90 research outputs found

    Arctic Ocean variability derived from historical observations

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    This study has been motivated by reports of extraordinary change in the Arctic Ocean observed in recent decades. Most of these observations are based on synoptic measurements, while evaluation of anomalies requires an understanding of the underlying long-term variability. Historical climatologies give reference means, and while these datasets are a reliable source of the mean Atlantic Layer temperature, they significantly underestimate variability. Using historical data, we calculated statistical parameters for selected Arctic Ocean regions. They demonstrate a high level of Atlantic Layer temperature variability in the Nansen Basin and sea-surface salinity fluctuations on the Siberian shelf and the Amundsen Basin. These estimates suggest strong limitations on our ability to define amplitudes of anomalies by comparing recent synoptic measurements with climatologies, especially for regions characterized by strong variability

    Sea-ice production over the Laptev Sea shelf inferred from historical summer-to-winter hydrographic observations of 1960s-1990s

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    The winter net sea-ice production (NSIP) over the Laptev Sea shelf is inferred from continuous summer-to-winter historical salinity records of 1960s–1990s. While the NSIP strongly depends on the assumed salinity of newly formed ice, the NSIP quasi-decadal variability can be linked to the wind-driven circulation anomalies in the Laptev Sea region. The increased wind-driven advection of ice away from the Laptev Sea coast when the Arctic Oscillation (AO) is positive implies enhanced coastal polynya sea-ice production and brine release in the shelf water. When the AO is negative, the NSIP and seasonal salinity amplitude tends to weaken. These results are in reasonable agreement with sea-ice observations and modeling

    The penetrative mixing in the Laptev Sea coastal polynya pycnocline layer

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    The large recurrent areas of open water and/or thin ice (polynyas) producing cold brine-enriched waters off the fast-ice edge are evident in the Laptev Sea in winter time. A number of abrupt positively correlated transitions in temperature and salinity were recorded in the bottom and intermediate layers at a mooring station in the West New Siberian (WNS) polynya in February-March 2008. Being in the range of -0.5 degrees C and -1.6 psu these changes are induced by horizontal motions across the polynya and correspond to temperature and salinity horizontal gradients in the range of 0.3-1.0 degrees C/10 km and 1.4-3.5 psu/10 km, respectively. The events of distinct freshening and temperature decrease coincide with a northward current off the fast-ice edge, while southward currents brought saltier and warmer waters at intermediate depths. We suggest that the observed transitions are connected to altering pycnocline depths across the polynya. The source of relatively fresher waters at the intermediate depths in polynya is supposed to originate from penetrative mixing of surface low salinity waters to intermediate water depth. Several forcing processes that could be responsible for a penetrative mixing through the density interface in polynya are discussed. These are penetrative convection and shear-driven mixing that originates from two-layer water dynamics and/or baroclinic tidal motions. The heavily ridged seaward fast-ice edge could produce an additional source of turbulent mixing even through a shear-free density interface due to the increased roughness at the ice-water interfac

    Halocline water modification and along slope advection at the Laptev Sea continental margin

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    A general pattern in water mass distribution and potential shelf–basin exchange is revealed at the Laptev Sea continental slope based on hydrochemical and stable oxygen isotope data from the summers 2005–2009. Despite considerable interannual variations, a frontal system can be inferred between shelf, continental slope and central Eurasian Basin waters in the upper 100 m of the water column along the continental slope. Net sea-ice melt is consistently found at the continental slope. However, the sea-ice meltwater signal is independent from the local retreat of the ice cover and appears to be advected from upwind locations. In addition to the along-slope frontal system at the continental shelf break, a strong gradient is identified on the Laptev Sea shelf between 122° E and 126° E with an eastward increase of riverine and sea-ice related brine water contents. These waters cross the shelf break at ~ 140° E and feed the low-salinity halocline water (LSHW, salinity S < 33) in the upper 50 m of the water column. High silicate concentrations in Laptev Sea bottom waters may lead to speculation about a link to the local silicate maximum found within the salinity range of ~ 33 to 34.5, typical for the Lower Halocline Water (LHW) at the continental slope. However brine signatures and nutrient ratios from the central Laptev Sea differ from those observed at the continental slope. Thus a significant contribution of Laptev Sea bottom waters to the LHW at the continental slope can be excluded. The silicate maximum within the LHW at the continental slope may be formed locally or at the outer Laptev Sea shelf. Similar to the advection of the sea-ice melt signal along the Laptev Sea continental slope, the nutrient signal at 50–70 m water depth within the LHW might also be fed by advection parallel to the slope. Thus, our analyses suggest that advective processes from upstream locations play a significant role in the halocline formation in the northern Laptev Sea

    Seasonal variability in Atlantic water off Spitsbergen

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    A combination of 2-year-long mooring-based measurements and snapshot conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) observations at the continental slope off Spitsbergen (81°30′N, 31°00′E) is used to demonstrate a significant hydrographic seasonal signal in Atlantic Water (AW) that propagates along the Eurasian continental slope in the Arctic Ocean. At the mooring position this seasonal signal dominates, contributing up to 50% of the total variance. Annual temperature maximum in the upper ocean (above 215 m) is reached in mid-November, when the ocean in the area is normally covered by ice. Distinct division into ‘summer’ (warmer and saltier) and ‘winter’ (colder and fresher) AW types is revealed there. Estimated temperature difference between the ‘summer’ and ‘winter’ waters is 1.2 °C, which implies that the range of seasonal heat content variations is of the same order of magnitude as the mean local AW heat content, suggesting an important role of seasonal changes in the intensity of the upward heat flux from AW. Although the current meter observations are only 1-year long, they hint at a persistent, highly barotropic current with little or no seasonal signal attached

    Modified halocline water over the Laptev Sea continental margin : historical data analysis

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    Historical hydrographic data (1940s–2010) show a distinct cross-slope difference of the lower halocline water (LHW) over the Laptev Sea continental margins. Over the slope, the LHW is on average warmer and saltier by 0.2°C and 0.5 psu, respectively, relative to the off-slope LHW. The LHW temperature time series constructed from the on-slope historical records are related to the temperature of the Atlantic Water (AW) boundary current transporting warm water from the North Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, the on-slope LHW salinity is linked to the sea ice and wind forcing over the potential upstream source region in the Barents and northern Kara Seas, as also indicated by hydrodynamic model results. Over the Laptev Sea continental margin, saltier LHW favors weaker salinity stratification that, in turn, contributes to enhanced vertical mixing with underlying AW

    Variations in characteristics of the barents branch of the Atlantic Water in the Nansen Basin under the influence of atmospheric circulation over the Barents Sea

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    The thermohaline structure of the Arctic Basin (AB) of the Arctic Ocean (AO) is determined to a great extent by an intermediate water layer existing under ice at a depth varying from 100 to 700–1000 m. The water layer is formed by warm North Atlantic Water (AW), which enters the AB by two ways: through Fram Strait and the Barents Sea (Fig. 1). The AW arriving to the AB via Fram Strait extends further eastward along the continental slope of the Eurasian Arctic region and forms the Fram Branch (FBAW). The Barents Branch of the AW (BBAW) was formed by the North Atlantic Water entering the Barents Sea between the Spitsbergen Archipelago and the Scandinavian Peninsula. Both branches merge in the northern Kara Sea

    Atlantic water flow into the Arctic Ocean through the St. Anna Trough in the northern Kara Sea

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    The Atlantic Water flow from the Barents and Kara seas to the Arctic Ocean through the St. Anna Trough (SAT) is conditioned by interaction between Fram Strait branch water circulating in the SAT and Barents Sea branch water—both of Atlantic origin. Here we present data from an oceanographic mooring deployed on the eastern flank of the SAT from September 2009 to September 2010 as well as CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) sections across the SAT. A distinct vertical density front over the SAT eastern slope deeper than ∼50 m is attributed to the outflow of Barents Sea branch water to the Arctic Ocean. In turn, the Barents Sea branch water flow to the Arctic Ocean is conditioned by two water masses defined by relative low and high fractions of the Atlantic Water. They are also traceable in the Nansen Basin downstream of the SAT entrance. A persistent northward current was recorded in the subsurface layer along the SAT eastern slope with a mean velocity of 18 cm s−1 at 134–218 m and 23 cm s−1 at 376–468 m. Observations and modeling suggest that the SAT flow has a significant density-driven component. It is therefore expected to respond to changes in the cross-trough density gradient conditioned by interaction between the Fram Strait and Barents Sea branches. Further modeling efforts are necessary to investigate hydrodynamic instability and eddy generation caused by the interaction between the SAT flow and the Arctic Ocean Fram Strait branch water boundary current

    Krupnomasshtabnye izmeneniya atlanticheskikh vod v Arkticheskom Basseine (Large-scale and interannual variability of the Atlantic water in the Arctic Ocean, in Russian)

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    The long-term variability of the intermediate Atlantic Water (AW) layer in the Arctic Ocean is analyzed. We reveal a positive temperature and negative salinity linear trends for the entire Arctic Ocean. Warming and cooling tendencies in the Canada Basin lags those for the Eurasian Basin by 9-10 years with similar duration for the warming and cooling periods for both basins. In contrast, salinity tendency in the Canada Basin lags those in the Eurasian Basins by 8-16 years salinity, and durationof saltier and fresher anomalies is different. The interannual variability for the depth of AW upper boundary and AW core temperature is studiedusing two first modes of the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) decomposition exhibit unique patterns that have been never observed over the entire period of instrumental observations. For 2009, our analysis reveals the AW recovery to already observed patterns. our examination also shows that the AW warming and cooling is also accompanied by changes in depthsof the AW upper boundary and the AW core that provides evidence for the different volume and properties of the AW during warmer and cooler phases. In this respect, the AW warming in 1950s, 1990s differs from those in during the International Polar Year 2007/200

    Arctic Ocean outflow and glacier-ocean interactions modify water over the Wandel Sea shelf (northeastern Greenland)

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    Abstract. The first-ever conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) observations on the Wandel Sea shelf in northeastern Greenland were collected in April–May 2015. They were complemented by CTDs taken along the continental slope during the Norwegian FRAM 2014–2015 drift. The CTD profiles are used to reveal the origin of water masses and interactions with ambient water from the continental slope and the tidewater glacier outlet. The subsurface water is associated with the Pacific water outflow from the Arctic Ocean. The underlying halocline separates the Pacific water from a deeper layer of polar water that has interacted with the warm Atlantic water outflow through the Fram Strait, recorded below 140 m. Over the outer shelf, the halocline shows numerous cold density-compensated intrusions indicating lateral interaction with an ambient polar water mass across the continental slope. At the front of the tidewater glacier outlet, colder and turbid water intrusions were observed at the base of the halocline. On the temperature–salinity plots these stations indicate a mixing line that is different from the ambient water and seems to be conditioned by the ocean–glacier interaction. Our observations of Pacific water are set within the context of upstream observations in the Beaufort Sea and downstream observations from the Northeast Water Polynya, and clearly show the modification of Pacific water during its advection across the Arctic Ocean. Moreover, ambient water over the Wandel Sea slope shows different thermohaline structures indicating the different origin and pathways of the on-shore and off-shore branches of the Arctic Ocean outflow through the western Fram Strait. </jats:p
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