775 research outputs found

    Liberalização Comercial em Bangladesh: uma análise de seus impactos para a mão de obra feminina dedicada à produção de vestuário desde os anos 1980 a partir da Perspectiva Comércio e Gênero

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    Dada a complexidade inerente ao debate em relação ao comércio internacional, principalmente em torno dos impactos do processo da liberalização, e as múltiplas abordagens possíveis para se estudar o tema, este artigo visa contribuir para o debate trazendo uma perspectiva teórica alternativa e crítica à visão do mainstream. Admite-se que a política comercial afeta homens e mulheres de modos diferentes em cada país e período histórico. Portanto, tomando-se uma abordagem alternativa, que leva em conta as desigualdades de gênero, verifica-se como se deu o processo de “feminização” da força de trabalho como impacto do processo de liberalização comercial em Bangladesh a partir dos anos 1980. Embora a economia tenha crescido, permaneceram limitações de inserção profissional e social das mulheres, além das más condições de trabalho nas unidades fabris produtoras de vestuário. 

    DOCÊNCIA UNIVERSITÁRIA ON-LINE: concepções para um novo estilo de pedagogia

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    A oferta de disciplinas on-line cresce vertiginosamente nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) e osprofessores cada vez mais, se veem desafiado a modificar sua prática pedagógica para acompanharem a tendênciavigente à modalidade de ensino não presencial. Diante desse problema, o objetivo deste trabalho – de natureza aplicadae exploratória e de abordagem qualitativa – é registrar as concepções de docentes universitários, atuantes emcursos de Pedagogia à Distância. Toma como foco compreender, sob a ótica desses docentes, o que é docência online,visando registrar e discutir as características necessárias para essa prática. Quanto aos resultados da pesquisa,verificou-se que as principais características podem ser agrupadas como sendo aquelas que: são capazes de entendero momento em que o aluno se encontra na relação ensino-aprendizagem fazendo as adaptações necessárias à comunicaçãocom ele; que sabem distinguir os limites entre o ensino presencial e os do ambiente on-line; são conhecedoresdas ferramentas no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA), bem como sabem planejar e mediá-las de acordocom a variação de estudantes e conteúdos; apresentam sempre um feedback sobre as atividades e solicitações dosaprendizes e, por fim, pensam os processos avaliativos específicos e têm abertura para o trabalho em equipe, ouseja, com outros profissionais envolvidos com o processo, que vão desde os produtores dos conteúdos até os tutores.Palavras-chave: Docência Universitária On-Line. Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC). AmbientesVirtuais de Aprendizagem (AVA). ONLINE TEACHING AT HIGHER EDUCATION: conceptions for a new style of pedagogyAbstract: The offer of online courses soars on Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and teachers find themselveschallenged, increasingly, to modify their pedagogical practice to follow up the trend towards online teaching modality.Faced with of this problem, the aim of this study - from applied and exploratory nature and qualitative approach - isto register the conceptions of university teachers in Pedagogy courses at Distance Learning. It takes as its focus theunderstanding, in the vision of these teachers, what is online teaching, aiming at record and discuss the necessaryfeatures for this practice. Regarding the results of the survey, it has been found that the main features can be groupedas being those that: are able to understand the moment of the student in the teaching-learning process making therequired adjustments to the communication with him; Student knows how to distinguish the limits between classroomlearning and the online environment; are knowledgeable in tools on Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) as well as toplan and mediate them, according to the variance of students and content; always submit feedback about activitiesand requests of apprentices and ultimately think particular evaluative processes and have opening for teamwork, ie, toother professionals involved with the process ranging from content producers to tutors.Keywords: University teaching online. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Virtual Learning Environments(VLE).  ENSEÑANZA UNIVERSITARIA EN LÍNEA: conceptos para un nuevo estilo de lapedagogía Resumen: La oferta de cursos en línea crece dramáticamente en las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) y losmaestros se ven desafiados, cada vez más, a modificar su práctica pedagógica para dar seguimiento a la tendenciaa la modalidad de enseñanza en línea. Frente a este problema, el objetivo de este estudio - de naturaleza aplicaday exploratoria y abordaje cualitativo - es registrar las concepciones de los profesores universitarios en los cursos dePedagogía en Educación a Distancia. Toma como foco entender, bajo la óptica de estos maestros, lo que es la enseñanzaen línea, con el objetivo de registrar y analizar las características necesarias para esta práctica. Con respectoa los resultados de la encuesta, se ha encontrado que las principales características se pueden agrupar como aquellasque: son capaces de entender el momento del estudiante en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje haciendo losajustes necesarios en la comunicación con él; saber distinguir los límites entre el aprendizaje en el aula y el ambienteen línea; son conocedores de las herramientas en Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA), así como para planificar ymediar en ellos de acuerdo a la variación de estudiantes y contenidos; siempre envían comentarios sobre las actividadesy solicitudes de aprendices y en última instancia piensan particulares procesos evaluativos y tienen aperturapara el trabajo en equipo, es decir, a otros profesionales que intervienen en el proceso que van desde productores decontenido a los tutores.Palabras clave: La enseñanza universitaria en línea. Tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). Entornosde aprendizaje virtual (EAV)

    3D Constrained Gravity Inversion and TEM, Seismic Reflection and Drill-Hole Analysis for New Target Generation in the Neves-Corvo VMS Mine Region, Iberian Pyrite Belt

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    ABSTRACT: Located in the Iberian pyrite belt, the Neves-Corvo mine is a world-class massive sulfide deposit and the largest operating mine in Portugal with underground mining down to 1000 m depth focused on massive and stockwork Cu, Zn, Pb rich ores. Gravimetric data have had a leading role in the discovery of the seven known deposits, together with time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) ground data. In this work, we present the results of a 3D constrained gravity inversion carried out with legacy ground gravity data. The 3D gravity inversions were carried out using an updated density database containing approximately 142,000 measurements. A recently constructed 3D geological model based on reprocessed 2D seismic reflection, 3D seismic, TEM and updated geology from detailed surface mapping and drill-hole data, was used to constrain the inversions. The results show multiple high-density anomalies that may indicate the presence of mineralization at depth. These anomalies were therefore cross-checked with holes previously drilled. Approximately 97% of more than 1000 available surface drill-holes located on or at a distance of less than 200 m from the high-density anomalies intersected mineralization. However, gravity anomalies have been drilled in the past and particularly dense black shales or rhyolitic/gabbroic rocks have been intersected. To increase the success of future drilling, gravimetric anomalies have been correlated spatially with high-conductivity TEM zones and strong-amplitude seismic reflections, because igneous rocks usually present weak-to-moderate conductivity and a massive column of black shales presents a seismic signature quite different from that of mineralization. We concluded that some of these locations represent high-quality targets to consider following up with drilling and further exploration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microcalorimetric and SAXS determination of PEO−SDS interactions: The effect of cosolutes formed by ions

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    The effect of different ionic cosolutes (NaCl, Na2SO4, Li2SO4, NaSCN, Na2[Fe(CN)5NO], and Na3[Co(NO)6]) on the interaction between sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) was examined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and isothermal titration calorimetric techniques. The critical aggregation concentration values (cac), the saturation concentration (C2), the integral enthalpy change for aggregate formation (ΔHagg(int)) and the standard free energy change of micelle adsorption on the macromolecule chain (ΔΔGagg) were derived from the calorimetric titration curves. In the presence of 1.00 mmol L−1 cosolute, no changes in the parameters were observed when compared with those obtained for SDS−PEO interactions in pure water. For NaCl, Na2SO4, Li2SO4, and NaSCN at 10.0 and 100 mmol L−1, the cosolute presence lowered cac, increased C2, and the PEO−SDS aggregate became more stable. In the presence of Na2[Fe(CN)5NO], the calorimetric titration curves changed drastically, showing a possible reduction in the PEO−SDS degree of interaction, possibility disrupting the formed nanostructure; however, the SAXS data confirmed, independent of the small energy observed, the presence of aggregates adsorbed on the polymer chain

    Materiales cerámicos en la construcción civil: una breve revisión

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    Atualmente, no setor da construção civil são relatadas diversas manifestações patológicas que acometem as edificações, entre elas é de alta relevância as relacionadas aos revestimentos cerâmicos. Apesar de não estarem diretamente relacionadas à segurança da estrutura, são sempre causa de prejuízos aos proprietários devido aos danos estéticos causados aos edifícios. Surgimento pode estar relacionado às fases de produção, projeto ou aplicação do revestimento cerâmico. Essas manifestações podem se apresentar, principalmente, sob a forma de manchas, trincas, fissuras, gretamento e destacamento do revestimento. Este trabalho expõe de maneira prática algumas patologias que causam estes danos nos revestimentos, analisando exemplos de casos em que se pode observar o surgimento de manifestações patológicas.Nowadays, in the civil construction sector several pathological manifestations that affect the buildings are reported, among them of high relevance those related to the ceramic coverings. Although they are not directly related to the safety of the structure, they are always cause of damages to the owners due to the aesthetic damages caused to the buildings, their appearance can be related to the phases of production, design or application of the ceramic coating. These manifestations may occur mainly in the form of patches, cracks, fissures, cracking and detachment of the coating. This work exposes in a practical way some pathologies that cause these damages in the coatings, analyzing examples of cases in which the appearance of pathological manifestations can be observed.Actualmente, en el sector de la construcción civil se relatan diversas manifestaciones patológicas que acomete las edificaciones, entre ellas es de alta relevancia las relacionadas a los revestimientos cerámicos. A pesar de no estar directamente relacionadas con la seguridad de la estructura, son siempre causa de perjuicios a los propietarios debido a los daños estéticos causados a los edificios. El surgimiento puede estar relacionado con las fases de producción, diseño o aplicación del revestimiento cerámico. Estas manifestaciones pueden presentarse, principalmente, en forma de manchas, grietas, fisuras, griegos y destacamento del revestimiento. Este trabajo expone de manera práctica algunas patologías que causan estos daños en los revestimientos, analizando ejemplos de casos en que se puede observar el surgimiento de manifestaciones patológicas

    COVID19: alocação de recursos e escolhas estratégicas na pandemia / COVID19: resource allocation and strategic choices strategic choices in the pandemic

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    Atualmente vivemos em um cenário de pandemia causada pelo “CORONAVIRÚS”.Esse vírus foi isolado pela primeira vez em seres humanos em 1937, entretanto foi em 1965 que ele foi descrito pela primeira vez após análise microscópica. A condição atual é causada pelo SARS-COV-2 e teve seu primeiro caso confirmado no Brasil em 26 de fevereiro de 2020 e foi reconhecida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) no dia 11 de março de 2020. (1

    In-hospital and late outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty in a center with intermediate volume of structural procedures

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundPercutaneous mitral valvuloplasty is the treatment of choice for rheumatic mitral stenosis with favorable anatomy, for its ability to prevent complications inherent to a surgical procedure, while maintaining effectiveness. It is necessary to promote comparisons between the results obtained by the procedure performed at referral centers with high patient inflow and at institutions with lower volume and fewer patients, which represents the main objective of this study.MethodsThirty-one consecutive patients undergoing percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty were analyzed from September 2006 to January 2015. Immediate procedural success and late event-free survival rates were evaluated, defined as cardiovascular death or need for a new mitral valve intervention.ResultsThe mean age was 40.9 ± 14.2 years, with a predominance of females (96.8%). The mean Wilkins and Block score was 8.1 ± 1.2. All procedures were performed using the Inoue technique, with an immediate success rate of 90.3%. At mean follow-up of 6.8 ± 2.5 years, seven events (22.6%) were observed: two cardiovascular deaths, four surgeries for mitral valve replacement, and one mitral commissurotomy.ConclusionsIn a hospital with intermediate procedure volume, the results of percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty in the treatment of rheumatic mitral stenosis with favorable anatomy were comparable to those achieved by high-volume centers

    Genomic history of coastal societies from eastern South America

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    Sambaqui (shellmound) societies are among the most intriguing archaeological phenomena in pre-colonial South America, extending from approximately 8,000 to 1,000 years before present (yr bp) across 3,000 km on the Atlantic coast. However, little is known about their connection to early Holocene hunter-gatherers, how this may have contributed to different historical pathways and the processes through which late Holocene ceramists came to rule the coast shortly before European contact. To contribute to our understanding of the population history of indigenous societies on the eastern coast of South America, we produced genome-wide data from 34 ancient individuals as early as 10,000 yr bp from four different regions in Brazil. Early Holocene hunter-gatherers were found to lack shared genetic drift among themselves and with later populations from eastern South America, suggesting that they derived from a common radiation and did not contribute substantially to later coastal groups. Our analyses show genetic heterogeneity among contemporaneous Sambaqui groups from the southeastern and southern Brazilian coast, contrary to the similarity expressed in the archaeological record. The complex history of intercultural contact between inland horticulturists and coastal populations becomes genetically evident during the final horizon of Sambaqui societies, from around 2,200 yr bp, corroborating evidence of cultural change