78 research outputs found

    Bertsolariak historialari: Lehen Gerra Karlista

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    29 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 29Nire lan honek, Lehen Gerra Karlistan datza. Horregatik, liberalismoa Espainian sartu zen garaia aurrekaritzat hartuta, Fonteinebleauko itunetik Bergarako akordioa arteko denboran sakonduko dut, nola ez, batez ere 1833. urtean kokatzen delarik lanak aztergai duen garaiaren hasiera. Gerrate horri lotuta, foruen eta nire lanerako iturri gisa erabiliz beraien balio historikoa erakutsi nahiko nukeen bertsoen inguruan ere sakonduko dut. Liberalak, karlistak, Zumalakarregi, Lege Salikoa, Bilbo eta Donostiako gertaerak, Bergarako akordioa… ardatz harturik eraikiko dut nire kontakizuna. Bi bandoetan banatutako herri baten historia izango da: kostaldea nekazaritza eremuaren aurka, liberalak absolutisten aurka, karlistak isabelinoen aurka edo nekazari eta langileak burgesiaren aurka. Bakoitzak bere helburuak dituenez, haiengatik borrokatuko dira Isabel eta Karlos Maria Isidroren izenean, baina, bazekiten noren izenean borrokatzen zuten? Eta baldin bazekiten, horregatik borrokatzen zuten edo beste helburu foruzale zein komertzialak jarraitzen zituzten? Galdera hauei erantzuten eta balizko erantzunen gainean irakurleari pentsarazten, saiatuko naiz hurrengo orrialdeetan. Ordea, nire helburua ez da Lehen Gerra Karlistaren interpretapen soil eta aldi berean, garrantzitsu horretan gelditzen. Izan ere, lehen esan dudan bezala, bertsoaren balio historikoa erakutsi nahi diot irakurleari eta horregatik, nire lanean pasarte bakoitzaren inguruko bertso garaikideren bat aurkituko du irakurleak, ohiko bibliografia bidez kontatzen dugun hori modu hurbilago batean, hau da, hura bizi eta hartaz kantatu edo idatzi zuen bertsolari baten gorputzetik bizi dezan. Modu berean, bertsoak ez ditut pasarte-kontalari bezala bakarrik erabiliko, baizik eta nire hipotesi edo usteak argudiatzeko ere bai, planteatzen dudan hori 1830eko hamarkadako biztanle baten hitzekin uztartuz, alegia. Nire irakurlea beraz, Euskal Herriaren historia garaikideko une garrantzitsuenetako batean zehar aurkituko da, bertsoz bertso eta pasartez pasarte Lehen Gerra Karlistaren inguruko ezagutza modu kronologiko eta jarraitu batean jasoz. Zumalakarregi, Isabel, Maria Kristina, Espartero, Karlos Maria Isidro eta abarren munduan kokatuko dut irakurlea, baina, baita Xenpelar, Iparragirre, Bizenta Mogel, Pedro Mari Otaño eta beste hainbat bertso sortzaile ezezagun eta anonimoren garian ere, boterea eta bertsoa oso desberdinak diren bi mundu izan arren, garaikideak izaki, biak uztarturik. Lehen Gerra Karlistako Euskal Herriko irudi hobeago eta kritikoago bat sortzen lagunduko digutelako

    Bertsolariak historialari: Lehen Gerra Karlista

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    29 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 29Nire lan honek, Lehen Gerra Karlistan datza. Horregatik, liberalismoa Espainian sartu zen garaia aurrekaritzat hartuta, Fonteinebleauko itunetik Bergarako akordioa arteko denboran sakonduko dut, nola ez, batez ere 1833. urtean kokatzen delarik lanak aztergai duen garaiaren hasiera. Gerrate horri lotuta, foruen eta nire lanerako iturri gisa erabiliz beraien balio historikoa erakutsi nahiko nukeen bertsoen inguruan ere sakonduko dut. Liberalak, karlistak, Zumalakarregi, Lege Salikoa, Bilbo eta Donostiako gertaerak, Bergarako akordioa… ardatz harturik eraikiko dut nire kontakizuna. Bi bandoetan banatutako herri baten historia izango da: kostaldea nekazaritza eremuaren aurka, liberalak absolutisten aurka, karlistak isabelinoen aurka edo nekazari eta langileak burgesiaren aurka. Bakoitzak bere helburuak dituenez, haiengatik borrokatuko dira Isabel eta Karlos Maria Isidroren izenean, baina, bazekiten noren izenean borrokatzen zuten? Eta baldin bazekiten, horregatik borrokatzen zuten edo beste helburu foruzale zein komertzialak jarraitzen zituzten? Galdera hauei erantzuten eta balizko erantzunen gainean irakurleari pentsarazten, saiatuko naiz hurrengo orrialdeetan. Ordea, nire helburua ez da Lehen Gerra Karlistaren interpretapen soil eta aldi berean, garrantzitsu horretan gelditzen. Izan ere, lehen esan dudan bezala, bertsoaren balio historikoa erakutsi nahi diot irakurleari eta horregatik, nire lanean pasarte bakoitzaren inguruko bertso garaikideren bat aurkituko du irakurleak, ohiko bibliografia bidez kontatzen dugun hori modu hurbilago batean, hau da, hura bizi eta hartaz kantatu edo idatzi zuen bertsolari baten gorputzetik bizi dezan. Modu berean, bertsoak ez ditut pasarte-kontalari bezala bakarrik erabiliko, baizik eta nire hipotesi edo usteak argudiatzeko ere bai, planteatzen dudan hori 1830eko hamarkadako biztanle baten hitzekin uztartuz, alegia. Nire irakurlea beraz, Euskal Herriaren historia garaikideko une garrantzitsuenetako batean zehar aurkituko da, bertsoz bertso eta pasartez pasarte Lehen Gerra Karlistaren inguruko ezagutza modu kronologiko eta jarraitu batean jasoz. Zumalakarregi, Isabel, Maria Kristina, Espartero, Karlos Maria Isidro eta abarren munduan kokatuko dut irakurlea, baina, baita Xenpelar, Iparragirre, Bizenta Mogel, Pedro Mari Otaño eta beste hainbat bertso sortzaile ezezagun eta anonimoren garian ere, boterea eta bertsoa oso desberdinak diren bi mundu izan arren, garaikideak izaki, biak uztarturik. Lehen Gerra Karlistako Euskal Herriko irudi hobeago eta kritikoago bat sortzen lagunduko digutelako

    El Buen Vivir como Sistema alternativo de Vida

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    En este ensayo se desarrolla como temática principal el “Buen Vivir”, destacando su importancia en nuestras vidas y en la de todas las personas que forman nuestro círculo social y la sociedad en que vivimos. También se enfatiza en la relevancia de nuestros hábitos de vida, nuestros perfiles económ-icos, la medicina y cada uno de los componentes culturales que dan sentido a la vida de los pueblos

    The Contribution of Lean Management—Industry 4.0 Technologies to Improving Energy Efficiency

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    The current socio-economic and environmental context obliges companies to increase their energy efficiency to be competitive, and the development of Industry 4.0 technologies should contribute to improve it. This article analyses the influence of Industry 4.0 technologies on energy efficiency and the mediation of quality management of production process variables. After a descriptive analysis, a correlation and regression analysis is presented using information from 72 projects for the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies in industrial companies. At a global level, it is confirmed that the four technology groups (Artificial Vision and Artificial Intelligence, Additive Manufacturing and Robotics, Big Data and Advanced Analytics, and Internet of Things) contribute to improving energy efficiency by an average of 15–25% in the processes where they are integrated. In addition, the regression model determines that improved decision-making capabilities strongly mediate the achievement of higher energy efficiency.The researchers are part of the IT1691-22 research team of the Basque university system. This research work has had the support of the projects ZIRKBOTICS and SOFIA, both R&D&I Projects of the Euskampus Foundation Programme: “Resilience COVID-19”

    Exploring the influence of industry 4.0 technologies on the circular economy

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    In the last decade, both Industry 4.0 technologies and the circular economy have expanded exponentially and they have received epistemological attention. However, there is a lack of studies about the influence that each of these technologies has on the main areas of action covered by the circular economy. This study responds to this gap by investigating the influence of the major technologies: Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Vision, Big Data and Advanced Analytics, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, Robotics, and Virtual and Augmented Reality on the main areas of action covered by the circular economy. Namely, reduction of inputs consumption, reuse, recovery, recycling and reduction of waste and emissions. An initial study, based on a survey of 120 project managers, and a multiple case study of 27 projects, through 31 personal interviews and review of internal and external documentation have been conducted in order to investigate the real influence of each technology on the circular economy. Overall, the results confirm the existence of a wide range of influences that Industry 4.0 technologies offer to companies for improved circularity. These improvements are mainly related to reduce material and energy consumption, and waste and emissions generation. However, there are important differences between the potential impacts of each technology. In particular, there is most evidence of the positive impact of additive manufacturing and robotics. Likewise, the results obtained suggest the need to continue exploring the new impacts generated by the continuous development and integration of technologies.This study was funded by the Basque Autonomous Government (Research Group GIC 15/176) and the project METASTANDARDS, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI). We also acknowledge the technical and human support provided by Circular Economy UniversityCompany Classroom (Faculty of Engineering Gipuzkoa, UPV/EHU, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa)

    How Do Technologies Based on Cyber–Physical Systems Affect the Environmental Performance of Products? A Comparative Study of Manufacturers’ and Customers’ Perspectives

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    In the academic literature, there are studies that link the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies with an improvement in product-related circular economy indicators. However, there are scarce studies carried out in business contexts that analyse the degree, the stage of the life cycle and the value given to these improvements by customers and Industry 4.0 technology manufacturers. To contribute to clarifying these fields, a multiple-case study of nineteen technology manufacturers has been conducted, with input from the experience of venture clients as users and active participants in a shared project. Both manufacturers and their customers agree that Industry 4.0 technologies have a positive impact on circular economy. Benefits depend on the type of technology and its application and are mainly concentrated in the manufacturing phase. Additive manufacturing appears to be the technology with the greatest potential to influence circular economy, but customers also highlight the influence of augmented/virtual reality. Most manufacturers and customers emphasise the biggest influence is on reducing material consumption. This serves to improve the critical variables of market positioning by reducing product costs. However, acquisition cost, as well as quality and safety specifications, are of greater importance to manufacturers and customers, which may limit the environmental benefits obtained

    Comunidad, poder popular y autogobierno: prácticas para transformar la democracia

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    Fibroblast growth factors 19 and 21 in acute liver damage

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    Currently there are very few pharmacological options available to treat acute liver injury. Because its natural exposure to noxious stimuli the liver has developed a strong endogenous hepatoprotective capacity. Indeed, experimental evidence exposed a variety of endogenous hepatic and systemic responses naturally activated to protect the hepatic parenchyma and to foster liver regeneration, therefore preserving individual’s survival. The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family encompasses a range of polypeptides with important effects on cellular differentiation, growth survival and metabolic regulation in adult organisms. Among these FGFs, FGF19 and FGF21 are endocrine hormones that profoundly influence systemic metabolism but also exert important hepatoprotective activities. In this review, we revisit the biology of these factors and highlight their potential application for the clinical management of acute liver injur

    Splicing Factor SLU7 Prevents Oxidative Stress-Mediated Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4α Degradation, Preserving Hepatic Differentiation and Protecting From Liver Damage

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    Background and Aims: Hepatocellular dedifferentiation is emerging as an important determinant in liver disease progression. Preservation of mature hepatocyte identity relies on a set of key genes, predominantly the transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) but also splicing factors like SLU7. How these factors interact and become dysregulated and the impact of their impairment in driving liver disease are not fully understood. Approach and Results: Expression of SLU7 and that of the adult and oncofetal isoforms of HNF4α, driven by its promoter 1 (P1) and P2, respectively, was studied in diseased human and mouse livers. Hepatic function and damage response were analyzed in wild-type and Slu7-haploinsufficient/heterozygous (Slu7) mice undergoing chronic (CCl) and acute (acetaminophen) injury. SLU7 expression was restored in CCl-injured mice using SLU7-expressing adeno-associated viruses (AAV-SLU7). The hepatocellular SLU7 interactome was characterized by mass spectrometry. Reduced SLU7 expression in human and mouse diseased livers correlated with a switch in HNF4α P1 to P2 usage. This response was reproduced in Slu7 mice, which displayed increased sensitivity to chronic and acute liver injury, enhanced oxidative stress, and marked impairment of hepatic functions. AAV-SLU7 infection prevented liver injury and hepatocellular dedifferentiation. Mechanistically we demonstrate a unique role for SLU7 in the preservation of HNF4α1 protein stability through its capacity to protect the liver against oxidative stress. SLU7 is herein identified as a key component of the stress granule proteome, an essential part of the cell’s antioxidant machinery. Conclusions: Our results place SLU7 at the highest level of hepatocellular identity control, identifying SLU7 as a link between stress-protective mechanisms and liver differentiation. These findings emphasize the importance of the preservation of hepatic functions in the protection from liver injury.Supported by MINECO/AEI/FEDER (UE SAF2016-75972-R, PID2019-104265RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and PID2019-104878RB-100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), CIBERehd, Fundación La Caixa (HEPACARE), an AECC postdoctoral fellowship (POSTD18014AREC, to M.A.), a Ministerio de Educación FPU fellowship (FPU18/01461, to M.G.R.), a Ministerio de Educación FPI fellowship (BES-2017-079883, to M.R.); a Ramón y Cajal Program contract (RYC2018-024475-1, to M.G.F.B.), the Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, the Fundación Mario Losantos, the Fundación M. Torres, and a generous donation from Mr. Eduardo Avila