63 research outputs found

    The Role and Implication of UD to Foster Inclusion in Built Environments

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    The level of inclusion of all its members in the complex of community activities is a fundamental indicator of the progress of a society that wants to be defined as civil and there is a rising awareness about the evidence that diversity and inclusion are linked to positive outcomes. The Universal Design approach is increasingly recognized as the one that helps to shape environments - in terms of physical and virtual environments, as well as buildings, goods and services - so that it can be accessed, understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their diversity. Thus, making a more inclusive society for all. This short essay summarizes some reflections resulting from studies, research and field practices reported by literature, and also experienced by the author in her training as a researcher and university professor. Attention is focused in particular on some critical issues and implications inherent in the practical application of UD principles, as well as on the importance of its multidisciplinary dimension, which also entails a different attitude towards the training of professionals

    Muoversi in sicurezza in spazi mai esplorati: un intervento per migliorare l'accessibilit\ue0 dei luoghi della cultura e della formazione

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    L'articolo riferisce di una sperimentazione di sistemi di orientamento e mobilit\ue0 in autonomia in particolare mirate per persone con disabilit\ue0 sensoriali . La sperimentazione parte dallo studio della letteratura in tema di orientamento e wayfinding e declina le caratteristiche che un tale sistema deve avere per essere efficace nel contesto dell'accessibilit\ue0 al patrimonio culturale. In particolare poi la validazione degli strumenti individuati viene condotta in un contesto di edificio di interesse storico dove si svolgono attivit\ue0 di formazione, e l'articolo illustra le metodologie adottate e i risultati conseguiti

    Italian Universities for Territorial Sustainable Development and Responsible Communities—The Case Study of the University of Trieste

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    Today, the active promotion of sustainability is acknowledged as a pivotal task for universities. Under the flagship of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the demand is to help cities and territories tackle complex challenges by providing innovative solutions and local actions. The call is for deep change in the ways universities address their fundamental missions and or-ganisation, and the relationships with their internal and external stakeholders. From this per-spective, a key issue to be investigated further is how new approaches and measures can con-cretely foster universities’ social responsibility towards SDGs. Taking a research-based ap-proach, the article addresses this question through the critical analysis of actions and tools deliv-ered by the Italian Universities Network for Sustainable Development (RUS), and the University of Trieste (UniTS). From sustainability and social reporting to civil engagement practices, the fo-cus is on the nexus between the upgrading of universities’ overall performance, and the ways they can act as living labs, capacity builders, and hubs of knowledge transfer. Discussion and conclu-sions highlight some fields and key factors that can drive universities towards a more effective integration of sustainability measures involving their spatial assets, governance, and stable col-laboration with their hosting cities, territories, and communities

    Transforming our World through Universal Design for Human Development

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    An environment, or any building product or service in it, should ideally be designed to meet the needs of all those who wish to use it. Universal Design is the design and composition of environments, products, and services so that they can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. It creates products, services and environments that meet people’s needs. In short, Universal Design is good design. This book presents the proceedings of UD2022, the 6th International Conference on Universal Design, held from 7 - 9 September 2022 in Brescia, Italy.The conference is targeted at professionals and academics interested in the theme of universal design as related to the built environment and the wellbeing of users, but also covers mobility and urban environments, knowledge, and information transfer, bringing together research knowledge and best practice from all over the world. The book contains 72 papers from 13 countries, grouped into 8 sections and covering topics including the design of inclusive natural environments and urban spaces, communities, neighborhoods and cities; housing; healthcare; mobility and transport systems; and universally- designed learning environments, work places, cultural and recreational spaces. One section is devoted to universal design and cultural heritage, which had a particular focus at this edition of the conference. The book reflects the professional and disciplinary diversity represented in the UD movement, and will be of interest to all those whose work involves inclusive design

    Percezione e Sicurezza: il ruolo del Progetto di Architettura

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    Il contributo al volume vuole offrire uno spunto di riflessione sul ruolo che pu\uf2 avere l\u2019azione-progetto nel perseguimento dell\u2019obiettivo \u201cqualit\ue0 della vita\u201d, legato alla fruizione di beni, spazi e servizi, quanto pi\uf9 possibile in autonomia, e comunque nel rispetto delle esigenze primarie delle persone in termini di sicurezza e benessere. Se si considera oltre alla dimensione \u201cambientale\u201d anche quella \u201csociale\u201d della sostenibilit\ue0, non si pu\uf2 non considerare la necessit\ue0 che gli edifici, gli spazi aperti e le infrastrutture pubbliche debbano essere progettati in modo tale che le loro soluzioni basilari (formali, tecnologiche) possano permetterne l\u2019uso ad una vasta categoria di utenti, la pi\uf9 ampia possibile, ovvero a \u201ctutti\u201d, offrendo a tutti il maggior numero possibile di pari opportunit\ue0. In questo modo l\u2019uguaglianza e i diritti di tutti

    Spazi pubblici sicuri e inclusivi

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    L\u2019intervento illustra le principali ricerche svolte presso gli Atenei di Trieste, Udine e Venezia nel campo della fruizione in sicurezza di spazi di uso pubblico, che si connotano per un approccio multi scalare e transdisciplinare, che superano la visione delle soluzioni \u201ca norma\u201d basate sul concetto di utente standard. Tale approccio non trascura la dimensione del desiderio dell\u2019uomo di fruire di tutte le potenzialit\ue0 che un contesto \u201cabilitante\u201d sarebbe in grado di offrire, ovvero di usare spazi, beni e servizi in sicurezza e con il massimo grado di autonomia possibile, traendo giovamento nel farlo.Tali percorsi di ricerca, svolti a livello nazionale e internazionale, si focalizzano sul ruolo svolto dal progetto per elevare il grado di accessibilit\ue0 di spazi e beni di uso pubblico, con ci\uf2 contribuendo ai processi di inclusione sociale e di responsabilizzazione delle comunit\ue0 per la trasformazione sostenibile dell\u2019habitat

    On the relationship between universal and particular in architecture

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    In 1998 Molly Follette Story, James Mueller and Roland Mace published the book The Universal Design File; that can be considered the result of a long way, started by Mace in 1985, towards a design approach based on the principles of Universal Design. In 2010 the Centre for Active Design publishes the Active Design Guidelines: Promoting Physical Activity and Health in Design. Between these two milestones, this article offers some ideas about the evolution of the universal approach to design. Assuming that Universal Design approach can present limits, this article aims to reflect on the relationship between universal and particular in developing a theoretical approach to architecture and design, supporting the idea that the wide gray area of the population who need specific access solutions can find answers to their needs only through successive adjustments, time by time plugged on universal solutions. This implies a process of requirement­based retrofitting of existing spaces and goods, to get qualities or perfecting performances otherwise inadequate. From this perspective the project for accessibility should be seen as a never ending process, and not a fix and final product, and Universal Design should be considered as a methodological approach ideally tending towards accessibility as a goal. Having this in mind, the article explores the issues related to how to blend universal and particular in a human centred design strategy, how to combine design actions and awareness by the users to allow an effective mutual adaptation between people and their living environment. The article aims to be further food for thought regarding research to be implemented in future works

    On the Relationship Between \u2018Universal\u2019 and \u2018Particular\u2019 in Architecture

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    In 1998 Molly Follette Story, James Mueller and Roland Mace published the book The Universal Design File; that can be considered the result of a long way, started by Mace in 1985, towards a design approach based on the principles of Universal Design. In 2010 the Centre for Active Design publishes the Active Design Guidelines: Promoting Physical Activity and Health in Design. Between these two milestones, this article offers some ideas about the evolution of the universal approach to design. Assuming that Universal Design approach can present limits, this article aims to reflect on the relationship between universal and particular in developing a theoretical approach to architecture and design, supporting the idea that the wide gray area of the population who need specific access solutions can find answers to their needs only through successive adjustments, time by time plugged on universal solutions. This implies a process of requirement-based retrofitting of existing spaces and goods, to get qualities or perfecting performances otherwise inadequate. From this perspective the project for accessibility should be seen as a never ending process, and not a fix and final product, and Universal Design should be considered as a methodological approach ideally tending towards accessibility as a goal. Having this in mind, the article explores the issues related to how to blend universal and particular in a human centred design strategy, how to combine design actions and wareness by the users to allow an effective mutual adaptation between people and their living environment

    AA_ArcheologiaAccessibile. La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale attraverso l'accessibilitĂ  ambientale.

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    2AA_ArcheologiaAccessibile è il titolo di una ricerca delle Università di Udine e di Trieste nel campo della progettazione inclusiva e del Design for All per l'accessibilità dei beni culturali. Questa indagine, di cui si riportano i risultati nel presente articolo, fa parte di un più ampio programma interateneo per lo sviluppo dell'inclusione attuato con la partecipazione di diversi Istituti Regionali e la Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici FVG. In particolare lo scritto presenta l'esperienza applicata al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Aquileia finalizzata a trasformare i tradizionali percorsi di conoscenza dei reperti in esperienze multisensoriali, educative e pedagogiche che coinvolgano e rendano tutti i visitatori partecipi indipendentemente dall’età, dalla formazione culturale e dalle abilità fisiche e senso-percettive.nonemixedChristina Conti; Ilaria GarofoloChristina, Conti; Garofolo, Ilari

    Fostering Sustainability @UniTs

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    Promoting sustainability through innovative culture and models is nowadays a top task for universities. Their commitment oriented by the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) conveys the message that sustainability is not a "luxury" but an essential vehicle through which to pursue and guarantee everyone's rights, inclusion and future.Solving complex problems calls for collaboration among communities; aware of that, Italian universities set up the RUS - Italian University Network for Sustainable Development - which acts as a model to encourage collaboration between universities and cities, to spread social innovation at local level and to provide cultural awareness at national level. The University of Trieste (UniTs) joined the network in 2017. Consistent with its strategy for sustainability, UniTs has implemented measures on the macro-context (to raise public awareness and to support research) as well as on micro-context (to orientate behaviors and habits of its community). In particular, it focused on virtuous projects such as waste management, based both on the constant reduction of waste production and on the optimization of the use of materials and products (i.e. paper, glass, reagents), along with the setting of separate waste collection to reduce disposal and favor recycling. The paper will refer on the present framework and the implementation of new integrated projects, aimed at consolidating a community attentive and aware of sustainability
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