Significance of determination Clara cell protein in serum of children with atopy


Apstrakt: Klara ćelije su matične ćelije respiratornog epitela koje diferenciraju u mukocilijarni epitel. Glavni cilj ove studije je utvrđivanje povezanosti koncentracija proteina Klara ćelija (SS16) u serumu sa ispoljavanjem bolesti donjih disajnih puteva u uzrastu do dve godine i njihov prediktivni značaj na ispoljavanje bolesti u sedmoj godini života u odnosu na atopiju. Metod: U grupi zdrave dece uzrasta 5-24 meseca analizirane su koncentracije SS16 u serumu u odnosu na individualne karakteristike, predhodno ispoljavanje bolesti donjih disajnih puteva i koncentracije biomarkera TN2 odgovora, imunoregulatornih citokina i infekcije RSV, kao i u odnosu na ispoljavanje bolesti donjih disajnih puteva u uzrastu od sedam godina. Rezultati: Kod dece bez atopije koncentracije SS16 u serumu se povećavaju sa uzrastom, dok se kod dece sa atopijom smanjuju. BHR fenotip kod dece sa atopijom udružen je sa koncentracijom SS16≤3,4 ng/ml. Negativna korelacija CC16 i TSLP utvrđena je kod dece sa atopijom i kod dece bez atopije pri statističkoj eliminaciji IL-10. Prediktor dijagnoze astme u 7 godini kod ženske dece je SS16≥6,8ng/ml u uzrastu 5-7 meseci i SS16≤2,9ng/ml u uzrastu 8-24 meseca. Na rizik od ispoljavanja akutnog bronhitisa u 7 godini, kod muške dece bez atopije ukazuje SS16≤3,7ng/ml, bez porasta u infekciji RSV. Na rizik od ispoljavanja akutnog bronhitisa u 7 godini, kod muške dece sa atopijom u uzrastu 5-7 meseci ukazuje SS16≤4,3ng/ml i TGFβ1≥27,5ng/ml. Zaključak: U ovoj studiji je utvrđen značaj koncentracija SS16 u serumu kao markera BHR u uzrastu do dve godine, kao i prediktora astme kod ženske dece i akutnog vizinga kod muške dece u uzrastu od sedam godina.Summary: Clara cells are stem cells of the lung epithelium which differentiate into a mucociliary epithelium. The aim of this study is to determine correlation of serum levels Clara cells protein (CC16) with the manifestation of lower respiratory tract diseases (LRTD) in the period of up to two years of age and to establish a predictive significance of CC16 for the manifestation of LRTD at the age of seven in relation to the atopy. Меthodology: Longitudinal study of symtoms free children aged 5-24 months. CC16 determinated by ELISA method. Serum CC16 at 5-24 months of age analyzed in relation to individual characteristics, previously manifested LRTD, as well as to the TH2 response, immunoregulatory cytokines and RSV infection, as well as in relation to the LRTD at the age of seven. Results: Serum CC16 in nonatopic children is increasing with age while it is decreasing in atopic children. BHR phenotype in children with atopy is connected to the СС16≤3,4 ng/ml. The negative correlation between CC16 and TSLP is determined in atopic children and in nonatopic children via statistical elimination IL-10. In female children predictor for athma at the age of 7 is СС16≥6,8ng/ml at the age of 5-7 months and СС16≤2,9ng/ml at the age of 8-24 months. The risk of acute bronchitis at the age of 7 in male nonatopic children is indicated by the СС16 ≤3,7ng/ml, without an increase in the RSV infection. The risk of acute bronchitis at the age of 7 in atopic male children is indicated by СС16≤4,3ng/ml and TGFβ1≥27,5ng/ml at the age of 5-7 months of age. Conclusion: This study has determined the significance of CC16 as a BHR-marker in atopic children at the age of two, and as a predictor of asthma in female children and acute wheezing in male children at the age of seven

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