3,667 research outputs found

    A study of localic subspaces, separation, and variants of normality and their duals.

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    198 p.As in classical topology, in localic topology one often needs to restrict to locales satisfyinga certain degree of separation. In fact, the study of separation in the category of localesconstitutes a non-trivial and important piece of the theory. For instance, it is sometimesimpossible to give an exact counterpart of a classical axiom, while other times a singleproperty for spaces yields multiple non-equivalent localic versions.The main goal of this thesis is to investigate several classes of separated locales and theirconnections with different classes of sublocales, that is, the regular subobjects in the categoryof locales.In particular, we introduce a new diagonal separation and show that it is, in a certainsense, dual to Isbell¿s (strong) Hausdorff property. The duality between suplattices andpreframes, and that between normality and extremal disconnectedness, turn out to be ofspecial interest in this context.Regarding higher separation, we introduce cardinal generalizations of normality andtheir duals (e.g., properties concerning extensions of disjoint families of cozero elements),and give characterizations via suitable insertion or extension results.The lower separation property known as the TD-axiom, also plays an important role inthe thesis. Namely, we investigate the TD-duality between the category of TD-spaces and acertain (non-full) subcategory of the category of locales, identifying the regular subobjects inthe localic side, and provide several applications in point-free topology.Tal como na topologia clássica, também na topologia dos locales (reticulados locais) éfrequente termos que nos restringir a locales que satisfaçam um certo grau de separação.De facto, o estudo de axiomas de separação na categoria dos locales constitui um aspectonão trivial e relevante da teoria. Por exemplo, em alguns casos é impossível termos acontrapartida exacta de um axioma clássico, enquanto noutros casos uma única propriedadepara espaços topológicos produz, na categoria dos locales, diversas versões não equivalentesentre si.O objectivo principal desta tese é investigar várias classes de locales separados e suasconexões com diferentes classes de sublocales (os subobjetos regulares na categoria doslocales).Em particular, introduzimos uma nova propriedade de separação diagonal e mostramosque se trata, em certo sentido, de uma propriedade dual do axioma (forte) de Hausdorffintroduzido por Isbell. As dualidades entre semi-reticulados e reticulados pré-locais, e entrenormalidade e desconexão extrema, acabam por ter um papel relevante neste contexto.Relativamente a axiomas de separação fortes, introduzimos generalizações de normalidade,em função de um cardinal arbitrário, e suas duais (por exemplo, propriedadesenvolvendo extensões de famílias disjuntas de elementos co-zero), e apresentamos caracterizaçõesem termos de propriedades de inserção ou extensão de funções.O axioma TD, uma propriedade de separação muito fraca, também desempenha umpapel importante nesta tese. Especificamente, investigamos a dualidade TD entre a categoriados espaços topológicos TD e uma determinada subcategoria (não plena) da categoria doslocales, identificando os subobjetos regulares na subcategoria de locales, e apresentamosvárias aplicações à topologia sem pontos.Tal y como ocurre en topología clásica, en topología locálica frecuentemente uno tiene querestringir su atención a locales que cumplen cierto grado de separación. De hecho, el estudiode la separación en la categoría de locales es un aspecto no trivial y relevante de la teoría. Enalgunos casos, es imposible dar una contrapartida exacta a un axioma clásico, mientras queen otros casos, una sola propiedad produce multitud de versiones locálicas no equivalentesentre sí.El principal objetivo de esta tesis es investigar varias clases de locales separados y susrelaciones con diferentes clases de sublocales, esto es, los subobjetos regulares en la categoríade locales.En particular, introducimos una nueva separación diagonal, y probamos que es, en ciertosentido, dual al axioma Hausdorff (fuerte) de Isbell. En este contexto, la dualidad entreretículos completos y premarcos, y aquella entre la normalidad y la desconexión extremaresultan ser de especial interés.En cuanto a la separación más fuerte, introducimos generalizaciones cardinales de lanormalidad y sus duales (por ejemplo, propiedades que consisten en la extensión de familiasdisjuntas de elementos cozero), y damos caracterizaciones de las mismas en términos deteoremas de extensión o inserción.Ciertas propiedades de separación más débiles, especialmente el axioma TD, tambiéndesempeñan un papel importante en esta tesis. Específicamente, investigamos la dualidad TDentre la categoría de espacios topológicos TD y cierta subcategoría (no plena) de la categoríade locales, identificando los subobjetos regulares en la categoría de locales, y proporcionamosalgunas aplicaciones en la topología sin puntos

    Localic separation and the duality between closedness and fittedness

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    [EN] There are a number of localic separation axioms which are roughly analogous to the T1-axiom from classical topology. For instance, besides the well-known subfitness and fitness, there are also Rosický-Šmarda's T1-locales, totally unordered locales and, more categorically, the recently introduced F-separated locales (i.e., those with a fitted diagonal) - a property strictly weaker than fitness. It has recently been shown that the strong Hausdorff property and F-separatedness are in a certain sense dual to each other. In this paper, we provide further instances of this duality - e.g., we introduce a new first-order separation property which is to F-separatedness as the Johnstone–Sun-shu-Hao–Paseka–Šmarda conservative Hausdorff axiom is to the strong Hausdorff property, and which can be of independent interest. Using this, we tie up the loose ends of the theory by establishing all the possible implications between these properties and other T1-type axioms occurring in the literature. In particular, we show that the strong Hausdorff property does not imply F-separatedness, a question which remained open and shows a remarkable difference with its counterpart in the category of topological spaces.The author acknowledges support from the Basque Government (grant IT1483-22 and a postdoctoral fellowship of the Basque Government, grant POS-2022-1-0015)


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    O ano de 2012 testemunhou uma das mais longas greves do ensino universitário federal brasileiro, a qual culminou com a promulgação da Lei 12772/2012, seguida pela Medida Provisória 614/2013 e pelo Projeto de Lei de Conversão 18/2013. Essas legislações dispõem sobre uma nova estruturação das carreiras e cargos do magistério federal brasileiro, contemplando tanto o magistério superior quanto o básico, técnico e tecnológico. Este artigo se apoia na análise documental e foca nas mudanças ocorridas na carreira dos professores federais universitários, com o objetivo de analisar as novidades trazidas pelas novas legislações, bem como seus possíveis impactos na construção de subjetividades. A partir do entendimento dessas novas leis como políticas de subjetivação construtoras de modos de ser, pensar, trabalhar, sentir, ver e agir, o texto questiona a respeito do aprofundamento da privatização da universidade pública, da progressiva intensificação e precarização do trabalho docente e do estímulo cada vez maior a valores como a competição, o individualismo, e a responsabilização dos professores

    Absolute velocity along the AR7W section in the Labrador Sea

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2012. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 72 (2013): 72–87, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2012.11.005.Nearly every spring since 1990, hydrographic data have been collected along a section in the Labrador Sea known as AR7W. Since 1995, lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (LADCP) data have also been collected. In this work we use data from six of these sections, spanning the time period 1995 through 2008, to determine absolute velocity across AR7W and analyze the main features of the general circulation in the area. We find that absolute velocity fields are characterized by strong, nearly barotropic flows all along the section, meaning there is no “level of no motion” for geostrophic velocity calculations. There is strong variability from year to year, especially in the strength of the boundary currents at each end; nevertheless, combining data from.all 6 sections yields a well-organized velocity field resembling that presented by Pickart and Spall (2007), except that our velocities tend to be stronger: there is a cyclonic boundary current system with offshore recirculations at both ends of the line; the interior is filled with virtually uniform, top-to-bottom bands of velocity with alternating signs. At the southwestern end of the section, the LADCP data reveal a dual core of the Labrador Current at times when horizontal resolution is adequate. At the northeastern end, the location of the recirculation offshore of the boundary current is bimodal, and hence the apparent width of the boundary current is bimodal as well. In the middle of the section, we have found a bottom current carrying overflow waters along the Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel, suggesting one of various possible fast routes for those waters to reach the central Labrador Sea. We have used the hydrographic data to compute geostrophic velocities, referenced to the LADCP profiles, as well as to compute ocean heat transport across AR7W for four of our sections. For all but one year, these fluxes are comparable to the mean air–sea heat flux that occurs between AR7W and Davis Strait from December to May (O(50–80 TW)), and much larger than the annual average values (O(10–20 TW)).This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE-0622640. Igor Yashayaev is supported by the ocean climate monitoring program of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

    Enriched lower separation axioms and the principle of enriched continuous extension

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    [EN] This paper presents a version of the lower separation axioms and the principle of enriched continuous extension for quantale-enriched topological spaces. As a remarkable result, among other things, we point out that in the case of commutative Girard quantales the principle of continuous extension holds for projective modules in Sup.The authors acknowledge support from the Basque Government (grant IT1483-22). The first named author also acknowledges support from a postdoctoral fellowship of the Basque Government (grant POS-2022-1-0015)

    A tale of three hedgehogs

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    [EN] In this work we study three topologies defined over the same set: the hedgehog. As the name suggests, the hedgehog can be described as a set of spines identified at a single point. The first topology on the hedgehog will be a quotient topology, and the resulting space will said to be the quotient hedgehog. The main feature of the next topology, which we shall refer to as the compact hedgehog, will, of course, be compactness. The third and last topology will be generated by a metric, and thus the resulting space will said to be the metric hedgehog. Each of the spaces has its particular properties and several interesting implications in Topology.[EU] Lan honetan multzo beraren gainean definitutako hiru topologia aztertzen dira. Multzo hori trikua (edo hedgehog) izenez ezagutzen da. Izenak iradokitzen duen moduan, puntu bakar batean identifikatutako arantza multzo bat da trikua. Aztertuko dugun lehen topologia zatidura topologia izango da eta lortutako espazioari "zatidura trikua" deituko diogu. Bigarren topologia trinkoa izango da eta "triku trinkoa" izenez ezagutzen da. Azken topologia metrikoa da eta "triku metrikoa" izeneko espazioa lortuko dugu. Hiru espazioek berezitasunak dituzte eta inplikazio garrantzitsuak topologia orokorrean.[ES] En este trabajo estudiamos tres topologías definidas sobre un mismo conjunto: el erizo. Como el nombre sugiere, el erizo puede ser descrito como un conjunto de espinas identificadas en un solo punto. La primera topología en el erizo será una topología cociente y el espacio resultante es conocido como erizo cociente. La segunda topología se caracteriza por su compacidad y le llamaremos erizo compacto. Finamente, veremos el erizo como un espacio métrico, y el espacio será denominado erizo métrico. Cada una de las tres topologías tiene sus peculiaridades y diversas e importantes implicaciones en el ámbito de la Topología General

    A tale of three hedgehogs

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    [EN] In this work we study three topologies defined over the same set: the hedgehog. As the name suggests, the hedgehog can be described as a set of spines identified at a single point. The first topology on the hedgehog will be a quotient topology, and the resulting space will said to be the quotient hedgehog. The main feature of the next topology, which we shall refer to as the compact hedgehog, will, of course, be compactness. The third and last topology will be generated by a metric, and thus the resulting space will said to be the metric hedgehog. Each of the spaces has its particular properties and several interesting implications in Topology.[EU] Lan honetan multzo beraren gainean definitutako hiru topologia aztertzen dira. Multzo hori trikua (edo hedgehog) izenez ezagutzen da. Izenak iradokitzen duen moduan, puntu bakar batean identifikatutako arantza multzo bat da trikua. Aztertuko dugun lehen topologia zatidura topologia izango da eta lortutako espazioari "zatidura trikua" deituko diogu. Bigarren topologia trinkoa izango da eta "triku trinkoa" izenez ezagutzen da. Azken topologia metrikoa da eta "triku metrikoa" izeneko espazioa lortuko dugu. Hiru espazioek berezitasunak dituzte eta inplikazio garrantzitsuak topologia orokorrean.[ES] En este trabajo estudiamos tres topologías definidas sobre un mismo conjunto: el erizo. Como el nombre sugiere, el erizo puede ser descrito como un conjunto de espinas identificadas en un solo punto. La primera topología en el erizo será una topología cociente y el espacio resultante es conocido como erizo cociente. La segunda topología se caracteriza por su compacidad y le llamaremos erizo compacto. Finamente, veremos el erizo como un espacio métrico, y el espacio será denominado erizo métrico. Cada una de las tres topologías tiene sus peculiaridades y diversas e importantes implicaciones en el ámbito de la Topología General

    The level of adoption of analytical tools

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    This PhD thesis is focused on disclosing features that might cause the increase in the use of analytical tools for better decision making. The theoretical part of this research is developed in two phases. At first, an exhaustive literature review was conducted with the purpose of identifying the main features in companies that impact positively the adoption of new analytical tools. This review brought our attention in four key drivers which were the foundation of the theoretical model: management support on data analysis, data-based competitive advantage, systemic thinking and communication outside the company. Secondly, a scale was proposed for classifying companies according with how its analytical capabilities are developed. The theoretical model and scale required to be validated with data from the real world. Four constructs derived from the model were operationalized in 17 items. An extensive statistical research related with the agreement, convergence, test-retest reliability and factor structure of the dimensions was conducted. Results allowed us to ascertain that our instrument is reliable and valid. Then, the questionnaire was sent to companies located in Barcelona area. The central part of the research analyzes data obtained from the companies. At first, the statistical engineering, which is interpreted as the link between the statistical thinking (the strategic management) and methods (the day-to-day operations), was adapted as guideline. A set of seven statistical tools were wisely assembled in a sequential order and relevant conclusions were obtained. Later, it was necessary to validate our preliminary conclusions with additional research and make them more robust. A second approach was utilized with this purpose. The evidential reasoning, which is a type of multi criteria decision analysis method, was implemented. Two different approaches lead us to similar results. At this phase of the thesis unstructured and soft features about the analytical practices were still missing. A complementary approach was needed to include aspects as personal values, beliefs and motivations and identify how they influence on analytical practices of the companies. The laddering methodology was utilized for these purposes. It is defined as a type of in-depth interview that is applied to understand how individuals transform attributes of any given concept into meaningful associations with respect to themselves. Consider this analogy; the data from questionnaires gave us "the picture of forest", then in-depth interviews yielded "the picture of the three". The last part of the thesis is reserved to provide guidelines to companies interested on increasing their analytical capabilities. Here it is offered a road map composed of five stages. The proposed order is: A company receive its diagnostic and is given a stage in the road map, later guidelines are provided to move the company upwards into the scale. The sequence of diagnostic-guidelines-diagnostic should be repeated until the company reach the highest level in the scale: analytics as competitive advantage. At the end of the thesis are presented two sets of values and attributes which were found decisive for increasing the adoption of analytical tools. In the first set, three values: honesty, serving the society and leadership impact the statistical thinking (the strategic level) in the company, whereas three attributes: the goal setting, creativity and information from outside are acting on the statistical methods (the operational level). The statistical engineering (the tactical level) establish a link between strategic and operational levels. All the tools and methods developed in this thesis, including the questionnaire, the scale for ranking the companies, the script for in-depth interviews, the road map for moving upward to higher levels in the scale and its related guidelines, represent an original and helpful toolkit for improving the analytical capabilities in companies

    Neutrinos from Microquasars

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    The jets of microquasars with high-mass stellar companions are exposed to the dense matter field of the stellar wind as well as to the photon densities found in the surrounding medium. Photopion and proton-proton interactions could then lead to copious production of neutrinos. In this work, we analyze the hadronic microquasar model, particularly in what concerns to the neutrino production. Limits to this kind of models using data from AMANDA-II are established. New constraints are also imposed upon specific microquasar models based on photopion processes. These are very restrictive particularly for the case of SS433, a microquasar for which the presence of accelerated hadrons has been already inferred from iron X-ray line observations.Fil: Torres, Diego F.. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Romero, Gustavo Esteban. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Mirabel Miquele, Igor Felix. Centre d’Etudes de Saclay; Franci