109 research outputs found

    Betahistin dihidroklorür kullanımı pozisyonel nistagmusu etkiler mi?

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    Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of betahistine dihydrochloride (BD) use on positional nystagmus as an objective criterion for the diagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Methods: The retrospective study included 59 patients (15 males, 44 females) who were aged between 18 and 80 years and referred with suspected BPPV to the otorhinolaryngology clinic of the Istanbul Training and Research Hospital. Only patients who had no central pathology on oculomotor tests were included. Of the patients included, those not using BD were classified as Group I and those using BD medication (24 mg/day) within the last 48 hours as Group II. The positional nystagmus latency, duration, and slow-phase velocity (SPV) values were compared using videonystagmography. Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of oculomotor gains (p>0.05). While there was no difference between the two groups in terms of positional nystagmus latency and SPV values, nystagmus duration was found to be significantly longer in Group II. Conclusion: Although the BD use appears to prolong the duration of nystagmus in BPPV, it does not affect the other parameters of nystagmus, including SPV, and the prolonged duration is still within normal limits. Positional nystagmus can be investigated in patients with a history of suspected BPPV and BD prescription.Amaç: Bu çalışmada betahistin dihidroklorür (BD) kullanımının benign paroksismal pozisyonel vertigo (BPPV) tanısında objektif kriter olan pozisyonel nistagmus üzerine etkisini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Retrospektif çalışmamız yaşları 18–80 yıl aralığında değişen ve BPPV şüphesiyle İstanbul Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nin kulak–burun–boğaz polikliniğine yönlendirilen 59 (15 erkek, 44 kadın) hasta içerdi. Çalışmaya yalnızca okülomotor testlerde santral patoloji görülmeyen hastalar dahil edildi. Dahil edilen hastalardan BD kullanmayanlar Grup I, son 48 saat içinde BD grubu ilaç (24 mg/gün) kullananlar ise Grup II olarak tasnif edildi. Pozisyonel nistagmus latans, süre ve yavaş faz hızı (YFH) değerleri videonistagmografi kullanılarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: İki grup arasında okülomotor kazançlar bakımından anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı (p>0,05). Yine iki grup arasında pozisyonel nistagmus latans ve YFH değerleri açısından fark saptanmazken nistagmus süresi Grup II’de anlamlı olarak daha uzun bulundu. Sonuç: BD kullanımı BPPV’de pozisyonel nistagmus süresini uzatıyor gibi görünse de YFH dahil diğer nistagmus parametrelerini etkilememektedir ve süredeki uzama halen normal sınırlar içindedir. BPPV şüphesi ve BD reçeteleme öyküsü olan hastalarda pozisyonel nistagmus araştırılabilir


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    Bu çalışmada Manisa kentinden getirilen iyon değiştirici klinoptilolit zeolitinin, endüstriyel atıksulardan kurşun uzaklaştırma kapasitesi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmada 1.0-2.0 mm boyutundaki zeolit, aktive edilerek ve aktive edilmeden kullanılmış ve kurşun giderme verimleri saptanmıştır. Zeolit örnekleri 1 M NaCl çözeltisi ile 2 mL/dk akış hızında aktive edilmiştir. İyon değiştirme çalışması; kesikli deney düzeneğinde, farklı karıştırma zamanları, karıştırma hızları ve Pb+2 konsantrasyonları için sentetik su ve kurşunçinko madeni işleme tesisi ham atıksu numunelerinde sürekli akışlı kolonda yapılmıştır. Deneysel çalışma sonucunda aktive edilmiş zeolitle daha yüksek arıtma verimi elde edilmiştir. Aktive edilmiş zeolit için 5 ve10 dakika karıştırma sürelerinde kurşun giderme verimi aktive edilmemişe göre %11-%15 daha fazla olmuştur. Aktive edilen zeolitin 30 dak. karıştırma süresi sonunda maksimum giderme verimi %98 olarak belirlenmiştir. 110 mg/L kurşun içeren kurşun-çinko madeni ham atıksuyu, 5 g aktive edilmiş klinoptilolit kolonundan geçirilmiş ve yüksek giderme verimi elde edilmiştir. Bu kompozisyondaki atıksu için tek kademedeki iyon değiştirme prosesi, alıcı ortam standartlarını sağlamaktadır. This paper assesses the capacity of natural zeolite clinoptilolite brought from Manisa City as a low cost ion exchange material for lead removal from industrial wastewaters. In the experiment activated and not activated zeolites were used and the size have been adjusted to 1.0-2.0 mm by crashing and grinding. The zeolite sample activated with 1 M NaCl solution at a flow rate of 2 mL/min. Ion exchange study was done by batch experiment using different mixing time, mixing speed and concentration of Pb+2 synthetic wastewaters and continues column experiment using lead-zinc mining raw wastewaters. As a result of the experimental study, higher removal efficiency was obtained by the activated zeolites than the non-activated zeolites. The removal efficiency of activated zeolites for the uptake of lead ions is greater by 11%-15% when the mixing time is between 5 and 10 minutes. Maximum removal efficiency, 98% was observed for 30 minutes of mixing time in using activated zeolite. Wastewater containing 110 mg Pb2+/L can be treated passing the wastewater through the ion exchange column at the rate of 80 mL/hour using 5 g activated zeolite. Receiving medium discharge standards can be achieved by using continuous ion exchange process as the only treatment step for the wastewater with above composition

    Geni potencijalne virulencije i profili antibiotske rezistencije bakterije campylobacter jejuni izolirane iz mačaka

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    Daily contact with cats is an important risk factor for human campylobacteriosis. The main goal of this study was to investigate the virulence genes and antibiotic resistances of C. jejuni isolated from the stools of cats brought to Erciyes University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Training and Research Hospital Clinics. In the study, feces taken from different breeds and ages (1 month to 9 years) of 200 (116 female, 84 male) cats were examined between May 2017 and April 2018. Campylobacter spp. isolates were identified at genus and species level using genus specific multiplex PCR (mPCR), and the existence of iam, cadF, cdtA, flaA, ceuE, cdtC, cdtB and virB11 genes were found by PCR. The antimicrobial resistance and multidrug resitance (MDR) of the isolates were determined by disc diffusion test. By means of Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus Polymerase Chain Reaction (ERIC-PCR), the genetic relativeness of the isolates were revealed. In this study, 41 (20.5%) of 200 stool samples were shown to be positive for Campylobacter spp. in the isolation of Campylobacter spp. from stool samples. In the positive samples, 14 of 22 (63.6%) were from diarhoeic cats and 27 of 178 (15.1%) were non-diarhoeic cats. Also, in total 71 Campylobacter spp. suspicious isolates were recovered from the 41 positive samples obtained. Phenotypic tests and PCR revealed that 65 isolates (20 from diarrhoeic and 45 from non-diarhoeic cat isolates) were identified as C. jejuni. The differences in isolation rate in relation to sex or age were not statistically significant (P>0.05). In terms of virulence genes, all C. jejuni isolates harbored at least five virulence genes. All isolates were positive for the cadF, cdtC and ceuE genes, respectively. C. jejuni isolates contained iam, cadF, cdtA, flaA, ceuE, cdtC, cdtB and virB11, at the rate of 19 (29.2%), 65 (100%), 64 (98.4), 54 (83%), 65 (100%), 65 (100%), 64 (98.4%) and 22 (33.8%) respectively. Moreover, cdtA and cdtB toxin genes were found in most of the isolates analysed. All C. jejuni isolates were susceptible to amoxicillin clavulanic acid. The highest resistances of the isolates were found as follows; 64 (98.4%), 63 (96.9%), 62 (95.3%) for ciprofloxacin (CIP), trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (SXT), nalidixic acid (NA) antibiotics, respectively. Multiple resistance of isolates was detected in the present study. Sixty-one (93.8%) out of 65 isolates were resistant to three or more antibiotics, and the highest resistance levels to three and seven antimicrobials were observed in 23.1% and 15.3% of the isolates respectively. In the study, C. jejuni isolates were resistant to most antibiotics currently used, and had extraordinary virulence traits in cats which may constitute a non-negligible risk for public health.Svakodnevni kontakt s mačkama znatan je čimbenik rizika za kampilobakteriozu u ljudi. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada bio istražiti gene virulencije i antibiotsku rezistenciju bakterije C. jejuni izolirane iz izmeta mačaka dovedenih na Erciyes University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Training and Research Hospital Clinics. Izmet je uzet od 200 mačaka (116 ženki i 84 mužjaka) različitih pasmina i dobi (1 mjesec do 9 godina), od svibnja 2017. do travnja 2018. Izolati Campylobacter spp. identificirani su na razini roda i vrste primjenom genski specifičnog multipleks PCR-a (mPCR) kojim je ustanovljena prisutnost gena iam, cadF, cdtA, flaA, ceuE, cdtC, cdtB i virB11. Antimikrobna rezistencija i otpornost na širok spektar lijekova (MDR) izolata određeni su disk-difuzijskim testom. Primjenom Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus Polymerase Chain Reaction (ERIC-PCR) otkriveni su genski srodnici izolata. U ovom je istraživanju 41 (20,5 %) od 200 uzoraka izmeta bio pozitivan na Campylobacter spp. Među pozitivnim uzorcima njih 14 od 22 (63,6 %) potjecalo je od mačaka koje su imale proljev, a 27 od 178 (15,1 %) uzoraka bilo je od mačaka koje nisu imale proljev. Fenotipski testovi i PCR pokazali su da je 65 izolata (20 od njih potjecalo je od mačaka koje su imale proljev i 45 od mačaka koje nisu imale proljev) identificirano kao C. jejuni. Razlike u broju izolata s obzirom na spol i dob nisu bile statistički znakovite (P > 0,05). Svi izolati C. jejuni imali su barem pet gena virulencije i bili pozitivni na gene cadF, cdtC i ceuE. Gen iam sadržavalo je 19 izolata C. jejuni (29,2 %), gen cadF 65 izolata (100 %), gen cdtA 64 izolata (98,4 %), gen flaA 54 izolata (83 %), gen ceu E 65 izolata (100 %), gen cdtC 65 izolata (100 %), gen cdtB 64 izolata (98,4 %) i gen virB11 22 izolata (33,8 %). Geni toksina cdtA i cdtB pronađeni su u većini analiziranih izolata. Svi su izolati C. jejuni bili osjetljivi na amoksicilin-klavulansku kiselinu. Najveća rezistencija bila je: 64 izolata (98, 4 %) na ciprofloksacin (CIP), 63 izolata (96,9 %) na trimetoprim- sulfametoksazol (SXT) i 62 izolata (95,3 %) na nalidiksičnu kiselinu (NA). U ovom je istraživanju ustanovljena višestruka rezistencija izolata. 61 od 65 izolata (93,8 %) bilo je otporno na tri ili više antibiotika, a najveća je otpornost utvrđena na tri antimikrobna lijeka u 23,1 % izolata i na sedam antimikrobnih lijekova u 15,3 % izolata. Istraživanjem je ustanovljena otpornost izolata C. jejuni na većinu antibiotika koji se trenutačno primjenjuju te iznimna svojstva virulencije u mačaka, koja mogu imati određeni rizik za javno zdravstvo

    Eriştelerin fiziksel, kimyasal, tekstürel ve duyusal özellikleri zerine Trabzon Hurması (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) tozu ve ayva çekirdeği (Cydonia oblonga) müsilajının etkisi

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    In this study, persimmon powder (PP) was substituted in concentrations of 0, 5 and 10% per 100 g of einkorn flour (EF) in Turkish noodle production. Quince seed mucilage (QSM) was used as an egg replacer at levels of 20, 30 and 40%. The cooking properties, chemical composition, color values, texture characteristics, and sensory properties of Turkish noodles were determined. The lowest cooking time (8.33 min) was found in Turkish noodles substituted with 10% PP. When 40% QSM was added to the formulation, both volume increase and water absorption values increased. Turkish noodles produced with a higher concentration of PP resulted in increased ash, crude fiber, mineral contents, especially in potassium, and total phenolic content. The lowest firmness and work of shear were obtained when PP and QSM substitutions were increased up to 10% and 40%, respectively. The sensory evaluation indicated that Turkish noodles substituted with 10% PP were greatly appreciated by the panelists in terms of taste, odor, and overall acceptability

    COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and Its relationship with illness risk perceptions, affect, worry, and public trust: An online serial cross-sectional survey from Turkey

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    Objective: A better understanding of public attitudes towards vaccination and recognition of associated factors with vaccine hesitancy or refusal is important regarding the control of the pandemic. Our aim was to analyze the public's attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines and to identify factors affecting them. Materials and Methods: Data were drawn from the Turkish COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring, between July-December 2020, a serial online cross-sectional survey. The sample comprised 3888 adult respondents. Attitudes to vaccines and trust were investigated in 3 periods corresponding to the timeline of pandemic-related events in Turkey. Results: In the third period of our study, in parallel with the increase in the spread of COVID-19, vaccine hesitancy/refusal increased significantly from 43.9% to 58.9% (P < .001). The significant predictors of vaccine refusal were female gender, being elder, and conspiracy thinking. Having a chronic illness, worrying more about loved ones and the health system being overloaded were significant predictors of vaccine willingness. Less compliance with preventive measures, less knowledge of prevention, reduced risk perception, and higher perception of media hype were COVID-19 variables that correlated with vaccine refusal. Trust in the Ministry of Health and medical professional organizations (e.g., Turkish Medical Association) was the lowest in the third period and vaccine refusal was significantly related to the decreased trust (P < .001, P = .002). Conclusion: Most respondents (approximately 60%) refused or hesitated to get a COVID-19 vaccine, though acceptability should be monitored when a vaccine becomes available. Health authorities should consider public trust, risk perception, and behavioral factors to improve COVID-19 vaccine acceptability

    Behaviors and pandemic-related knowledge, perceptions, worry content, and public trust in a Turkish sample

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    Background: This study aimed to explore the effect of knowledge, COVID-19-related perceptions, and public trust on protective behaviors in Turkish people. Methods: Data were collected from an online survey (Turkish COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring) conducted between July 2020 and January 2021. The recommended protective behaviors (hand cleaning, wearing a face mask, and physical distancing) to prevent COVID-19 were examined. The impacts of the following variables on protective behaviors were investigated using logistic regression analysis: knowledge, cognitive and affective risk perception, pandemic-related worry content, public trust, conspiracy thinking, and COVID-19 vaccine willingness. Results: Out of a total of 4210 adult respondents, 13.8% reported nonadherence to protection behavior, and 86.2% reported full adherence. Males and young (aged 18–30 years) people tend to show less adherence. Perceived self-efficacy, susceptibility, and correct knowledge were positively related to more adherence to protective behavior. Perceptual and emotional factors explaining protective behavior were perceived proximity, stress level, and worrying about the relatives who depended on them. Trust in health professionals and vaccine willingness were positive predictors, while conspiracy thinking and acquiring less information (<2, daily) were negative predictors. Unexpectedly, trust in the Ministry of Health showed a weak but negative association with protection behavior. Conclusions: Perceived stress, altruistic worries, and public trust seem to shape protection behaviors in addition to individuals’ knowledge and cognitive risk perception in respondents. Males and young people may have a greater risk for nonadherence. Reliable, transparent, and culture-specific health communication that considers these issues is required

    Diagnostic performance of low-dose chest CT to detect COVID-19: A Turkish population study

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of low-dose chest computed tomography (CT) in patients under investigation for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).METHODSThis retrospective study included 330 patients suspected of having COVID-19 from March 15 to April 16, 2020. We examined 306 patients upon initial presentation using both CT and real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR). The diagnostic performance of CT was calculated using rRT-PCR as a reference. Clinical and laboratory data, CT characteristics, and lesion distribution were assessed for patients with a confirmed diagnosis via rRT-PCR.RESULTSA total of 250 patients were finally diagnosed with COVID-19. Clinical and laboratory findings included myalgia or fatigue (76%), fever (64.8%), dry cough (60.8%), elevated levels of C-reactive protein (86.4%), procalcitonin (62%), and D-dimer (58.2%), increased neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) (54.8%), and lymphopenia (34%). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of the initial CT scan were 90.4% (95% IC, 86%–93%), 64.2% (95% IC, 50%–76%), 91.8% (95% IC, 88%–94%), and 60% (95% IC, 49%–69%), respectively. The percentage of patients diagnosed on the initial rRT-PCR test was 51.6% (n=129). Most frequent CT characteristics of COVID-19 in the subgroup of rRT-PCR-positive patients were multiple lesion (97.4%, n=220), followed by bilateral involvement (88.5%, n=200), peripheral distribution (74.3%, n=168), ground-glass opacity (GGO) (69.2%, n=157), subpleural curvilinear opacity (41.6%, n=104), and mixed GGOs (27.6%, n=67).CONCLUSIONrRT-PCR may produce initial false negative results. For this reason, typical CT findings for COVID-19 should be known especially by radiologists. We suggest that patients with typical CT findings but negative rRT-PCR results should be isolated, and rRT-PCR should be repeated to avoid misdiagnosis

    Depressive Temperament in Relatives of Patients with Schizophrenia Is Associated with Suicidality in Patients with Schizophrenia

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    Conclusion: Suicidality in schizophrenia is related with relatives' affective temperaments and patients' own positive symptom scores. The relationship between suicidal thoughts and depressive temperament is high lightened in this stud

    Malignant melanoma of the stomach presenting in a woman: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Malignant melanoma is reported to metastasize to all organs of the human body. Although it is common for it to metastasize to the gastrointestinal tract, a melanoma located primarily in the gastric mucosa is an uncommon tumor. Gastrointestinal metastases are rarely diagnosed before death with radiological and endoscopic techniques.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>In this case report the clinical course and treatment of a woman with melanoma of the stomach, without any other detectable primary lesion, is presented and discussed. A 55-year-old Turkish woman presented to our clinic with complaints of muscle pain and bone pain in the left side of her chest. During an upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy, dark cherry-colored, light elevated, round-shaped lesions were taken from her gastric fundus and from the first part of her duodenum. Biopsies from these samples were determined to be malignant melanoma by the pathologist.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Metastatic malignant melanoma cases should be examined through endoscopy for gastrointestinal metastases.</p