2,976 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional phononic thermal conductance in thin membranes in the Casimir limit

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    We discuss computational analysis of phononic thermal conduction in the suspended membrane geometry, in the experimentally commonly appearing case where heat can flow out radially in two dimensions from a central source. As we are mostly interested in the low-temperature behavior where bulk scattering of phonons becomes irrelevant, we study the limit where all phonon scattering takes place at the membrane surfaces. Moreover, we limit the discussion here to the case where this surface scattering is fully diffusive, the so called Casimir limit. Our analysis shows that in the two-dimensional case, no analytic results are available, in contrast to the well known 1D Casimir limit. Numerical solutions are presented for the temperature profiles in the membrane radial direction, for several different membrane thicknesses. Our results can be applied, for example, in the design of membrane-supported bolometric radiation detectors

    Open Innovations and Living Labs: Promises or Challenges to Regional Renewal

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    The paper brings to the foreground modes and strategies of organising purposeful action that may be conductive to local and regional actors’ successful coping in the more and more competitive environment. The paper is pragmatist by its approach in a sense that it emphasises preconditions and possibilities for making ideas work. However, to do this is a difficult task. In the maze of multifaceted information flows and revolutionary technologies for reaching them enterprises and public actors need to find and construct better structured information that really helps them to operate. The paper introduces two sets of case activities that build on open innovation and living lab approaches in their attempts to make the boundaries between organisations and their environment more permeable. Its findings support the structuralist idea that spatial attributes matter more than as a mere venue, platform, or even container of social action. The venues studied in the paper are unique: one of the oldest still remaining factory buildings in the innermost core of the city of Tampere and a re-used loghouse in a peri-urban landscape outside the city. They both serve now as true exploratory spaces with no functional or institutional lock-ins stemming from them to bond their present-day users

    Dimensional Confluence Algebra of Information Space Modulo Quotient Abstraction Relations in Automated Problem Solving Paradigm

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    Confluence in abstract parallel category systems is established for net class-rewriting in iterative closed multilevel quotient graph structures with uncountable node arities by multi-dimensional transducer operations in topological metrics defined by alphabetically abstracting net block homomorphism. We obtain minimum prerequisites for the comprehensive connector pairs in a multitude dimensional rewriting closure generating confluence in Participatory algebra for different horizontal and vertical level projections modulo abstraction relations constituting formal semantics for confluence in information space. Participatory algebra with formal automata syntax in its entirety representing automated problem solving paradigm generates rich variety of multitude confluence harmonizers under each fundamental abstraction relation set, horizontal structure mapping and vertical process iteration cardinality.Comment: The current work is an application as a continuation for my previous works in arXiv:1305.5637 and arXiv:1308.5321 using the key definitions of them sustaining consistency, consequently references being minimized. Readers are strongly advised to resort to the mentioned previous works for preliminaries. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1408.137

    Radial phononic thermal conductance in thin membranes in the Casimir limit: Design guidelines for devices

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    In a previous publication, we discussed the formalism and some computational results for phononic thermal conduction in the suspended membrane geometry for radial heat flow from a central source, which is a common geometry for some low-temperature detectors, for example. We studied the case where only diffusive surface scattering is present, the so called Casimir limit, which can be experimentally relevant at temperatures below \sim 10 K in typical materials, and even higher for ultrathin samples. Here, we extend our studies to much thinner membranes, obtaining numerical results for geometries which are more typical in experiments. In addition, we interpret the results in terms of a small signal and differential thermal conductance, so that guidelines for designing devices, such as low-temperature bolometric detectors, are more easily obtained. Scaling with membrane dimensions is shown to differ significantly from the bulk scattering, and, in particular, thinning the membrane is shown to lead to a much stronger reduction in thermal conductance than what one would envision from the simplest bulk formulas.Comment: submitted to AIP Advance

    Magnetic non-contact friction from domain wall dynamics actuated by oscillatory mechanical motion

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    Magnetic friction is a form of non-contact friction arising from the dissipation of energy in a magnet due to spin reorientation in a magnetic field. In this paper we study magnetic friction in the context of micromagnetics, using our recent implementation of smooth spring-driven motion [Phys. Rev. E. 97, 053301 (2018)] to simulate ring-down measurements in two setups where domain wall dynamics is induced by mechanical motion. These include a single thin film with a domain wall in an external field and a setup mimicking a magnetic cantilever tip and substrate, in which the two magnets interact through dipolar interactions. We investigate how various micromagnetic parameters influence the domain wall dynamics actuated by the oscillatory spring-driven mechanical motion and the resulting damping coefficient. Our simulations show that the magnitude of magnetic friction can be comparable to other forms of non-contact friction. For oscillation frequencies lower than those inducing excitations of the internal structure of the domain walls, the damping coefficient is found to be independent of frequency. Hence, our results obtained in the frequency range from 8 to 112 MHz are expected to be relevant also for typical experimental setups operating in the 100 kHz range.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure


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    Tänä päivänä yrityksiltä vaaditaan yritysvastuun harjoittamista, sillä ne voivat vaikuttaa omilla toimillaan yhteiskuntaan laajasti. Tämä vaatimus tulee yrityksen omilta sidosryhmiltä, mutta myös lakien kautta. Öljy-yhtiöiden toimet yritysvastuun osalta on nähty historiallisesti negatiivisina ja niitä on kritisoitu paljon. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvailla ja ymmärtää yritysvastuuta ja sitä, miten yhtiöt, jotka toimivat öljyteollisuudessa, harjoittavat sitä. Lisäksi tavoitteena on ymmärtää, miten kansalaisjärjestöt ja valtiot ovat mukana näiden yritysten yritysvastuun harjoittamisessa ja miten ne mahdollisesti vaikuttavat siihen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kahden kansainvälisen öljy-yhtiön yritysvastuuraportteja vuosien 2016–2018 ajalta. Valitut yhtiöt ovat yhdysvaltalainen ExxonMobil sekä hollantilais-isobritannialainen Shell. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten edellä mainitut yhtiöt harjoittavat yritysvastuuta ja mitkä yritysvastuun tärkeimmät osa-alueet ovat. Valtioiden sekä kansalaisjär- jestöjen osallisuutta näiden yritysten yritysvastuuseen tutkittiin uutisartikkeleiden perusteella. Tutkimus on toteutettu käyttäen sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuuden ensimmäisessä luvussa perehdytään yritysvastuuseen ja siihen liittyviin ilmiöihin sekä käsitteistöön. Yleisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen jälkeen syvennytään stakeholder management -teoriaan, jossa käsitellään sidosryhmiä ja sitä, miten ne vaikuttavat yrityksiin. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuuden toisessa luvussa keskitytään valtioihin sekä kansalaisjärjestöihin ja siihen, miten ne vaikuttavat yrityksiin. Tähän sisältyy myös katsaus yritysvastuusta kiistanalaisilla toimialoilla. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että tutkituilla öljy-yhtiöillä oli yleensä samanlainen lähestymistapa yritysvastuuseen ja sen raportointiin. Osa-alueet olivat vastuullinen työnantaja, ympäristö, yhteisö, toimittajat sekä vaatimusten noudattaminen. Tutkimuksessa myös havaittiin, että valtiot sekä kansalaisjärjestöt vaikuttivat yritysten toimintaan. Esimerkkejä näistä toimista ovat oikeuteen haastaminen ja paljastavien raporttien julkaiseminen sekä julkisten syytösten tekeminen. Johtopäätökset tutkimuksesta ovat, että tutkitut öljy-yhtiöt ovat niin homogeenisia, että niillä on samanlaiset yritysvastuutoimet ja -raportit. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan myös todeta, että jot- kin yritykset harjoittavat yritysvastuuta ja raportoivat siitä vain parantaakseen omaa julkikuvaansa ja peittääkseen mahdolliset rikkomuksensa. Kansalaisjärjestöjen sekä valtioiden vaikutus tutkittujen yritysten yritysvastuun harjoittamiseen todettiin olevan väistämätön. Tämän lisäksi johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat teoriaa ja kirjallisuutta siinä, että kansalaisjärjestöt voivat saavuttaa korkean vaikutustason vain saamalla apua muilta tahoilta, kuten valtioilta.Today, companies are required to practice corporate responsibility, because they can influence society on a large scale with their own actions. This requirement comes from the company's own stakeholders, but also through laws. The actions of oil companies in terms of corporate responsibility have historically been seen as negative and have been criticized a lot. The purpose of this study is to describe and understand corporate responsibility and how companies operating in the oil industry practice it. In addition, the aim is to understand how non-governmental organizations and states are involved in the practice of corporate responsibility by these companies and how they possibly affect it. The research examines the corporate responsibility reports of two international oil companies from 2016–2018. The selected companies are the US ExxonMobil and the Dutch-UK Shell. The purpose of the research is to find out how the aforementioned companies practice corporate responsibility and which are the most important areas of corporate responsibility. The involvement of governments and civic organizations in the corporate responsibility of these companies was studied based on news articles. The research has been carried out using content analysis. In the first chapter of the theoretical part of the study, we familiarize ourselves with corporate responsibility and related phenomena and concepts. After a general literature review, we delve into stakeholder management theory, which deals with stakeholder groups and how they affect companies. The second chapter of the theoretical part of the study focuses on states and non-governmental organizations and how they affect companies. This also includes a review of corporate responsibility in controversial industries. The study found that the studied oil companies generally had a similar approach to corporate responsibility and its reporting. The areas were responsible employer, environment, community, suppliers and compliance with requirements. The study also found that governments and non-governmental organizations influenced the operations of companies. Examples of these actions are suing and publishing revealing reports and making public accusations. The conclusions from the study are that the studied oil companies are so homogeneous that they have similar corporate responsibility actions and reports. As a conclusion, it can also be stated that some companies practice corporate responsibility and report on it only to improve their own public image and to cover up their possible violations. The influence of non-governmental organizations and states on the practice of corporate responsibility of the investigated companies was found to be inevitable. In addition to this, the conclusion can be stated that the results of the study support the theory and literature in that NGOs can achieve a high level of influence only by receiving help from other parties, such as states


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    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin talven 2007 – 2008 aikana tehtyjen havupuuvaltaisten ensiharvennusten korjuujälki Metsänhoitoyhdistys Kymijoen alueella. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, pysyikö korjuujälki suositusten mukaisena. Tulokset tarkasteltiin puulajeittain ja harvennusten toteuttajittain. Niitä verrattiin myös Metsäkeskuksen korjuujälkiselvityksiin vuosilta 2007 ja 2008. Korjuujälki tarkastettiin metsänhoitoyhdistyksen korjuujäljen tarkastusohjeella. Kuvioilta mitattiin runkoluku puulajeittain, puustovauriot, pohjapinta-ala, valtapituus ja keskiläpimitta. Lisäksi selvitettiin ajouraväli, ajouraleveys ja ajourapainumat. Tutkimusaineisto käsittää 21 kuviota, yhteensä 40,8 hehtaaria. Korjuujäljessä havaittiin suosituksia enemmän puustovaurioita ja ajourapainumia. Ajouraväli oli hieman liian kapea, mutta ajouraleveyksien keskiarvo oli hyvä. Harvennusvoimakkuus oli suurimmalla osalla kuvioista onnistunut. Osa kuvioista oli harvennettu suositeltua voimakkaammin, mutta harvennusvoimakkuus täytti kaikilla kuvioilla metsälain vaatimukset. Korjuujäljen kokonaisuudessa ei eri toteuttajittain havaittu selviä eroja. Tutkimuksen tulokset olivat myös samansuuntaisia kuin vertailuaineistona olleet Metsäkeskuksen korjuujälkiselvitykset. Puustovaurioiden ja ajourapainumien määrät tulisi jatkossa saada pienemmäksi. Korjuuteknisesti haastavien kuvioiden ensiharvennukset tulisi ajoittaa hyviin korjuuolosuhteisiin. Myös ajouraväleihin tulee kiinnittää enemmän huomiota. Ajouraverkostoa tulisi suunnitella jo ennen hakkuuta ja sijoittaa ajourat kovimmille maastonkohdille.This bachelor’s thesis examined the quality of first thinnings in coniferous forests in the region of Forestry Society Kymijoki during the winter 2007 – 2008. The purpose of the thesis was to find out how the quality of thinnings corresponds to the recommendations. The results were analysed by species of trees and by the realisers of the thinning. The results were compared to the first thinning quality reports from years 2007 and 2008 made by the Forest Center of Finland. The quality of first thinning was examined with the audit advisory of Forestry Society. The measurements collected from forest stands were the number of trees sorted out to different species, tree stand damages, basal area, dominant height and average diameter of trees. Distances and widths of forest machinery logging tracks and dints of the logging tracks were determined as well. Material of the report contains 21 forest stands with a total area of 40,8 hectares. According to the thesis there were too many tree stand damages and too many dints in the logging tracks. The Distances of logging tracks were a bit too narrow. The average widths of logging tracks were good. The thinning intensity was good in major parts of forest stands although in some forest stands the thinning intensity was too furious. Requirements of the forest law were, however, met in all forest stands. The quality of thinnings did not differ much by different realisers when assessing the wholeness. The results were also parallel to the comparison material from Forest Center. The number of tree stand damages and dints in logging tracks should be reduced in the future. The forest stands which are technically difficult to thin should be scheduled to favourable thinning conditions. More emphasis should be put to the planning of logging track distances in the future. Logging tracks should be planned before the thinning and they should be placed to firm soil