1,329 research outputs found

    Integration Processes of Benzene-toluene-xylene Fractionation, Hydrogenation, Hydrodesulphurization and Hydrothermoprocessing on Installation of Benzene Unit

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    The heat exchanger network (HEN) of the unit of benzene production at petrochemical plant was inspected and the obtained data were analyzed for possible plant retrofit targeting the minimal energy consumption and increasing of plant efficiency. The benzene-toluene-xylene fractionation, hydrogenation, hydrodesulphurization and hydrothermo processing units of the plant were analysed and the data of existing HEN flowsheets were extracted. The minimum temperature difference for the retrofit was determined by analyzing the cost parameters of the proposed modifications as well as the energy cost. Using Pinch Analysis methodology the Composite Curves and Grid Diagram were obtained for the integrated processes of these plant units. The new flowsheet of the HEN of the regarded units was developed; and the possible application of heat transfer equipment was analyzed and proposed

    Transient Regime of Kerr Frequency Comb Formation

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    Temporal growth of an optical Kerr frequency comb generated in a microresonator is studied both experimentally and numerically. We find that the comb emerges from vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field on timescales significantly exceeding the ringdown time of the resonator modes. The frequency harmonics of the comb spread starting from the optically pumped mode if the microresonator is characterized with anomalous group velocity dispersion. The harmonics have different growth rates resulting from sequential four-wave mixing process that explains intrinsic modelocking of the comb.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Passively mode locked Raman laser

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    We report on the observation of a novel mode locked optical comb generated at the Raman offset (Raman comb) in an optically pumped crystalline whispering gallery mode resonator. Mode locking is confirmed via measurement of the radio-frequency beat note produced by the optical comb on a fast photodiode. Neither the conventional Kerr comb nor hyper-parametric oscillation is observed when the Raman comb is present

    Низька ефективність симвастатину при лікуванні неалкогольної жирової хвороби печінки в щурів

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    We determined the possibility of simvastatin in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats. The animals were kept for 2 months at high-fatty diet with additional input homocysteine thiolactone. Then, the animals were divided into groups according to the doses (20 or 40 mg/kg body weight) and duration of treatment (14 or 28 days). At the end of experiment there was determined the concentration of homocysteine, serum biochemical parameters, intensity of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense, and the degree of hepatic fibrogenesis and steatohenesis. It was shown that simvastatin did not improve the health of rats. Определяли возможность применения симвастатина для лечения крыс с неалкогольной жировой болезнью печени, которую, вызывали содержа животных в течение 2 месяцев на высокожировой диете на фоне гипергомоцистеинемии. Животных разделили на группы в соответствии с дозами (20 или 40 мг/кг массы тела) и продолжительностью лечения (14 или 28 суток) симвастатином. После выведения крыс из эксперимента определили концентрацию гомоцистеина, биохимические показатели сыворотки крови, интенсивность процессов оксидативного стресса и антиоксидантной защиты, а также степень развития печеночного стеатогенеза и фиброгенеза. Показано, что применение симвастатина не привело к улучшению гомеостаза печени,  а также не оказывало положительного действия на ход неалкогольной жировой болезни печени у крыс.Визначали можливість застосування симвастатину для лікування щурів з неалкогольною жировою хворобою печінки, яку викликали, утримуючи тварин протягом 2 місяців на високожировій дієті на фоні гіпергомоцистеїнемії. Тварин поділили на групи відповідно до доз (20 чи 40 мг/кг маси тіла) та тривалості лікування (14 або 28 діб) симвастатином. Після виведення щурів з експерименту визначили концентрацію гомоцистеїну, біохімічні показники сироватки крові, інтенсивність процесів оксидативного стресу та антиоксидантного захисту, а також ступінь розвитку печінкового стеатогенезу і фіброгенезу. Показано, що застосування симвастатину не призвело до покращення гомеостазу печінки, а також не чинило позитивної дії на перебіг неалкогольної жирової хвороби печінки в щурів

    Сlinical features of chronic bronchitis and genetic risk factors for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adolescent smokers

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    The aim is to study the clinical features of the course of CB in adolescent smokers and to study the genetic risk factors for the development of COPD. Materials and methods: There were examined 40 adolescent smokers with CB, 30 never-smokers adolescents with CB and 37 healthy adolescents smokers (control group). The study included the collection of anamnesis, objective examination. calculation of the smoking index and the «pack/year», molecular genetic investigations. Results: It was proved that smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis as early as adolescence and affects its course, increasing the frequency and duration of exacerbations. We identified an association of the 2G/2G genotype of MMP1 gene with the development of chronic bronchitis in adolescent smokers. The TT genotype of CYP1A1 gene may be considered as a possible sustainability factor for the development of chronic bronchitis in adolescent smokers. Conclusions: The study of candidate genes for COPD in childhood and adolescence will facilitate the early detection of high-risk groups in the formation of this pathology, which will allow doctors to take the necessary preventive measures

    Specific features of the oral microbiome in young children with laryngopharyngeal reflux and its role the development of recurrent respiratory diseases

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    The aim: To examine the composition of the oral microbiome in young children with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and its role the development of recurrent respiratory diseases. Materials and methods: There were examined 38 children with physiological gastroesophageal reflux (GER), 18 children with LPR who had a medical history of recurrent bronchitis and 17 healthy children (control group). The study included the collection of anamnesis, objective examination. The qualitative and quantitative microbial composition of the upper respiratory tract was performed obtained by oropharyngeal deep swab. Salivary pepsin level and IL-8 were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: This research showed significant alterations in the oral microbiome of patients with GER and LPR as compared to healthy control. We found that gram-negative microbiota such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus spp. and Candida albicans were identified in children with GER and LPR compared to the healthy control. At the same time, the amount of such a representative of the normal microbiome as Streptococcus viridans in children with LPR was sharply reduced. There were established a much higher mean salivary pepsin level of the patients with LPR than in the GER and control group. We found the association between high pepsin levels, saliva IL-8 levels and frequency of respiratory pathology in children with LPR. Conclusions: Our study confirms that increased levels of pepsin in saliva are a risk factor for recurrent respiratory diseases in children with LPR

    Components of physicochemical properties and chemical composition of mus-cle tissue of young pigs of different growth intensities, the level of their pheno-typic consolidation, and correlation

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    The work presents the results of the study of some biochemical indicators of blood serum, physicochemical properties, and chemical composition of muscle tissue of young pigs of the large white breed and the calculation of correlations between the main quantitative characteristics. The work was carried out in the agricultural formations of the Dnipropetrovsk region, the research center for biosafety and environmental control of agricultural resources of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, LLC “Globynskyi Myasokbinat” of the Poltava region, the zootechnical analysis laboratory of the Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-industrial Production of the National Academy of Sciences and the animal husbandry laboratory of the state institution “Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS”. Studies of the fattening and meat qualities of young pigs of the large white breed show that the animals of the controlled population belong to the elite class by the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg. This indicator in the animals of the experimental group ranges from 167 to 188 days. It was established that the number of samples of the longest back muscle of high quality according to the indicator “moisture retention capacity” is 12.0 %, “fat content” – 16.0%, “tenderness” – 12% and “color intensity” – 16%. A high level of phenotypic consolidation was established in the animals of the II experimental group (the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg is 177–188 days) according to the content of total moisture (K1 = +0.458, K2 = +0.456), air-dry matter (K1 = +0.492, K2 = +0.500), ash (K1 = +0.527, K2 = +0.534), fat (K1 = +0.559, K2 = +0.518) and calcium (K1 = +0.385, K2 = +0.415). Reliable correlations were established between the following pairs of traits: moisture-holding capacity × protein content (r = -0.484, tr = 2.65), age at which live weight reached 100 kg × calcium (Ca) content (r = -0.392, tr = 2,15), age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg × moisture retention capacity (r = +0.447, tr = 2.40), age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg × loss during heat treatment (r = -0.390, tr = 2.14). This indicates the effectiveness of using the indicator “age of reaching 100 kg live weight, days” for early prediction of calcium (Ca), moisture retention capacity, and loss of muscle tissue during heat treatment in young pigs of the large white breed

    Non-resonant operation of microcavity Brillouin lasers

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    We present theoretical framework to describe Brillouin lasing in microcavities in the case of a significant mismatch between the Brillouin shift and the cavity intermode spacing. We show that despite an increase of the lasing threshold a significant increase of the Brillouin power in comparison with the resonance case is achievable. A necessary condition for this effect is the optimal value of the pump frequency detuning from the cavity mode frequency. An increase of the Brillouin threshold is accompanied by narrowing of the spectrum range where the Brillouin signal could be generated in non-resonant case. Besides, with the optimal pump frequency detuning the Brillouin signal noise level is reduced. Analytical results are in quantitative agreement with the results of numerical simulations

    Evaluation of genotype-environment interactions for non-polar lipids and fatty acids in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds

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    Genotype-environment (G × E) interactions for non-polar lipids and fatty acids were studied in 28 chickpea accessions. The total nonpolar lipid content was determined by Soxhlet procedure; fatty acid profiles were investigated by gas chromatography. There were strong negative correlations between oleic and linoleic acids and between oleic and linolenic acids. The correlation between linoleic and linolenic acids was positive and either strong or moderate. Correlations between the other acids were differently directed and of various strengths. Line Luh 99/11 turned out to be an outlier in relation to the other genotypes due to an unusually high content of stearic acid. Cultivar CDC Jade was an outlier because of too low content of stearic acid and too high content of linoleic acid. Accession UD0502195 was an outlier due to a higher content of palmitic acid. Accessions UD0500022 and UD0502195 were outliers due to the low content of total nonpolar lipids. The variability in the total nonpolar lipid content was not affected by the environment, but the environment contributions to the variability of oleic and linoleic acids were very high. There were only statistically significant differences in the oleic and linoleic acid amounts between the cultivation years. There was a positive correlation between the oleic acid content and the average air temperature during the “anthesis – maturity” period and a negative correlation between the linoleic acid content and the average temperature during this period. There was also a negative correlation between the oleic acid content and precipitation during the “anthesis – maturity” period and a positive correlation between the linoleic acid content and precipitation during this period. The palmitic acid content was the most responsive to environmental changes in cultivar CDC Vanguard and the most resistant in cultivar Krasnokutskiy 123. The stearic acid content was the most sensitive to environmental changes in cultivar ILC 3279 and the most irresponsive in accession UKR001:0502116. As to oleic and linoleic acids, line L 273-18 had the bi (plasticity) and S2di (stability) values coupled with the corresponding mean contents, meaning that this genotype may be adapted to decreased temperature. The ecovalence values (Wi2) for the total nonpolar lipids, palmitic, stearic and linolenic acids indicated that these characteristics were little responsive to environmental fluctuations. As to oleic and linoleic acids, Wi2 values were much higher in many accessions, confirming the variability of these parameters depending on growing conditions. Having the highest Wi2 values, accession Garbanzo 2 is expected to show high degrees of the G × E interactions for oleic and linoleic acids. S2di was positively correlated with Wi2

    Fishing as a cybercrime in the Internet banking system: economic and legal aspects

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    Fishing as a cybercrime in the Internet banking system: economic and legal aspects / Oleksandr Ilchenko, Volodymyr Chumak, Serhii Kuzmenko and oth. // Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. – 2019. – Vol. 22, Issue Special Issue 2. – 6 p.У статті описано поняття фішингу як одного з видів кіберзлочинності у сфері Інтернет-шахрайства. Автори визначають особливості фішингу та його основне призначення. Досліджуючи суть фішингу як кіберзлочинності, звертали увагу на основні методи його реалізації. Було визначено нормативно-правову базу, щодо якої здійснюється міжнародне регулювання та протидія негативним явищам кіберзлочинності, включаючи фішинг. Особлива увага приділяється проблемі визначення відповідальності за вчинення кіберзлочинів, серед яких фішинг не є винятком, на рівні законодавства в різних країнах світу. Були закріплені значні перешкоди на шляху повного впровадження Інтернет-банкінгу. Встановлено важливість протидії шахрайству в системі економічної безпеки банку, включаючи фішинг.The paper describes the concept of phishing as one of the types of cybercrime in the field of Internet fraud. The author identifies the features of phishing and its main purpose. When investigating the essence of phishing as a cybercrime, attention was paid to the main metho ds of its implementation. The legal and regulatory framework was determined, in relation ot which international regulation and counteraction to negative phenomena of cybercrime, including phishing, is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the issue of determination of responsibility for commitment of cybercrimes, among which phishing is not an exception, at the legislation level in different countries of world. Significant obstacles in the field of full implementation of Internet banking were charact erized. The importance of counteracting fraud in the system of economic safety of the bank, including phishing, was established.В статье описано понятие фишинга как одного из видов киберпреступности в сфере Интернет-мошенничества. Авторы определяют особенности фишинга и его основное назначение. Исследуя суть фишинга как киберпреступности, обращали внимание на основные методы его реализации. Было определено нормативно-правовую базу, по которой осуществляется международное регулирование и противодействие негативным явлениям киберпреступности, включая фишинг. Особое внимание уделяется проблеме определения ответственности за совершение киберпреступлений, среди которых фишинг не является исключением, на уровне законодательства в разных странах мира. Были закреплены значительные препятствия на пути полного внедрения Интернет-банкинга. Установлено важность противодействия мошенничеству в системе экономической безопасности банка, включая фишинг