1,719 research outputs found

    Plasticity of Dendritic Spines. Not Only for Cognitive Processes

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    Excitatory synaptic transmission is associated with the input of “new” information at synaptic junctions established by dendritic spines. The role that each type of spine plays in the transmission of the synaptic impulses is different. Indeed, there is a close relationship between the shape of spines and the differential processing of the excitatory synaptic information that is relayed to them, influencing in turn the transmission of synaptic information related to several psychoneural processes

    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and their importance in asthma

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    [EN] Asthma is a complex disease determined by the interaction of different genes and environmental factors. The first genetic investigations in asthma were candidate gene association studies and linkage studies. In recent years research has focused on association studies that scan the entire genome without any prior conditioning hypothesis: the so-called genome-wide association studies (GWAS). The first GWAS was published in 2007, and described a new locus associated to asthma in chromosome 17q12-q21, involving the ORMDL3, GSDMB and ZPBP2 genes (a description of the genes named in the manuscript are listed in Table 1). None of these genes would have been selected in a classical genetic association study since it was not known they could be implicated in asthma. To date, a number of GWAS studies in asthma have been made, with the identification of about 1000 candidate genes. Coordination of the different research groups in international consortiums and the application of new technologies such as new generation sequencing will help discover new implicated genes and improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease.FEDER funds; Junta de Castilla y León; Fundación Botín-Universidad de Salamanca; Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica; Fundación Salud 200

    Retinoic Acid Modulates PTGDR Promoter Activity

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    [EN] Background and objective: Vitamin A has been linked to the development of allergic diseases although its role is not fully understood, Retinoic acid (RA), a metabolite of Vitamin A, has been previously associated with the prostaglandin pathway, and PTGDR, a receptor of PGD2, has been proposed as a candidate gene in allergy and asthma. Considering the role of PTGDR in allergy, the goal of this study was to analyze the effect of RA on the activation of the promoter region of the PTGDR gene. Methods: A549 lung epithelial cells were transfected with 4 combinations of genetic variants of the PTGDR promoter and stimulated with all-trans RA (ATRA); luciferase assays were performed using the Dual Luciferase Reporter System, and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used to measure the expression of PTGDR, CYP26A1, RARA, RARB, RARG, and RXRA in basal A549 cell cultures and after ATRA treatment. We also performed an in silico analysis. Results: After ATRA treatment increased expression of CYP26A1 (12-fold) and RARB (4-fold) was detected. ATRA activated PTGDR promoter activity in transfected cells (P<.001) and RA response element sequences were identified in silico in this promoter region. Conclusions: RA modulated PTGDR promoter activity. Differential response to RA and to new treatments based on PTGDR modulation could depend on genetic background in allergic asthmatic patients.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Junta de Castilla y León; Fundación Botín-Universidad de Salamanca; Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica; Fundación Salud 200

    Microstructure and texture evolution of the Al-20sn alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing using route C

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    In this work, the microstructure and texture evolution of an Al-20Sn (mass%) alloy processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing is presented. The evolution of dislocation cells into subgrains and the mechanical response of the deformed alloy have been emphasized. Samples were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (for microstrain and texture measurements) and Vickers microhardness. It was found, that Al grains, suffered the highest degree of deformation during the ECAP process, however, the evidence showed that the deformation was largely heterogeneous, in terms of crystalline domain and feasibly in misorientation angles. The initial copper texture changes throughout the ECAP process forming an incipient shear texture component (111)[11-2]. The heterogeneity of the results obtained from the Vickers microhardness mapping could be associated to the microstructure resulted after the ECAP process. © 2014 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

    Genetic association study in nasal polyposis.

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    [EN] Nasal polyposis (NP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the upper airways with a variable clinical course and unknown pathogenesis that often coexists with other conditions. Considering the possibility of genetic predisposition, we decided to analyze whether polymorphisms in LTC4S, CYSLTR1, PTGDR, and NOS2A were associated with NP. The study population comprised 486 Caucasian individuals. Polyposis and aspirin intolerance were diagnosed following the recommendations of the European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps. Genotypes were determined using polymerase chain reaction amplification and direct sequencing. The -444A > C LTC4S polymorphism was significantly associated with NP and atopy (P = .033) and with NP and atopic asthma, (P =.012). In addition, a significant association was found when the (CCTTT) repetition of the NOS2A gene was present more than 14 times in patients with NP and asthma (P = .034), in patients with polyposis and intolerance to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (P = .009), and in patients with the aspirin triad (P = .005). The PTGDR diplotype CCCT/CCCC (-613CC, -549CC, -441CC and -197TC) was more frequent in patients with NP (P = .043), NP with asthma (P = .013), and the aspirin triad (P = .041). NP was associated with specific polymorphisms only when it occurred with related phenotypes. Our results suggest that this genetic background plays a more relevant role in the development of the associated clinical features of nasal polyposis than in simple polyposis.Junta de Castilla y León; Merck Sharpe Dohme; Mutua Madrileñ

    Mesozooplankton distribution, production and respiration in the global ocean.

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    Mesozooplankton biomass, abundance and mass-specific physiological rates as well as community production and respiration in the upper 2000 m were assessed from samples collected during the Malaspina circumnavigation expedition (~35ºN-40ºS) using an image-based analysis system (IBS). Equations relating metabolic rates, temperature, and body weight, were developed according to temperature ranges found at the different ocean regions and depth layers. High abundance and biomass were observed in the epipelagic zone and decreasing with depth as expected. However, high biomass was also found beyond 1000 m related to the colder and productive waters of the eastern regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Specific growth and respiration rates followed a similar pattern and were highly correlated with temperature (r2=0.835 and 0.806 , respectively). Therefore, higher values were observed in the tropical and subtropical zones as the effect of higher temperature. Community production and respiration were considerably higher in the epipelagic layer, matching the distribution of biomass, with high values below 1000 m in the eastern Pacific/Indian Oceans. Global metabolism assessed through the IBS was similar to previous results based on data review.MALASPINA (CSD2008-00077

    Centennial-scale precipitation anomalies in the southern Altiplano (18° S) suggest an extra-tropical driver for the South American Summer Monsoon during the late Holocene

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    Modern precipitation anomalies in the Altiplano region of South America are closely linked to the strength of the South American Summer Monsoon (SASM) which is influenced by large-scales climate features sourced in the tropics such as latitudinal shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, the timing, direction and spatial extent of precipitation changes prior to the instrumental period are still largely unknown, preventing a better understanding of the long-term drivers of the SASM and their effects over the Altiplano. Here we present a detailed pollen reconstruction from a sedimentary sequence covering the period between 4500-1000 cal yr BP in Lago Chungará (18° S; 4570 masl), a high elevation lake in the southwestern margin of the Altiplano where precipitation is delivered almost exclusively during the mature phase of the SASM in the austral summer. We distinguish three well-defined centennial-scale anomalies, with dry conditions between 4100-3300 and 1600-1000 cal yr BP, and a conspicuous humid interval between 2400-1600 cal yr BP; which resulted from weakening and strengthening of the SASM respectively. Comparisons with other climate reconstructions from the Altiplano, the Atacama Desert, the Tropical Andes and the southwestern Atlantic coast reveal that - unlike the modern climatological controls - past precipitation anomalies at Lago Chungará were largely decoupled from north-south shifts in the ITCZ and ENSO. A regionally coherent pattern of centennial-scale SASM variations and a significant latitudinal gradient in precipitation responses suggest the contribution of an extra-tropical moisture source for the SASM, with significant effects over precipitation variability in the Southern Altiplano

    Vertical biogeographical overview of the Zooplankton community across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean (35ºN-40ºS)

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    From December 2010 to June 2011 the mesozooplankton has been sampled at the deep Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean (*). From surface to 3000 m depth a HYDROBIOSS multinet was used distinguishing the epipelagic (77%), mesopelagic (11%) and bathypelagic zones (11%), where five layers were usually sampled (0-200, 200-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000 and 2000-3000 m depth). Among the three oceans, no large differences on abundance were found when taxonomic groups were considered, being always depth the most important factor affecting the vertical zooplankton distribution. The zooplankton abundance strongly decreased with depth and very low abundance was found at deeper waters. Very irregular spatial distribution was observed all across the three oceans, finding the lowest abundance in the south and western Pacific region. Copepods were always the most abundant contributors of the zooplankton community (84%) and more than 260 species identified. They were followed by chaetognaths (5%), siphonophores (3%), ostracods (2%) and euphausiids (1%). In a biogeographical overview, the vertical distribution of the most abundant copepods is analyzed, finding the largest copepods at deeper stratum, where small cosmopolitan copepods were also found

    A Novel, Quick, and Reliable Smartphone-Based Method for Serum PSA Quantification: Original Design of a Portable Microfluidic Immunosensor-Based System

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    We describe a versatile, portable, and simple platform that includes a microfluidic electrochemical immunosensor for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) detection. It is based on the covalent immobilization of the anti-PSA monoclonal antibody on magnetic microbeads retained in the central channel of a microfluidic device. Image flow cytometry and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the magnetic microbeads. A direct sandwich immunoassay (with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated PSA antibody) served to quantify the cancer biomarker in serum samples. The enzymatic product was detected at -100 mV by amperometry on sputtered thin-film electrodes. Electrochemical reaction produced a current proportional to the PSA level, with a linear range from 10 pg mL(-1) to 1500 pg mL(-1). The sensitivity was demonstrated by a detection limit of 2 pg mL(-1) and the reproducibility by a coefficient of variation of 6.16%. The clinical performance of this platform was tested in serum samples from patients with prostate cancer (PCa), observing high specificity and full correlation with gold standard determinations. In conclusion, this analytical platform is a promising tool for measuring PSA levels in patients with PCa, offering a high sensitivity and reduced variability. The small platform size and low cost of this quantitative methodology support its suitability for the fast and sensitive analysis of PSA and other circulating biomarkers in patients. Further research is warranted to verify these findings and explore its potential application at all healthcare levels.Universidad Nacional de San Luis PROICO 22/Q241ANPCyT PICT 2018-04443 PICT-2015-2246 PICT-2015-1575 PICT-2014-1184 PICT-2014-0375 PICT-2018-04443Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET) PIP 11220150100004COGENYOCentre for Genomics and Oncological Research: Pfizer-University of GranadaAndalusian Regional Government (Granada, Spain)ISCIII Health Research Institute P17/00989La Caixa FoundationHealth and Family Secretariat of the Andalusian Regional GovernmentSpanish GovernmentH2020-MSCA-IF-2019-89566

    Caracterización de áridos volcánicos de Canarias y aplicaciones en la construcción de carreteras

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    [Resumen:] Debido a su formación geológica, en los archipiélagos de la Macaronesia los áridos utilizados son siempre de naturaleza volcánica, bien procedentes de los depósitos piroclásticos (basálticos y sálicos), bien de la fragmentación de rocas volcánicas (basaltos, traquitas, fonolitas e ignimbritas). Algunas de estas litologías, especialmente los basaltos masivos, suelen proporcionar áridos con buenas propiedades mecánicas debido a su elevada densidad y resistencia. Sin embargo, con frecuencia, las rocas volcánicas suelen presentar estructuras alveolares y escoriáceas muy porosas, asociadas a la elevada velocidad de descompresión y de enfriamiento. En ocasiones, estos materiales han experimentado un importante proceso de alteración hidrotermal, por la prolongada exposición a un foco magmático activo. Además, su distribución espacial muestra una elevada heterogeneidad, debido a la escasa continuidad lateral de los materiales, incluso dentro de un mismo yacimiento. Por último, los valores de sus propiedades físicas ofrecen una gran dispersión estadística, debido al carácter aleatorio que tiene la fábrica mineral de las coladas. Todo ello condiciona que las propiedades de los áridos resultantes sean más variables y su calidad más heterogénea que en territorios continentales. Por otra parte, las publicaciones sobre estos materiales son escasas y los pliegos normativos no incluyen especificaciones adaptadas a estos litotipos volcánicos. Por estos motivos, se han recopilado datos experimentales de las propiedades mecánicas en roca matriz y en áridos resultantes y se ofrecen experiencias sobre el empleo de éstos áridos en la construcción de carreteras. Esto proporciona valores de referencia para establecer correlaciones entre propiedades básicas y mejorar su caracterización. También se ofrecen recomendaciones para sus aplicaciones y para la adaptación de las especificaciones normativas vigentes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; BIA2013-47987-C3-3-