46 research outputs found

    Morpho-anatomical and cytological analysis of tomato fruit during development exposed to drought

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    Cilj ovog istraÅ£ivanja je bio da se detaljno prouĉe morfo-anatomski i citoloÅ”ki parametri graĊe perikarpa ploda paradajza koji se nalaze u osnovi reakcije biljaka na optimalne uslove vodnog reÅ£ima i na tretmane redukovanog navodnjavanja (tj. efekata PRD i DI tretmana). Za istraÅ£ivanja su koriŔćena dva genotipa paradajza (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.): divlji tip Ailsa Craig (WT) i njegov mutant flacca, koji ima smanjenu sposobnost sinteze biljnog hormona abscisinske kiseline (ABA). Biljke su gajene u kontrolisanim uslovima u tri razliĉita vodna reÅ£ima supstrata za gajenje: kontrolne biljke su optimalno zalivane (FI), biljke izloÅ£ene DI tretmanu su zalivane sa oko 60% manjom koliĉinom vode ravnomerno rasporeĊenom na ceo korenov sistem, dok su biljake izloÅ£ene PRD tretmanu zalivane sa oko 30% manjom koliĉinom vode od FI tretmana, s tim Å”to je celokupna koliĉina vode dodavana samo u jednu polovinu korenovog sistema, a zamena strana je vrÅ”ena kada sadrÅ£aj vode u nezalivanoj strani padne ispod 15-18%. Ispitivanja su obuhvatila utvrĊivanje razlika izmeĊu genotipova kao i uticaj tretmana zalivanja na osnovne morfoloÅ”ke parametre ploda i anatomske karakteristike perikarpa plodova tokom razvoja. CitoloÅ”ke karakteristike perikarpa su prouĉavane primenom dve metode: razdvajanjem ćelija primenom rastvora pektinaze i analizom popreĉnih preseka, sa posebnim akcentom na karakterizaciju slojeva ćelija perikarpa i njihov razvoj poĉev od trećeg dana nakon potpunog otvaranja cveta do faze zrelog ploda. Rezultati su pokazali da je kod divljeg tipa PRD tretmanom moguće uÅ”tedeti vodu za zalivanje bez redukcije preĉnika i sveÅ£e mase ploda, mase perikarpa i veliĉine ćelija, dok je sa druge strane primenjena manja koliĉina voda za zalivanje u DI tretmanu rezultovala znaĉajno manjim plodovima zbog redukcije mase placente sa semenima i perikarpa, kao i zbog znaĉajnog smanjenja veliĉine i broja ćelija perikarpa. Uticaj PRD i DI na razvoj perikarpa kod divljeg tipa se ogleda u znaĉajnoj redukciji veliĉine ćelija spoljaÅ”njeg dela mezokarpa, graĊenom od ćelija koje su nastale od spoljaÅ”njeg subepidermalnog sloja E2 i slojeva E3, E4, I3. Pozitivan efekat PRD tretmana na rast ploda se ogleda u stimulaciji rasta ili povećanju veliĉine ćelija pojedinih slojeva koji nastaju od donjeg subepidermalnog sloja, pa je masa perikarpa ploda ista kao i u FI tretmanu, kao i u povećanju procenta suve mase u plodu rezultujući time da plodovi divljeg tipa u PRD tretmanu imaju istu sveÅ£u masu i preĉnik kao i u FI tretmanu kod divljeg tipa...The aim of this study was to study the morpho-anatomical and cytological parameters of tomato fruit pericarp structure that underlie in plant responses to optimal water regime and deficit irrigation conditions (i.e., the effects of PRD and DI treatments). For this research we used two tomato genotypes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.): Wild-type Ailsa Craig (WT) and its mutant flacca, with reduced ability of synthesis of the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Plants were grown under controlled conditions in three different plant growth substrate water regimes: control plants were optimally irrigated (FI), plants exposed to DI treatment were watered with plenty of water about 60% less evenly distributed over the entire root system, whereas in plants exposed to PRD irrigated with about 30% less water than FI treatment, provided that the total quantity of water added in only one half of the root system, irrigation wet and dry side was shifted when volumetric soil water content had decreased in dry side to 15-18%. The study included the determination of the differences between genotype and irrigation treatment effect on the main morphological parameters of the fruit, and anatomical characteristics of pericarp during development. Cytological traits of pericarp were studied using two methods: separation of cells in pectinase solution and analysis of pericarp cells on cross sections, with special emphasis on the characterization of the pericarp cell layers and their development, starting from the third day after the full flowering stage (daa) to the mature fruit stage. The results showed that in wild-type PRD treatment can save the water for irrigation without reducing the fruit diameter and fresh fruit weight, pericarp weight, and pericarp cell size, while on the other side DI treatment with a smaller amount of water for irrigation resulted in significantly smaller fruits as result of reduction in mass of placenta and pericarp tissue, as well as a significant reduction in the pericarp cell size and number. The effect of PRD and DI on the development of the pericarp in the wild type was expressed in a significant reduction in the size of the cells of the outer part of the mesocarp, built of cells that have formed from the outside subepidermal layers and layers E2 E3, E4, I3. The positive effect of PRD treatments on fruit growth is expressed in the stimulation of growth or in increase of the cell size in the layers that arise from the lower subepidermal layer, and the pericarp mass was same as in the FI treatment, as well as an increase in percentages of dry matter in the fruit resulted in same fruit fresh weight and diameter for both, PRD and FI treated wild type plants..

    Značaj funkcionalne anatomije u istraživanjima transporta vode i asimilata u plodove u razvoju

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    The yield of crop plants and fruit growth depends, to a large extent, on the efficiency of the vascular tissue, in optimal conditions, as well as in stress conditions. Most of the material on which fruit growth depends is transported from the stem into the fruit through the fruit pedicel, by the xylem and phloem, so the anatomy of fruit pedicel is an important factor in understanding water transport from stem to fruit. This paper provides an overview of micro-morphological research of the tomato fruit pedicel using various methods in the Laboratory for Functional Anatomy of Crop Plants at the Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University. Such an approach is important for understanding transport mechanisms as important physiological processes occurring during fruit growth.Prinos gajenih biljaka i rast plodova u velikoj meri zavisi od efikasnosti provodnog sistema, kao u optimalnim uslovima, tako i u uslovima vodnog deficita. Većina materija od kojih zavisi rast plodova, transportuje se u plod kroz peteljku ploda ksilemom i floemom, pa je tako anatomija peteljke važan faktor za razumevanje transporta vode i asimilata. U ovom radu dat je pregled mikromorfoloÅ”kih istraživanja peteljki plodova paradajza primenom različitih metoda. Ovakav pristup je važan za razumevanje transportnih mehanizama kao važnih činilaca fizioloÅ”kih procesa značajnih za rast i sazrevanje ploda

    Rosehip Extract-Loaded Liposomes for Potential Skin Application: Physicochemical Properties of Non- and UV-Irradiated Liposomes

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    In the present study, rosehip (Rosa canina L.) extract was successfully encapsulated in phospholipid liposomes using a single-step procedure named the proliposome method. Part of the obtained liposomes was subjected to UV irradiation and non-treated (native) and UV-irradiated liposomes were further characterized in terms of encapsulation efficiency, chemical composition (HPLC analysis), antioxidant capacity, particle size, PDI, zeta potential, conductivity, mobility, and antioxidant capacity. Raman spectroscopy as well as DSC analysis were applied to evaluate the influence of UV irradiation on the physicochemical properties of liposomes. The encapsulation efficiency of extract-loaded liposomes was higher than 90%; the average size was 251.5 nm; the zeta potential was -22.4 mV; and the conductivity was found to be 0.007 mS/cm. UV irradiation did not cause a change in the mentioned parameters. In addition, irradiation did not affect the antioxidant potential of the liposome-extract system. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the extract was completely covered by the lipid membrane during liposome entrapment, and the peroxidation process was minimized by the presence of rosehip extract in liposomes. These results may guide the potential application of rosehip extract-loaded liposomes in the food, pharmaceutical, or cosmetic industries, particularly when liposomal sterilization is needed

    Machine learning chemometric model for Raman spectroscopy based honey quality assessment

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    INTRODUCTION: According to Codex Alimentarius (2001), ā€œHoney is the natural sweet substance, produced by honeybees from the nectar of plants or from secretions of living parts of plants, or excretions of plant-sucking insects on the living parts of plants, which the bees collect, transform by combining with specific substances of their own, deposit, dehydrate, store and leave in honeycombs to ripen and matureā€. Honey is mostly made up of sugars, as well as enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, aromatic compounds, minerals and carotenoids. It contains a lot of flavonoids and phenolic acids, which have a lot of biological effects and functions such as natural antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Its composition is particularly variable, depending on its botanical and geographical origins Because of its exclusive flavor and high dietary value, natural honey is more expensive than other sweeteners. This is the reason why honey is a target of adulteration. The problem is that counterfeiting honey is relatively easy, but detection is difficult. Further, the authenticity of honey is a global important problem for commercial producers and consumers. Accordingly, a fast and non-destructive method of detecting counterfeits is needed. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper is to verify the possibility of Raman spectroscopy and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification of two different honeys and their fake duplicates. For this purpose, meadow and acacia honeys were selected. METHOD / DESIGN: Spectra of homemade and counterfeits honey were recorded using XploRA Raman spectrometer (Horiba Jobin Yvon). Raman scattering was excited by laser at a wavelength of 785 nm equipped with a 600 lines/mm grating; spectra were recorded by applying exposure time 10 s and accumulated from 10 times scans, using 100% filter. Spectral resolution was 3 cmāˆ’1 and autocalibration was done each time before recording of spectra by 520.47 cmāˆ’1 line of silicon. In order to assess a possible sample inhomogeneity, thirty Raman spectra in the region from 200-3400 cm-1 were recorded for each sample. All spectra were baseline-corrected, normalized and smoothed. After that PCA (Principal component analysis) was conducted and obtained PCs (first two PCs) served as a features for support vector machine (SVM) classification method. Data were divided into training model (70 %) and training data (30 %). Pre-processing was done by Unscrambler X 10.4 software (CAMO software, Norway). In order to determine the best shape of the hyperplane and decision boundary, several kernel function were used: linear, radial basis and polynomial function. The SVM was conducted by Python and Scikit-learn package. RESULTS: Support vector machine showed high accuracy in classification of different honey samples. Accordingly, the best discrimination power showed SVM with polynomial function (100%), followed by radial basis (96.67%) and linear (81.82%)

    Raman spectroscopy coupled with chemometric modeling approaches for authentication of different paprika varieties at physiological maturity

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    Five Balkan paprika varieties at physiological maturity were investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy in order to discriminate the differences which stemmed from their genetic variability since the plants were grown under the same experimental conditions. The spectra were obtained using the 532 nm wavelength. In an effort to find the best classification power, several pre-processing methods were applied: 1) baseline correction, unit vector normalization; 2) baseline correction, unit vector normalization and first Savitzky-Golay derivative; 3) baseline correction, unit vector normalization and second Savitzky-Golay derivative; 4) baseline correction, unit vector normalization and third Savitzky-Golay derivative. All of the pre-processing methods were followed by making PCA-LDA (Principal Component Analysis-Linear Discriminant Analysis), QDA (Quadratic Discriminant Analysis), and PLS-DA (Partial Least Square - Discriminant Analysis) classification models. QDA showed the best discrimination power (83.87ā€“100% and 89.47ā€“100% for the training and the test data, respectively), then PCA-LDA (0.00ā€“100 and 0.00ā€“100% for the training and the test data, respectively) and PLS-DA (19.35ā€“100% and 0.00ā€“100.00% for the training and the test data, respectively). The results pointed out the applicability of chemometric modeling associated with Raman spectroscopy in the assessment of nutritionally similar samples, such as the studied red paprika varieties

    Primena Ramanove spektroskopije u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja herbicida na sadržaj karotenoida u listovima Chenopodium album i Abutilon theophrasti

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    Raman spectroscopy has so far proved to be a suitable method for the analysis of carotenoids in a wide range of plant samples. This study aimed to determine whether the influence of mesotrione on the changes in carotenoid content of leaves in treated weed species Chenopodium album and Abutilon theophrasti can be detected using Raman spectroscopy. When the plants reached the targeted growth stages (C. album: 4 leaves, A. theophrasti: 2 leaves), Skaut herbicide (a.i. mesotrione 480 g l-1, SC) was applied in the amount of 120 g a.i. ha-1 in the tank mix with the adjuvant Alteox wet 40 (a.i. mineral oil (500 g L-1) + polyoxy alcohol (500 g L-1)), in the amount of 1 L ha-1. Leaf analysis, using Raman spectroscopy, was performed four times: on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th day after the application of mesotrione. The intensity of the bands in the obtained Raman spectra, at positions 1007, 1155, and 1522 cm-1 in untreated and treated plants was analysed to determine the relative carotenoid content. The obtained results have shown that changes in the relative carotenoid content in the leaves of treated C. album plants can be detected as early as 3 days after the application of mesotrione, compared to the leaves of untreated plants of the same age. Meanwhile, a statistically significant difference for the same parameter in the leaves of treated A. theophrasti plants was evident at a later stage than in C. album, on the 7th day after the application of mesotrione. Consequently, this study has confirmed that Raman spectroscopy can be used as an adequate method for the rapid detection of the effect of herbicides on the content of carotenoids in the leaves of treated weed species.Ramanova spektroskopija se do sada pokazala kao pogodna metoda za analizu karotenoida u Å”irokom spektru biljnih uzoraka. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li se primenom Ramanove spektroskopije može detektovati uticaj mezotriona na promene sadržaja karotenoida u listovima tretiranih korovskih biljaka, Chenopodium album i Abutilon theophrasti. Kada su biljke dostigle odgovorajuću fenofazu (C. album: četiri lista, odnosno A. theophrasti: dva lista), primenjen je preparat Skaut (a.s. mezotrion 480 g L-1, SC) u količini od 120 g a.s. ha-1 uz dodat okvaÅ”ivač Alteox wet 40 (a.s. mineralno ulje (500 g L-1) i polioksi alkohol (500 g L-1)) u količini 1 L ha-1. Analiza listova, primenom Ramanove spektroskopije, je urađena u četiri termina: prvog, drugog, trećeg i sedmog dana nakon primene (DNP) mezotriona. U dobijenim Ramanovim spektrima analiziran je intenzitet traka na pozicijama 1007, 1155 i 1522 cm-1 kod kontrolnih i tretiranih biljaka u cilju utvrđivanja relativnog sadržaja karotenoida. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se kod vrste C. album mogu utvrditi promene u relativnom sadržaju karotenoida u listovima tretiranih biljaka već trećeg DNP mezotriona u poređenju sa listovima kontrolnih biljka iste starosti, dok je kod vrste A. theophrasti utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u istom parametru neÅ”to kasnije u poređenju sa C. album, sedmog DNP mezotriona. Ovim istraživanjem je potvrđeno da se Ramanova spektroskopija može koristiti kao adekvatna metoda za brzu detekciju delovanja herbicida na sadržaj karotenoida u listovima tretiranih korovskih vrsta

    Preliminarno ispitivanje sastava masnih kiselina u semenkama Ŕipurka: primena ultrazvučne ekstrakcije

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    Rosehip seeds represent waste material which is obtained duringthe production of jams, marmalades, juices, teas, etc. Two methods were used forthe extraction of fatty acids from rosehip seeds: ultrasound-assisted extractioncombined with organic solvent extraction (UAE/OSCE) and organic solventconventional extraction (OSCE). Different solvent-to-sample ratio was used. Theidentification and quantitation of fatty acids was done by gas chromatography witha flame ionization detector (GC/FID). Applied methods yielded different types offatty acids, with stearic acid and linoleic acid, as the most abundant ones.Semenke Å”ipurka predstavljaju otpadni materijal, bogat uljem, koji nastaje tokom proizvodnje džemova, marmelada, sokova, čajeva itd. Za ekstrakciju masnih kiselina iz semenki Å”ipurka koriŔćene su dve metode: ultrazvučna ekstrakcija u kombinaciji sa ekstrakcijom organskim rastvaračem (UZE/KEOR)i konvencionalna ekstrakcija organskim rastvaračem (KEOR). KoriŔćeni su različiti odnosi zapremine rastvarača i mase uzoraka. Identifikacija i kvantifikacija masnih kiselina izvrÅ”ena je metodom gasne hromatografije sa plameno-jonizujućim detektorom (GC/FID). Primenjenim ekstrakcionim metodama dobijene su različite masne kiseline, od kojih su stearinska i linolna bile najzastupljenije

    Fertilizer effects on the container production of tomato seedlings

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    In these researches the plan is to look at the effect of different fertilizers on the quality of tomato seedlings made for open field production (cv. roker). Tomato nursery were grown in containers with 104 openings and saved during the seeding period with three types of fertilizes with: fitofert kristal, fitofert humisuper and slavol. They were used with different percentages, and the time of use was after sowing, with the appearance of first leaf that continued during those seven days from sprouting until the end of the seedling period. The following parameters were determined: plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, stem thickness (mm) and the weight of the plantsā€™ above-ground parts (g). With all of the tested parameters the best results were made with continuous usage of fertilizers. In the container production of tomato seedlings, where the seedlings was being produced in small volume of substrates in short period of time, usage of mineral fertilizers gives overall better results than organic-mineral and microbiological


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    Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is a very important agricultural crop in Serbia, and has great economic importance. Pepper fruits are used in the food industry like fresh or processed products and are characterized by excellent culinary and nutritional properties. They are an exceptional source of bioactive substances (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, phenolics, capsaicin) which are considered strong antioxidants, so in addition to application in the food industry, peppers is also used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Due to the increased tendency of the use of pepper fruits in human nutrition, researchers aspire to find cultivation technology that will provide both high yield and nutritious fruit with good quality. In this paper six different starter fertilizer (Super Star, Elixir Zorka, Å abac) doses (0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 kg/ha) were examined in combination with four treatments of biostimulator (Kelpak, Kelp Products Ltd.) application (without, once, twice and three times) at different stages of plant development on pepper variety Slonovo uvo (Superior, Velika Plana) in open field conditions. Extracts of fresh fruits were prepared with 80% methanol. Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined using the standard spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteu method. The obtained results are expressed as mg of ferulic acid equivalents (FAE) per g of fresh weight. TPC was in range from 0.51 to 2.31 mg/g FAE. The obtained preliminary results do not show a clear influence of used fertilizers on the increase of total phenolic content in peper fruits, so it is necessary to continue research in order to find an appropriate model of fertilizers use to improve the pepper fruits quality