9 research outputs found

    Advantages of analysing both pairwise SNV-distance and differing SNVs between Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates for recurrent tuberculosis cause determination.

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    Funding Information: This study was funded by the European Regional Development Fund grant No Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors.Endogenous reactivation and exogenous reinfection are two possible causes of recurrent tuberculosis (TB). However, in some cases, precise cause determination can be challenging. In this study, we used whole genome sequencing to determine pairwise SNV distances and detect differing SNVs in initial and subsequent isolates for recurrent TB cases when the first and second episodes were caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( Mtb) strains with an identical spoligotype pattern. In total, 104 Mtb isolates from 36 recurrent TB and 16 single TB episode patients were included in the study. Most isolate pairs belonged to the SIT1 (n=21), SIT42 (n=9), SIT53 (n=9), and SIT254 (n=7) spoligotypes, and in 27 cases, resistance to at least one anti-TB drug was found in either isolate. Drug susceptibility was more common in the recurrent TB patient cohort, and longitudinal single TB episode isolates were more prone to be drug-resistant (p=0.03), while the association between patient cohort and spoligotype was not statistically significant (p=0.07). The pairwise SNV-distance between the longitudinal single TB episode isolates was small (0-7 SNVs). Among the recurrent TB isolates, based on the high SNV-distance (38-273 SNVs), six reinfection cases (16.7%) were identified. This distance was small (<10 SNVs) in the remaining 30 isolate pairs. Further analysis of differing SNVs revealed that 22 (61.1%) cases could be classified as possible reactivation. Notably, despite the small distance of 2-7 SNVs, initial isolates of eight patients (22.2%) had several SNVs that were not found in the second isolates; therefore, these cases were classified as reinfection with a closely related Mtb strain. No statistically significant difference in the time interval between specimen collection in the reactivation and reinfection Mtb sample groups (p=0.13) or an association between recurrence cause and drug resistance status (p=0.62) or spoligotype (p=0.79) could be detected. The mycobacterial median mutation rate of longitudinal single TB episodes and possible reactivation isolate pairs (n=37) was 0.12 SNVs/genome/year (IQR 0-0.39), and in 18 cases (48.6%), it was equal to zero. No statistically significant differences in mutation rate were found between recurrent TB and longitudinal single TB episode isolates (p=0.087), drug-susceptible and resistant isolates (p=0.37) or isolates of Beijing and other genotype families (p=0.33). Furthermore, four cases of fluoroquinolone resistance development through the acquired SNVs in the gyrA gene were identified. To conclude, this study highlighted the complexity of recurrent episode cause determination and showed the usefulness of differing SNV identification in both Mtb isolates in such cases. Expected drug susceptibility was the only discriminative factor for recurrent TB episode-causing mycobacterial strains, while no differences between reactivation and reinfection sample groups could be identified.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous quantification of the first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs and six primary metabolites in patient plasma : Implications for therapeutic drug monitoring

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    Funding Information: This study was funded by the Latvian Council of Science. Project No: lzp-2020/1-0050. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsThe pharmacokinetic profiling of drug substances and corresponding metabolites in the biological matrix is one of the most informative tools for the treatment efficacy assessment. Therefore, to satisfy the need for comprehensive monitoring of anti-tuberculosis drugs in human plasma, a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was developed and validated for simultaneous quantification of first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs (ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and rifampicin) along with their six primary metabolites. Simple single-step protein precipitation with methanol was chosen as the most convenient sample pre-treatment method. Chromatographic separation of the ten analyte mixture was achieved within 10 minutes on a reverse-phase C8 column using mobile phase gradient mode. The multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) was used for analyte detection and quantification in patient samples. The chosen quantification ranges fully covered expected plasma concentrations. The method exhibited acceptable selectivity; the within- and between-run accuracy ranged from 87.2 to 113.6%, but within- and between-run precision was between 1.6 and 14.9% (at the LLOQ level CV < 20%). Although the response of the isonicotinic acid varied depending on the matrix source (CV 21.8%), validation results proved that such inconsistency does not affect the accuracy and precision of results. If stored at room temperature plasma samples should be processed within 4 h after collection, temporary storage at −20 °C up to 24 h is acceptable due to stability issues of analytes. The developed method was applied for the patient sample analysis (n = 34) receiving anti-tuberculosis treatment with the first-line drugs.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Morphological characterisation and molecular sex determination of human remains from the 15th-17th centuries in Latvia

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    Sex determination is one of the most important and initial steps in human profile identification from archaeological material. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the application of molecular approaches alongside morphological methods for sex determination in archaeological human skeletal remains. Human skeletal remains were excavated from three cemeteries: St Gertrude Old Church, Dom Square and St Peter's Church, of 15th-17th century burials in Riga, Latvia. Morphological and molecular genetic methods, including amplification of genes AMELX/Y and SRY were used to analyse seven skeletal remains. The conducted analyses of morphological features identified sex in all seven cases (two females and five males). By molecular analyses of mediaeval DNA it was possible to determine sex in five of seven (71%) samples. In all positive cases full agreement between morphological estimation and molecular genetic methods was observed. To conclude, DNA analysis can be considered for sex identification in cases with no signs of sexual dimorphism (juvenile skeletons) or partially preserved skeletons.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis acquires limited genetic diversity in prolonged infections, reactivations and transmissions involving multiple hosts

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2018 Herranz, Pole, Ozere, Chiner-Oms, Martínez-Lirola, Pérez-García, Gijón, Serrano, Romero, Cuevas, Comas, Bouza, Pérez-Lago and García-de-Viedma.Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) has limited ability to acquire variability. Analysis of its microevolution might help us to evaluate the pathways followed to acquire greater infective success. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in the analysis of the transmission of MTB has elucidated the magnitude of variability in MTB. Analysis of transmission currently depends on the identification of clusters, according to the threshold of variability (<5 SNPs) between isolates. Objective: We evaluated whether the acquisition of variability in MTB, was more frequent in situations which could favor it, namely intrapatient, prolonged infections or reactivations and interpatient transmissions involving multiple sequential hosts. Methods: We used WGS to analyze the accumulation of variability in sequential isolates from prolonged infections or translations from latency to reactivation. We then measured microevolution in transmission clusters with prolonged transmission time, high number of involved cases, simultaneous involvement of latency and active transmission. Results: Intrapatient and interpatient acquisition of variability was limited, within the ranges expected according to the thresholds of variability proposed, even though bursts of variability were observed. Conclusions: The thresholds of variability proposed for MTB seem to be valid in most circumstances, including those theoretically favoring acquisition of variability. Our data point to multifactorial modulation of microevolution, although further studies are necessary to elucidate the factors underlying this modulation.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Acquires Limited Genetic Diversity in Prolonged Infections, Reactivations and Transmissions Involving Multiple Hosts

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    Background:Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) has limited ability to acquire variability. Analysis of its microevolution might help us to evaluate the pathways followed to acquire greater infective success. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in the analysis of the transmission of MTB has elucidated the magnitude of variability in MTB. Analysis of transmission currently depends on the identification of clusters, according to the threshold of variability (&lt;5 SNPs) between isolates.Objective: We evaluated whether the acquisition of variability in MTB, was more frequent in situations which could favor it, namely intrapatient, prolonged infections or reactivations and interpatient transmissions involving multiple sequential hosts.Methods: We used WGS to analyze the accumulation of variability in sequential isolates from prolonged infections or translations from latency to reactivation. We then measured microevolution in transmission clusters with prolonged transmission time, high number of involved cases, simultaneous involvement of latency and active transmission.Results: Intrapatient and interpatient acquisition of variability was limited, within the ranges expected according to the thresholds of variability proposed, even though bursts of variability were observed.Conclusions: The thresholds of variability proposed for MTB seem to be valid in most circumstances, including those theoretically favoring acquisition of variability. Our data point to multifactorial modulation of microevolution, although further studies are necessary to elucidate the factors underlying this modulation