4,466 research outputs found

    Reciclaje en Colombia: oportunidad para incursionar al mercado internacional

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    El manejo del reciclaje en el mundo se ha vuelto una de las actividades más importantes tanto a nivel social, como ambiental, por eso se ha tomado la decisión de realizar un análisis sobre las ventajas, desventajas y beneficios que brinda esta práctica, como implementarlo y llevarlo a escalas más importantes convirtiéndolo en un negocio formal, dándole la oportunidad a las personas de escasos recursos que se dedican a este negocio de manera informal que reciban reconocimiento alguno de lo que hacen diariamente en sus vidas, el cual es el sustento en sus familias, y darle a conocer al gobierno, entidades privada y publicas, la oportunidad que hay en el reciclaje, consiguiendo su apoyo para acabar con la pobreza y con la contaminación que afecta al país, por falta de conocimiento sobre el tema. Es tan importante el reciclaje que a nivel internacional esta actividad ha traído muchos ingresos al país y ha generado empleo, se ha notado el mejoramiento del medio ambiente, es mas muchos países importan estos desechos transformados y muy pronto los exportaran, porque no tomar estos países como modelo de referencia y realizar la mis practicas de mejoramiento en Colombia, es una propuesta que hay que pensar y analizarla, para hacerla realidad y sacarle provecho a nuestros propios residuos.The management of recycling in the world has become one of the most important activities both at the social level, as environmental, that has taken the decision to carry out an analysis of the advantages, disadvantages and benefits afforded by this practice, implement it and take it to scales most important making it a formal business, giving the opportunity to the poor people who are dedicated to this business in an informal way that receive no recognition of the that do daily in their lives, which is the lifeline in their families, and give it to the Government, private entities and public, the opportunity that is in recycling, getting their support to end poverty and pollution that affects the country, due to lack of knowledge on the subject. Recycling is so important that, at the international level, this activity has brought many income to the country and has generated employment, the improvement of the environment, we have seen, is many countries import these wastes processed and exported them soon, because not to take these countries as reference model and to perform the same improvement in Colombia, is a proposal that should think and analyze it, to make it reality and take advantage of our own waste

    Stratospheric ozone change and related climate impacts over 1850-2100 as modelled by the ACCMIP ensemble

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    Stratospheric ozone and associated climate impacts in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP) simulations are evaluated in the recent past (1980–2000), and examined in the long-term (1850–2100) using the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) low- and high-emission scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5, respectively) for the period 2000–2100. ACCMIP multi-model mean total column ozone (TCO) trends compare favourably, within uncertainty estimates, against observations. Particularly good agreement is seen in the Antarctic austral spring (−11.9 % dec−1 compared to observed  ∼  −13.9 ± 10.4 % dec−1), although larger deviations are found in the Arctic's boreal spring (−2.1 % dec−1 compared to observed  ∼  −5.3 ± 3.3 % dec−1). The simulated ozone hole has cooled the lower stratosphere during austral spring in the last few decades (−2.2 K dec−1). This cooling results in Southern Hemisphere summertime tropospheric circulation changes captured by an increase in the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index (1.3 hPa dec−1). In the future, the interplay between the ozone hole recovery and greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentrations may result in the SAM index returning to pre-ozone hole levels or even with a more positive phase from around the second half of the century (−0.4 and 0.3 hPa dec−1 for the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5, respectively). By 2100, stratospheric ozone sensitivity to GHG concentrations is greatest in the Arctic and Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes (37.7 and 16.1 DU difference between the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5, respectively), and smallest over the tropics and Antarctica continent (2.5 and 8.1 DU respectively). Future TCO changes in the tropics are mainly determined by the upper stratospheric ozone sensitivity to GHG concentrations, due to a large compensation between tropospheric and lower stratospheric column ozone changes in the two RCP scenarios. These results demonstrate how changes in stratospheric ozone are tightly linked to climate and show the benefit of including the processes interactively in climate models

    Stratospheric ozone in the Earth system

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    Ozone in the stratosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing much of the ultraviolet solar radiation, as well as being a major source of ozone to the troposphere. A number of factors can influence stratospheric ozone levels and explain past, present and future changes. While there is a large literature exploring changes in stratospheric ozone due to, for example, ozone depleting substances (ODSs) and climate change, the study of its interactions with the rest of the Earth system is relatively recent. The work presented in this thesis investigates changes in stratospheric ozone and its links with other elements of the Earth system (tropospheric chemical composition and climate), using observations, a global chemistry-climate model (CESM1-WACCM), and existing multi-model output. This work evaluates past changes and explores future evolution of stratospheric ozone and associated climate impacts using multi-model output (ACCMIP simulations) from the pre-industrial period to the end of the 21st century. ACCMIP multi-model mean total column ozone trends compare favourably against observations. These models show a strong link between the Antarctic ozone hole and surface climate, which demonstrates that stratospheric ozone changes are coupled with the troposphere. A series of sensitivity simulations is conducted to investigate multi-decadal variability. A striking finding is that low frequency variability of ozone in the tropical middle stratosphere resembles multi-decadal climate variability in Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures. This analysis also shows that internally generated climate variability is the leading factor explaining recent negative trends of mid-stratospheric tropical ozone. Finally, an additional set of sensitivity simulations is performed to quantify future radiative forcing between 2000s and 2100s that results from changes in ozone due to climate change, ODSs and methane concentrations. These results highlight the importance of stratosphere-troposphere exchange, as well as the key role of the stratosphere controlling the tropospheric ozone forcing

    Prototipo para la automatización del proceso de clasificación de la fruta de la palma de aceite (elaeis guineensis jacq), basada en visión artificial en la planta extractora aceites S.A

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    El objetivo general de la investigación, se describe el diseño y la construcción de un prototipo para la automatización del proceso de clasificación de la fruta de la palma de aceite (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq), hecho a base de piezas diseñadas y desarrolladas por la impresora 3D modelo Prusa Tairona, mediante visión artificial desarrollada con ayuda del Image Processing Toolbox y el App Threesholder, ambas herramientas del software MATLAB R2016B. El prototipo posee una banda transportadora para movilizar el fruto a clasificar, una serie de motores para controlar el movimiento y una cámara Microsoft HD 5001, encargada de adquirir las imágenes para realizar la clasificación del fruto de manera automatizada. Las imágenes obtenidas en el proceso son analizadas por medio de un sistema computacional en el cual se estudian los espacios de colores y la mejor forma para segmentar dichas imágenes, determinando así la maduración de la fruta y color, características que permite evaluar los distintos patrones para la clasificación del producto y de esta forma poder separarlo, para ser trasladado a su esterilización de acuerdo a lo establecido en el Manual de Wambeck. Al determinar el estado de maduración obtenido por las diversas muestras de imágenes durante el proceso de clasificación de la fruta de Palma de Aceite, se procede a seleccionar en que tolva de recibo de fruta se colocarán de acuerdo a la caracterización que se determine previamente, este proceso se realiza por medio de la banda transportadora

    Physiotherapy for freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction. Freezing of gait (FOG) is one of the most severe symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease (PD). Physiotherapy treatment could be an effective strategy for treating FOG, but no systematic review has been carried out in this regard. Aim. To identify the characteristics, methodological quality, and main outcomes of the studies that have analyzed the effects of physiotherapy interventions in FOG up to date, by performing a systematic review and a meta-analysis. Patients and methods. Four electronic databases were searched in order to find randomized controlled trials that provided information regarding the effects of any kind of physiotherapy treatment on FOG. The methodological quality of the included investigations was assessed by means of the PEDro scale. Results. Twelve studies were identified for inclusion into the qualitative analysis, with four randomized controlled trials included in the final meta-analysis. The quality of the trials was generally good. Those physiotherapy modalities including cues were more effective for treating FOG than traditional physiotherapy approaches. The meta-analysis indicated that physiotherapy interventions had a significantly greater impact on FOG than control comparisons. Conclusions. Physiotherapy treatment, especially those modalities including visual and auditory cueing, should be prescribed to PD patients with FOG. Future studies including PD patients with cognitive impairment and FOG objective measurement tools are need to complete the existing scientific evidence

    Effect of the increase in temperature on the evolution of the physical and chemical structure of vitrinite

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    UMR 6531/FR 09 CNRS/Université d'Orléans est remplacé par CNRS Univ. d'Orléans, UMR6113 - ISTOThe effect of the progressive increase in temperature (off-line pyrolysis in an open-medium system) on a monomaceralic coal (low rank and pure vitrinite) has been studied on the basis of changes in its chemical and physical structure. The properties of the solid residues and liquid effluents obtained were studied using a wide range of petrographic and geochemical techniques. Results support the validity of this pyrolysis method for following the physico–chemical processes that occur in vitrinite of bituminous coal rank. Of special interest is the information concerning the control of the structure on the vitrinite reflectance parameter in the bituminization stage. The evolution of properties and changes occurring at this stage show that the increase in vitrinite reflectance is strongly related and depends on changes in the chemical structure of this maceral during heating rather than on changes in elemental composition. However, any relationship between reflectance and chemical properties needs to be established empirically. The mechanism during heating consists of a complex mixture of depolymerization and condensation reactions with the progressive homogenisation of the botanical structure of the vitrinite. Moreover, pyrolysis conditions lead to a rapid and massive expulsion of the thermally generated products, causing a significant decrease in the H/C atomic ratio and higher thermostability of the solid residues. The enhancement of cross-linking with the formation of C–O–C bridges, which have high activation energy also contributes to an increase in thermal stability. Results obtained from the production and expulsion of oil suggest that this method is suitable for providing an estimation of the amount of hydrocarbons that might be produced and migrate from coals of similar rank. This is of special interest for coals with significant petroligenous potential or for coals that are gas-prone, depending on their composition and rank

    Study of physical and chemical properties of vitrinites. Inferences on depositional and coalification controls

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    URA. 724 du CNRS a été intégrée dans l'UMR 6113 - CNRS, Université d'Orléans : ISTOInternational audienceA detailed study of petrological, geochemical, textural and coking properties was carried out on vitrains from the Puertollano, Blanzy–Montçeau, Asturias and Teruel. The objective was to determine in depth the physical and chemical properties of a series of natural and pure vitrinites of different rank, and the influence that the sedimentary and post-sedimentary conditions had on them. It is demonstrated that although vitrains are almost entirely made up of the huminite/vitrinite maceral group they have a different composition, thermal behaviour and physical properties. Thus, geochemical and textural properties of Blanzy–Montçeau vitrains can be considered to be representative of the telinite, the major component in both samples (75% vol.) at the beginning of the bituminization stage (subbituminous/high volatile C bituminous coals). The characteristics of the Puertollano vitrains described here can also be attributed to the telocollinite (>80% vol.) for the high volatile C bituminous coal. Variations in physico-chemical properties between Puertollano and Blanzy–Montçeau vitrains are due to the differences in the initial composition of organic matter. Slight differences (i.e., bed moisture content or porosity) between vitrains from the two coal seams in the same basin can be attributed to their stratigraphic position. Several parameters such as S2, HI, oil and extraction yield and fluorescent properties suggest that the Puertollano and Blanzy–Montçeau vitrains have a lower hydrocarbon potential. The relationships between geochemical and textural properties make it possible to distinguish between ‘normal' and perhydrous vitrains. The two different hydrogen-enrichment processes that occur in vitrains from the Teruel and Asturias basins can be distinguished from the extraction yield data

    1D-NMR and 2D-NMR analysis of the thermal degradation products from vitrinites in relation to their natural hydrogen enrichment

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    A study of coal products obtained from Gray-King pyrolysis at 550 °C was carried out in order to obtain information about the chemical modifications of the huminite/vitrinite structure resulting from different processes of natural hydrogen-enrichment. The high oil yield obtained, the similarity between the infrared spectra of the generated oils and those of the parent vitrinite as well as the parallelism between the compositional data deduced for these oils and those obtained by means of Curie point pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry justify the use of this thermal approach. Gray-King pyrolysis is preferable to other techniques because it is possible to make an accurate mass balance, a thorough study of the solid residues and a full characterization of both the volatile and non-volatile fractions of the degradation products. From a study of selected perhydrous coals, mainly composed of the vitrinite maceral group, only in the low reflectance Jurassic coal from the Whitby (England) basin (WJVl) was the incorporation of lipoidal material evident, due to the significant contribution of long-chain alkyl aromatics in its oil. The structure of the vitrinite in the other Jurassic coals, the high reflectance sample from the Whitby basin (WJVh) and the coals from the Asturias (Spain) and Portugal basins (AJV and PGJV, respectively), is probably similar to that described for non-perhydrous vitrinites in the subbituminous coal rank. However, the presence of assimilated hydrogenated substances of a secondary nature, in particular for AJV and PGJV, hinders the cross-linking and condensation processes typical of the transit to the bituminous coal rank. In Cretaceous coals, from Teruel (Spain) and Utah (EEUU), (TCV and UCV, respectively), whose perhydrous character is mainly due to the specific hydrogenated nature of their botanical precursors, the incorporation of aliphatic structures via covalent oxygen linkages is proposed. The results obtained may be useful for establishing accurate structural models for perhydrous vitrinites. At the same time, the data obtained will contribute to explain the involvement of the high hydrogen content in the suppression of vitrinite reflectance

    Chemical-structural changes during the thermal treatment of hydrogen-rich vitrinites caused by the presence of terpene-type resin

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    The vitrain from Teruel (North-Eastern Spain) is a good example of a vitrinite whose perhydrous character and anomalous properties are caused by the presence of terpene-type resin. The sample used in this work was isothermally pyrolysed in an open-medium system at temperatures ranging from 250 to 500 °C. A mass balance, a petrographic and geochemical characterisation of the pyrolysates and compositional and structural analyses (GC and NMR) of the generated oils were performed. The results confirm the association of huminite-resinous substances through covalent bonds and also point to the possible incorporation of aliphatic material via covalent oxygen bonds. The side-chains that serve as linkers between the phenolic subunits derived from the lignin contain more labile thermal bonds than those present in other vitrinites not affected by resin saturation. Consequently, this type of vitrinite undergoes a more intense degradation at lower temperatures than non-perhydrous and other hydrogen-rich vitrinites. The vitrinite network itself due to the incorporation of resin-like substances (cycloparaffinic in nature) may serve as a hydrogen donor, enhancing the hydrogenation processes during pyrolysis with respect to the polymerisation and recombination reactions. The higher ability of hydrogen to stabilise the free radicals formed during pyrolysis explains the higher conversion to liquids at lower temperatures than in the case of non-perhydrous vitrinites. At the same time, this ability limits the growth of the aromatic structures. The evolution of the vitrinite modified by the presence of terpene-type resin is, thus, retarded with respect to non-perhydrous vitrinites, although in both cases the trend followed is very close. In contrast the trend of this type of vitrinite differs considerably from that of perhydrous vitrinites which are affected by hydrocarbon impregnation. Only for the most severe treatments (450/500 °C) was some degree of structural uniformity observed in the solid residues

    Desensitization of Angiotensin II effect on [Ca2+]i, inositol triphosphate and prolactin in pituitary cells

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    Activation of pituitary angiotensin (ANG II) type 1 receptors (AT1) mobilizes intracellular Ca2+, resulting in increased prolactin secretion. We first assessed desensitization of AT1 receptors by testing ANG II-induced intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) response in rat anterior pituitary cells. A period as short as 1 min with 10(-7) M ANG II was effective in producing desensitization (remaining response was 66.8 +/- 2.1% of nondesensitized cells). Desensitization was a concentration-related event (EC(50): 1.1 nM). Although partial recovery was obtained 15 min after removal of ANG II, full response could not be achieved even after 4 h (77.6 +/- 2.4%). Experiments with 5 x 10(-7) M ionomycin indicated that intracellular Ca2+ stores of desensitized cells had already recovered when desensitization was still significant. The thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-induced intracellular Ca2+ peak was attenuated in the ANG II-pretreated group. ANG II pretreatment also desensitized ANG II- and TRH-induced inositol phosphate generation (72.8 +/- 3.5 and 69.6 +/- 6.1%, respectively, for inositol triphosphate) and prolactin secretion (53.4 +/- 2.3 and 65.1 +/- 7.2%), effects independent of PKC activation. We conclude that, in pituitary cells, inositol triphosphate formation, [Ca2+](i) mobilization, and prolactin release in response to ANG II undergo rapid, long-lasting, homologous and heterologous desensitization.Fil: González Iglesias, Arturo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Suarez, Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Feierstein, Claudia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Diaz, Graciela Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Becu, Damasia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentin