434 research outputs found

    Burn, Witch, Burn: The Stereotype of the Witch in American Horror Story, Coven

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    Los procesos de Salem, en 1692, fueron uno de los eventos de mayor relevancia en la historia de los Estados Unidos, y su importancia ha permeado nuestra cultura actual. Uno de los elementos clave es el estereotipo de la bruja de principios del período moderno, que se creó durante la caza de brujas en Europa. El presente Trabajo de fin de Grado pretende analizar la forma en la que se ha tratado el estereotipo de la bruja en la serie American Horror Story, Coven. Para esto, se analizará a las brujas representadas en la serie de acuerdo con una serie de rasgos. Los resultados buscan establecer si estos personajes son más o menos estereotípicos, teniendo en cuenta la relevancia de su final en la serie.The Salem Witch Trials, which took place in 1692, were one of the most important events in American History, and its relevance has leaked onto our nowadays culture. One of the key elements is the stereotype of the early-modern witch, which originated during the witch hunts in Europe. The present dissertation aims at analysing the way in which the stereotype of the witch has been treated in American Horror Story, Coven. In order to do this, the different witches portrayed in the series will be analysed according to a series of traits. Results intend to offer an insight onto whether these characters are more or less stereotypical, also studying the relevance of their outcome.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Determinantes del emprendimiento en La Rioja (España)

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    Con motivo de la Gran Recesión los distintos gobiernos se vieron en la necesidad de promover el emprendimiento como una solución a los graves problemas de paro. En España, con un paro estructural muy elevado y profundamente cíclico, la Gran Recesión elevó sus niveles en gran medida, de modo que el emprendimiento jugó un papel importante en la política laboral del Gobierno. En este trabajo abordamos el estudio de los determinantes del emprendimiento en La Rioja, Comunidad Autónoma situada al Norte de España, y lo hacemos a través del estudio econométrico de microdatos correspondiente al año 2015 del GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) a través de los que estimaremos 9 regresiones lineales utilizando MCO. Tras presentar los resultados del estudio, se propondrán una serie de medidas de política económica

    Determinantes del emprendimiento en La Rioja (España)

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    Due to The Great Recesion many goverrnments had to promote entrepreneurship as a solution of unemployment problems. In Spain, where there is a big structural and coyuntural unemployment, The Great Recesion heavily increased its size. Owed to this the entrepeurship became import in policy. In this work we study the determinants of entrepreneurship in La Rioja , a region situated in the north of Spain. We will focus on studying microdata from the GEM database. And we will use econometric approach using OLS in 9 regressions. In addition, we will propose some policies

    Determinantes del emprendimiento en La Rioja (España)

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    Due to The Great Recesion many goverrnments had to promote entrepreneurship as a solution of unemployment problems. In Spain, where there is a big structural and coyuntural unemployment, The Great Recesion heavily increased its size. Owed to this the entrepeurship became import in policy. In this work we study the determinants of entrepreneurship in La Rioja , a region situated in the north of Spain. We will focus on studying microdata from the GEM database. And we will use econometric approach using OLS in 9 regressions. In addition, we will propose some policies

    The Hay Inclined Plane in Coalbrookdale (Shropshire, England): Analysis through Computer-Aided Engineering

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    This article analyzes the ‘Hay inclined plane’ designed by the English engineer and entrepreneur William Reynolds and put into operation in 1792 to facilitate the transport of vessels between channels at different levels using an inclined plane. To this end, a study of computer-aided engineering (CAE) was carried out using the parametric software Autodesk Inventor Professional, consisting of a static analysis using the finite-element method (FEM) of the 3D model of the invention under real operating conditions. The results obtained after subjecting the mechanism to the two most unfavorable situations (blockage situation of the inertia flywheel and emergency braking situation) indicate that, with the exception of the braking bar, the rest of the assembly is perfectly designed and dimensioned. In particular, for the blockage situation, the point with the greatest stress is at the junction between the inertia flywheel and the axle to which it is attached, the maximum value of von Mises stress being at that point (186.9 MPa) lower than the elastic limit of the cast iron. Also, at this point the deformation is very low (0.13% of its length), as well as the maximum displacement that takes place in the inertia flywheel itself (22.98 mm), and the lowest safety factor has a value of 3.51 (located on the wooden shaft support), which indicates that the mechanism is clearly oversized. On the other hand, the emergency braking situation, which is technically impossible with a manual operation, indicates that the braking bar supports a maximum von Mises stress of 1025 MPa, above the elastic limit of the material, so it would break. However, other than that element, the rest of the elements have lower stresses, with a maximum value of 390.7 MPa, and with safety factors higher than 1.7, which indicates that the mechanism was well dimensioned.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness (MINECO), under the Spanish Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (2013–2016) and European Fund Regional Development (EFRD) under grant number [HAR2015-63503-P]

    Agustin de Betancourt’s Wind Machine for Draining Marshy Ground: Approach to Its Geometric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor Professional

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    The present study shows the process followed in making the three-dimensional model and geometric documentation of a historical invention of the renowned Spanish engineer Agustin de Betancourt y Molina, which forms part of his rich legacy. Specifically, this was a wind machine for draining marshy ground, designed in 1789. The present research relies on the computer-aided design (CAD) techniques using Autodesk Inventor Professional software, based on the scant information provided by the only two drawings of the machine, making it necessary to propose a number of dimensional and geometric hypotheses as well as a series of movement restrictions (degrees of freedom), to arrive at a consistent design. The results offer a functional design for this historic invention

    Agustín de Betancourt’s Optical Telegraph: Geometric Modeling and Virtual Reconstruction

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    This article shows the geometric modeling and virtual reconstruction of the optical telegraph by Agustín de Betancourt and Abraham Louis Breguet developed at the end of the 18th century. Autodesk Inventor Professional software has been used to obtain the three-dimensional (3D) model of this historical invention and its geometric documentation. The material for the research is available on the website of the Betancourt Project of the Canary Orotava Foundation for the History of Science. Thanks to the three-dimensional modeling performed, it has been possible to explain in detail both its operation and the assembly system of this invention in a coherent way. After carrying out its 3D modeling and functional analysis, it was discovered that the transmissions in the telegraph were not performed by hemp ropes but rather by metal chains with flat links, considerably reducing possible error. Similarly, it has also been found that the use of the gimbal joint facilitated the adaptability of the invention to geographical areas where there was a physical impediment to the alignment of telegraph stations. In addition, it was not now necessary for the telescope frames to be located parallel to the mast frame (frame of the indicator arrow) and therefore they could work in different planes.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness under the Spanish Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (2013–2016), and the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD) under grant number [HAR2015-63503-P]

    The Conical Stones Olive Oil Mill: Analysis through Computer-Aided Engineering

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    This article analyzes an olive oil mill formed of four conical stones used in the milling of the olive. To this end, a study of computer-aided engineering (CAE) was carried out using the parametric software Autodesk Inventor Professional, consisting of a static analysis using the finite-element method (FEM) of the three-dimensional (3D) model of the mill under real operating conditions. The results obtained revealed that the conical stones mill was a very robust machine. When studying the assembly in the most unfavorable situation (blockage of one of its millstones), we observed that the element with the highest von Mises stress was the bearing nut, reaching a value of 263.9 MPa, which was far from the elastic limit of cast iron (758 MPa). On the other hand, the machine hardly presented any equivalent deformations or displacements that could jeopardize the operation as a whole. The maximum displacement obtained was 2.494 mm in the inertia flywheel, and the equivalent deformations did not reach 0.1% of the part dimension. Similarly, the element with the lowest safety coefficient (2.87) was the same bearing nut with the highest von Mises stress, although the next element with the second lowest safety coefficient had a value of 8.69, which showed that the set was clearly oversized. These results demonstrate the convenience of redesigning the set in order to resize some of its elements, and that they could have lower safety coefficients of between 2 and 4. After an initial analysis, the resizable elements would fundamentally be those related to the movement transmission system and the frame structure

    Propuesta de Educación Infantil: aplicación de las inteligencias múltiples en una unidad didáctica. La inteligencia naturalista

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo profundizar en las Inteligencias Múltiples, centrando especial atención a la inteligencia naturalista. Para esto se debe conocer el concepto de inteligencia para llegar finalmente al análisis de cada una de las ocho Inteligencias Múltiples. Para ello se realizará una propuesta de intervención en el aula destinada a los alumnos de Educación Infantil. Esta propuesta, centrada en la inteligencia naturalista, partirá desde una metodología de aprendizaje significativo, en la que el juego tendrá además un papel importante, siempre con una perspectiva globalizadora. Con esta propuesta se pretende potenciar las capacidades individuales de cada alumno, teniendo las inteligencias múltiples como base para su desarrollo.Grado en Educación Infanti

    El delito de "stalking" y las nuevas formas de acoso

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    Con la entrada en vigor de la Ley Orgánica 10/1995, de 23 de noviembre del Código Penal a través de la Ley Orgánica 1/2015, de 30 de marzo se introdujo en nuestro sistema penal el delito de Stalking. Es un delito en donde las conductas típicas del mismo, hasta la reforma previamente citada, estaban a caballo entre las amenazas y las coacciones. Nos encontramos ante un tipo delictivo en donde la frecuencia de las conductas acosadoras, que tipo de conductas se realizan, la duración de las mismas y otras cuestiones son bastante relevantes para poder apreciar la existencia de este delito o no. Además, las características de la víctima de estos delitos son diferentes a la de otros delitos. La mayoría de las víctimas son fundamentalmente mujeres, entre un rango de edad entre 18 y 25 años. Normalmente a esto hay que añadirle que suele haber una relación previa entre el agresor y la víctima, no a como en otros delitos en donde puede no haber esa relación previa preexistente. En algunos casos puede ser que sea de tipo sentimental, en otras de amistad e incluso familiar. Suele haber una relación entre el tipo de relación previa y las conductas que se llevan a cabo posteriormente. Por último, en relación al análisis jurídico del tipo penal, no deja de plantear problemas doctrinales por tal y como está configurado, fundamentalmente por el problema del íter críminis, los problemas concursales que se pueden llegar a plantear en algunas hipótesis, el supuesto de la participación de terceras y otra serie de cuestiones sobre las que la jurisprudencia todavía no se ha pronunciado firmemente. En este sentido, no hay uniformidad en el ámbito de la doctrina, ya que cada autor es partidario de darle un enfoque propio, lo que dificulta esa uniformidad.Departamento de Derecho Penal e Historia y Teoría del DerechoGrado en Derech
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