11,436 research outputs found

    Development and calibration of a cost-effective temperature sensor

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    Oceanographic sensors are accurate and reliable but very expensive. We have developed and calibrated a cheap temperature sensor with a good cost/ accuracy ratio.Peer Reviewe

    Self perception of college education, evaluation and quality

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    Este artículo muestra una investigación en torno a la opinión del estudiante sobre la calidad de la Universidad. La autopercepción de la formación universitaria constituye el núcleo central de la encuesta aplicada, donde se recogen tanto los aspectos fuertes como los puntos débiles apreciados, además de las sugerencias de mejora de la misma. Distintos factores de entrada, proceso y producto son valorados por los y las estudiantes en un tipo de encuesta no usual dentro de los instrumentos de recogida de datos para los indicadores referidos a alumnado en la evaluación de calidad universitari

    Euclidean distance between Haar orthogonal and gaussian matrices

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    In this work we study a version of the general question of how well a Haar distributed orthogonal matrix can be approximated by a random gaussian matrix. Here, we consider a gaussian random matrix YnY_n of order nn and apply to it the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure by columns to obtain a Haar distributed orthogonal matrix UnU_n. If FimF_i^m denotes the vector formed by the first mm-coordinates of the iith row of YnnUnY_n-\sqrt{n}U_n and α=mn\alpha=\frac{m}{n}, our main result shows that the euclidean norm of FimF_i^m converges exponentially fast to (243(1(1α)3/2)α)m\sqrt{ \left(2-\frac{4}{3} \frac{(1-(1 -\alpha)^{3/2})}{\alpha}\right)m}, up to negligible terms. To show the extent of this result, we use it to study the convergence of the supremum norm ϵn(m)=sup1in,1jmyi,jnui,j\epsilon_n(m)=\sup_{1\leq i \leq n, 1\leq j \leq m} |y_{i,j}- \sqrt{n}u_{i,j}| and we find a coupling that improves by a factor 2\sqrt{2} the recently proved best known upper bound of ϵn(m)\epsilon_n(m). Applications of our results to Quantum Information Theory are also explained.Comment: v2: minor modifications to match journal version, 26 pages, 0 figures, J Theor Probab (2016

    Macroeconomic Effects of Structural Fiscal Policy Changes in Colombia

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    In the past decade the Colombian Economic Authorities undertook a series of measures that reduced the structural fiscal deficit, decreased the Government currency mismatch and deepened the local fixed-rate public bond market. This paper presents some evidence suggesting that these improvements had important effects on the behavior of the macroeconomy. They seem to have permanently reduced the sovereign risk premium, increased the reaction of output to Government expenditure shocks and strengthened the response of market interest rates to monetary policy shocks.Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomy, Monetary Policy and Real Interest.

    Publicidad en español en el metro de Nueva York

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    La elección del tema escogido para el Trabajo de Fin de Grado viene dada por la multiculturalidad que presenta la ciudad de Nueva York. La segunda ciudad con mayor superficie de área urbana del planeta acoge nacionalidades de todo el mundo. El metro de la ciudad de Nueva York es, indudablemente, el transporte público que más se utiliza. Diferentes líneas de metro conectan la ciudad de forma subterránea durante las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año. Este medio de transporte, utilizado por locales y turistas, se convierte además en un soporte publicitario. Desde paredes con grandes carteles, hasta toneles que giran con mensajes publicitarios al pasar el ticket del metro. La creatividad de formatos publicitarios es ilimitada. Sin embargo, en el interior de los vagones de metro, esta creatividad se limita a carteles rectangulares. Sorprende observar la existencia de anuncios en idiomas que no sean el inglés como en español, chino, hebreo... En un país oficialmente angloparlante, este hecho implica que existe una comunidad lo suficientemente grande que reside en la ciudad cuya lengua nativa es diferente al inglés. Así, empresas e instituciones públicas emplean en sus campañas cartelería y acciones de comunicación traducidas a estos idiomas que son más empleados en la ciudad para llegar más eficazmente a otros grupos de personas.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Foundations and social economy: conceptual approaches and socio-economic relevance

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    Theoretical debate about the nature of charitable foundations has traditionally become polarized around two distinct conceptual approaches: the non-profit or third sector approach, versus the social economy approach. This research tries to find a common ground between these two approaches, and to highlight the specificities of the foundation as an organizational formula, supporting its current socio-economic relevance with latest quantitative data on the contemporary Spanish foundation sector. In order to achieve this purpose, data from the main empirical studies about the sector during the last decade are compared, with a special focus on those obtained by the recently constituted Institute for Strategic Analysis of Foundations (INAEF).Foundations, social economy, non-profit organizations, third sector, socioeconomic impact, INAEF.

    A new survey of cool supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds

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    In this study, we conduct a pilot program aimed at the red supergiant population of the Magellanic Clouds. We intend to extend the current known sample to the unexplored low end of the brightness distribution of these stars, building a more representative dataset with which to extrapolate their behaviour to other Galactic and extra-galactic environments. We select candidates using only near infrared photometry, and with medium resolution multi-object spectroscopy, we perform spectral classification and derive their line-of-sight velocities, confirming the nature of the candidates and their membership to the clouds. Around two hundred new RSGs have been detected, hinting at a yet to be observed large population. Using near and mid infrared photometry we study the brightness distribution of these stars, the onset of mass-loss and the effect of dust in their atmospheres. Based on this sample, new a priori classification criteria are investigated, combining mid and near infrared photometry to improve the observational efficiency of similar programs as this.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Representing microstates of static granular matter in a stress phase space

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    A stress phase space is proposed to compare the static packings of a granular system (microstates) that are compatible to a macrostate described by external stresses. The equivalent stress of each particle of a static packing can be obtained from the mechanical interaction forces, and the associated volume is given by the respective Voronoi cell. Therefore, particles can be located at different stress levels and grouped into categories or configurations, which are defined in base of the geometrical features of the local arrangement (in particular, of the number of forces that keep them force-balanced). They can be represented as points in a stress phase space. The nature of this space is analyzed in detail. The integration limits of the stress variables that avoid or limit tensile states and the capability of each configuration to represent specific stress states establish its main features. Furthermore, if some stress variables are used, instead of the usual components of the Cauchy stress tensor, then some symmetries can be found. Results obtained from molecular dynamics simulations are used to check this nature. Finally, some statistical ensembles are written in terms of the coordinates of this phase space. These require some assumptions that are made in base on continuum mechanics principles


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    El frecuente y correcto establecimiento de relaciones de colaboración  inter- gubernamental entre los distintos sujetos de poder que integran un Estado complejo  es una pieza esencial de su satisfactoria articulación. La norma jurídica traza la arquitectura donde se sostienen tales relaciones, pero la voluntad política de las partes es el factor determinante del buen fin de las mismas. Ello no significa, sin embargo, que los diversos poderes territoriales puedan escapar aquí de las exigencias que se derivan de los principios consti- tucionales que rigen la actividad (también la actividad cooperativa) de todos los poderes públicos. Así pues, el papel de la doctrina y del legislador debe limitarse a procurar la mejora técnica de aquellos concretos instrumentos de colaboración que precisan revisión para resultar verdaderamente eficaces, a la vez que conformes con tales exigencias constitucionales, en caso de que el Estado y las comunidades autónomas decidan utilizarlos. Se abordan, así, en este trabajo, diferentes propuestas de reforma referidas a la Conferencia de Presidentes, la participación de los parlamentos autonómicos en la cele- bración de convenios interterritoriales y al conflicto de fuentes relativo a la entrada en vigor de los convenios verticales