41 research outputs found

    Project for developing a project management simulation game for engineers

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    The main objective of this project is to develop a game that serves to put yourself in the shoes of a Project Manager and acquire knowledge of this field in a more practical and entertaining way. It is mainly designed for students who aspire to work in project management. The responsibilities that players will take on throughout the game are mainly related to recruiting team members, assigning tasks, and managing the budget. These responsibilities will be affected by different occurrences that may occur during the game project, and players will have to employ strategies to cope with these events in order to finish the game project in the shortest in time and within the initial budget. To achieve the result of the project, an analysis of the existing games in this field has been carried out, as well as an in-depth study of issues in the world of project management. The methodology for developing the game was also based on a trial-and-error model, in which different adjustments were tested in order to arrive at a game where the players, in addition to being entertained, learn project management concepts. With these components, the player will have to develop the established project. The result is a board game, consisting of a Kanban board, cards representing tasks, employees and occurrences, a budget tracking sheet, a calendar and a dice. In conclusion, these types of games have great potential as they allow you to learn while you entertain yourself, as well as allowing the player to put themselves in the role of a manager and thus have a more realistic view of what it is like to have a position of this kin

    Registro de enfermedades raras y las bases de información: indicadores de calidad

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    Comunicación presentada en el Curso "Marco actual y el impacto social de las enfermedades raras en España", dentro de los Cursos de verano UBU 201

    Desarrollo de un sistema para la integración de nomenclatura y campos textuales sobre genes y proteínas

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    Una de las áreas de más actividad investigadora en el análisis de texto biomédico es el reconocimiento de los nombres y abreviaturas utilizadas para referirse a dos entidades biológicas de gran relevancia: genes y proteínas. Muchos de los métodos propuestos se basan en vocabularios control construidos a partir de la información almacenada en distintas bases de datos utilizadas en bioinformática. Debido a la ambigüedad existente en la nomenclatura de genes y proteínas dentro del mundo de la bioinformática, el objetivo de este proyecto es el de diseñar y desarrollar un sistema que integre información normalizada sobre genes/proteínas, susceptible de ser utilizada para el reconocimiento automático de dicha nomenclatura en textos científicos. La normalización se realizará en base a los identificadores únicos (claves externas) de diversas bases de datos. Para ello se desarrollará una base de datos centralizada (datawarehouse), sobre la que se incorporarán los datos pertinentes de varias bases de datos públicas (ej. UniProt, NCBI Entrez, Gene Ontology), así como los mecanismos de actualización necesarios. Finalmente se proporcionará la funcionalidad para su acceso programático. Este sistema será consultado por las herramientas de análisis de texto biomédico desarrolladas en nuestro grupo de investigación. [ABSTRACT] Among the areas of principal activities’ investigation in biomedic text analysing field we find the recognition of names and abbreviations used to talk about two main entitys: genes and proteins. Many of the proposed methods are based in control vocabularies builded up from information stored in several databases used in bioinformatic. Designing and developing a system that integrates information about genes/proteins, susceptible of being used for the automatic recognise in science texts. This integration will be achieved by using the id numbers (foreign keys) from the main bioinformatics’ data bases (UniProt, NCBI Entrez) building up a datawarehouse that includes the principal features of this genes/proteins. This system will be used by the tools developed in the Department of Architecture and Automatic Engineering

    La educación sexual en los textos escolares españoles: evaluación de un texto alternativo

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    Junto al aumento de la utilización de preservativos, asistimos también al aumento de la transmisión de infecciones de transmisión sexual, al adelanto en la edad de inicio de relaciones sexuales y al aumento de embarazos en adolescentes. En este sentido cobra especial importancia la educación sexual recibida en el último tramo de la educación obligatoria. Es importante, desde el punto de vista de la Salud Pública, desarrollar contenidos que permitan al alumno adquirir habilidades sociales que le ayuden a tomar decisiones más libres e informadas encaminadas a retrasar el inicio de las relaciones sexuales. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la evaluación comparativa sobre los contenidos de los libros escolares del área de Biología de 3º de la ESO en su capítulo sobre sexualidad y reproducción humana con un texto escolar alternativo. Se evalúa si posibilitan la consecución de los objetivos educativos señalados en el currículo y si promocionan estilos de vida saludables que lleguen a prevenir conductas de riesgo. ------------------------Together with the increase of condom use, the spread of sexually transmitted infections, earlier ages of sexual debut and pregnancies in teenagers are also increasing. Sexual education in schools plays an important role. It is therefore important, from a public health point of view, to develop materials with contents that can help students acquire the life skills that will enable them to make free and informed decisions concerning sexuality. In this study the results of a comparative evaluation of different school texts with an alternative we have elaborated for the area of sexuality and human reproduction are presented. The extent to which these books achieve official educational objectives, promote healthy life styles and convey information enabling the prevention of risky sexual behaviours was evaluated

    Recursos asistenciales y de investigación en enfermedades raras ubicados en la Comunidad de Madrid

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar y poner al servicios de las administraciones sanitarias y también de los ciudadanos, un informe sobre los centros y unidades asistenciales y de investigación existentes en la Comunidad de Madrid (CM), que pudieran ser de utilidad para la planifi cación de los recursos orientados al control y seguimiento de las personas con enfermedades raras en el ámbito de esta comunidad

    Cardiac abnormalities in the toxic oil syndrome, with comparative observations on the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome

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    AbstractEarly in the course of studies of the Spanish toxic oil syndrome it was recognized that vascular lesions were a major problem, most logically attributable to endothelial damage by the toxic oil. However, most clinical attention has been directed to the pulmonary complications and the evolution into a scleroderma-like illness later. p]In this study of 11 victims of the toxic oil syndrome careful postmortem studies of the coronary arteries and conduction system and neural structures of the heart demonstrated major injury to all those components of the heart. Obliterative fibrosis of the sinus node in four cases resembled findings in fatal scleroderma heart disease, and in eight the cardiac lesions resembled those of lupus erythematosus.The more impressive pathologic features involved the coronary arteries and neural structures, which were abnormal in every heart. The arterial disease included widespread focal fibromuscular dysplasia, but there was also an unusual myointimal proliferative degeneration of both small and large coronary arteries in five patients, four of whom were young women. In two hearts, portions of the inner wall of the sinus node artery had actually detached and embolized downstream. Coronary arteritis was rarely found. Inflammatory and noninflammatory degeneration of cardiac nerves was widespread. Fatty infiltration, fibrosis and degeneration were present in the coronary chemoreceptor.In most respects these cardiac abnormalities resemble those described in the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome caused by an altered form of l-tryptophan. In both diseases there is good reason to anticipate more clinical cardiac difficulties than have so far been reported, and even more basis for future concern, especially relative to coronary disease and cardiac electrical instability

    Neurologic outcomes of toxic oil syndrome patients 18 years after the epidemic.

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    Toxic oil syndrome (TOS) resulted from consumption of rapeseed oil denatured with 2% aniline and affected more than 20,000 persons. Eighteen years after the epidemic, many patients continue to report neurologic symptoms that are difficult to evaluate using conventional techniques. We conducted an epidemiologic study to determine whether an exposure to toxic oil 18 years ago was associated with current adverse neurobehavioral effects. We studied a case group of 80 adults exposed to toxic oil 18 years ago and a referent group of 79 adult age- and sex-frequency-matched unexposed subjects. We interviewed subjects for demographics, health status, exposures to neurotoxicants, and responses to the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT), Programa Integrado de Exploracion Neuropsicologica (PIEN), and Goldberg depression questionnaires and administered quantitative neurobehavioral and neurophysiologic tests by computer or trained nurses. The groups did not differ with respect to educational background or other critical variables. We examined associations between case and referent groups and the neurobehavioral and neurophysiologic outcomes of interest. Decreased distal strength of the dominant and nondominant hands and increased vibrotactile thresholds of the fingers and toes were significantly associated with exposure to toxic oil. Finger tapping, simple reaction time latency, sequence B latency, symbol digit latency, and auditory digit span were also significantly associated with exposure. Case subjects also had statistically significantly more neuropsychologic symptoms compared with referents. Using quantitative neurologic tests, we found significant adverse central and peripheral neurologic effects in a group of TOS patients 18 years after exposure to toxic oil when compared with a nonexposed referent group. These effects were not documented by standard clinical examination and were found more frequently in women

    The Spanish toxic oil syndrome 20 years after its onset: a multidisciplinary review of scientific knowledge.

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    In 1981, in Spain, the ingestion of an oil fraudulently sold as olive oil caused an outbreak of a previously unrecorded condition, later known as toxic oil syndrome (TOS), clinically characterized by intense incapacitating myalgias, marked peripheral eosinophilia, and pulmonary infiltrates. Of the 20,000 persons affected, approximately 300 died shortly after the onset of the disease and a larger number developed chronic disease. For more than 15 years, a scientific committee supported by the World Health Organization's Regional Office for Europe and by the Institute of Health Carlos III in Madrid has guided investigation intended to identify the causal agent(s), to assess toxicity and mode of action, to establish the pathogenesis of the disease, and to detect late consequences. This report summarizes advances in research on this front. No late mortality excess has been detected. Among survivors, the prevalence of some chronic conditions (e.g., sclerodermia, neurologic changes) is high. Attempts to reproduce the condition in laboratory animals have been unsuccessful, and no condition similar to TOS has been reported in the scientific literature. Laboratory findings suggest an autoimmune mechanism for TOS, such as high levels of seric soluble interleukin-2 receptor. Epidemiologic studies integrated with chemical analyses of case-related oils have shown that the disease is strongly associated with the consumption of oils containing fatty acid esters of 3-(N-phenylamino)-1,2-propanediol (PAP). These chemicals have also been found in oils synthesized under conditions simulating those hypothesized to have occurred when the toxic oil was produced in 1981. Whether PAP esters are simply markers of toxicity of oils or have the capability to induce the disease remains to be elucidated