8 research outputs found

    Supervisi Klinik Model Akademik terhadap Kinerja Perawat Pelaksana

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    This study aims to determine the effect of clinical supervision with an academic model on the performance of implementing nurses at Sekarwangi Hospital, Sukabumi Regency. The method used in this research uses quantitative research with the type of quasi-experiment research. The results of this study for the unpaired t-test obtained a p-value of 0.000 in the control group. The intervention and unpaired t-test received the p-value in the intervention group were 0.334, and in the control group, the p-value was 0.334. In conclusion, there is a difference in the average performance of the implementing nurse before the supervision of the academic model is carried out. In the intervention group and the control group, there was no difference in the average performance of the implementing nurses after supervision of the academic model between the intervention and control groups, and there was no relationship between the level of education, length of service, motivation, and perceptions with the performance of the implementing nurses.  Keywords: Performance of Implementing Nurses, Academic Model Supervisio

    Studi Komparatif Metode Discharge Planning pada Self Care Klien Stroke Ischemic

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    This study aims to determine the effect of implementing discharge planning on self-care for ischemic stroke clients at Advent Hospital and Al Ihsan Hospital, Bandung. The method used is quasi-experiment with pretest-posttest with control group design. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The results of the research show that the description of Self Care Behavior before and after discharge planning at the Adventist Hospital is that there is an influence of Discharge Planning intervention using flip sheets (audio visual video) and using ROM training tools, with a p-value of 0.01 < 0.05, and Self Description Care Behavior before and after discharge planning at Al Hospital. Ihsan Bandung, There is an effect of Discharge Planning intervention using leaflets with a p-value of 0.01 < 0.05. Furthermore, the description of Self Care Management before and after discharge planning at the Adventist Hospital shows the influence of the Discharge Planning intervention at the Hospital. Advent used a flip sheet (audio-visual video) and used a ROM training tool with a p-value of 0.01 < 0.05 and there was no effect of Discharge planning intervention in the hospital. Al Ihsan used Leaflet with a p-value of 0.71 > 0.05. The conclusion in this research is that there is an influence before and after discharge planning on self-care behavior in hospitals. Adventist and RS. Al Ihsan, and There is an influence before and after discharge planning is implemented on self-care management in hospitals. Advent but there is no influence before and after discharge planning on self-care management in hospitals. Al Ihsan.   Keywords: Discharge Planning, Self Care, Self Management, Strok


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA pokok bahasan bagian tumbuhan di kelas IV MI Ashabul Maimanah Sidayu tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah Pre-Eksperimen dengan desain penelitian One Group Pretest-Posttest Design dengan sampel 19 siswa. Tahap uji instrument yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan uji validitas, reliabilitas dan tingkat kesukaran. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah menentukan rata-rata, simpangan baku, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: hasil belajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing memperoleh rata-rata nilai pretest 39,32 sedangkan rata-rata nilai posttest  sebesar 78,10, kemudian dianalisis dengan uji hipotesis (uji t). setelah data dari pretest  dan posttest berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji t yang menunjukan = 12,42 dan = 1,740 dengan df = 19 dan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian, ≥ yaitu 12,42 ≥ 1,740, maka diterima  dan ditolak. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar IPA materi bagian tumbuhan di kelas IV MI Ashabul Maimanah Sidayu tahun pelajaran 201

    POTENSI IKAN UNGGULAN SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN DI PPN KARANGANTU (Superior fish potential as Raw Materials of Processing Industry in Karangantu Archipelagic Fishing Port)

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    ABSTRACTKarangantu Archipelagic Fishing Port (Karangantu AFP/PPN Karangantu) has been appointed as regional fisheries industry (formerly minapolitan), sub-sector of catch fisheries since 2010. Today, the development of the fisheries industry one of them is processing industry still undeveloped as the result of lack of area / specific industrial land in PPN Karangantu. In addition, there is no information about the superior fish landed in PPN Karangantu as raw material. This study aims to: (1) Determine the potential of fish catches landed in PPN Karangantu as raw material processing industry; (2) Obtain production alternatives for raw material surrounding fishing port that supports processing industry in PPN Karangantu. The results of this research indicated that there were 7 types of fish that had a positive value of LQ growth with a score is 3 there are squid, mackerel, kuniran, kurisi, sardine, tuna and sea-catfish. LQ score of 3 indicates that the types of fish are concentrated relatively in PPN Karangantu and can be developed in the future become a raw material for processing industry at PPN Karangantu. Alternative production of raw material can be obtained from PPI Kepuh PPI Wadas, PPI Terale, and PPI Lontarby the type of fish that are depend to the needs of processors in PPN Karangantu and brought by the sea or via land transportation.Keywords: Karangantu archipelagic fishing port, processing fish, raw materials, superior potential,--------ABSTRAKPelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Karangantu telah ditunjuk sebagai kawasan industri perikanan (sebelumnya minapolitan) subsektor perikanan tangkap sejak 2010. Namun, perkembangan industri perikanan salah satunya pengolahan ikan masih belum optimal sebagai akibat belum adanya kawasan/lahan khusus industri di PPN Karangantu. Selain itu, belum ada informasi mengenai ikan unggulan yang didaratkan di PPN Karangantu sebagai bahan baku olahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui potensi ikan-ikan hasil tangkapan unggulan yang didaratkan di PPN Karangantu sebagai bahan baku industri pengolahan; (2) mendapatkan alternatif produksi hasil tangkapan dari pelabuhan perikanan sekitarnya yang mendukung industri pengolahan ikan di PPN Karangantu. Metode penelitian adalah studi kasus terhadap potensi unggulan industri pengolahan ikan di PPN Karangantu. Jumlah responden ditentukan secara purposive sampling, terdiri dari nelayan, pedagang, pengolah ikan, pengelola Dinas Perikanan Kota Serang dan pengelola PPN Karangantu. Analisis data menggunakan Location Quotient (LQ) untuk mencari ikan hasil tangkapan unggulan di PPN Karangantu dan analisis kekuatan hasil tangkapan untuk mengetahui karakteristik ikan bahan baku industri pengolahan ikan di PPN Karangantu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 7 jenis ikan yang memiliki nilai pertumbuhan LQ positif dengan skor 3 yaitu cumi-cumi, kembung, kuniran, kurisi, lemuru, tongkol dan manyung. Skor LQ 3 mengindikasikan bahwa jenis-jenis ikan tersebut terkonsentrasi pendaratannya secara relatif di PPN Karangantu dan dapat terus dikembangkan menjadi bahan baku industri pengolahan ikan di PPN Karangantu.Kata kunci: PPN Karangantu, pengolahan ikan, bahan baku, potensi unggula

    Comparison of Purity and Concentration Values of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA Extraction Result from the Boiling and Spin Column Method

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    The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique is extensively employed in molecular biology to precisely detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Prior to conducting PCR, extracting of high-quality genomic Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is crucial to ensure accurate and reliable results. The primary objective of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the purity and concentration of M. tuberculosis DNA acquired through the utilization of the boiling method and the spin column extraction methods. A descriptive comparative research design was employed, utilizing a sample of 16 sputum specimens that had previously been confirmed as positive for M. tuberculosis through Acid-Fast Bacteria (AFB) examination and Molecular Rapid Test (MRT). The extraction of DNA was carried out using the boiling method and the spin column method. Subsequently, the concentration and purity of the extracted DNA were assessed using the NanoDrop Spectrophotometer, and the results were compared. The obtained yield of M. tuberculosis DNA isolates through the boiling method ranged from 9.6 ng/µL to 1258.7 ng/µL, with an average purity value of 1.23. Conversely, for the spin column method, the concentration of M. tuberculosis DNA isolates ranged from 8.7 ng/µL to 207.8 ng/µL, with an average purity value of 1.83. In conclusion, there is a significant difference between the purity and concentration of M. tuberculosis DNA extraction results using the boiling method and spin column methods


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has spread all over the world. Covid-19 can be transmitted through frequent contact with one's body or other people. One of the easy and effective steps recommended by the World Health Organization to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is hand washing with soap (CTPS) using airflow. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of 80% of students regarding Hand Washing with Soap (CTPS). This outreach activity was carried out at SDN No. 129 Inpres Bontoloe, Galesong District, Takalar Regency, and was attended by 15 students. The method used is a lecture coupled with playing games and singing the steps of Washing Hands with Soap (CTPS). The results of the pre-test and post-test showed that there was an increase in the average knowledge from 8.93 to 9.93. The results of the Wilcoxon test analysis showed that the p-value was 0.002 <0.05, which means that there was a change in the respondents' level of knowledge before and before counseling on Hand Washing with Soap (CTPS). It certainly has an impact on improving better CTPS practices. In addition, the school is expected to be able to improve facilities and infrastructure to support the application of hand washing with soap to prevent Covid-19 effectively.  ---   Pandemi Covid 19 yang melanda dunia, dirasakan juga dampaknya di Kota Cimahi. Penguatan upaya testing dan tracing merupakan upaya strategis  untuk mengatasi penyebaran penyakit di masyarakat.  Kota Cimahi belum memiliki laboratorium biomolekuler untuk pemeriksaan PCR SARS COV 2,  pada awal terjadinya pandemi. Kegiatan pemeriksaan PCR yang merupakan pemeriksaan baku emas untuk penegakan diagnosis menjadi terhambat. Melihat kondisi tersebut institusi pendidikan yang berada di wilayah Kota Cimahi, dengan difasilitasi oleh Dinkes Kota Cimahi melakukan kerjasama untuk mengadakan pemeriksaan PCR SARS COV 2  bagi masyarakat Kota Cimahi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pelayanan pemeriksaan PCR SARS COV 2 yang bermutu sehingga dapat memperkuat upaya testing dan tracing bagi masyarakat kota Cimahi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melalui kolaborasi interprofesi diantara institusi Pendidikan di wilayah kota Cimahi. Profesional  dalam disiplin ilmu yang terkait mengamalkan ilmu dan keterampilan untuk membantu upaya testing dan tracing bagi Kota Cimahi. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain membangun alur pemeriksaan, melakukan validasi metode dan optimasi pemeriksaan, memberikan  pelayanan laboratorium biologi molekuler berupa pemeriksaan PCR SARS COV 2, melakukan verifikasi harian untuk hasil pemeriksaan dan melaksanakan pelaporan harian kedalam system pelaporan Nasional. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah terlaksananya pemeriksaan PCR SARS COV 2 yang berkualitas untuk masyarakat kota Cimahi. Pemeriksaan yang dilaksanakan telah diawasi proses pelaksanaannya sejak pengiriman sampel, proses pemeriksaan hingga pelaporan hasil.  Jumlah pemeriksaan yang telah dilakukan selama periode kegiatan ini adalah 43.408 pemeriksaan. Kualitas hasil pemeriksaan semakin membaik sepanjang periode pengabdian, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan semakin menurunnya jumlah hasil pemeriksaan invalid dan inkonklusif