13 research outputs found

    Polycystic ovary syndrome and risk factors for gestational diabetes

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    Objective: To study the roles of self-reported symptoms and/or prior diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and other potential risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and to clarify whether the screening of GDM in early pregnancy is beneficial for all women with PCOS. Design: The FinnGeDi multicentre case-control study including 1146 women with singleton pregnancies diagnosed with GDM and 1066 non-diabetic pregnant women. There were 174 women with PCOS (symptoms and/or diagnosis self-reported by a questionnaire) and 1767 women without PCOS (data missing for 271). Methods: The study population (N=1941) was divided into four subgroups: GDM+ PCOS (N= 105), GDM+ non-PCOS (N =909), non-GDM+PCOS (N=69), and controls (N=858). The participants' characteristics and their parents' medical histories were compared. Results: The prevalence of PCOS was 10.4% among GDM women and 7.4% among non-diabetics (odds ratios (OR) 1.44, 95% CI: 1.05-1.97), but PCOS was not an independent risk for GDM after adjustments for participants' age and pre-pregnancy BMI (OR 1.07, 95% CI: 0.74-1.54). In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, the most significant parameters associated with GDM were overweight, obesity, age >= 35 years, participant's mother's history of GDM, either parent's history of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and participant's own preterm birth. Conclusions: The increased risk of GDM in women with PCOS was related to obesity and increased maternal age rather than to PCOS itself, suggesting that routine early screening of GDM in PCOS women without other risk factors should be reconsidered. Instead, family history of GDM/T2D and own preterm birth were independent risk factors for GDM.Peer reviewe

    Metformin in Pregnancy Study (MiPS): Protocol for a systematic review with individual patient data meta-analysis

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    AbstractIntroduction Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a common disorder of pregnancy and contributes to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Metformin is often used for the prevention and management of GDM; however, its use in pregnancy continues to be debated. The Metformin in Pregnancy Study aims to use individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis to clarify the efficacy and safety of metformin use in pregnancy and to identify relevant knowledge gaps.Methods and analysis MEDLINE, EMBASE and all Evidence-Based Medicine will be systematically searched for randomised controlled trials (RCT) testing the efficacy of metformin compared with placebo, usual care or other interventions in pregnant women. Two independent reviewers will assess eligibility using prespecified criteria and will conduct data extraction and quality appraisal of eligible studies. Authors of included trials will be contacted and asked to contribute IPD. Primary outcomes include maternal glycaemic parameters and GDM, as well as neonatal hypoglycaemia, anthropometry and gestational age at delivery. Other adverse maternal, birth and neonatal outcomes will be assessed as secondary outcomes. IPD from these RCTs will be harmonised and a two-step meta-analytic approach will be used to determine the efficacy and safety of metformin in pregnancy, with a priori adjustment for covariates and subgroups to examine effect moderators of treatment outcomes. Sensitivity analyses will assess heterogeneity, risk of bias and the impact of trials which have not provided IPD.Ethics and disseminationAll IPD will be deidentified and studies contributing IPD will have ethical approval from their respective local ethics committees. This study will provide robust evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of metformin use in pregnancy, and may identify subgroups of patients who may benefit most from this treatment modality. Findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated at scientific meetings, providing much needed evidence to inform clinical and public health actions in this area.</p

    Independent and concomitant associations of gestational diabetes and maternal obesity to perinatal outcome: a register-based study

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    Additional information (analysis code and variable names in English) of an article to be published in PLoSOne

    Gestational diabetes:metformin treatment, maternal overweight and long-term outcome

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    Abstract Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as disturbed glucose metabolism first recognized during pregnancy. Untreated GDM increases the risk of obstetric and neonatal complications, such as fetal overgrowth (macrosomia). The first-line treatment of GDM includes diet therapy and the self-monitoring of blood glucose concentrations and, if needed, pharmacotherapy, which is most commonly accomplished with insulin. Oral anti-diabetic agents such as metformin have recently been under investigation. GDM increases the risk of developing overt diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of metformin vs. insulin therapy on pregnancy and neonatal outcome as well as on later growth and development of the infant and to investigate the independent and concomitant effects of GDM and maternal overweight/obesity on pregnancy outcome and maternal long-term risks. In a randomized study of 100 women, metformin therapy was not associated with an increased risk of pregnancy or neonatal complications when compared with insulin treatment. However, 32% of the women treated with metformin needed additional insulin in the achievement of normoglycaemia. The need of additional insulin was associated with maternal obesity, an earlier need of pharmacotherapy and fasting hyperglycaemia in OGTT. Infants exposed to metformin were taller and heavier at the age of 18 months compared with infants exposed to insulin. There was no difference in the motor, social or linguistic development between these children when assessed at the age of 18 months. In an epidemiological study of 24,565 pregnancies, normal-weight women with GDM did not have an increased risk of macrosomia or Caesarean delivery when compared with normal-weight women without GDM. GDM was an independent risk factor of neonatal morbidity, especially hypoglycaemia. Maternal overweight and obesity were independent risk factors of macrosomia and obesity was also an independent risk factor of Caesarean delivery and neonatal morbidity. In a follow-up study (n = 116), women with a history of insulin-treated GDM had an increased risk of metabolic syndrome when compared with women without GDM 19 years after index pregnancy. However, maternal pre-pregnancy overweight as such was a stronger risk factor as regards the development of metabolic syndrome than previous GDM.TiivistelmĂ€ Raskausdiabetes on ensimmĂ€isen kerran raskauden aikana ilmaantuva glukoosiaineenvaihdunnan hĂ€iriö. Hoitamattomana raskausdiabetes lisÀÀ raskaana olevan ja vastasyntyneen komplikaatioriskiĂ€, erityisesti sikiön liiallista kasvua (makrosomiaa). RaskausdiabetestĂ€ hoidetaan ruokavaliolla, veren glukoosipitoisuuksien omaseurannalla sekĂ€ tarvittaessa lÀÀkehoidolla, joka on useimmiten insuliinihoitoa. Muita diabeteslÀÀkkeitĂ€, kuten metformiinia, on tutkittu viime vuosina paljon. Raskausdiabetes lisÀÀ myöhemmĂ€llĂ€ iĂ€llĂ€ riskiĂ€ sairastua diabetekseen, metaboliseen oireyhtymÀÀn sekĂ€ sydĂ€n- ja verisuonisairauksiin. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ metformiinihoidon tehoa ja turvallisuutta verrattuna insuliiniin raskausdiabeteksen hoidossa. LisĂ€ksi selvitettiin raskausdiabeteksen ja ylipainon itsenĂ€istĂ€ vaikutusta raskauskomplikaatioiden esiintyvyyteen sekĂ€ naisen myöhempÀÀn sairastuvuuteen. Satunnaistetussa tutkimuksessa (n = 100) metformiini ei lisĂ€nnyt vastasyntyneen makrosomian eikĂ€ vastasyntyneen tai raskauskomplikaatioiden riskiĂ€ verrattuna insuliiniin. Metformiinilla hoidetuista naisista 32% tarvitsi lisĂ€ksi insuliinia normaalin glukoositasapainon saavuttamiseksi. LisĂ€insuliinin tarvetta ennustivat Ă€idin lihavuus, varhainen lÀÀkehoidon tarve sekĂ€ kohollaan olevat glukoosin paastoarvot sokerirasituksessa. Metformiinille altistuneet lapset olivat sekĂ€ pidempiĂ€ ettĂ€ painavampia 18 kuukauden iĂ€ssĂ€ kuin insuliinille altistuneet lapset, mutta heidĂ€n motorisessa, sosiaalisessa tai kielellisessĂ€ kehityksessÀÀn ei ollut eroja. Epidemiologisessa tutkimuksessa (n = 24,565) normaalipainoisen naisen raskausdiabetes ei lisĂ€nnyt keisarileikkauksen tai sikiön makrosomian riskiĂ€ verrattuna normaalipainoisiin naisiin, joiden sokeriaineenvaihdunta oli normaali. Raskausdiabetes lisĂ€si itsenĂ€isesti vastasyntyneen sairastavuuden ja hypoglykemian riskiĂ€. Äidin ylipaino ja lihavuus lisĂ€sivĂ€t itsenĂ€isesti makrosomian riskiĂ€ ja lihavuus myös keisarileikkauksen ja vastasyntyneen sairastuvuuden riskiĂ€. Seurantatutkimuksessa (n = 116) insuliinihoidettujen raskausdiabeetikoiden riski sairastua 19 vuotta raskauden jĂ€lkeen myöhempÀÀn metaboliseen oireyhtymÀÀn oli lisÀÀntynyt verrattuna terveisiin verrokkeihin. Raskautta edeltĂ€vĂ€ ylipaino oli vahvempi riskitekijĂ€ metabolisen oireyhtymĂ€n kehittymiselle kuin aiempi raskausdiabetes

    Freezing Induces Biased Results in the Molecular Detection of Flavobacterium columnare

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    Specific PCR detection and electron microscopy of Flavobacterium columnare revealed the risk of false-negative results in molecular detection of this fish pathogen. Freezing and thawing destroyed the cells so that DNA was for the most part undetectable by PCR. The detection of bacteria was also weakened after prolonged enrichment cultivation of samples from infected fish

    Pregnancy risk factors as predictors of offspring cerebrovascular disease:the Northern Finland Birth Cohort Study 1966

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    Abstract Background and Purpose: For prevention of cerebrovascular diseases, it is important to understand the risk factors occurring early in life. The aim was to investigate the relationship of maternal and offspring anthropometrics and pregnancy complications with offspring’s risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke and transient ischemic attack in adulthood. Methods: Within the population-based prospective Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966, 11 991 persons were followed from early pregnancy to 52 years of age. Information on pregnancy and birth complications were collected starting between 24th and 28th gestational week and at birth. Ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes of the offspring were identified from national registers in Finland. Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate the association of pregnancy and birth complications with incidence of cerebrovascular disease in the offspring, with adjustments for sex, family socioeconomic status, mother’s age, and smoking during pregnancy. Results: During 568 821 person-years of follow-up, 453 (3.8%) of the offspring had a stroke or transient ischemic attack. Small and large gestational weight gain among normal weight mothers were associated with increased ischemic stroke risk in offspring (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR], 1.93 [95% CI, 1.28–2.90] and aHR, 1.54 [95% CI, 1.02–2.31], respectively). Small birth weight for gestational age and small ponderal index were associated with increased risk for ischemic stroke (aHR, 1.95 [CI, 1.21–3.13] and aHR, 1.36 [CI, 1.04–1.77], respectively). Threatening miscarriage was also associated with increased risk of any stroke (aHR, 1.64 [CI 1.14–2.37]). Maternal smoking, hypertension, or birth complications were not associated with increased risk of cerebrovascular disease in the offspring. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that disturbances in maternal and fetal growth during pregnancy may predispose offspring to developing cerebrovascular diseases in adulthood

    Polycystic ovary syndrome and risk factors forngestational diabetes

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    Abstract Objective: To study the roles of self-reported symptoms and/or prior diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and other potential risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and to clarify whether the screening of GDM in early pregnancy is beneficial for all women with PCOS. Design: The FinnGeDi multicentre case-control study including 1146 women with singleton pregnancies diagnosed with GDM and 1066 non-diabetic pregnant women. There were 174 women with PCOS (symptoms and/or diagnosis self-reported by a questionnaire) and 1767 women without PCOS (data missing for 271). Methods: The study population (N = 1941) was divided into four subgroups: GDM + PCOS (N = 105), GDM + non-PCOS (N = 909), non-GDM + PCOS (N = 69), and controls (N = 858). The participants’ characteristics and their parents’ medical histories were compared. Results: The prevalence of PCOS was 10.4% among GDM women and 7.4% among nondiabetics (odds ratios (OR) 1.44, 95% CI: 1.05–1.97), but PCOS was not an independent risk for GDM after adjustments for participants’ age and pre-pregnancy BMI (OR 1.07, 95% CI: 0.74–1.54). In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, the most significant parameters associated with GDM were overweight, obesity, age ≄35 years, participant’s mother’s history of GDM, either parent’s history of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and participant’s own preterm birth. Conclusions: The increased risk of GDM in women with PCOS was related to obesity and increased maternal age rather than to PCOS itself, suggesting that routine early screening of GDM in PCOS women without other risk factors should be reconsidered. Instead, family history of GDM/T2D and own preterm birth were independent risk factors for GDM

    Genus pÄ förskola : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om genusperspektivet pÄ förskola

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    This essay highlights preschools and educators' perspectives on gender, and the approach to it. This is a case study where interviews have been conducted with seven educators from a preschool in Sweden where the intention is to illustrate educators' approaches and gender awareness. The concepts discussed are essentially gender, gender norms, gender patterns, gender roles, gender equality, educators, preschool teachers and preschools. The empirical material has been analyzed and then linked to the theory. The results of the essay show that there are differences in the behavior of girls and boys and what gender roles they are assigned or takes on. The result showed that educators contribute to norms and gender roles that shape the children's personality and identity to a certain extent. The way in which this happens and what measures can be taken to prevent the children from being affected as much is elucidate in the essay. Educators with experience in the profession have an outstanding opportunity to see the everyday work in preschools and children's interaction with each other and with the opposite sex. They therefore have an exclusive opportunity to also change and improve the management of gender for children and preschool activities in Sweden. All the interviewed educators’ have suggestions on how to make changes for the better in order to create a more gender equality and gender-conscious environment for children and adults at preschools.Denna uppsatts belyser förskolor och pedagogers perspektiv pĂ„ genus och hanteringen av det i verksamheten och hos individer. Detta Ă€r en fallstudie dĂ€r intervjuer har gjorts med sju pedagoger frĂ„n en förskola i Sverige dĂ€r avsikten Ă€r att belysa pedagogers förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt och hantering av genus. Begreppen som behandlas under uppsatsens gĂ„ng Ă€r i huvudsak genus, genusnormer, genusmönster, genusroller, jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet, pedagoger, förskollĂ€rare och förskola. Empirimaterialet har analyserats och sedan kopplas till teorin.Uppsatsens resultat visar att det rĂ„der skillnader pĂ„ flickor och pojkars beteende och vilka roller de fĂ„r tilldelade eller tar pĂ„ sig. Det sociologiska problemet visar pĂ„ att pedagoger bidrar till normer och bestĂ€mmelser om genus vilket formar barnens personlighet och identitet till viss mĂ„n. Pedagoger med erfarenhet av yrket har ett enastĂ„ende tillfĂ€lle att se det vardagliga arbetet pĂ„ förskolan och barns interaktion med varandra och med det motsatta könet. De har dĂ€rför en exklusiv möjlighet att ocksĂ„ förĂ€ndra och förbĂ€ttra hanteringen av genus för barnen och förskoleverksamheten i Sverige. Samtliga av informanterna har förbĂ€ttringsförslag pĂ„ hur Ă€ndringar kan göras till det bĂ€ttre pĂ„ förskolor runtom i Sverige för att skapa en mer jĂ€mstĂ€lld och genusmedveten miljö för barn och vuxna pĂ„ förskolor