262 research outputs found

    How Useful are Localization Techniques in Botulinum Toxin Injections for Dystonia and Spasticity Indications?

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    There is irrefutable evidence for the effectiveness of botulinum toxin (BoNT) in the treatment of various disorders associated with excessive muscle contraction or autonomic dysfunction. One of the earliest indications as well as the most common BoNT treated movement disorder is dystonia, predominantly its focal forms, including blepharospasm, oromandibular, spasmodic, cervical and limb dystonia. Spastic disorders comprise another area where BoNT treatment has proved beneficial. Optimal therapeutic results, however, depend on several factors, including the BoNT serotype, dose, concentration, injected volume, frequency of application, as well as precise localization of the muscles producing the abnormal movement. The accuracy in targeting muscle localization is considered to be a key factor for determining the outcome of BoNT injections, even more important than dilution volume and dose. Various techniques to find the best injection site for the delivery of BoNT have been described in the literature. An attempt was made to summarize in one place the available evidence, and when possible to compare and point out the advantages and disadvantages of different techniques for localization of BoNT injections. The widely applied clinical indications for dystonia and spasticity have been specifically chosen as our focus in this present work

    Optimal Control of a Fed-batch Fermentation Process by Neuro-Dynamic Programming

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    In this paper the method for optimal control of a fermentation process is presented, that is based on an approach for optimal control - Neuro-Dynamic programming. For this aim the approximation neural network is developed and the decision of the optimization problem is improved by an iteration mode founded on the Bellman equation. With this approach computing time and procedure are decreased and quality of the biomass at the end of the process is increased

    Modelling and Fuzzy-Decision-Making of Batch Cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using Different Mixing Systems

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    This study is focussed on the modelling and fuzzy-decision-making of impulse mixing and vibromixing for a Saccharomyces cerevisiae batch cultivation. Different substrate inhibition models (Monod, Aiba, Andrews, Haldane, Luong, Edward, and Han-Levenspiel) have been considered in order to explain the cell growth kinetics. The results obtained (correlation coefficient, Fisher coefficient, relative error and statistics l) show that all growth rate models are adequate and can be used for modelling. The investigations have shown that the most suitable for both mixing systems (according to the best statistical indicators) is the Luong growth rate model, which will be used for the process modelling. A fuzzy-decision-making procedure is developed with the initial conditions (maximal rotation speed for the impulse mixing and maximal amplitude for the vibromixing systems). The developed optimisation and results obtained have shown that the impulse mixing systems have better productiveness and better glucose assimilation. In addition, it is easier to realize this system


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    Based on data concerning the coagulation changes after thermal injury the authors studied platelet aggregation after burn and its treatment. Severe thermal injury of Ha and lib degree was inflicted in white male rats (200 ±20 g b. m.) under aether anaesthesia. It ranged over 17,5 ± 2,5 % of the body surface. The animals were divided into the following groups: 1) burned non-treated; 2) burned and treated with Sol. Hartmanni (Hr), 3) burned and treated with Hemodex (Hx), and 4) controls. The treatment was intraperitoneally carried out immediately after the injury as well as on 6th and 24th hour after it. An elevation of the platelet aggregation for all the groups on the 24th hour after the injury was established


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    Modelling, Optimization and Optimal Control of Small Scale Stirred Tank Bioreactors

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    Models of the mass-transfer in a stirred tank bioreactor depending on general indexes of the processes of aeration and mixing in concrete simplifications of the hydrodynamic structure of the flows are developed. The offered combined model after parameters identification is used for optimization of the parameters of the apparatus construction. The optimization problem is solved by using of the fuzzy sets theory and in this way the unspecified as a result of the model simplification are read. In conclusion an optimal control of a fed-batch fermentation process of E. coli is completed by using Neuro-Dynamic programming. The received results after optimization show a considerable improvement of the mass-transfer indexes and the quantity indexes at the end of the process

    Evolução da farmácia até à atualidade

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    O combate à doença sempre foi um dos principais objetivos do ser humano e esta é uma luta que já vem desde os primeiros Homens racionais que povoaram a Terra. De um modo geral, é difícil determinar qual foi o fator que desencadeou a procura de substâncias com o intuito de curar ou qual foi o momento exato que levou o Homem ao encontro do fármaco. No mundo pré-clássico iniciou-se a utilização das primeiras matérias-primas de origem animal, vegetal e mineral para efeitos terapêuticos. Desde então, tem vindo a evoluir com o contributo de várias personalidades que deixaram o seu marco na profissão farmacêutica. Com o desenvolvimento da humanidade e dos conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos, o setor Farmacêutico foi progredindo, dando origem à indústria farmacêutica que, por sua vez, alterou a realidade da farmácia de oficina. Passou-se à farmácia comunitária. A farmácia comunitária tem vindo a orientar o seu trabalho para o utente e para as suas necessidades, aumentando cada vez mais os denominados serviços farmacêuticos prestados aos utentes. Atualmente, considera-se que o papel do farmacêutico na Saúde Pública é de elevada importância. Para além da dispensa e aconselhamento dos medicamentos, o farmacêutico é também responsável pela educação acerca do seu uso correto e por garantir a máxima efetividade e segurança, tanto na saúde do utente como na saúde das populações. Para exercer este papel, os profissionais Farmacêuticos especializaram-se em diversas áreas distintas e específicas, aumentando cada vez mais a lista de serviços clínicos prestados nas farmácias comunitárias

    A Combined Algorithm for Multi-objective Fuzzy Optimization of Whey Fermentation

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    In this paper, multi-objective fuzzy optimization is applied to finding an optimal policy of a fed-batch fermentation process for lactose oxidation from a natural substratum by a strain Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis MC 5. The optimal policy consisted of feed flow rate, feed concentration of the substrate and initial concentration of the substrate. The multi-objective problem corresponds to the process productiveness, and the cost of the substrate. A simple combined algorithm guidelines the finding of a satisfactory solution to the general multi-objective optimization problem. The combined algorithm includes a method for random search for finding an initial point and a method based on fuzzy sets theory, combined in order to find the best solution of the optimization problem. The obtained optimal control results have shown an increase of process productiveness and a decrease of the remaining objective functions

    Long-term retainment of some chromosomal inversions in a local population of Belgica antarctica Jacobs (Diptera, Chironomidae)

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    Genome of antarctic endemic Belgica antarctica Jacobs has been sequenced. However, no set of inversion diagnostic markers has ever been assigned for the species. Using the classical method of polytene chromosome squash preparation, we found three heterozygous inversions located on the second (two heterozygous inversions) and third chromosomes (one heterozygous inversion) in the Belgica antarctica population of a cape of Wiencke Island, 500 m to SW from Port Lockroy. The chromosome set and chromosome variability did not differ from those described in the literature (Atchley and Davis 1979). Every salivary gland chromosome had its own markers by which it can be determined. However, we did not find a sex-linked inversion on chromosome III and heterozygous inversion on chromosome I, reported in earlier studies. For the first time, we observed a strong heterochromatin band in chromosome III at the telomere of one arm. Our data show not only the stability of the described inversions in the population but also the usefulness of the squash preparation technique in the studies of genetic variability of Belgica antarctica in present time.

    Зовнішні умови функціонування інституту банкрутства в економіці України

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    Introduction. In modern conditions of Ukrainian economy development, it is interesting to justify certain measures to support enterprises in the conditions of national economy dependence on fluctuations in the world market and the inflation growth, in order to ensure the stability of business entity functioning in all spheres of the economy. Under such circumstances, effective bankruptcy institute functioning becomes of particular importance, since the possibility of industrial production growth, employment level increase and people life quality improvement depends on the financial recovery of enterprises of real sector economy. Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to study external conditions of bankruptcy Institute functioning in the economy of Ukraine and their modern transformation. The obtained results determine what exactly should be done in the direction of further improvement of the regulatory instruments of state policy in this area. To achieve the goal, it has been used a complex of scientific research complementary methods of economic processes and phenomena, with an application of statistical and analytical materials, as well as the results of authors scientific research. Results. As a result of a study of external conditions of bankruptcy Institute functioning in the economy of Ukraine, it is determined that existing macroeconomic environment has a significant impact on its character of functioning, defining the goals and objectives of further transformation processes regulation. It is determined that the external factors of the macroeconomic environment are the most threatening because there is almost no opportunity to influence them at the enterprise level. In the research, the peculiarities of the external conditions of bankruptcy Institute functioning in the economy of Ukraine are identified based on the use of indicators that directly or indirectly help determine the effectiveness of bankruptcy institute, the laws of its development, and interaction of social, political, economic and other processes at the macro level. Conclusions. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be determined that most indicators testify difficult external conditions of bankruptcy institute functioning, with a certain improvement of the situation in recent years. Thereby, there is a need for further bankruptcy institute transformation, in order to maintain the balance between the interests of the state, economic entities, competitive market environment, and entrepreneurial activity risk minimization.Вступ. В сучасних умовах розвитку української економіки викликає інтерес обґрунтування цілеспрямованих заходів з підтримки підприємств в умовах залежності національної економіки від коливань на світовому ринку, зростання інфляції, з метою забезпечення стабільності функціонування організаційно-правових форм господарювання в усіх сферах економіки. В цих умовах ефективне функціонування інституту банкрутства набуває особливого значення, так як від фінансового оздоровлення підприємств реального сектора економіки залежить можливість забезпечення зростання промислового виробництва, збільшення зайнятості населення та поліпшення якості життя людей. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є дослідження зовнішніх умов функціонування інституту банкрутства в економіці України та їх сучасну трансформацію. Отримані висновки дозволять визначити, що саме треба робити у напрямку подальшого удосконалення регулятивних інструментів державної політики у цій сфері. Для досягнення мети використано комплекс взаємодоповнюючих методів наукового дослідження економічних процесів та явищ з використанням статистичних й аналітичних матеріалів, а також результати власних наукових досліджень. Результати. В результаті дослідження зовнішніх умов функціонування інституту банкрутства в економіці України було визначено, що існуюче макроекономічне середовище чинить суттєвий вплив на характер його функціонування, визначаючи цілі і завдання подальшого регулювання процесами трансформації. Визначено, що зовнішні чинники макроекономічного середовища є найбільш загрозливими за рахунок майже відсутньої можливості вплинути на них на рівні підприємства. В процесі дослідження ідентифіковано особливості зовнішніх умов функціонування інституту банкрутства в українській економіці на основі використання показників, які прямо або опосередковано дозволяють визначати дієвість інституту банкрутства, закономірності його розвитку, а також взаємовплив соціальних, політичних, економічних та інших процесів на макрорівні. Висновки. За отриманими результатами можна визначити, що в цілому більшість індикаторів свідчить про складні зовнішні умови функціонування інституту банкрутства, з певним покращенням ситуації в останні роки. У зв’язку з цим виникає необхідність у подальшій трансформації інституту банкрутства, з метою підтримки балансу інтересів держави та господарюючих суб’єктів, а також конкурентного ринкового середовища та мінімізації ризику підприємницької діяльності