1,361 research outputs found

    Biased Estimation of Adjusted Odds Ratios From Incomplete Covariate Data Due to Violation of the Missing at Random Assumption

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    We investigate the possible bias due to an erroneous missing at random assumption if adjusted odds ratios are estimated from incomplete covariate data using the maximum likelihood principle. A relation between complete case estimates and maximum likelihood estimates allows us to identify situations where the bias vanishes. Numerical computations demonstrate that the bias is most serious if the degree of the violation of the missing at random assumption depends on the value of the outcome variable or of the observed covariate. Implications for the analysis of prospective and retrospective studies are given

    KONSTRUKSI PEMBERITAAN GERAKAN AHMADIYAH DI MEDIA INTERNET (Studi Analisis Framing tentang Pemberitaan Gerakan Ahmadiyah di Republika Online dan Tempointeraktif.com Periode Februari-Maret 2011)

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    ILLI APRILIYADI, L100070128, KONSTRUKSI PEMBERITAAN GERAKAN AHMADIYAH DI MEDIA INTERNET (Studi Analisis Framing Tentang Pemberitaan Gerakan Ahmadiyah di Republika Online dan Tempointeraktif.com Periode Februari-Maret 2011. Skripsi Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi. Fakultas Komunikasi Dan Informatika. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2012. Keanekaragaman suku, agama dan budaya di Indonesia merupakan sebuah fenomena yang menarik. Di negeri yang kaya akan pulau ini berkembang berbagai agama. Salah satunya adalah agama Islam yang menjadi agama mayoritas penduduk Indonesia. Keberadaan gerakan Ahmadiyah yang merupakan salah satu aliran Islam yang dianggap menyimpang mendapat perhatian dari berbagai kalangan termasuk media. Keberadaan Ahmadiyah banyak diberitakan di sejumlah media termasuk media internet Republika Online dan Tempointeraktif.com. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Republika Online dan Tempointeraktif.com dalam memaknai, menyikapi dan membingkai berita tentang Ahmadiyah serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana posisi kedua media tersebut dalam mengkonstruksi pemberitaan tentang Ahmadiyah. Ruang lingkup dari penelitian ini adalah berita tentang Ahmadiyah pada situs www.republika.co.id dan www.tempo.co periode Februari-Maret 2011. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis framing. Model framing yang digunakan adalah model framing Robert Entman. Oleh Entman, framing digunakan untuk menggambarkan proses seleksi dan menonjolkan aspek tertentu dari realitas oleh media. Dengan menggunakan konsepsi Entman bisa dilihat berita yang dikonstruksi secara lebih rinci dengan menggunakan empat perangkat framing, define problems (pendefinisian masalah), diagnose causes (memperkirakan masalah), make moral judgement/evaluation (memperkirakan masalah), treatment recommendation (menekankan penyelesaian). Hasil analisis framing dengan menggunakan konsep Robert Entman tentang pemberitaan Ahmadiyah di Republika Online dan Tempointeraktif.com berbeda. Bagi Republika Online, konstruksi tentang Ahmadiyah dibingkai sebagai aliran yang menyimpang karena keluar dari ajaran Islam. Ahmadiyah dianggap sebagai sebuah ajaran agama Islam yang dapat meresahkan masyarakat. Sedangkan Tempointeraktif.com, konstruksi pemberitaan tentang Ahmadiyah dibingkai sebagai sebuah aliran yang memiliki hak untuk berkeyakinan dan aksi penyerangan yang menewaskan warga Ahmadiyah merupakan suatu pelanggaran HAM

    Study and interpretation of Rachmaninoff prelude in G minor OP.23 N0. 5 / Illi Diyana Mohd Isa

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    The title of my research topic: The INTERPRETATION OF RACHMANINOFF focuses more on the analysis and interpretation of piano playing. This research focuses on one piece from Rachmaninoff entitled Prelude in G minor op 23 No.5. Interpretation is more concerned about the sound than just the news. Thus, the aim in performance is to produce the kind of sound dial the musical context demands. A pianist should develop a sensitivity inside it is ears and fingers, so that he or she can gauge the possibilities of touch and tone in their varying qualities

    Polymorphisms in the bradykinin B2 receptor gene and childhood asthma

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    Bradykinin has been suggested as one of the key mediators of bronchial asthma. Polymorphisms with a potential functional relevance have been described in the B2 bradykinin receptor gene. Study of these polymorphisms in 77 children with asthma and 73 controls revealed no association. However, when comparing the asthmatics according to their age at onset (before and after age 4), the exon 1 allele BE1-2G was significantly associated with late-onset asthma (p <0.05). Since BE1-2G has previously been shown to lead to a higher transcription rate of the B2 receptor, this result warrants further investigation of the role of bradykinin in conferring susceptibility to pediatric asthma

    SARS-CoV-2, Endothelial Dysfunction, and the Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS): A Potentially Dangerous Triad for the Development of Pre-Eclampsia

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    SARS-CoV-2 represents the greatest epidemiological, clinical, and social challenge the human being has had to face in this century. SARS-CoV-2 is not merely a respiratory virus, as its target cells range from upper airway respiratory cells to pulmonary cells but also and above all to the cardiovascular cells, such as pericytes and endothelial cells. Indeed, the pathology related to SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, may be defined as a thromboinflammatory syndrome in its most severe form, characterized by sepsis-induced coagulopathy (SIC) and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), which is prevalent in individuals already presenting a chronic level of inflammation (e.g., obese individuals, elderly) and hypertension. Pregnancy is not only an inflammatory-prone condition but is characterized by a consistent rearrangement of the blood circulation and coagulation profile. Cardiac output increases while arterial systolic and diastolic pressure decrease, regardless of the activation of the RAS system. ACE2, the SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor into the host cells, which transforms Ang II in Ang 1–7, is highly expressed in endothelial, smooth muscle cells and pericytes of placental villi, regulating blood pressure and fetal development. Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy disorder characterized by hypertension and low levels of ACE2, endothelial dysfunction, and a high production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, resembling COVID-19 manifestations. Whereas pre-eclampsia and COVID-19 have overlapping clinical features, a role for SARS-CoV-2 as a leading cause of pre-eclampsia in COVID-19 positive pregnant women has not been clarified yet. In this mini-review, we will explore the possibility of the existence of such a link, focusing on the role of endothelial dysfunction and RAS in both pre-eclampsia and SARS-CoV-2-induced COVID-19 pathogenesis

    Synthese und Komplexchemie von Zuckeraminosäuren

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    Kyrkokörens liturgiska funktion. En teoretisk modell

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    With about one hundred thousand singers, the choirs of the Church of Sweden represent a significant part of the activity of the denomination. The choir-tradition is strong and a cherished element of worship. Through the 20th century, important questions have been raised regarding the function of the choir in protestant worship. While these questions remain relatively unanswered the intent of this essay is to paint a picture of what the function of the choir could be, regarding its liturgical theological and practical context. This is done by first applying the theological ideas of primarily Yngve Brillioth and Ninna Edgardh to explain what the mass in the Church of Sweden might be aiming to express in different parts of the liturgy. Secondly, the theological and practical implications of the place of worship (in this thesis a church-building) are considered. I then go on to presenting common functions of the choir observed by James F. White, addressing their probable pros and cons. These three variables are then studied in a roster, producing a theoretical model of how the choir could function within worship, adhering the theological themes and dynamics of the liturgy as well as the physical limitations of the room. This study reveals two discussions central to an understanding regarding the function of the church-choir. Firstly, the liturgical function of the choir relies heavily on when and where the choir appears. Within the liturgy is a movement trough a number of themes and liturgical centers. The choir only functions if in harmony with this movement. Secondly, the liturgical function of the choir is tightly connected to its self-understanding. Weather the singers of the choir understands themselves as participants of the congregation, a producer of entertainment or a liturgical actor will decide not only the function of the choir, but inflict on the overall understanding of worship
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