1,845 research outputs found

    Nuevos datos sobre los dinosaurios terópodos (Saurischia: Theropoda) del Cretácico superior de los Pirineos Sur-Centrales (Huesca y Lleida)

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    Six new theropod teeth recovered trom the Blasi 1-3 sites (Upper Maastrichtian) in Arén (Huesca province, Spain) are described and added to the twenty six teeth already known from these and other five localities of Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian age from the Arén and Tremp formations (Figuero1a 2, Fontllonga 6, L'Abeller, Montrebei and Vicari 4, Lleida province). Eleven theropod teeth morphotypes are recognised: one belonging to a big size theropod of indeterminate family (Theropoda indet.), one small Coelurosauria indet. with unserrated teeth, the enigmatic Euronychodon sp, and eight morphotypes of cf. Dromaesauridae indet. with different denticle morphology and serration density (which would represent four five different taxa). The tooth previously described in the Upper Campanian of Lleida as "Richardoestesia Like" could also be assigned to cf. Dromaeosauridae indet. Theropod diversity in our sites is apparently similar to that of the rest of Europe, and increases through the Campanian-Maastrichtian transition, although our small samples is biased towards the youngest sites

    Evaluación de los resultados finacieros en aunsencia de un sistema de costeo para medición de la rentabilidad en la empresa Bloquera Santa Ana en el año finalizado 2015

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    El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de evaluar los estados financieros de la empresa y de qué manera afecta la ausencia de un sistema de costeo en la rentabilidad para el año finalizado 2015. Bloquera Santa Ana no utiliza un sistema de costo que les permita reconocer, clasificar y medir los costos de sus productos, por esta razón antes de determinar el tipo de sistema a aplicarse en la empresa, fue necesario adquirir un conocimiento general de la entidad, observar sus procesos productivos e identificar el tipo de sistema que se adecuara a la empresa. Posteriormente se describieron los conceptos de la contabilidad de costos relacionados al tema, así mismo se observó el comportamiento de los costos históricos-reales en los que incurrió la empresa durante el periodo 2015. El enfoque de la investigación de tipo cualitativo y el tipo de estudio investigativo, explorativo y explicativo. Para la adecuada clasificación de los costos y gastos que se incurrieron durante el proceso productivo y presentar de manera razonable la información financiera se aplicaron instrumentos de investigación para dar respuesta a las preguntas directrices. Durante el análisis de resultado se observó que al utilizar el sistema de costo propuesto con la información histórica la utilidad incremento, a su vez la rentabilidad de un 4% a un 16%, así mismo se calcularon los márgenes de contribución y rentabilidad de cada uno de los productos para brindar información de manera detallada para una mejor toma de decisión pertinente a nivel financiero y gerencial de la Empresa Bloquera Santa Ana

    Advancement of new research in Carmona Roman Necropolis

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    La necrópolis romana de Carmona fue excavada fundamentalmente a finales del siglo xix. Desde entonces la significación cultural de los tipos de enterramientos que la caracterizan, cremaciones en cámaras hipogeas de carácter familiar, ha estado presente enThe necrópolis romana de Carmona was excavated mainly in the late nineteenth century. Since then the cultural significance of the burial typology that characterizes this site familiar cremation hypogean chambers has been under the debate of the romanizat

    Evidence of Paraoxonases 1, 2, and 3 Expression in Human Ovarian Granulosa Cells

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    Increasing evidence suggests that the antioxidant paraoxonase proteins, PON1, PON2, and PON3, have a role in reproduction and may be synthesized by ovarian cells. The aim of this work was to investigate whether human ovarian granulosa cells (GC) express paraoxonases 1, 2, and 3 (PON1, PON2, and PON3) at both the transcriptional and protein levels. Cells were purified from follicle samples of women undergoing ovarian stimulation at oocyte retrieval. We analyzed mRNA by polymerase chain reaction using specific primers for the different variants and quantified the proteins by Western blot using commercially available human recombinant PON proteins as standards. The protein subcellular distribution was determined by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy and the cell cycles by flow cytometry. Thymidine was used for cellular synchronization at G1/S. Human hepatoma HepG2 and immortalized granulosa COV434 cell lines were used to optimize methodologies. mRNAs from PON1, the two variants of PON2, and PON3 were detected in GC. The cells actively secreted PON1 and PON3, as evidenced by the protein detection in the incubation medium. PON1 and PON3 were mainly distributed in the cytoplasm and notably in the nucleus, while PON2 colocalized with mitochondria. Subcellular nucleo-cytoplasmic distribution of PON1 was associated with the cell cycle. This is the first evidence describing the presence of mRNAs and proteins of the three members of the PON family in human ovarian GC. This study provides the basis of further research to understand the role of these proteins in GC, which will contribute to a better understanding of the reproduction process.This work was supported by research grants from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (General Support to Research Groups, refs. GIU16/62 and GIU20/021), and Basque Government (pre-doctoral grant to I.P.-R.)

    Large scale and information effects on cooperation in public good games

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    The problem of public good provision is central in economics and touches upon many challenging societal issues, ranging from climate change mitigation to vaccination schemes. However, results which are supposed to be applied to a societal scale have only been obtained with small groups of people, with a maximum group size of 100 being reported in the literature. This work takes this research to a new level by carrying out and analysing experiments on public good games with up to 1000 simultaneous players. The experiments are carried out via an online protocol involving daily decisions for extended periods. Our results show that within those limits, participants' behaviour and collective outcomes in very large groups are qualitatively like those in smaller ones. On the other hand, large groups imply the difficulty of conveying information on others' choices to the participants. We thus consider different information conditions and show that they have a drastic effect on subjects' contributions. We also classify the individual decisions and find that they can be described by a moderate number of types. Our findings allow to extend the conclusions of smaller experiments to larger settings and are therefore a relevant step forward towards the understanding of human behaviour and the organisation of our society.A.A. gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain under grant no. FJCI-2016-28276. This work was also supported by the EU through FET-Proactive Project DOLFINS (contract no. 640772, A.S.) and FET-Open Project IBSEN (contract no. 662725, A.S.), and by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (grant no. FIS2015-64349-P, J.C. and A.S.) (MINECO/FEDER, UE), and by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades/FEDER (Spain/UE) through grant PGC2018-098186-B-I00 (BASIC)

    Analysis of Protein Oxidative Modifications in Follicular Fluid from Fertile Women: Natural Versus Stimulated Cycles

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    Oxidative stress is associated with obstetric complications during ovarian hyperstimulation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization. The follicular fluid contains high levels of proteins, which are the main targets of free radicals. The aim of this work was to determine specific biomarkers of non-enzymatic oxidative modifications of proteins from follicular fluid in vivo, and the effect of ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins on these biomarkers. For this purpose, 27 fertile women underwent both a natural and a stimulated cycle. The biomarkers, glutamic semialdehyde (GSA), aminoadipic semialdehyde (AASA), N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), and N-epsilon-(carboxyethyl)lysine (CEL), were measured by gas-liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Results showed that follicular fluid contained products of protein modifications by direct metal-catalyzed oxidation (GSA and AASA), glycoxidation (CML and CEL), and lipoxidation (CML). GSA was the most abundant biomarker (91.5%). The levels of CML amounted to 6% of the total lesions and were higher than AASA (1.3%) and CEL (1.2%). In the natural cycle, CEL was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than in the stimulated cycle, suggesting that natural cycles are more protected against protein glycoxidation. These findings are the basis for further research to elucidate the possible relevance of this follicular biomarker of advanced glycation end product in fertility programs.This research was funded by the Basque Government, Department of Education, Universities and Research (project ref. IT687-13 and predoctoral grant to I.P.) and Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness, SPRI (refs. IG-20130001214 and IG-2014 0000837), University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (ref. GIU16/62), and Fundacion Jesus Gangoiti (grant to S.M.)

    Influence Of Oxygen Partial Pressure On The Characteristics Of Human Hepatocarcinoma Cells

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    Most of the in vitro studies using liver cell lines have been performed under atmospheric oxygen partial pressure (21% O-2). However, the oxygen concentrations in the liver and cancer cells are far from this value. In the present study, we have evaluated the influence of oxygen on 1) the tumor cell lines features (growth, steadystate ROS levels, GSH content, activities of antioxidant enzymes, p66 Shc and SOD expressions, metalloproteinases secretion, migration, invasion, and adhesion) of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines, and b) the response of the cells to an oxidant stimulus (aqueous leaf extract of the V. baccifera plant species). For this purpose, three hepatocarcinoma cell lines with different p53 status, HepG2 (wild-type), Huh7 (mutated), and Hep3B (deleted), were cultured (6-30 days) under atmospheric (21%) and more physiological (8%) pO(2). Results showed that after long-term culturing at 8% versus 21% O-2, the cellular proliferation rate and the steady-state levels of mitochondrial O-2-were unaffected. However, the intracellular basal ROS levels were higher independently of the characteristics of the cell line. Moreover, the lower pO(2) was associated with lower glutathione content, the induction of p66 Shc and Mn-SOD proteins, and increased SOD activity only in HepG2. This cell line also showed a higher migration rate, secretion of active metalloproteinases, and a faster invasion. HepG2 cells were more resistant to the oxidative stress induced by V. baccifera. Results suggest that the longterm culturing of human hepatoma cells at a low, more physiological pO(2) induces antioxidant adaptations that could be mediated by p53, and may alter the cellular response to a subsequent oxidant challenge. Data support the necessity of validating outcomes from studies performed with hepatoma cell cultures under ambient O-2.This work was supported by research grants from the Basque Government (Department of Education, Universities and Research, ref. IT687-13), and University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (CLUMBER UFI11/20 and pre-doctoral and post-doctoral grants to J.T.). We thank Jose Antonio Lopez for his valuable technical assistance with cell cultures. Technical and human support provided by SGIKer (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/EJ, ESF) is gratefully acknowledged


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    In order to characterize populations of wildtomato (“tinguaraque”) in the Mexican Stateof Michoacan, field observations were made from January to September of 2007. Threeregions were selected: “Valle de Apatzingan”, “Valle de Los Reyes” and “Cienegade Chapala”. Through interviews to farmers and previous studies, more particularsamplings were made in each region. Thecharacterization included: environmental,morphological, physiological and entomological aspects. In 45% of the visited sites, populations of the wild tomato were recorded.They were located in altitudes from 314 to1 550 m; precipitation of 751 to 1 014 mmper year, maximum and minimum temperatures of 35.2 and 11.7ºC, and varied levels ofsoil fertility. Registered populations correspond to the species Solanum lycopersicumL. (var. cerasiforme), of which two groupscould be distinguished: big fruits (2.12 to2.23 x 2.41 to 2.55 cm) and small fruits (1.05to 1.22 x 1.10 to 1.25 cm). The germinationspeed, expressed as the time that germinates50% of seed was variable; ranged from 2.7(2.5-3.0) days until 10.6 (8.6-15.6) days.With exception of a morphospecies (Col:Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae), associated phytophagous insects corresponded topest species of tomato; the principals were:whitefly (Hem: Aleyrodidae) and aphidscomplex (Hem: Aphididae), Lyriomizasativae Blanchard and L. trifoli Burgués,Epitrix sp. and Manduca sp. The psilid of thesolanaceae Bactericera cockerelli Sulc. wasonly registered in the Cienega region, whilethe bug Cyrtopeltis notata Distant, was themost insidious in tinguaraque. The diversityof environmental conditions in those that thewild populations of S. lycopersicum developin Michoacan indicates a wide diversity(ecotypes) of this species.Con el objetivo de caracterizar poblacionesde jitomate silvestre (“tinguaraque”) en elestado mexicano de Michoacán, se realizaron recorridos de campo de enero a septiembre del 2007. Se seleccionaron tres regiones:Valle de Apatzingán, Valle de Los Reyes yCiénega de Chapala. Mediante encuestas aproductores agrícolas y estudios previos,se hicieron recorridos más particulares encada región. La caracterización incluyóaspectos ambientales, morfológicos, fisiológicos y entomológicos. En el 45% de lossitios visitados se registraron poblacionessilvestres de jitomate. Se localizaron en altitudes de 314 a 1 550 m.s.n.m.; precipitaciónde 751 a 1 014 mm anuales; temperaturasmáxima y mínima de 35.2 y 11.7ºC y enniveles variados de fertilidad en suelos.Las poblaciones registradas correspondena la especie Solanum lycopersicum L. (var.cerasiforme), de las que se distinguierondos grupos: de fruto grande (2.12 a 2.23 x2.41 a 2.55 cm) y de fruto pequeño (1.05a 1.22 x 1.10 a 1.25 cm). La velocidad degerminación expresada como el tiempoen que germina el 50% de las semillas fuevariable; fluctuó de 2.7 (2.5-3.0) días hasta10.6 (8.6-15.6) días. Con excepción de unamorfoespecie (Col: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae), los insectos fitófagos asociadoscorresponden a especies plaga del jitomate;los principales fueron: mosca blanca (Hem:Aleyrodidae), complejo de áfidos (Hem:Aphididae), Lyriomiza sativae Blanchardy L. trifoli Burgués, Epitrix sp. y Manducasp. El psilido de las solanáceas Bactericeracockerelli Sulc. sólo se presentó en la regiónde la Ciénega, mientras que la chinche Cyrtopeltis notata Distant, fue la más insidiosaen tinguaraque. La diversidad de condiciones ambientales en los que desarrollan laspoblaciones silvestres de S. lycopersicum enMichoacán, indican una amplia diversidad(ecotipos) de esta especie

    Metabolic adaptations in spontaneously immortalized PGC-1α knock-out mouse embryonic fibroblasts increase their oncogenic potential

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    PGC-1α controls, to a large extent, the capacity of cells to respond to changing nutritional requirements and energetic demands. The key role of metabolic reprogramming in tumor development has highlighted the potential role of PGC-1α in cancer. To investigate how loss of PGC-1α activity in primary cells impacts the oncogenic characteristics of spontaneously immortalized cells, and the mechanisms involved, we used the classic 3T3 protocol to generate spontaneously immortalized mouse embryonic fibroblasts (iMEFs) from wild-type (WT) and PGC-1α knockout (KO) mice and analyzed their oncogenic potential in vivo and in vitro. We found that PGC-1α KO iMEFs formed larger and more proliferative primary tumors than WT counterparts, and fostered the formation of lung metastasis by B16 melanoma cells. These characteristics were associated with the reduced capacity of KO iMEFs to respond to cell contact inhibition, in addition to an increased ability to form colonies in soft agar, an enhanced migratory capacity, and a reduced growth factor dependence. The mechanistic basis of this phenotype is likely associated with the observed higher levels of nuclear β-catenin and c-myc in KO iMEFs. Evaluation of the metabolic adaptations of the immortalized cell lines identified a decrease in oxidative metabolism and an increase in glycolytic flux in KO iMEFs, which were also more dependent on glutamine for their survival. Furthermore, glucose oxidation and tricarboxylic acid cycle forward flux were reduced in KO iMEF, resulting in the induction of compensatory anaplerotic pathways. Indeed, analysis of amino acid and lipid patterns supported the efficient use of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates to synthesize lipids and proteins to support elevated cell growth rates. All these characteristics have been observed in aggressive tumors and support a tumor suppressor role for PGC-1α, restraining metabolic adaptations in cancer.This work was funded by grants from the Spanish “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades” (MICINN) and ERDF/FEDER funds, SAF2012-37693, SAF2015-63904-R, SAF2015-71521-REDC, RTI2018-093864-B-I00 to M.M., SAF2017-83043-R and B2017/BMD-3724 to S·C., PI15/00107 to A.M.R, the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU grant GIU16/62) to J.l.R.S. and M.B.R.L., and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement 721236-TREATMENT to M.M

    The long cross-over dynamics of capillary imbibition

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    Spontaneous capillary imbibition is a classical problem in interfacial fluid dynamics with a broad range of applications, from microfluidics to agriculture. Here we study the duration of the cross-over between an initial linear growth of the imbibition front to the diffusive-like growth limit of Washburn's law. We show that local-resistance sources, such as the inertial resistance and the friction caused by the advancing meniscus, always limit the motion of an imbibing front. Both effects give rise to a cross-over of the growth exponent between the linear and the diffusive-like regimes. We show how this cross-over is much longer than previously thought - even longer than the time it takes the liquid to fill the porous medium. Such slowly slowing-down dynamics is likely to cause similar long cross-over phenomena in processes governed by wetting