35 research outputs found
Fram Strait Studies (FRAMZY 2002 and ACSYS-ABSIS 2003) ice drifter data evaluation for sea ice kinematics and dynamics studies - technical report
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Johanna Ikävalko: Review of oil spill effects on Arctic marine ecosystem
Total elbow arthroplasty in rheumatoid arthritis: A population-based study from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register
Background and purpose Although total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) is a recognized procedure for the treatment of the painful arthritic elbow, the choice of implant is still obscure. We evaluated the survival of different TEA designs and factors associated with survival using data from a nationwide arthroplasty register
To speak or not to speak? Een reflectie over free speech vanuit de Oudtestamentische wijsheidsliteratuur
status: publishe