the societies.In the life of society, there are groups or social layers that have the structure, strength, and taste of life that tend to vary. This distinction leads to the emergence of different adaptation strategies undertaken by each community to meet the needs of their lives. The diversity of patterns and adaptation strategies undertaken by diverse communities is reflected in the various cultural works it produces.The presence of language, literature, and art has a function for the people of its speakers. Individually, language, literature, and the arts function as a means of expression or sublimation, while socially the cultural products of the society serve to fulfill certain interests, such as for the belief, religion, politics, education, and economy. Thus, in language, literature, and art those are contained a number of messages that have a particular function or meaning for the people of its speakers.In various events, the cultural products of the society in the form of language, literature, and art are functioned by the owner as a vehicle for building relationships among individuals in a whole community. Cultural products are functioned as a medium to unify and strengthen the closeness of their relationship in carrying out cultural practices. In this case, the cultural product of society becomes a cultural vehicle that guides and directs the cultural behavior of the culprit community.  Editor in Chie

    Collective Aggressivity in Numerical cales

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    The social reality of conflict (group violence) is now occurring in many spheres of our society, including students who are synonymous with educated groups and prioritize rationality in making decisions. There are several reasons why conflicts between student groups occur. Firstly, the social reality triggers the tendency for students to behave aggressively and individual conflict occurs between students, which then shifts or switches to inter-group conflicts. This is deliberately created so that actors gain sympathy, support, even assistance from members of their group. Secondly, clashes between student groups tend to increase. This is because each conflicting group has seeds of conflict symptoms which at any time give a strong contribution to student’s aggressive behavior, in the form of group prejudice, ethnocentrism, and discrimination. Lastly, when compared with the existing conflict symptoms, group prejudice ranks first in contributing to the emergence of student aggressive behavior tendencies (ry2 = 0.98 or 98%), followed by discrimination (0.96 or 96%), and ethnocentrism (0.94 or 94%). Keywords: collective aggressivity, Universitas Negeri Makassa

    The Cultural Meaning of Traditional Expressions in Daily Speech of Using Community at Banyuwangi

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    This article aims to describe a variety of traditional expressions used by Using community at Banyuwangi in speaking. The variety of expressions is studied from the form, USAge, and cultural meaning in communication. The data of traditional expression speech presented in the description sources from conversation of Using community in various speech situations. The result of the study shows that there are 6 categories of traditional expressions used in the Using speech community. The variety of the expressions used by the speaker to express a message, thoughts, feelings, or opinions to the speaking participan. Various things that can be conveyed through expression are praise, anger, aggravation, suggestions or advice, and pleasure. Using community utilizes the expressions to criticize, comment, ridicule, reassuring, stated, praising, reprimanding or blaming, complaining, remind, advise, and ask or beg. All of them are reflecting Using community culture in daily speech

    Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter Dan Budaya Bangsa Berwawasan Kearifan Lokal

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    Pendidikan nasional Indonesia saat ini masih menghadapi berbagai masalah. Capaian hasil pendidikan masih belum memenuhi hasil yang diharapkan. Pembelajaran di sekolah belum mampu membentuk secara utuh pribadi lulusan yang mencerminkan karakter dan budaya bangsa. Proses pendidikan masih menitikberatkan dan memfokuskan capaiannya secara kognitif. Sementara, aspek afektif pada diri peserta didik yang merupakan bekal kuat untuk hidup di masyarakat belum dikembangkan secara optimal. Karena itu, pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa merupakan seatu keniscayaan untuk dikembangkan di sekolah. Sekolah sebagai pusat Perubahan perlu mengupayakan secara sungguh-sungguh pendidikan yang berbasis karakter dan budaya bangsa. Karakter dan budaya bangsa yang dikembangkan di sekolah harus diselaraskan dengan karakter dan budaya lokal, regional, dan nasional. Untuk itu, pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa perlu dikembangkan berdasarkan kearifan lokal

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA) Berdasarkan Hasil Analisis Kebutuhan Belajar

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    Teaching Indonesian for Foreign Learners or Indonesian as a Foreign Language (IFL) is different from teaching Indonesian as a first language. The differences are due to the characteristics of the learners. IFL learners generally are adults who have language and cultural background and learning style different from those Indonesian learners have. These differences demand IFL teachers and instructors to prepare teaching-learning materials and the activities of the teaching-learning process in the classroom that are relevant to the learners' needs. Understanding the entry level behavior of the learners, the teaching materials, the teaching-learning approach, and the evalution process is of crucial importance in order to fulfill their needs. Learning needs analysis of IFL learners is also a prerequisite to developing adequate teaching-learning materials of IFL


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan penggunaan diksi dalam tuturan mahasiswa asing UM saat pembelajaran BIPA, mendeskripsikan kesalahan penggunaan diksi yang sering terjadi dalam tuturan mahasiswa asing UM saat pembelajaran BIPA, dan mendeskripsikan faktor penyebab kesalahan penggunaan diksi dalam tuturan mahasiswa asing UM saat pembelajaran BIPA. Data penelitian ini berupa tuturan mahasiswa asing baik dengan pengajar maupun dengan tutor selama pembelajaran BIPA yang sesuai dengan fokus penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesalahan penggunaan diksi pada aspek (1) kebakuan kata, (2) kecermatan kata, (3) ketepatan kata, (4) kelaziman kata, dan (5) keserasian kata.Kata Kunci: kesalahan, penggunaan diksi, tuturan, pembelajaran BIP
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