876 research outputs found

    Contribution of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine to the World’s Biomedical Literature (1988-1997)

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    The contribution of Turkish researchers to sciences is increasing. Turkish scientists published more than 6.000 articles in 1999 in scientific journals indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information’s Science Citation Index, which puts Turkey to the 25th place in the world rankings in terms of total contribution to science. The number of biomedical publications authored by Turkish scientists is increasing faster than that of engineering and other non-medical sciences, which might be one of the main causes of the steep rise in Turkey’s rankings that we have been witnessing in recent years. More specifically, researchers affiliated with Hacettepe University produce almost a quarter of all the biomedical publications of Turkey that appear in international biomedical literature. In this paper, we report the findings of the bibliometric characteristics (authors and affiliations, medical journals and their impact factors, among others) of a total of 1.434 articles published between 1988 and 1997 by scientists affiliated with Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine and indexed in MEDLINE, a well-known biomedical bibliographic database

    Sosyal Bilimlerde Türkiye’nin Dünyadaki Yeri

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    This paper reviews the contributions (articles, notes, book reviews, etc.) of Turkish social scientists to the world’s social sciences literature. Such contributions were identified through the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) by checking the authors’ affiliation addresses to see if they included the word “Turkey”. Altogether a total of 887 contributions were identified from 1985-1996. The number of contributions in 1996 is 166, which constitutes a mere 0,14% of the overall contributions in the world. The three fourth of the contributions are of full-text articles. An overwhelming majority of the contributions (95%) are written in English. Most contributions (93%) came from researchers at universities. Researchers affiliated with the Middle East Technical, Bosporus and Bilkent Universities contributed to more than half (53%) of all social science publications

    Standart ve SOLO Taksonomisine Dayalı Rubrikler ile Puanlanan Açık Uçlu Matematik Sorularında Puanlayıcı Katılığı ve Cömertliğinin İncelenmesi

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    This study uses the many-facet Rasch model to analyze the severity and leniency of raters of open-ended mathematic questions rated through standard rubrics and rubrics based on the SOLO taxonomy. The data source of the study was obtained from 104 eight grade students based on their responses to open-ended questions on mathematics-achievement test that was created by the researchers. The study’s participants were seven mathematics teachers who serving as raters in the research. The data collection instruments involved standard rubrics and rubrics based on the SOLO taxonomy. The collection of the data was performed in a few phases. In the first phase, the mathematics achievement test, which included open-ended questions, was administered to the students and evaluated by the raters. Then, raters scored students' responses to the open-ended questions using standard rubrics. Next, the raters scored the responses using rubrics based on the SOLO taxonomy. The data thus acquired were analyzed using the many-facet Rasch model. The study found that the raters' agreement was low, and that there were significant differences between raters in terms of severity and leniency when they used standard rubrics. When the ratings were done with rubrics based on SOLO taxonomy, the raters were consistent and their scoring severity and leniency were similar to each other.Bu araştırmada, standart ve SOLO taksonomisine dayalı rubrikler ile puanlanan açık uçlu matematik sorularında puanlayıcı katılığı ve cömertliğinin çok yüzeyli Rasch modeli ile incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın veri kaynağını, sekizinci sınıfa devam eden 104 öğrencinin araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen matematik başarı testindeki açık uçlu sorulara verdiği cevaplar oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada puanlayıcı olarak görev alan yedi matematik öğretmeni ise çalışmanın katılımcıları olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında, standart ve SOLO taksonomisine dayalı rubrikler kullanılmıştır. Verilerin toplanması birkaç aşamada gerçekleşmiştir. İlk aşamada açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan matematik başarı testi öğrencilere uygulanarak, puanlayıcıların değerlendirme yapacakları dokümanlar elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra puanlayıcılar, öğrencilerin açık uçlu matematik sorularına verdikleri cevapları standart rubrik kullanarak puanlamışlardır. Bu işlemin ardından SOLO taksonomisine dayalı rubrikler kullanılarak yapılan puanlamalara geçilmiştir. Açık uçlu matematik sorularına verilen cevapların standart ve SOLO taksonomisine dayalı rubrikler kullanılarak puanlanmasıyla elde edilen veriler çok yüzeyli Rasch modeline göre analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada; standart rubrikler kullanılarak yapılan puanlamalarda; puanlayıcılar arası uyumun düşük olduğu ve katılık/cömertlikleri yönüyle puanlayıcılar arasında anlamlı fark bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. SOLO taksonomisine dayalı rubriklerden yararlanılarak yapılan puanlamalarda ise puanlayıcılar arası uyumun yüksek olduğu ve puanlayıcıların benzer katılık/cömertlikte puanlama yaptıkları saptanmıştır

    Adapazarı zeminlerine ait fiziksel, mekanik ve dinamik özellikler arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Zeminlerin fiziksel, mekanik ve dinamik parametrelerini belirlemek geoteknik mühendisliği uygulamaları açısından oldukça önemlidir. Sığ ve derin temeller, şev stabilitesi ve derin kazılar, taşıma gücü gibi pek çok geoteknik mühendisliği projelerinde zeminlerin özellikleri doğru hesaplanmalıdır. Pek çok araştırmacı zeninlerin fiziksel, mekanik ve dinamik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkileri araştırmıştır. Son zamanlarda, klasik regresyon analizine göre daha iyi tahmin yeteneğine sahip olan Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) yöntemi geoteknik mühendisliği problemlerinin çözümünde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Adapazarı zeminlerinin fiziksel, mekanik ve dinamik özellikleri arasındaki ilişki çoklu regresyon ve yapay sinir ağları yöntemleri ile incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla Adapazarı sınırları içerisinde Zemin etüdü amacıyla yapılan sondaj çalışmalarından elde edilen örselenmemiş numunelerin laboratuvar sonuçları kullanılmıştır. İlk olarak, ince daneli zeminlerin fiziksel, mekanik ve dinamik özellikleri arasındaki ilişki çoklu regresyon analizi ile incelenmiş, daha sonar aynı analizler yapay sinir ağları yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, çalışma alanındaki karmaşık zemin yapısı dikkate alındığında YSA analizleri Kabul edilebilir sonuçlar vermiştir.To determine the physical, mechanical and dynamic properties of soils is very important for geotechnical engineering applications. In the analysis of many geotechnical engineering projects such as bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundations, slope stability and deep excavations, shear strength parameters of soils must be correctly estimated. Many researchers have been performed statistical studies on relationships between the physical, mechanical and dynamic properties of soils. Recently, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) which is capable of higher estimates compared to classical regression analysis has begun to take place frequently in geotechnical engineering practice. In this study, the relationships between the physical, mechanical and dynamic properties of fine-grained soils have been investigated with multiple regression analysis and artificial neural network methods. For this purpose, experimental results belonging to the undisturbed samples obtained from drilling studies applied in Adapazari city borders are used. Firstly, the presence of relationships between the physical, mechanical and dynamic properties of the undisturbed samples were investigated with regression analysis. In addition, the predictability of shear strength from the index properties was evaluated by using ANN. Consequently, ANN has provided acceptable results on determining the shear strength of fine-grained soils from index properties considering the local soil conditions in the study area

    Multi objective optimization of water jet guided laser micro drilling on Inconel 718 using Taguchi Method

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Water jet guided laser overcomes the adverse effects of conventional laser cutting and drilling processes, such as heat-affected-zone, spatter, burr formation, etc. Pressurized water in this novel process provides focusing, cooling and cleaning on the cut region, eliminating undesired side effects of the laser. The process is nowadays used in energy and aerospace industries for drilling micro cooling holes on turbine blades made of super alloys. However, more research on the process is required to understand the effects of the variables on cutting time and quality. Optimum conditions differ for various materials and geometries. In this study, a multi objective optimization is performed in terms of process time and taper of the micro holes drilled on Inconel 718, a commonly used material in gas turbines. Taguchi design of experiment and statistical analysis is used to perform the experiments and evaluate the results

    SUMO Traffic Simulator Interface for Scenic

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    SCENIC is a scenario description language for autonomous systems with interfaces for simulators such as Grand Theft Auto V, and CARLA. SUMO traffic simulator is a powerful tool for performing AV simulations with realistic traffic and the opportunity for scene micromanagement through a python interface. Linking SUMO with Scenic, opens many possibilities for AV scenes generation for fast and lightweight SUMO simulations. This paper introduces the first interface between SUMO traffic simulator and Scenic

    Generation of Modular and Measurable Validation Scenarios for Autonomous Vehicles Using Accident Data

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    Autonomous vehicle (AV) technology is positioned to have a significant impact on various industries. Hence, artificial intelligence powered AVs and modern vehicles with advanced driver-assistance systems have been operated in street networks for real-life testing. As these tests become more frequent, accidents have been inevitable and there have been reported crashes. The data from these accidents are invaluable for generating edge case test scenarios and understanding accident-time behavior. In this paper, we use the existing AV accident data and provide a methodology to identify the atomic blocks within each accident, which are modular and measurable scenario units. Our approach formulates each accident scenario using these atomic blocks and defines them in the Measurable Scenario Description Language (M-SDL). This approach produces modular scenario units with coverage analysis, provides a method to assist in the measurable analysis of accident-time AV behavior, and generates accident scenarios and their cousin scenarios

    Subfatin concentration decreases in acute coronary syndrome

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    We investigated the association of serum subfatin concentration and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-STEMI (NSTEMI). In this study, patients who presented with chest pain (STEMI, NSTEMI, or non-cardiac chest pain) were included, i.e. 49 patients with non-cardiac chest pain (control) and 66 patients hospitalised with AMI. In the AMI group, 35 patients had NSTEMI and 31 had STEMI. Serum subfatin concentrations were determined via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Descriptive data on the patients and their comorbidities were recorded, and subfatin concentrations were analysed. Subfatin concentrations were significantly different in the control, STEMI and NSTEMI groups (P = 0.002). In addition, subfatin concentrations were significantly lower in patients in the NSTEMI group than those in the control group (P < 0.001), but there was no significant difference between STEMI and the control group (P = 0.143). The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis performed for differentiating the AMI and control groups found that subfatin had 64% sensitivity and 69% specificity, whereas troponin had 59% sensitivity and 95% specificity. In patients with AMI, the ROC analysis for differentiating NSTEMI from STEMI found that subfatin had 94% sensitivity and 41% specificity, while troponin had 65% sensitivity and 88% specificity. Subfatin concentrations were lower in patients without STEMI than in patients with STEMI. Subfatin concentration is associated with NSTEMI