301 research outputs found

    Financial panic and emerging market funds

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    This article studies equity investment of emerging-market funds based on the 2003–2009 weekly data and compares the dynamics of flow and return between tranquil period and financial panic based on the experience of the latest 2008–2009 global financial crisis. First, we find that the well-documented positive feedback trading is a tranquil-period phenomenon such that it is more difficult in general for emerging-market funds to attract new investment in financial panic. Second, the predictive power of flow on return is driven by a combination of price pressure and information effects in tranquil period, while the information effect dominates in financial panic. Third, the underlying co-movements or contagion of flow across the emerging-market funds influence the association between flow and return. Overall, the findings highlight the importance of accounting for state-dependent dynamics as well as cross-regional co-movements in the analysis of flow and return

    Crossfit as modern means of physical education

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    Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at physical development, functional improvement of organism, studies of basic efferent skills of vital importance and knowledge related to them for the future successful professional activities

    Enhanced rates of regional warming and ocean acidification after termination of large-scale ocean alkalinization

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    Termination effects of large‐scale Artificial Ocean Alkalinization (AOA) have received little attention because AOA was assumed to pose low environmental risk. With the Max‐Planck‐Institute Earth System Model, we use emission‐driven AOA simulations following the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5). We find that after termination of AOA warming trends in regions of the Northern hemisphere become ∼50% higher than those in RCP8.5 with rates similar to those caused by termination of solar geoengineering over the following three decades after cessation (up to 0.15 K/year). Rates of ocean acidification after termination of AOA outpace those in RCP8.5. In warm shallow regions where vulnerable coral reefs are located, decreasing trends in surface pH double (0.01 units/year) and the drop in the carbonate saturation state (Ω) becomes up to one order of magnitude larger (0.2 units/year). Thus, termination of AOA poses higher risks to biological systems sensitive to fast‐paced environmental changes than previously thought. <br

    Local oceanic CO2 outgassing triggered by terrestrial carbon fluxes during deglacial flooding

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    Exchange of carbon between the ocean and the atmosphere is a key process that influences past climates via glacial-interglacial variations of the CO2 concentration. The melting of ice sheets during deglaciations induces a sea level rise which leads to the flooding of coastal land areas, resulting in the transfer of terrestrial organic matter to the ocean. However, the consequences of such fluxes on the ocean biogeochemical cycle and on the uptake and release of CO2 are poorly constrained. Moreover, this potentially important exchange of carbon at the land-sea interface is not represented in most Earth system models. We present here the implementation of terrestrial organic matter fluxes into the ocean at the transiently changing land-sea interface in the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) and investigate their effect on the biogeochemistry during the last deglaciation. Our results show that during the deglaciation, most of the terrestrial organic matter inputs to the ocean occurs during Meltwater Pulse 1a (between 15-14 ka) which leads to the transfer of 21.2 GtC of terrestrial carbon (mostly originating from wood and humus) to the ocean. Although this additional organic matter input is relatively small in comparison to the global ocean inventory (0.06 %) and thus does not have an impact on the global CO2 flux, the terrestrial organic matter fluxes initiate oceanic outgassing in regional hotspots like in Indonesia for a few hundred years. Finally, sensitivity experiments highlight that terrestrial organic matter fluxes are the drivers of oceanic outgassing in flooded coastal regions during Meltwater Pulse 1a. Furthermore, the magnitude of outgassing is rather insensitive to higher carbon-to-nutrient ratios of the terrestrial organic matter. Our results provide a first estimate of the importance of terrestrial organic matter fluxes in a transient deglaciation simulation. Moreover, our model development is an important step towards a fully coupled carbon cycle in an Earth system model applicable to simulations at glacial-interglacial cycles

    Trivial improvements of predictive skill due to direct reconstruction of global carbon cycle

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    State-of-the-art carbon cycle prediction systems are initialized from reconstruction simulations in which state variables of the climate system are assimilated. While currently only the physical state variables are assimilated, biogeochemical state variables adjust to the state acquired through this assimilation indirectly instead of being assimilated themselves. In the absence of comprehensive biogeochemical reanalysis products, such approach is pragmatic. Here we evaluate a potential advantage of having perfect carbon cycle observational products to be used for direct carbon cycle reconstruction. Within an idealized perfect-model framework, we define 50 years of a control simulation under pre-industrial CO2 levels as our target representing observations. We nudge variables from this target onto arbitrary initial conditions 150 years later mimicking an assimilation simulation generating initial conditions for hindcast experiments of prediction systems. We investigate the tracking performance, i.e. bias, correlation and root-mean-square-error between the reconstruction and the target, when nudging an increasing set of atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial variables with a focus on the global carbon cycle explaining variations in atmospheric CO2. We compare indirect versus direct carbon cycle reconstruction against a resampled threshold representing internal variability. Afterwards, we use these reconstructions to initialize ensembles to assess how well the target can be predicted after reconstruction. Interested in the ability to reconstruct global atmospheric CO2, we focus on the global carbon cycle reconstruction and predictive skill. We find that indirect carbon cycle reconstruction through physical fields reproduces the target variations on a global and regional scale much better than the resampled threshold. While reproducing the large scale variations, nudging introduces systematic regional biases in the physical state variables, on which biogeochemical cycles react very sensitively. Global annual surface oceanic pCO2 initial conditions are indirectly reconstructed with an anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) of 0.8 and debiased root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.3 ppm. Direct reconstruction slightly improves initial conditions in ACC by +0.1 and debiased RMSE by −0.1 ppm. Indirect reconstruction of global terrestrial carbon cycle initial conditions for vegetation carbon pools track the target by ACC of 0.5 and debiased RMSE of 0.5 PgC. Direct reconstruction brings negligible improvements for air-land CO2 flux. Global atmospheric CO2 is indirectly tracked by ACC of 0.8 and debiased RMSE of 0.4 ppm. Direct reconstruction of the marine and terrestrial carbon cycles improves ACC by 0.1 and debiased RMSE by −0.1 ppm. We find improvements in global carbon cycle predictive skill from direct reconstruction compared to indirect reconstruction. After correcting for mean bias, indirect and direct reconstruction both predict the target similarly well and only moderately worse than perfect initialization after the first lead year. Our perfect-model study shows that indirect carbon cycle reconstruction yields satisfying initial conditions for global CO2 flux and atmospheric CO2. Direct carbon cycle reconstruction adds little improvements in the global carbon cycle, because imperfect reconstruction of the physical climate state impedes better biogeochemical reconstruction. These minor improvements in initial conditions yield little improvement in initialized perfect-model predictive skill. We label these minor improvements due to direct carbon cycle reconstruction trivial, as mean bias reduction yields similar improvements. As reconstruction biases in real-world prediction systems are even stronger, our results add confidence to the current practice of indirect reconstruction in carbon cycle prediction systems

    Oceanic Rossby waves drive inter-annual predictability of net primary production in the central tropical Pacific

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    In the Pacific Ocean, off-equatorial Rossby waves (RWs), initiated by atmosphere-ocean interaction, modulate the inter-annual variability of the thermocline. In this study, we explore the resulting potential gain in predictability of central tropical Pacific primary production, which in this region strongly depends on the supply of macronutrients from below the thermocline. We use a decadal prediction system based on the Max Planck Institute Earth system model to demonstrate that for the time period 1998-2014 properly initialized RWs explain an increase in predictability of net primary productivity (NPP) in the off-equatorial central tropical Pacific. We show that, for up to 5 years in advance, predictability of NPP derived from the decadal prediction system is significantly larger than that derived from persistence alone, or an uninitialized historical simulation. The predicted signal can be explained by the following mechanism: off-equatorial RWs are initiated in the eastern Pacific and travel towards the central tropical Pacific on a time scale of 2-6 years. On their arrival the RWs modify the depths of both thermocline and nutricline, which is fundamental to the availability of nutrients in the euphotic layer. Local upwelling transports nutrients from below the nutricline into the euphotic zone, effectively transferring the RW signal to the near-surface ocean. While we show that skillful prediction of central off-equatorial tropical Pacific NPP is possible, we open the door for establishing predictive systems for food web and ecosystem services in that region

    Endothelial dysfunction in patients after COVID-19

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    Relevance: Over the past two years, the COVID-19 infection has gained unprecedented relevance at the global level. All countries are spending significant resources in the fight against COVID-19 [1 2]. The purpose of the work is to clarify the issue of the state of the kidneys in the distant post-covid period (after 2-3 months), we conducted a study of the kidneys simultaneously with the desquamation of the endothelium, as one of the probable mechanisms of the nephrotic effect of the COVID-19 virus. Materials and methods: 29 people participated in the study. Patients with post-covid syndrome (n=10) were treated on an outpatient basis at the "KNP "Center of primary medical and sanitary (medical and sanitary) care No. 3, Odesa" of the Odesa City Council" in the period from 2020 to 2021. The control group consisted of patients without cardiovascular and endocrine disorders, comparable in terms of gender and age, who were examined in 2018 at the Odesa Regional Clinical Medical Center of the Odesa Regional Council. Endothelial dysfunction "ED" was determined by the intensity of desquamation of the endothelium according to the method of J. Hladovec as modified by M.M. Petryschev. and other. (2001).           Statistical analysis was performed using Status software [https://status-please.herokuapp.com/]. Mean values ​​(M) and its standard deviation (SD) were used to describe quantitative data, and percentages were used for qualitative data. For comparison, data were presented as M and standard error of the mean (SEM). Analysis of normality was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Levene's test was used to assess homogeneity of variances. Differences between groups were determined using Student's t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The relationship and presence of correlation between the studied parameters was determined using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). The correlation coefficient in the range of 0.5≤|r|&lt;1 indicated a strong correlation relationship, 0.3≤|r|&lt;0.5 – a relationship of medium strength, 0&lt;|r|&lt;0.3 – on a weak correlation. Statistical significance was established only at the level of p &lt; 0.05. Results: 17 men and 12 women aged from 32 to 80 years who suffered from a disease of moderate severity participated in the study. The average age of the group of patients with post-covid syndrome (n=9) is 55.9±14.47 years, the average age of the control group (n=20) is 55.95±14.47 years. There were no complaints from the urinary system in the examined patients. According to blood serum tests, it was established that the creatinine level among patients with post-covid syndrome was on average 113±11.91 μmol/l, the urea level was 8.11±1.2 mmol/l, the GFR level was 55.06±12, 19 ml/min/1.73. m2. In the control group, the numbers were as follows: creatinine level was 73.2±8.5 μmol/l, mean urea level was 4.61 mmol/l, GFR was 94.78±13.76 ml/min/1.73 m2. Conclusions: 2-3 months after the transfer of COVID-19, the examined patients show signs of chronic kidney disease. After a disease with COVID-19, an increase in CEC is detected, which is a manifestation of endothelial dysfunction

    Crossfit as modern means of physical education

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    Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at physical development, functional improvement of organism, studies of basic efferent skills of vital importance and knowledge related to them for the future successful professional activities


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    The aim of the study – to analyze the epidemiological features of brucellosis, prevalence, morbidity of the population, clinical course, diagnostics in nowadays in Ukraine and other countries on the basis of actual li­terature data.Results. The research was carried out and the data on the morbidity of brucellosis of farm animals and humans in Ukraine and other countries were presented. The increase in the incidence of brucellosis in the population is due to the epizootic process in private farms as a consequence of the weakening of veterinary control. In Ukraine, for almost 25 years, brucellosis of farm animals is not recorded. Among individuals, isolated cases of brucellosis have been confirmed. The epidemiology of ailments has been changed under the influence of mo­dern socio-economic factors and migration processes, as well as the discovery of new species of brucellosis and their natural reservoirs. The formation of disease cells in areas previously free of brucellosis, as a result of transboundary infection.Мета дослідження: на підставі даних сучасної літератури проаналізувати епідеміологічні особливо­сті бруцельозу, поширеність, захворюваність населення, клінічний перебіг, діагностику в умовах сьогодення в Україні та інших країнах.Результати. Проведено дослідження та наведені дані про захворюваність на бруцельоз сільськогосподарських тварин і людей в Україні та інших країнах. Зростання захворюваності на бруцельоз населення пов’язано з епізоотичним процесом у приватних господарствах як наслідок послаблення ветеринарного контролю. В Україні майже 25 років не реєструється бруцельоз сільськогосподарських тварин. Серед людей підтверджені поодинокі завезені випадки бруцельозу. Змінилась епідеміологія недуги під впливом сучасних соціально-економічних чинників і міграційних процесів, а також відкриття нових видів бруцел та їх природних резервуарів. Відмічається формування осередків хвороби на територіях, раніше вільних від бруцельозу, внаслідок транскордонного занесення інфекції

    Light absorption by marine cyanobacteria affects tropical climate mean state and variability

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    Observations indicate that positively buoyant marine cyanobacteria, which are abundant throughout the tropical and subtropical ocean, have a strong local heating effect due to light absorption at the ocean surface. How these local changes in radiative heating affect the climate system on the large scale is unclear. We use the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM), include light absorption by cyanobacteria, and find a considerable cooling effect on tropical sea surface temperature (SST) in the order of 0.5&thinsp;K on a climatological timescale. This cooling is caused by local shading of subtropical subsurface water by cyanobacteria that is upwelled at the Equator and in eastern boundary upwelling systems. Implications for the climate system include a westward shift of the Walker circulation and a weakening of the Hadley circulation. The amplitude of the seasonal cycle of SST is increased in large parts of the tropical ocean by up to 25&thinsp;%, and the tropical Pacific interannual variability is enhanced by approx. 20&thinsp;%. This study emphasizes the sensitivity of the tropical climate system to light absorption by cyanobacteria due to its regulative effect on tropical SST. Generally, including phytoplankton-dependent light attenuation instead of a globally uniform attenuation depth improves some of the major model temperature biases, indicating the relevance of taking this biophysical feedback into account in climate models.</p