319 research outputs found

    Self-fulfilling Prophecies in Rank Order Tests

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    Modeled rank order tests have become a powerful tool to infer discrimination through observational outcome data such as police search success rates or errors in court decisions. The tests predict that outcomes that are born out NEWLINE of prejudice by decisionmakers will violate certain rank order patterns among the treated groups. This paper presents an unnoticed issue in these tests. I advance a rank order model that includes strategic behavior of the NEWLINE treated with respect to the decisionmakers' beliefs about them. This feedback mechanism can give rise to multiple equilibria, which can invalidate the use of the test

    Aleksandar P. Borodin (1833-1887) - veliki kompozitor, vojni lekar i priznati naučnik-hemičar

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    Prejudice in Naturalization Decisions: Theory and Evidence

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    Immigrant groups that are marginalized in their host countries are disproportionately more likely to have their citizenship applications rejected. It is not readily obvious whether this disparity is due to prejudice on the part of decisionmakers or due to applicant differences in meeting naturalization standards. To address this question, I develop a simple model of a council deciding whether to grant applicants citizenship. The model implies an empirical test for relative prejudice using average applicant group rejection rates. Using Switzerland as a case study, I apply the test to newly collected data from six large municipalities. In five municipalities, the test cannot reject the hypothesis of no relative prejudice with respect to country of origin. The rejection pattern of the sixth municipality is consistent with prejudice. The model illustrates that the underlying mechanism in the decisionmaking process has bearing on the inference of prejudice from empirical data

    The flow of two zinc oxide-eugenol-based endodontic sealers

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    Background/Aim. Endodontic sealers (ES) for obturation are usually prepared with a slight variation of their components both on purpose or unintentionally. Considering that fact, as well as a frequent use of compaction techniques with the applied force to gutta-percha and ES of 1-3 kg, the aim of this study was to investigate the flow of two zinc-oxide eugenol ES in regard to the applied force and a variation of sealerā€™s components. Methods. The experimental group samples of both ES were prepared according to the manufacturerā€™s instructions, applied between pair of glass slabs and loaded by weights of 1 and 2 kg, respectively (American National Standard, Specification No. 57). Some samples of one ES were prepared as thick consistency with 10% more powder and some as thin mixture with 10% less powder than the standard prescription. These semples had been exposed to the load of 2 kg. The control group included samples of both ES prepared as standard prescription but exposed to the weight of one glass slab only. The spread ES appeared as a regular circle 10 min upon mixing and weighting. Measuring of the circle diameter was done by an orthodontic ruler. The flow of the used ES was considered the function of its spread diameter. Results. Application of 1 vs 2 kg load for both regularly mixed sealers in the scope of disk diameter (flow) was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). This means that the stated null hypothesis that there would be no significant difference in flow rate among the regularly mixed sealers at the level of Ī± = 0.05 is accepted. The findings about difference in the disk diameter in regard to mixing variation of Endomethasone indicate that the null hypothesis that there would be no significant difference in flow rate between the regular and thick mixed mass at the level of Ī± = 0.05 is accepted. In the comparison of regular and thin mix a significant difference was noted and the null hypotesis is rejected (p < 0.01). The control group results displayed Roth 801 as less viscous than Endomethasone sealer (p < 0.01). Conclusion. Application of 1 or 2 kg pressure on the samples of both exposed sealers does not significantly affect the flow values as well as comparison of the regular to thick consistency of Endomethasone while comparison of its regular to thin mass shows a significant difference

    Kvalitet i asortiman mliječnih proizvoda na XXX. Međunarodnom poljoprivrednom sajmu u Novom Sadu

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    Na ovogodiÅ”njem ocjenjivanju mliječnih proizvoda povodom XXX. Međunarodnog poljoprivrednog sajma u Novom Sadu učestvovale su 24 mljekarske organizacije sa 35 vrsta mliječnih proizvoda

    Marketing Sustainable Retail Development

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    One of the primary benefits of sustainable retail over the long run has to be the marketing gain from having something other competitors do not: lower operating costs, a more socially responsible public profile, ease of gaining planning approval for new projects, better access to certain investment pools, higher rents (in the case of developers), ease of recruiting and retaining key people. Each of these benefits needs marketing and public relations support; each benefits from a clear and consistent corporate message that promotes sustainable retail.To date, there are very few retailers or developers who have championed sustainability long enough, consistently enough and with enough actual demonstration of changes in standard operations to gain the benefits of green marketing, but the very paucity of examples serves to underscore the point: the green marketing space is wide open for large retailers and developers.What would be the marketing steps that a company could take to benefit from its ā€œsustainability focus?ā€ The key to any marketing program is to differentiate a companyā€™s actions from those of competitors and to do it along lines that its various stakeholders care about. This practice of differentiation is often expressed as ā€œfinding a difference that makes a difference, to someone who makes difference to you.ā€For retail developers, the first differentiator should be to attract more and better tenants to all of their centers, tenants who value lower operating costs and the developerā€™s program of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

    Primena radioviziografije (digitalne radiologije) u stomatoloŔkoj kliničkoj praksi

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    Introduction. Radiovisiography (RVG) as the latest imaging technique in dentistry with the minimal radiation exposure of the patient and numerous possibilities to process the images has many advantages over classic radiography. Case report. We presented an interesting clinical endodontic case of primary posted diagnosis of traumatic periodontitis of upper right canine upon orthodontics treatment. As the patient previously had been exposed to alleged high dose of radiation the patient agreed to minimal exposition using digital RVG. The options of the tool bar of RVG Trophy device enabled the solving of ethiologic factor of presented periodontitis. The enigma of the symptoms on the 'overfilled' root canal was solved zooming and 3-D analysis avoiding periapical surgery owing to the patience of the patient and the dentist in a couple of days. Conclusion. By applying RVG technique the time for diagnostic procedure is much shorter in comparison with traditional dental radiography enabling archiving and follow-up the presented case in the course of time.Uvod. Radioviziografija (RVG) je najnovija tehnika u stomatologiji sa minimalnom ekspozicijom i brojnim mogućnostima obrade slike i ima brojne prednosti u odnosu na klasičnu radiografiju. Prikaz bolesnika. Prikazali smo reÅ”avanje zanimljivog kliničkog endodontskog slučaja sa prvobitno postavljenom dijagnozom traumatskog parodontitisa na zubu 13 nakon primene ortodontskog tretmana. Kako je prethodno bolesnica bila izložena navodno velikim dozama zračenja, pristala je na opciju minimalne ekspozicije tehnikom digitalne RVG. Primenom digitalne radiografije iz servisa RVG Trophy uređaja utvrđen je uzrok nastalog parodontitisa. Zumiranjem i trodimenzionim prikazom radiograma zuba, nakon punjenja kanala korena, primećena je opturaciona masa lagano prebačena preko nivoa apeksa zuba. Analizom snimka, uz strpljenje bolesnice od par dana, izbegnuta je nepotrebna procedura periapeksne hirurgije za kojom se često lako poseže. Zaključak. Primenom RVG skraćuje se vreme do postavljanja dijagnoze u poređenju sa konvencionalnom dentalnom radiografijom omogućujući arhiviranje i praćenje bolesnika u funkciji vremena

    Data processing in the table

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    Ovim radom implementiran je zadani algoritam za analizu brojčane tablice. Program je pisan u VBA programskom jeziku. Dan je detaljan opis zadanog algoritma analize. Ukratko je prikazano VBA programsko sučelje. VBA sintaksa opisana je kroz nekoliko njenih najvažnijih elemenata: sintaksu deklaracije varijabli i nizova, sintaksu uvjetnih grananja, sintaksu programskih petlji, podjela macro metoda na subrutine i funkcije. Zatim je dano detaljno objaÅ”njenje funkcioniranja dizajniranog programa. Kod programa podijeljen je u zasebne module odnosno objekte koji predstavljaju Excel radne listove Sheet1 i Sheet2. Macro metodama radnog lista Sheet1 dohvaćaju se korisnički parametri i provodi potrebna analiza na brojevima iz tablice. Macro metodama radnog lista Sheet2 prikazuju se i uklanjaju rezultati provedene analize. Nadalje, ovaj radni list sadrži korisničko sučelje programa.In this work, the given numeric table analysis algorithm was implemented. The program was written in VBA programming language. A detailed description of the numeric analysis algorithm was given. The VBA programming interface was briefly presented. VBA syntax was described trough some of its most important elements: variable and array declaration syntax, conditional statement syntax, programming loops syntax, classification of macro methods into subroutines and functions. Next, a detailed explanation of the functioning of the designed program was given. The program code was divide into independent modules or objects which represent Excel worksheets Sheet1 and Sheet2. Trough Sheet1macro methods, user parameters are imported and the required analysis of the numbers in the table is carried out. Trough Sheet2 macro methods, the results of the analysis are shown or removed. Furthermore, this worksheet contains the user interface of the program

    Marginally discriminated: the role of outcome tests in European jurisdiction

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    For decades, racial profiling has been subject of intense debate in US jurisdiction. Recently, outcome tests based on economic models have contributed to the legal discourse. However, it is not readily obvious if and to what extent they also pertain to European jurisdiction, where racial profiling has only as of late stirred up controversy. In a comprehensive examination of their basic building blocks, this paper illustrates why the these tests are not particularly suited for the European case. The models are tailored to identify racial prejudice but are unfit to provide evidence of statistical discrimination, reflecting their adaption to the current US legal approach. A simple alternative test remedies this shortcoming and manages to inform the European jurisdictio
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