186 research outputs found

    Ordovician and Silurian igneous rocks and orthogeneisses in the Catalonian Coastel Ranges

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    These rocks exhibit calc-alkaline affinities and may have originated by partial melting of the crust in a post-collision, anorogenic setting. Orthogneisses derived from biotite-bearing leucogranites occur within aprobably cambrian heterogeneous series. Petrological and geochemical features suggest that they might be genetically related to the ordovician vulcanites. Basic sills and volcanoclastic rocks occur intercalated within a mainly pelitic formation in the lower part of the Silurian sequence. The silurian igneous rocks are alkali basalts and may reflect an extensional regime

    El Greenwashing o como destapar estrategias comerciales de ventas falsas que se apoyan en una filosofía "verde"

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    En nuestro trabajo partimos del estudio de la forma en que las empresas utilizan el Green Marketing en su estrategia comercial, y como lo “verde” se integra como una filosofía que está impregnada en la cultura empresarial de la organización. Partiendo de lo anterior, hemos descubierto que en muchos períodos esta estrategia verde es un argumento para obtener mejores resultados, más que una idea interiorizada en la organización, a esto es lo que denominamos Greenwashing. A lo largo del artículo hemos revisado la literatura que existe sobre el tema objeto de estudio, y como resultado hemos desarrollado un completo modelo teórico utilizando las variables más relevantes encontradas en esta investigación, y que mejor pueden estudiar este fenómeno del Greenwashing.In our work, we start from the study of how companies use Green Marketing in their business strategy, and how the "green" is integrated as a philosophy that is impregnated in the business culture of the organization. Based on the above, we have discovered that in many periods, this green strategy is an argument for better results, rather than an idea internalized in the organization, this is what we call Greenwashing. Throughout the article we have reviewed the literature that exists on the subject under study, and as a result we have developed a complete theoretical model using the most relevant variables found in this research, and that can best study this Greenwashing phenomenon

    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis biomarkers linked to lung metastatic potential and cell stemness

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    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung-metastasizing neoplasm caused by the proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells that commonly carry loss-of-function mutations in either the tuberous sclerosis complex 1 or 2 (TSC1 or TSC2) genes. While allosteric inhibition of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) has shown substantial clinical benefit, complementary therapies are required to improve response and/or to treat specific patients. However, there is a lack of LAM biomarkers that could potentially be used to monitor the disease and to develop other targeted therapies. We hypothesized that the mediators of cancer metastasis to lung, particularly in breast cancer, also play a relevant role in LAM. Analyses across independent breast cancer datasets revealed associations between low TSC1/2 expression, altered mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway signaling, and metastasis to lung. Subsequently, immunohistochemical analyses of 23 LAM lesions revealed positivity in all cases for the lung metastasis mediators fascin 1 (FSCN1) and inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1). Moreover, assessment of breast cancer stem or luminal progenitor cell biomarkers showed positivity in most LAM tissue for the aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), integrin-ß3 (ITGB3/CD61), and/or the sex-determining region Y-box 9 (SOX9) proteins. The immunohistochemical analyses also provided evidence of heterogeneity between and within LAM cases. The analysis of Tsc2-deficient cells revealed relative over-expression of FSCN1 and ID1; however, Tsc2-deficient cells did not show higher sensitivity to ID1-based cancer inhibitors. Collectively, the results of this study reveal novel LAM biomarkers linked to breast cancer metastasis to lung and to cell stemness, which in turn might guide the assessment of additional or complementary therapeutic opportunities for LAM

    Manual de procedimientos para el cálculo de lluvias de diseño – (escala provincial y nacional)

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    El diseño hidrológico se define como la evaluación del impacto de los procesos hidrológicos y la estimación de los valores correspondientes a las variables representativas con fines de diseño. Las pautas para establecer un valor de diseño para obras hidráulicas son el costo y la seguridad. Sobredimensionar las obras es antieconómico, en tanto que, si las estructuras se subdimensionan pueden fallar con resultados catastróficos. Los estudios dirigidos a determinar las crecidas de proyecto de diversas estructuras hidráulicas requieren series de datos históricos de caudal, pero esta información en nuestro país es poco frecuente. En esos casos, el análisis se hace sobre las precipitaciones causantes del fenómeno denominadas lluvia de diseño. El equipo responsable de este proyecto tiene una experiencia de investigación y desarrollo de más de 15 años en el tema. Por lo que el objeto de la presente propuesta es plasmar los avances alcanzados sobre las lluvias de diseño en un manual que permita brindar una herramienta técnica (a escala provincial y nacional) a los profesionales dedicados a la planificación, proyecto y construcción de obras hidráulicas.Fil: Catalini, Carlos Gastón. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: García Rodríguez, Carlos Marcelo. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Psychometric characteristics of the Spanish version of instruments to measure neck pain disability

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    Background: The NDI, COM and NPQ are evaluation instruments for disability due to NP. There was no Spanish version of NDI or COM for which psychometric characteristics were known. The objectives of this study were to translate and culturally adapt the Spanish version of the Neck Disability Index Questionnaire (NDI), and the Core Outcome Measure (COM), to validate its use in Spanish speaking patients with non-specific neck pain (NP), and to compare their psychometric characteristics with those of the Spanish version of the Northwick Pain Questionnaire (NPQ). Methods: Translation/re-translation of the English versions of the NDI and the COM was done blindly and independently by a multidisciplinary team. The study was done in 9 primary care Centers and 12 specialty services from 9 regions in Spain, with 221 acute, subacute and chronic patients who visited their physician for NP: 54 in the pilot phase and 167 in the validation phase. Neck pain (VAS), referred pain (VAS), disability (NDI, COM and NPQ), catastrophizing (CSQ) and quality of life (SF-12) were measured on their first visit and 14 days later. Patients' self-assessment was used as the external criterion for pain and disability. In the pilot phase, patients' understanding of each item in the NDI and COM was assessed, and on day 1 test-retest reliability was estimated by giving a second NDI and COM in which the name of the questionnaires and the order of the items had been changed. Results: Comprehensibility of NDI and COM were good. Minutes needed to fill out the questionnaires [median, (P25, P75)]: NDI. 4 (2.2, 10.0), COM: 2.1 (1.0, 4.9). Reliability: [ICC, (95%CI)]: NDI: 0.88 (0.80, 0.93). COM: 0.85 (0.75,0.91). Sensitivity to change: Effect size for patients having worsened, not changed and improved between days 1 and 15, according to the external criterion for disability: NDI: -0.24, 0.15, 0.66; NPQ: -0.14, 0.06, 0.67; COM: 0.05, 0.19, 0.92. Validity: Results of NDI, NPQ and COM were consistent with the external criterion for disability, whereas only those from NDI were consistent with the one for pain. Correlations with VAS, CSQ and SF-12 were similar for NDI and NPQ (absolute values between 0.36 and 0.50 on day 1, between 0.38 and 0.70 on day 15), and slightly lower for COM (between 0.36 and 0.48 on day 1, and between 0.33 and 0.61 on day 15). Correlation between NDI and NPQ: r = 0.84 on day 1, r = 0.91 on day 15. Correlation between COM and NPQ: r = 0.63 on day 1, r = 0.71 on day 15. Conclusion: Although most psychometric characteristics of NDI, NPQ and COM are similar, those from the latter one are worse and its use may lead to patients' evolution seeming more positive than it actually is. NDI seems to be the best instrument for measuring NP-related disability, since its results are the most consistent with patient's assessment of their own clinical status and evolution. It takes two more minutes to answer the NDI than to answer the COM, but it can be reliably filled out by the patient without assistance

    Prácticas virtuales de fisiología

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    El presente proyecto de innovación educativa ha servido para generar material audiovisual compatible con dispositivos electrónicos para el aprendizaje de fisiología de una manera sencilla y accesible. Es la continuación de un proyecto del curso 2020-21, en el que se generó un material con las prácticas que se realizan con un programa de registros fisiológicos. En esta ocasión, se procedió a la grabación de los procedimientos experimentales de las asignaturas de Fisiología del Grado en Veterinaria y del Grado en CyTA y se han incluido en un formato presentación, en el que se exponen los conocimientos básicos de la práctica, los objetivos, el material y métodos, el procedimiento experimental en vídeo con explicaciones y finalmente la recogida de datos y la interpretación de los resultados. Así, se reduce el número de animales a utilizar en las prácticas porque no es necesario volver a hacer el procedimiento en el animal y el estudiante puede aprender a su ritmo y visualizar la presentación tantas veces como necesite para su aprendizaje, antes, durante y después de la práctica. Se ha contado con un amplio equipo en el que han participado PDI del departamento de Fisiología y de Producción Animal, PAS y estudiantes de grado y posgrado, de modo que la experiencia de todos ellos ha aportado un enfoque multidisciplinar, muy adecuado para la viabilidad del proyecto. El producto generado es un material duradero en el tiempo, que seguirá poniéndose a disposición de los estudiantes en cursos venideros

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores

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    Funder: Funder: Fundación bancaria ‘La Caixa’ Number: LCF/PR/PR16/51110003 Funder: Grifols SA Number: LCF/PR/PR16/51110003 Funder: European Union/EFPIA Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Number: 115975 Funder: JPco-fuND FP-829-029 Number: 733051061Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer's disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical trials. We first perform a large genetic association study by merging all available case-control datasets and by-proxy study results (discovery n = 409,435 and validation size n = 58,190). Here, we add six variants associated with Alzheimer's disease risk (near APP, CHRNE, PRKD3/NDUFAF7, PLCG2 and two exonic variants in the SHARPIN gene). Assessment of the polygenic risk score and stratifying by APOE reveal a 4 to 5.5 years difference in median age at onset of Alzheimer's disease patients in APOE ɛ4 carriers. Because of this study, the underlying mechanisms of APP can be studied to refine the amyloid cascade and the polygenic risk score provides a tool to select individuals at high risk of Alzheimer's disease