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    We describe a general framework for notions of commutativity based on enriched category theory. We extend Eilenberg and Kelly's tensor product for categories enriched over a symmetric monoidal base to a tensor product for categories enriched over a normal duoidal category; using this, we re-find notions such as the commutativity of a finitary algebraic theory or a strong monad, the commuting tensor product of two theories, and the Boardman-Vogt tensor product of symmetric operads.Comment: 48 pages; final journal versio

    Signalling in voice over IP Networks

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    Voice signalling protocols have evolved, keeping with the prevalent move from circuit to packet switched networks. Standardization bodies have provided solutions for carrying voice traffic over packet networks while the main manufacturers are already providing products in workgroup, enterprise, or operator portfolio. This trend will accrue in next years due to the evolution of UMTS mobile networks to an “all-IP” environment. In this paper we present the various architectures that are proposed for signalling in VoIP, mainly: H.323, SIP and MGCP. We also include a brief summary about signalling in classical telephone networks and, at the end, we give some ideas about the proposed “all-IP” architectures in UMTS 3G mobile networks.Publicad

    Learning the hidden human knowledge of UAV pilots when navigating in a cluttered environment for improving path planning

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksWe propose in this work a new model of how the hidden human knowledge (HHK) of UAV pilots can be incorporated in the UAVs path planning generation. We intuitively know that human’s pilots barely manage or even attempt to drive the UAV through a path that is optimal attending to some criteria as an optimal planner would suggest. Although human pilots might get close but not reach the optimal path proposed by some planner that optimizes over time or distance, the final effect of this differentiation could be not only surprisingly better, but also desirable. In the best scenario for optimality, the path that human pilots generate would deviate from the optimal path as much as the hidden knowledge that its perceives is injected into the path. The aim of our work is to use real human pilot paths to learn the hidden knowledge using repulsion fields and to incorporate this knowledge afterwards in the environment obstacles as cause of the deviation from optimality. We present a strategy of learning this knowledge based on attractor and repulsors, the learning method and a modified RRT* that can use this knowledge for path planning. Finally we do real-life tests and we compare the resulting paths with and without this knowledge.Accepted versio

    ConcentraciĂłn y competencia ÂżUn equilibrio incompatible?

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    Treballs Finals del Màster Universitari d'Economia, Regulació i Competència als Serveis Públics (ERCSP), Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Director: Xavier FagedaEl objetivo de éste análisis es, aceptar o rechazar, en función del resultado obtenido, la hipótesis de que la fusión resultante de Delta y Northwest ha provocado una disminución frecuencia a nivel de ruta en el mercado, debe recordar que la frecuencia a nivel de ruta se considera uno de los principales atributos de calidad del servicio. En caso de rechazar dicha hipótesis, demostraría que la fusión, no generó un impacto negativo en el mercado, y que por lo tanto, el aprovechamiento de las sinergias no ha conseguido frenar la competencia

    Diffusion-reaction model for alkali-silica reaction in concrete

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    A new diffusion-reaction model for the potentially deleterious Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) process in concrete is presented. The model involves three coupled diffusion processes, two in-goingand one out-goingfrom the aggregate viewpoint. Alkali (Na+ and K+) and Calcium (Ca2+) ions diffuse “inwards”, from high molar concentration sites in the pores of the cement paste phase of the concrete specimen or at its boundaries, towards the aggregate-cement paste interfaces or the inner cracks of the aggregates. The OH- ions associated with alkali and calcium ions attack certain forms of silica in the aggregates (the “reactive silica”), dissolving it in the form of silicate ions which in turn diffuse back to the cement paste phase (“outwards”). The final potentially deleterious ASR precipitation process involves those silicate ions, plus calcium and alkalis. It takes place wherever the reactants are available by precipitating silicate hydrates of two kinds (Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates –CSH or Calcium-Alkali-Silicate-Hydrates –CASH) in a proportion depending on concentrations and temperature. The diffusion-reaction equations of this process are discretized in space and time using finite differences. An example of application in 1D is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically the ASR process, including some novel features not usually which are not considered in the available literature, such as the role of calcium in the development of the reaction and the inherent relationship between the reaction product composition and its swelling capacity

    Diffusion-reaction modelling of the degradation of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine

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    The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process.The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process

    Diffusion-reaction modelling of the degradation of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine

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    The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process.The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process

    Diffusion-reaction modelling of the degradation of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine

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    The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process.The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process
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