35 research outputs found

    Radioprotective properties of nutraceutical Gonebazol: In vivo study

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    BACKGROUND: In vitro investigation of radioprotective properties of novel nutraceutical Gonebazol (Biofarm, Belgrade) has displayed its remarkable potential to reduce chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei induced by x rays. The goal of this study was to evaluate its protective properties in vivo. For this purpose, a group of medical staff performing invasive radiological diagnostics, that was identified to carry dicentrics in their lymphocytes, was selected for further monitoring. They consumed this nutraceutical for 3 weeks, 2 x 10 g per day (2 x 2 teaspoons dissolved in a glass of water). METHODS: Hematological parameters, chromosomal aberrations and micronucleus frequency were examined at the beginning of monitoring, on day 10 and 21 of the treatment. RESULTS: In the course of three weeks the incidence of chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei was significantly reduced (50%-80%), absolute number of granulocytes was lowered whereas the number of monocytes significantly was enhanced. This study has revealed that nutraceutic posses immunomodulatory properties seen as an improving monocyte-macrophage activity, which inversely correlates with incidence of lymphocyte micronuclei (r=0.75, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Observed finding could be of particular importance in reducing cumulative effects of ionizing radiation in radiosensitive tissues and in preventing adverse health effects. No side effects were evidenced. Mechanisms of its immunomodulatory effects should be further examined

    Intraoperative volume restriction in esophageal cancer surgery: an exploratory randomized clinical trial

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    Aim To investigate whether the fluid volume administered during esophageal cancer surgery affects pulmonary gas exchange and tissue perfusion. Methods An exploratory single-center randomized clinical trial was performed. Patients with esophageal cancer who underwent Lewis-Tanner procedure between June 2011 and August 2012 at the Department of Thoracic surgery “Jordanovac”, Zagreb were analyzed. Patients were randomized (1:1) to receive a restrictive volume of intraoperative fluid (≤8 mL/kg/h) or a liberal volume (>8 mL/kg/h). Changes in oxygen partial pressure (Pao2), inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2), creatinine, and lactate were measured during and after surgery. Results Overall 16 patients were randomized and they all were analyzed (restrictive group n = 8, liberal group n = 8). The baseline value Pao2/FiO2 ratio (restrictive) was 345.01 ± 35.31 and the value six hours after extubation was 315.51 ± 32.91; the baseline Pao2/FiO2 ratio (liberal) was 330.11 ± 34.71 and the value six hours after extubation was 307.11 ± 30.31. The baseline creatinine value (restrictive) was 91.91 ± 12.67 and the value six hours after extubation was 100.88 ± 18.33; the baseline creatinine value (liberal) was 90.88 ± 14.99 and the value six hours after extubation was 93.51 ± 16.37. The baseline lactate value (restrictive) was 3.93 ± 1.33 and the value six hours after extubation was 2.69 ± 0.91. The baseline lactate value (liberal) was 3.26 ± 1.25 and the value six hours after extubation was 2.40 ± 1.08. The two groups showed no significant differences in Pao2/FiO2 ratio (P = 0.410), creatinine (P = 0.410), or lactate (P = 0.574). Conclusions Restriction of intraoperative applied volume does not significantly affect pulmonary exchange function or tissue perfusion in patients undergoing surgical treatment for esophageal cancer


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    Advertising towards children confirms the importance of marketing communication, as they are important for companies that offer a range of products and services. We study the influence of advertising messages from traditional media on different children's age groups, via the observed branded products and the examined credibility of advertisements, seen through the children’s eyes. In total, 481 pupils from two primary schools, aged 9 - 12, participated in the research. We find that children over the age of ten recognise the persuasive influence of the media. Also, the findings indicate that the number of children who like to follow advertisements decreases with age. In addition, comparing the advertising message and real life can lead a child to overall dissatisfaction. An optimistic 75% of the answers favour the fact that children do not believe everything shown in the advertisement forwarded to them

    Prevalence of hypertension in adults in the Šumadija district, Serbia: A cross sectional study

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    Background/Aim. World Health Organization (WHO) studies on the global level have shown that one of the major problems of the public health is hypertension. Blood pressure level greater than 140/90 mmHg is directly and predictively linked to other cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence of hypertension and the risk groups among the adult population in the Šumadija District, Serbia. Methods. This cross-sectional study included 1.669 elderly population of the Šumadija District, aged 25-74. The study was performed according to the protocol of the Country Wide Integrated Noncommunicable Disease Intervention (CINDI) international program. Results. In the Šumadija District more than a half of the population aged 25-74 suffers from hypertension (53%). In the Šumadija District 9% of population has undiagnosed hypertension. In the group of people familiar with their high blood pressure problems, good disease control is achieved in only 46% of them. Statistically, hypertension occurs more frequently in males aged 45-74, of lower education, and in rural population. This is the target group for implementation of the high risk strategy. Statistically, there is a higher prevalence of hypertension in people suffering from myocardial infarction (p = 0.04), angina pectoris (p = 0.00), other cardiac diseases (cardiac insufficiency) (p = 0.00) and cerebrovascular crises (p = 0.04). Conclusion. A continuous increase of patients with hypertension, coupled with the developed complications and increase in cardiovascular diseases as a cause of death, points to the lack of effective access to prevention and early detection of these diseases in the primary health care among the risk groups in Šumadija

    Risk factors for brain metastases in surgically staged IIIA non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy

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    Introduction/Aim. Lung cancer is a leading cause of mortality among patients with carcinomas. The aim of this study was to point out risk factors for brain metastases (BM) appearance in patients with IIIA (N2) stage of nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with three-modal therapy. Methods. We analyzed data obtained from 107 patients with IIIA (N2) stage of NSCLC treated surgically with neoadjuvant therapy. The frequency of brain metastases was examined regarding age, sex, histological type and the size of tumor, nodal status, the sequence of radiotherapy and chemotherapy application and the type of chemotherapy. Results. Two and 3-year incidence rates of BM were 35% and 46%, respectively. Forty-six percent of the patients recurred in the brain as their first failure in the period of three years. Histologically, the patients with nonsquamous cell lung carcinoma had significantly higher frequency of metastases in the brain compared with the group of squamous cell lung carcinoma (46% : 30%; p = 0.021). Examining treatment-related parameters, treatment with taxane-platinum containing regimens was associated with a lower risk of brain metastases, than platinum-etoposide chemotherapy regimens (31% : 52%; p = 0.011). Preoperative radiotherapy, with or without postoperative treatment, showed lower rate of metastases in the brain compared with postoperative radiotherapy treatment only (33% : 48%; p = 0.035). Conclusion. Brain metastases are often site of recurrence in patients with NSCLC (IIIA-N2). Autonomous risk factors for brain metastases in this group of patients are non-squamous NSCLC, N1-N2 nodal status, postoperative radiotherapy without preoperative radiotherapy

    Odnos između totalnog kapaciteta za vezivanje gvožđa i koncentracije transferina kod novorođene prasadi tretirane gvožđe-dekstranom

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    Serum iron concentration and iron saturation of transferrin (Trf) are measures of body iron stores after administration of iron supplements. In clinical and experimental research, the complex determination of Trf was replaced by the simple determination of total iron binding capacity (TIBC). The objective of this work was to define if TIBC could be an adequate measure for Trf in neonatal piglets after i.m. iron administration. Treated piglets received 150 mg of iron-dextran i.m. the first day of life, and were compared to the untreated control group. Prior to iron administration, as well as on days 2, 8 and 12 after iron administration, serum iron and TIBC concentration were analyzed by an automatized chemical analyzer and Trf was determined by densitometry of electrophoretic strips. Our results show that regardless of iron treatment, TIBC is not a measure of Trf concentration in neonatal piglets two days after birth. At day 8 of their life a high correlation coefficient of these two parameters was established in non-treated animals, while in iron-treated piglets the same correlation was established 12 days after iron treatment. Thus, we suggest that in neonatal piglets, TIBC could be used as a measure of Trf concentration only 12 days after i.m. iron treatment.Određivanje statusa gvožđa u organizmu jedinke posle primene određenog preparata ovog mikroelementa moguće je utvrditi određivanjem njegove koncentracije u serumu i zasićenja transferina (Trf) gvožđem. U kliničkoj i eksperimentalnoj praksi složeno određivanje koncentracije Trf zamenjeno je jednostavnim određ ivanjem ukupnog serumskog kapaciteta za vezivanje gvožđa (TIBC). Cilj ovog rada je bio da se na modelu porasta serumskog Fe po i.m. aplikaciji Fe-dextrana novorođenoj prasadi, utvrdi odnos TIBC i Trf po aplikaciji ovog mikroelementa, kako bi se utvrdilo da li visoke doze gvožđa u serumu utiču na vrednost TIBC kao mere za određivanje koncentracije Trf. Vrednosti za serumsko Fe, TIBC i Trf poređene su između grupe životinja koja je odmah po rođenju dobila 150 mg Fe-dextrana i kontrolne grupe u kojoj životoinje nisu tretirane Fe-dextranom. Krv je uzorkovana pre aplikacije Fe-dextrana, drugog, osmog i dvanaestog dana po aplikaciji preparata gvožđa. Koncentracija gvožđa u serumu i TIBC su određivani standarnim kliničkim biohemijskim analizama, dok je koncenracija Trf određena denzitometrijom elektroforetskih traka. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da bez obzira na primenu preparata Fe, TIBC nije adekvatna mera za Trf kod novorođene prasadi u prva tri dana po rođenju. Osmog dana života prasadi, utvrđen je visoki stepen korelacije ova dva parametra kod životinja koje nisu bile tretirane, dok je kod tretiranih jedinki taj stepen korelacije postignut dvanaestog dana. Na osnovu izloženih rezultata se može zaključiti da se kod novorođene prasadi TIBC može koristiti kao mera za Trf tek 12 dana nakon i.m. tretmana Fe-dextranom

    Chemical Analysis of Historical Mortars from the Roman Period in Serbia

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    This work is part of the MoDeCo2000 project research concerning the historical mortars from the Roman period in today’s Serbia. It is focused on the chemical analysis of mortar samples selected from archaeological sites along the Danube River. The main compositional and technological features of the mortars were determined by chemical analyses with energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) with an HF resistant introductory system. The aim of this study is to present the analytical chemistry strategy used for the rapid and reliable characterisation of the relevant features of historical mortars

    Significance of determination Clara cell protein in serum of children with atopy

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    Apstrakt: Klara ćelije su matične ćelije respiratornog epitela koje diferenciraju u mukocilijarni epitel. Glavni cilj ove studije je utvrđivanje povezanosti koncentracija proteina Klara ćelija (SS16) u serumu sa ispoljavanjem bolesti donjih disajnih puteva u uzrastu do dve godine i njihov prediktivni značaj na ispoljavanje bolesti u sedmoj godini života u odnosu na atopiju. Metod: U grupi zdrave dece uzrasta 5-24 meseca analizirane su koncentracije SS16 u serumu u odnosu na individualne karakteristike, predhodno ispoljavanje bolesti donjih disajnih puteva i koncentracije biomarkera TN2 odgovora, imunoregulatornih citokina i infekcije RSV, kao i u odnosu na ispoljavanje bolesti donjih disajnih puteva u uzrastu od sedam godina. Rezultati: Kod dece bez atopije koncentracije SS16 u serumu se povećavaju sa uzrastom, dok se kod dece sa atopijom smanjuju. BHR fenotip kod dece sa atopijom udružen je sa koncentracijom SS16≤3,4 ng/ml. Negativna korelacija CC16 i TSLP utvrđena je kod dece sa atopijom i kod dece bez atopije pri statističkoj eliminaciji IL-10. Prediktor dijagnoze astme u 7 godini kod ženske dece je SS16≥6,8ng/ml u uzrastu 5-7 meseci i SS16≤2,9ng/ml u uzrastu 8-24 meseca. Na rizik od ispoljavanja akutnog bronhitisa u 7 godini, kod muške dece bez atopije ukazuje SS16≤3,7ng/ml, bez porasta u infekciji RSV. Na rizik od ispoljavanja akutnog bronhitisa u 7 godini, kod muške dece sa atopijom u uzrastu 5-7 meseci ukazuje SS16≤4,3ng/ml i TGFβ1≥27,5ng/ml. Zaključak: U ovoj studiji je utvrđen značaj koncentracija SS16 u serumu kao markera BHR u uzrastu do dve godine, kao i prediktora astme kod ženske dece i akutnog vizinga kod muške dece u uzrastu od sedam godina.Summary: Clara cells are stem cells of the lung epithelium which differentiate into a mucociliary epithelium. The aim of this study is to determine correlation of serum levels Clara cells protein (CC16) with the manifestation of lower respiratory tract diseases (LRTD) in the period of up to two years of age and to establish a predictive significance of CC16 for the manifestation of LRTD at the age of seven in relation to the atopy. Меthodology: Longitudinal study of symtoms free children aged 5-24 months. CC16 determinated by ELISA method. Serum CC16 at 5-24 months of age analyzed in relation to individual characteristics, previously manifested LRTD, as well as to the TH2 response, immunoregulatory cytokines and RSV infection, as well as in relation to the LRTD at the age of seven. Results: Serum CC16 in nonatopic children is increasing with age while it is decreasing in atopic children. BHR phenotype in children with atopy is connected to the СС16≤3,4 ng/ml. The negative correlation between CC16 and TSLP is determined in atopic children and in nonatopic children via statistical elimination IL-10. In female children predictor for athma at the age of 7 is СС16≥6,8ng/ml at the age of 5-7 months and СС16≤2,9ng/ml at the age of 8-24 months. The risk of acute bronchitis at the age of 7 in male nonatopic children is indicated by the СС16 ≤3,7ng/ml, without an increase in the RSV infection. The risk of acute bronchitis at the age of 7 in atopic male children is indicated by СС16≤4,3ng/ml and TGFβ1≥27,5ng/ml at the age of 5-7 months of age. Conclusion: This study has determined the significance of CC16 as a BHR-marker in atopic children at the age of two, and as a predictor of asthma in female children and acute wheezing in male children at the age of seven

    Significance of determination Clara cell protein in serum of children with atopy

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    Apstrakt: Klara ćelije su matične ćelije respiratornog epitela koje diferenciraju u mukocilijarni epitel. Glavni cilj ove studije je utvrđivanje povezanosti koncentracija proteina Klara ćelija (SS16) u serumu sa ispoljavanjem bolesti donjih disajnih puteva u uzrastu do dve godine i njihov prediktivni značaj na ispoljavanje bolesti u sedmoj godini života u odnosu na atopiju. Metod: U grupi zdrave dece uzrasta 5-24 meseca analizirane su koncentracije SS16 u serumu u odnosu na individualne karakteristike, predhodno ispoljavanje bolesti donjih disajnih puteva i koncentracije biomarkera TN2 odgovora, imunoregulatornih citokina i infekcije RSV, kao i u odnosu na ispoljavanje bolesti donjih disajnih puteva u uzrastu od sedam godina. Rezultati: Kod dece bez atopije koncentracije SS16 u serumu se povećavaju sa uzrastom, dok se kod dece sa atopijom smanjuju. BHR fenotip kod dece sa atopijom udružen je sa koncentracijom SS16≤3,4 ng/ml. Negativna korelacija CC16 i TSLP utvrđena je kod dece sa atopijom i kod dece bez atopije pri statističkoj eliminaciji IL-10. Prediktor dijagnoze astme u 7 godini kod ženske dece je SS16≥6,8ng/ml u uzrastu 5-7 meseci i SS16≤2,9ng/ml u uzrastu 8-24 meseca. Na rizik od ispoljavanja akutnog bronhitisa u 7 godini, kod muške dece bez atopije ukazuje SS16≤3,7ng/ml, bez porasta u infekciji RSV. Na rizik od ispoljavanja akutnog bronhitisa u 7 godini, kod muške dece sa atopijom u uzrastu 5-7 meseci ukazuje SS16≤4,3ng/ml i TGFβ1≥27,5ng/ml. Zaključak: U ovoj studiji je utvrđen značaj koncentracija SS16 u serumu kao markera BHR u uzrastu do dve godine, kao i prediktora astme kod ženske dece i akutnog vizinga kod muške dece u uzrastu od sedam godina.Summary: Clara cells are stem cells of the lung epithelium which differentiate into a mucociliary epithelium. The aim of this study is to determine correlation of serum levels Clara cells protein (CC16) with the manifestation of lower respiratory tract diseases (LRTD) in the period of up to two years of age and to establish a predictive significance of CC16 for the manifestation of LRTD at the age of seven in relation to the atopy. Меthodology: Longitudinal study of symtoms free children aged 5-24 months. CC16 determinated by ELISA method. Serum CC16 at 5-24 months of age analyzed in relation to individual characteristics, previously manifested LRTD, as well as to the TH2 response, immunoregulatory cytokines and RSV infection, as well as in relation to the LRTD at the age of seven. Results: Serum CC16 in nonatopic children is increasing with age while it is decreasing in atopic children. BHR phenotype in children with atopy is connected to the СС16≤3,4 ng/ml. The negative correlation between CC16 and TSLP is determined in atopic children and in nonatopic children via statistical elimination IL-10. In female children predictor for athma at the age of 7 is СС16≥6,8ng/ml at the age of 5-7 months and СС16≤2,9ng/ml at the age of 8-24 months. The risk of acute bronchitis at the age of 7 in male nonatopic children is indicated by the СС16 ≤3,7ng/ml, without an increase in the RSV infection. The risk of acute bronchitis at the age of 7 in atopic male children is indicated by СС16≤4,3ng/ml and TGFβ1≥27,5ng/ml at the age of 5-7 months of age. Conclusion: This study has determined the significance of CC16 as a BHR-marker in atopic children at the age of two, and as a predictor of asthma in female children and acute wheezing in male children at the age of seven