649 research outputs found

    Microwave Spectrum Of Acetic Acid: The Third And Fourth Excited Torsional States

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    We present the first study of the millimeter and submillimeter wave spectra of the third and fourth excited torsional states of acetic acid (\chem{CH_3COOH}). New measurements have been carried out in the 149-183 GHz and 255-420 GHz ranges using the millimeter wave spectrometer in the Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU (Ukraine). Already published data [1] were combined with the new measurements and fitted using the rho-axis-method torsion–rotation Hamiltonian and RAM36 code [2]. The current fit uses 109 parameters to give an overall weighted root-mean-square deviation of 2.1 for the dataset consisting of 34799 transitions (which due to blending correspond to 21773 measured line frequencies), among which 2663 and 1243 transitions correspond to the third and fourth excited torsional states of \chem{CH_3COOH}, respectively. The new dataset also contains numerous intertorsional transitions (2407) including those involving energy levels from the third and fourth torsional excited states that are observed due to intensity borrowing via avoided crossing interactions that provide a direct measure of torsional energy spacings associated with torsional potential barrier. In the talk the details of the experimental dataset and analysis will be given\footnote{This work was done under support of the Volkswagen foundation. The assistance of Science and Technology Center in Ukraine is acknowledged (STCU partner project P756).}. [1] V. V. Ilyushin, C. P. Endres, F. Lewen, S. Schlemmer, B. J. Drouin J. Mol. Spectrosc. 290, pp. 31 - 41, 2013. [2] V. Ilyushin, Z. Kisiel, L. Pszczółkowski, H. Mäder, J. T. Hougen, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 259, pp. 26-38, 2010

    The theory of plasticity in the case of simple loading accompanied by strain-hardening

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    The author has previously shown that a deformation theory of plasticity is entirely adequate when the loading is simple; that is, when all the applied forces grow in proportion to a single parameter. The author now shows how a general plasticitytheory for any complex loading may be constructed by successively adding quantities of the nature of correction terms to the deformation theory. All of the theories of plasticity so far suggested for the complex loading condition are shown to be special cases of this general theory

    DIALOG-22 RuATD Generated Text Detection

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    Text Generation Models (TGMs) succeed in creating text that matches human language style reasonably well. Detectors that can distinguish between TGM-generated text and human-written ones play an important role in preventing abuse of TGM. In this paper, we describe our pipeline for the two DIALOG-22 RuATD tasks: detecting generated text (binary task) and classification of which model was used to generate text (multiclass task). We achieved 1st place on the binary classification task with an accuracy score of 0.82995 on the private test set and 4th place on the multiclass classification task with an accuracy score of 0.62856 on the private test set. We proposed an ensemble method of different pre-trained models based on the attention mechanism.Comment: 6 page

    Millimeter wave spectrum of nitromethane

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    A new study of the millimeter wave spectrum of nitromethane \chem{CH_3NO_2} is reported. The new measurements covering the frequency range from 49 GHz to 236 GHz have been carried out using spectrometer in IRA NASU (Ukraine). The transitions belonging to the m \leq 8 torsional states have been analyzed using the RAM36 program\footnote{V. Ilyushin, Z. Kisiel, L. Pszczółkowski, H. Mäder, J. T. Hougen J. Mol. Spectrosc. 259 (2010) 26-38.}, which has been modified for this study to take into account the quadrupole hyperfine structure due to presence of the nitrogen atom. The dataset consisting of 5838 microwave line frequencies and including transitions with {\it J} up to 50 was fit using a model consisting of 93 parameters and weighted root-mean-square deviation of 0.89 has been achieved. In the talk the details of this new study will be discussed

    The Formation of the Structure and Tribological Properties of Composite Bronzes Reinforced with Steel Dendrites

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    The possibility of creating of composite bronzes reinforced with steel dendrites from martensitic, austenitic and ferritic steels was considered. Compared to the BrO10 bronze widely used in the sliding friction units, bronze BRZHNA 12-7-1 has an increased complex of mechanical, technological and, especially, tribological properties. At comparable values of the friction coefficient, the wear resistance of bronze BRZHNA 12-7-1 is much higher. In contrast to the classic BrO10 bronze, composite bronze can be obtained in a hot-deformed state, welded, welded on steel and cast iron. The level of mechanical properties: σ0.2 = 220 MPa;


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    We present\footnote{This work was done under support of the Volkswagen foundation. The assistance of Science and Technology Center in Ukraine is acknowledged (STCU partner project P686). The work in K{\"o}ln was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via SFB~956, project B3, and the Ger{\"a}tezentrum Cologne Terahertz Center.} the results of our analysis of the FIR and microwave spectra of the \nub{8} vibrational state (C-S stretch) of methyl mercaptan \chem{CH_3SH} near 710 \wn. The analysis employs a new program which was recently developed for fitting several isolated small-amplitude fundamentals embedded in a pure torsional bath in molecules like methyl mercaptan, in which the frame has Cs_{s} symmetry and the methyl top has C3v_{3v} symmetry. Our study involves the energy levels that belong to the \nub{8} vibrational state itself as well as to vt_t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 torsional vibrational states of methyl mercaptan. In our analysis we used data available in the literature [1,2,3] as well as the results of the new measurements from Kharkiv, K{\"o}ln, and Braunschweig. In the talk the details of this new study will be discussed. [1] L.-H. Xu, R. M. Lees, G. T. Crabbe, et al., J. Chem. Phys. 137, 104313 (2012). [2] R.M. Lees, Li-Hong Xu, B.E. Billinghurst, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 352, 30-38 (2016). [3] R.M. Lees, Li-Hong Xu, B.E. Billinghurst, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 319, 45-56 (2018)


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    We present\footnote{This talk is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Jon T. Hougen (who recently passed away) in recognition of his essential contribution to this project.} the results of achieved progress in our analysis of the far-IR and microwave spectra of the \nub{10} vibrational state of acetaldehyde\footnote{This work was done under support of the Volkswagen foundation. The assistance of STCU is acknowledged (partner project P686).}. The analysis of the gs - \nub{10} band near 509 \wn involves the energy levels that belong to the vt_t =0, 1 torsional states of \nub{10} vibrational mode as well as vt_t =0, 1, 2, 3, 4 torsional states of the ground vibrational state. The intervibrational interactions between \nub{10} vibrational state and torsional bath is taken explicitly into account with the help of a new program which was recently developed for fitting several isolated small-amplitude fundamentals embedded in a pure torsional bath in molecules with Cs_{s} frame and C3v_{3v} top. Obtained results provide significant progress in comparison with the previous fitting attempts for gs - \nub{10} band of acetaldehyde near 509 \wn. In the talk the details of the results with emphasis on the remaining fitting problems for the hot torsional bands\footnote{The authors are indebted to Dr. A.R.W. McKellar for providing raw spectrum data on torsional bands of acetaldehyde from previous study.} of acetaldehyde will be discussed

    The torsional fundamental band and rotational spectra up to 940 GHz of the ground, first and second excited torsional states of acetone

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    A new global study of the acetone \chem{(CH_3)_2CO} spectrum is reported. The new microwave measurements covering the frequency range from 34 GHz to 940 GHz have been carried out using spectrometers in IRA NASU (Ukraine) and PhLAM Lille (France). The far infrared spectrum of acetone has been recorded on the AILES beamline of the synchrotron SOLEIL using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer coupled to a long path cell. The transitions belonging to the three lowest torsional states as well as to the observed fundamental band associated with the methyl-top torsion mode (\nub{17} = 1) have been analyzed using recently developed model for the molecules with two equivalent methyl rotors and C2v_{2v} symmetry at equilibrium (PAM\_C2v\_2tops program)\footnote{ V. Ilyushin, J.T. Hougen J. Mol. Spectrosc. 289 (2013) 41-49.}. The dataset consisting of more than 26100 microwave and 1100 FIR line frequencies and including transitions with {\it J} up to 89 was fit using a model consisting of 119 parameters and weighted root-mean-square deviation of 0.89 has been achieved. In the talk the details of this new study will be discussed