9 research outputs found

    The Effect of Pre-Marital Explorer Game towards Adolescents’ Knowledge Regarding Pre-Marital Sex behavior

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    This study aimed to identify knowledge level of adolescent regarding premarital sex behavior and examine effect of Pre-Marital Explorer game on adolescents’ knowledge about pre-marital sexual behavior. Population sample in this study was adolescents in Jambi, Indonesia. This study used the Pre Experimental method with the design of One Group Pretest-posttest. The sampling technique was the quota sampling method with 765 respondents. The tools in this study were the premarital explorer game and questionnaire to measure the effectiveness of the game and its effects on respondents’ knowledge. The results showed that most teenagers had less knowledge about premarital sexual behavior before Pre-Marital Explorer game media introduced. The participants found that game could be as valuable as learning in school without realizing that it is a designed-game for learning premarital sex behavior and to make them understand how to overcome the premarital sex behavior. The premarital explorer could improve adolescents’ mental capacities to deal with premarital sexual behavior. Hence, Pre-Marital Explorer proved that it positively educating students regarding premarital sex behavior. Data showed that almost all students (764) understand about premarital sex behavior from the game and their post-test score increasingly enhanced after the game

    Effectiveness of Ice Pack and Warm Water on the Pain Intensity of Perineum Wound: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    This study aims to compare the effectiveness of using ice packs and warm compresses to reduce perineal wound pain in postpartum mothers. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study using a two-group pretest-posttest design. The sample selection technique in this study was accidental sampling, with a total sample of 70 respondents consisting of 36 postpartum mothers at Putri Ayu Public Health Center and 34 postpartum mothers at Pakuan Baru Public Health Center. The statistical test used the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test at a significance level of 95%. The intensity of perineal wound pain was chosen at intervals of 7-9 for both groups (ice pack and warm compress). The Wilcoxon statistical test results found the effect of giving ice packs in reducing the intensity of perineal wound pain (0.000), while warm compresses did not affect (0.102). The results of the Mann-Whitney test found that ice pack interventions were more effective in reducing perineal wound pain. It was concluded that ice packs could be used to treat perineal wound pain in postpartum mothers

    Desa Mandiri Gerakan Masyarakat Sehat Untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular Di Lubuk Ruso Kecamatan Pemayung Batang Hari Jambi

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    Clean and healthy living, including correct diet, regular physical activity, and check-ups. Strengthening the role of the community to be more responsible for their own health status and central and regional government facilities in raising awareness and developing the ability of community-based health efforts is very important and must carried out continuously. Almost 90% of diseases categorized as non-communicable diseases (PTM) such as cancer, diabetes, HIV-AIDS, heart disease, high blood pressure, stress and so on can actually be prevented with regular health behaviors. The purpose of community service is to increase the independence and welfare of the people of Lubuk Ruso Village, Pemayung Batang Hari District, Jambi by empowering the community through the healthy community movement (germas independent village). Activities carried out with the pre test stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage with the post test. PkM activities with the acquisition of pre-test scores with a mean value of the comparison between the pre-test post-test is 2.85. Bivariate analysis test results with the Wilcoxon Test on respondents. The results of testing the data show a value of p = 0.000 <0.05, so it can be concluded statistically that there are differences in knowledge before and after education.Keywords: Education, Germas, PT


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    Pelayanan antenatal merupakan pelayanan oleh tenaga kesehatan profesional (dokter spesialis kandungan dan kebidanan, dokter umum,bidan,dan perawat) kepada ibu hamil selama masa kehamilan, dimana hasil pelayanan antenatal dapat dilihat dari cakupan pelayanan K1 dan K4. Beberapa hal yang mempengaruhi cakupan pelayanan antenatal, adalah kelengkapan sarana puskesmas, tenaga kesehatan serta pengetahuan dan sikap ibu hamil,Data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tebo cakupan kunjungan K4 pada tahun 2008 juga masih dalam kategori kurang dan target pencapaian (87,87%) sedangkan di Puskesmas Pintas Tuo cakupan K4 sebesar 54%. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan ibu hamil dan pelayanan antenatal dengan menggunakan Rancangan penelitian Cross sactional. Sebagai populasi ibu hamil Trimester III dan ibu dalam masa nifas dan petugas kesehatan bidan koordinator Metode pengambilan sampel simple random sampling terdiri dari 76 responden Data dianalisis secara Univariat terdiri dari,pengetahuan responden,Akses jarak dari rumah responden serta gambaran pelayanan Antenatal dan Bivariat dengan mengunakan uji rank spearman. Kunjungan periksa hamil, pengetahuan ibu hamil nilai rho (p) = 0,652. dengan C1=95%.nilai p 0,0001 Akses waktu nilai rho (p) =0,440 dengan (C 95% nilai p 0,0001) sedangkan yang tidak berhubungan Akses jarak nilai (C1 95%, nilai p 0,738) Akses biaya transportasi dan biaya pelayanan (C1 85% nilai p=0.187). Respomden yang menjawab kurang dari 50% terdiri dari dua pertanyaan yaitu tujuan dan jumlah tablet zat besi konsumsi selama hamil. Akses jarak rumah dan rumah ke tempat pelayanan s 0,5 Km sedangkan transport rata-rata Rp 1.000,- dan biaya pelayanan rata-rata Rp 5.000,- . Disarankan Bagi Bidan,dokter,dan tenaga yang melayani pelayanan Antenatal supaya memberikan informasi pada ibu hamil agar mengkomsumsi tablet zat besi,batasan umur, waktu yang dikeluarkan bagi ibu hamil dan melibatkan dukun bayi dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada ibu hamil. Kata Kunci: Kesehatan ibu dan anak,Pelayanan Antenatal,Pengetahuan ibu hami

    Efektifitas Permainan Ular Tangga Untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Tentang Bahaya Rokok Pada Siswa SMP di Kota Jambi

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    Dampak negatif merokok cukup besar bagi kesehatan. Edukasi mengenai bahaya merokok perlu diberikan sejak usia sekolah. Media edukasi yang menarik dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa mengenai bahaya merokok, salah satunya menggunakan media permainan ular tangga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media permainan ular tangga untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang bahaya rokok siswa SMP.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian intervensi jenis quasi eksperimental dengan 2 kelompok perlakuan. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa SMP, dengan 35 orang diberikan edukasi menggunakan media permainan ular tangga sebagai kelompok intervensi, dan 35 orang lainnya diberikan edukasi dengan metode ceramah sebagai kelompok control.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan nilai rata-rata pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok intervensi yaitu sebesar 16,06. Hasil pengujian statistic t-dependen menunjukkan nilai p sebesar 0,002 (≤0,05) sehingga disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna untuk nilai pengetahuan siswa pada kelompok intervensi, pada sebelum dan setelah dilakukan intervensi. Hasil pengujian statistic t-independen menunjukkan nilai p sebesar 0,015 (<0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna untuk skor pengetahuan pada kelompok control dan kelompok intervensi.Permainan ular tangga terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan rata-rata pengetahuan siswa SMP dalam memahami bahaya rokok sehingga dapat dijadikan salah satu alternative inovasi media pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa akan kesehatan

    Pengaruh Guided Imagery terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan dan Depresi Ibu Hamil Selama Pandemi Covid 19 di Puskesmas Koni Kota Jambi

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    One of the most vulnerable groups during the coronavirus-19 outbreak is pregnant women. Pregnant women are more prone to anxiety because they see about vertical spread to the fetus. Disturbance during mental health is a common morbidity of pregnancy, about 12% of women experience depression and up to 22% experience high levels of anxiety in late pregnancy. Another study related to anxiety and depression during the pandemic in Turkey in 2019 stated that the Covid-19 outbreak negatively affected the mental health of pregnant women which in turn could harm pregnant women. Problems during pregnancy can be overcome by using non-pharmacological therapy. One of the non-pharmacological techniques is Guided Imagery. Guided imagery or guided imagination technique is the development of mental functions that are expressed dynamically through psychophysiological processes involving all senses and leading to changes in behavior, perception, or physiological responses with someone's guidance or through the media. Methods The research conducted at the Koni Health Center in Jambi City, will be carried out from January to November 2021 with a total of 40 respondents. Quantitative research using a quasi-experimental design with One Group Pretest Posttest Design is to measure the effect (effect) of an intervention carried out on research subjects. Collecting data from primary data obtained from questionnaires. Research Results There is an effect of anxiety level and depression level of pregnant women before and after being given guided imagery. Hopefully, the results of this study will serve as another alternative in providing midwifery care in an effort to overcome anxiety and depression in pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandem

    Efektivitas Metode Jigsaw Dibandingkan Metode Make a Match dalam Pengetahuan Personal Hygiene Saat Menstruasi: Studi Literatur

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    Adolescents have problems related to personal hygiene at puberty due to a lack of knowledge of explanations and health services. Poor personal hygiene habits and can lead to reproductive tract infections. This literature study is to analyze the effectiveness of the jigsaw method compared to the make a match method in the knowledge of personal hygiene on menstruation in young women. The search results obtained were 8 journals and articles which were considered to have the same objectives as the research title. As for the journal review before being given a jigsaw, after being given a jigsaw, before being given a make a match, after being given a make a match. The results of the review of the research journal stated that the second method was more effective, namely the make a match method compared to the jigsaw method, seen from the increased knowledge of adolescents after being given counseling on reproductive health, personal hygiene during menstruation, and increasing significantly on the assessment graph with a statistical value before being given a jigsaw value of 37, 4%, after being given a jigsaw the statistical value of 73.5%, before being given a make a match 73.8%, after being given a make a match the statistical value increased by 75.8%. Based on the review of journals, the make a match method is more effective with the result that the statistical value of 75.8% increases as seen from the increase in respondents' knowledge. In providing reproductive health education about personal hygiene during menstruation for adolescents, the make a match method can be used

    Efektivitas Metode Jigsaw Dibandingkan Metode Make A Match dalam Pengetahuan Personal Hygiene Saat Menstruasi: Studi Literatur

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    Adolescents have problems related to personal hygiene at puberty due to a lack of knowledge of explanations and health services. Poor personal hygiene habits and can lead to reproductive tract infections. This literature study is to analyze the effectiveness of the jigsaw method compared to the make a match method in the knowledge of personal hygiene on menstruation in young women. The search results obtained were 8 journals and articles which were considered to have the same objectives as the research title. As for the journal review before being given a jigsaw, after being given a jigsaw, before being given a make a match, after being given a make a match. The results of the review of the research journal stated that the second method was more effective, namely the make a match method compared to the jigsaw method, seen from the increased knowledge of adolescents after being given counseling on reproductive health, personal hygiene during menstruation, and increasing significantly on the assessment graph with a statistical value before being given a jigsaw value of 37, 4%, after being given a jigsaw the statistical value of 73.5%, before being given a make a match 73.8%, after being given a make a match the statistical value increased by 75.8%. Based on the review of journals, the make a match method is more effective with the result that the statistical value of 75.8% increases as seen from the increase in respondents' knowledge. In providing reproductive health education about personal hygiene during menstruation for adolescents, the make a match method can be used

    Efektivitas Self Efficacy terhadap Pemahaman Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan menggunakan Video dan Buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak

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    One effort to increase the understanding of pregnant women about the danger signs of pregnancy is to carry out social persuasion in the form of education to improve self-efficacy of understanding the danger signs. Education can be done using a variety of media, namely visual media, audio and audio visual. This literature study aims to find out Effectiveness of Self-Efficacy towards Understanding of  Pregnancy Danger Signs using Videos and Books of MCH.The design used in this study is the study of literature. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from journal database searches taken through the internet, both national and international journals. The search results obtained as many as 12 journals that are considered in accordance with the purpose of the study. The results of the literature study show that there is an effect of Self-Efficacy on Understanding of the Signs of danger of pregnancy using Video, there is an effect of Self-Efficacy of Understanding of Signs of danger of pregnancy using the MCH Handbook, and Video media is more effective than the Book of MCH. The conclusion of this literature study is The effectiveness of education delivered is affected by a variety of things, one of which is the media used. The better the media used, the easier the reception of material by respondents. Recommendations from this literature study virtue need to improve the health promotion strategy by advocacy strategy, social support strategy and community empowerment strateg